Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)
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I raised my eyes to his and he was watching me, his eyes hot with his desire, his lips curved up in a hint of a smile and I knew the cocky bastard was aware of the effect he was having on me.

He popped the catch on my bra, ripping it off me and it too joined my jeans and shirt on the floor. Once he had me naked, he stopped for a moment, his eyes moving down the length of me, before he curled his hand around his cock again, squeezing it hard, his head rolling back, eyes closed, as if fighting for control.

I couldn’t help smirking secretly to myself as I watched him, and then our images in the mirrors above us. He had no idea yet, that he wasn’t going to be able to come, so there was no need for him to crush the crap out of his cock, to try and hold himself back from coming anyway.

Finally he moved, lowering his head, nibbling his way along my bottom lip until I opened to him, where he immediately deepened the kiss.

He caressed the inside of my mouth with his tongue and by the time he pulled back to study my expression again, I was panting. Fuck, he hadn’t even touched me yet and I was little more than a puddle of aching need, spread out on his bed.

When he lowered his head again, his lips closed around one of my nipples where he sucked hard on it, drawing it into his mouth. It was a strange sensation; still pleasurable, and my nipple hardened in response, but I wasn’t used to the lack of heat from his mouth. It was cool, not cold, but cool, which of course was due to the whole him being dead thing.

Once he had one nipple hard and puckered, the skin wet from his mouth, he moved to the other one and gave it the same attention. As he worked on it, his hand shifted to the breast he’d just left, and I gasped, when his finger and thumb plucked at it, pinching it. It was a heady combination of both pleasure and pain.

I couldn’t believe how aroused I was and how quickly he’d done it as he continued to suck at me until my back arched, pressing my nipple more firmly into his mouth. He shifted partially to one side of me and while his tongue continued to lavish attention on my nipple, he moved a hand down my body, nudging my legs apart.

When his fingers skated over my clit, I gasped at the shock of sensation over the swollen little button.  He shifted lower and suddenly plunged a couple of fingers into me, curling them slightly as he pulled them back out before returning to my clit. Over and over he repeated the movement of his fingers from my clit to filling my pussy, teasing me, building me up, tormenting me with his skilful touch.  

I began to writhe around under the pleasurable assault of his hand and mouth, feeling my orgasm building quickly. It was too much; I couldn’t handle this overload to my senses. With Fabian’s mouth on my breast and his thumb rubbing over my clit, I began to pant, my hips bucking off the bed, but when he suddenly drove his fingers back inside me, I cried out, my body bowing. As my orgasm washed over me, my muscles clenching around his fingers, gripping him, my eyes shot open and I saw myself in the mirrors. My nipples were erect, the blush from my orgasm spreading across my chest and Fabian stretched out by my side, his hand still buried between my legs, was watching me. Fuck he was right; it was hot, incredible hot to see my reaction in the feverish glitter of my eyes and the burning heat in his too.

I lowered my eyes, turning my head to see Fabian with a self-satisfied, smug expression on his face, and I raised an eyebrow at him. He could feel cocky and self-assured now, but let’s see how he felt when he was nearly bursting with the need to come but physically unable to. I had no idea how he would react but I guess I was about to find out.


Chapter Six



Fabian shifted, parting her thighs until he could roll onto her, settling between them. His cock probed at Sirene’s soaked pussy and he used his piercing to rub against her, coating the head of his dick with the moisture that still trickled from her hot little cunt.

Fuck he wanted her. Seeing her come apart the way she did was a huge turn on for him. He desperately wanted to fuck her, simply ram his cock into her, but he couldn’t, not yet. She was tight, really tight and he needed to make her come again to soften her body, relax her, make her open to him so he wouldn’t hurt her.

He knew he could just have his way with her, as he’d done in the past with more women than he could count. After all, he’d simply have to feed her his blood, to repair any damage he did but something about her held him back. For the first time in a very long time, Fabian wanted her to want him, to enjoy fucking with him, in fact he wanted her to desire no other man after him. He wanted to be the man that ruined her for all others.

Turning to glance at her face and seeing her with her eyes on them in the mirrors, he smiled to himself. For someone who was so anti mirrors on the ceiling, she seemed to be enjoying the view through them now.

He slid down her body and quietly asked her to part her legs wide, which she did. His eyes shifted to the sweetness between her thighs. She was so beautiful, smooth and waxed bare like a little girl, except Sirene was no little girl, and with no pubic hair to impede his vision, he simply took a moment to absorb every inch of her as she lay there, fully exposed and totally aroused to his gaze. He lowered his head until his nose was close to her, breathing in deeply, his senses flooded by the sweet scent of her and he knew if he didn’t get inside her soon, he was going to go crazy.

Fabian pressed his nose against her clit, circling it, feeling her dampen him with her moisture before he licked up her seam, from her puckered hole to her clit and back again. He shifted his hands to hold her open to him, while he stabbed his tongue into her before licking his way over her clit again, feeling her start to tremble. He could hear her breathing getting more ragged and loud in the room  as he continued to lick her from her clit to her cunt. He didn’t let up on her, working her higher and higher until finally she tensed, her breathing catching briefly before she cried out and the rush of her release flooded his mouth.

As she started to come down from her climax, Fabian shifted up her body and with one hand curled around his painfully swollen cock, he lined the head up at her weeping cunt and slowly began to ease his way into her. He moved carefully, slowly since she was so fucking tight, entering her millimetre by millimetre, giving her a chance to adjust to his invasion when every urgent demand of his body told him to plunge into her.  

He could hear Sirene gasping as he slowly worked his way deeper inside her. “Are you ok my beauty?” He asked, his voice strained from the effort it was taking him to continue at the agonising pace.

“Yes, god yes Fabian, please, harder.” She gasped and with a loud groan he tilted his hips, thrusting hard,  burying himself the rest of the way inside her.

She cried out and he stilled, giving her body a chance to adjust to him, but when she angled herself, pressing her hips to his, he began to move, slowly easing his way almost all the way out of her, before driving forward, filling her again. Fuck she was so tight, her cunt like a vice around him, squeezing him with her wet heat.

He knew he was a good lover, hell, a great lover when he cared enough to make the effort. He didn’t bother if he went trolling for a one night fuck and feed body; it had to be someone who piqued his interest, though few women did any more. Sirene was different, he wanted to make her come over and over again. He wanted to be that one fuck she never forgot but the pressure was building in his balls and he knew he was going to come and soon.

He continued to thrust, hearing Sirene’s throaty moans begin and he could feel her tightening around him and it drove a husky moan from him too. When she started to come for the third time, his fangs lowered, and he bit down into her vein, feeling the burst of her warm sweet blood fill his mouth. Fuck her blood was so sweet, like nothing he’d ever had before. She screamed suddenly and he felt her clamp around his cock again, her muscles squeezing along him in waves, milking him. He teetered on the edge of his release, feeling the pressure build to almost an intolerable level but then…nothing. Despite feeling like he was about to explode, it was like someone had clamped off his cock and he couldn’t come.

The feel of Sirene squeezing him when he was so close to coming, yet unable to, was almost unbearable. Fuck it hurt. His cock was so sensitive; it was physically painful to stay inside her. He had to get out of her and now. Gingerly he pulled out, groaning at the pain, before rolling off her and onto his back, his teeth bared against the discomfort in his balls and cock. Fuck this had never happened to him before and when he glanced up at his image in the mirrors he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His balls looked swollen, the skin taught and they were red and angry looking, but not as much as his cock which was the biggest he’d ever seen it. The head red, shiny every bit as painful as it looked.

“What’s wrong Fabian? Why didn’t you come? Don’t I turn you on?” Her voice trembled and he groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes so he didn’t have to look at her or the state of his cock and balls.

“I want you more than any woman I’ve ever seen my beauty. This is my problem, not yours. Something seems to be holding me back, but if you’re ready to come again, I wish to fuck you and finally come myself.” He raised his arm to meet her eyes. “Come sit on me and fuck me. You can take control so I don’t hurt you. Since I have not come yet, I’ve swelled even bigger so I would prefer that you set the pace so I don’t risk hurting you.”

He watched Sirene sit up and crawl over to him. She straddled him reaching down with one hand to curl it around him so she could guide him inside her. He flinched at her touch, his cock extremely sensitive and he pressed his head back into the pillows when she took him the rest of the way into herself. He was so deep he felt the head of his dick slam up against her womb. Fuck it was so intense.

Slowly she started to raise and lower herself and as her excitement grew, he watched her, his hands on her breasts, squeezing her nipples until finally several minutes later, she came around him again. He cried out at the feel of her, the waves of her internal muscles gripping him firmly along his length. Fuck he needed to come and he started thrusting up as she lowered herself, increasing the pace until his hips were like pistons, driving his cock into her; eyes closed, his teeth bared until he cried out, the sound ragged and tortured as again he failed to come and the pain increased until he was in agony.  What the fuck was wrong with him?

When Sirene lifted off him, his body jerked and spasmed from his highly sensitised cock. This was torture and he was in hell. His balls looked even more swollen and for the first time in over 500 years he was starting to panic, starting to worry that he’d never be able to come again.




I lay sprawled out on the bed, gasping for air and wheezing away like an old man. Wow that was intense. My whole body felt drained, weakened from numerous orgasms. I sure couldn’t accuse Fabian of being selfish in bed. The man knew how to pleasure a woman, that’s for sure.

I looked up at our reflections in the mirrors on the ceiling and gasped when I saw Fabian. The man looked completely beaten down and his face was twisted, contorted with what appeared to be pain. Was this the effect not being able to come had on him?

His cock was so red and swollen, the head angry looking under the dim lighting and even his balls looked swollen. I rolled over towards him and tentatively put out a hand, curling it around his massive length.

His reaction completely took me by surprise when he jerked, his whole body shuddering before one hand closed over mine, tearing it away from his cock and flinging it down as if my touch was abhorrent to him.

He turned his head towards me, eyes flashing wildly, teeth bared and his fangs showing. “Don’t…fucking…touch…me!” He ground out.

Well, that was telling me. I wasn’t sure whether to be hurt or frightened over how vehemently he had told me to leave him alone. Was it really that bad to be denied an orgasm? I was just toying with him after all. It was a game and his behaviour was more like a petulant child throwing a tantrum over not getting his own way.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked, knowing full well what it was, but wanting to see what he came up with.

“I can’t fucking well come alright? I get so close, I can feel it building up and it’s like being on the edge of it and then someone’s tied a knot in my fucking dick or something. It hurts ok? It fucking hurts so bad.” He said and I was actually shocked when I heard his voice crack.

This was Fabian, Mr Tough Guy, bad ass, bossy, don’t fuck with me, take what I want when I want, who now appeared to be rapidly cracking under the pressure. Well his voice was cracking. I hadn’t really thought about what it would do to him to deny him an orgasm. I didn’t really consider that he might suffer great pain, and to see him like this now, I actually felt a little guilty. I had to stop feeling like that though. I was here to a job and sympathy for the agony he was now in, was not part of my job. I should be happy.

“Let me help you.” I offered knowing full well that I couldn’t help him either, well not unless I lifted the spell, and I wasn’t quite ready for that just yet despite his suffering. He needed to suffer a bit longer and hey, at the end of the day, when I finally let him come, it was going to be spectacular for him. I’d heard of delayed gratification and how intense the orgasm was after, so he was bound to have the orgasm to end all orgasms, surely?

I sat up and shifted to his side on my knees until I was close to him. He lifted his arm off his face long enough to eye me off warily, but I did my best to give him a reassuring smile before bending my head, and taking him deep into my mouth. Fuck he was huge and it felt funny having that damned metal rod clanking against my teeth. He was cool too and that added to the strangeness of sucking on a cock that wasn’t attached to a living human male. Fabian didn’t help much either when he began swearing loudly and I felt his fingers fisting in my hair, tugging so hard, they brought tears to my eyes.

“FUCK SIRENE!” He screamed, his hips bucking. “That fucking hurts, fuck, fuck, fuck you’re killing me dammit.”

Technically that wasn’t true. He was already dead. I couldn’t understand why he was being such a pussy about all this though. Were all men this fragile when they were denied an orgasm?

Despite him bucking and writhing under me, I continued to suck on him, flicking my tongue over the really swollen head of his cock, using my teeth to tug gently on the metal rod.

He started to shake and tense up so I knew he was building up to coming again, so when he finally screamed and pushed me away before rolling onto his side into a foetal position, I began to wonder if I had pushed him too far.

He fell silent, his back to me and I waited, trying to see his expression in the mirrors above us, but he had his head angled into his pillows.

I reached out, touching the smooth skin of his broad shoulders and gently ran my hand down him, following his spine until I could spread my fingers over that gorgeous tight ass of his. He was tense, seriously tense under my hand, and I so badly wanted him to roll over so I could see his face.

“Fabian, are you ok?” I asked but he ignored me. “Come on; stop being a pussy about this.” I chastised him as he rolled over onto his back. I sucked in a shocked breath at the sight of him. His cock was so big and swollen, his balls not looking much better, and I wondered if this happened to all men or was this, a vampire thing? He said he was in pain and I could believe it. I had a hard time not flinching when I saw just how red and swollen he was.

I raised my eyes to his face and for just a brief moment, it felt like my heart had stopped, before it began a rapid thunder in my chest. This reaction, I hadn’t expected and although I shouldn’t have felt it, I did though, I felt awful for him. There were tears rolling down his face, soaking into his dark blonde hair and I was speechless at seeing someone like him silently weeping. This was Fabian, tough, alpha, confident, aggressive, bossy Fabian, and he was crying? He made no noise at all but those tears of his continued to make their way down his cheeks and his face was etched with the agony he was feeling.  

As I stared at him I conceded that I’d probably toyed with him enough for tonight. It was time to let the man come. “Lift the spell.” I whispered to myself and gently straddled Fabian’s hips. I reached down and took him carefully in my hand, watching his face contort with pain. He said nothing, just kept his eyes squeezed tightly shut as if too embarrassed to meet my gaze. I knew he’d be embarrassed too. Someone like Fabian would not be forgiving of having been tortured and unmanned in the presence of anyone.

Slowly I lowered myself, taking him into my body which was not easy because of the size of him. He gritted his teeth and growled, his fangs descending and once I finally had him deep inside me, I stopped moving so I could adjust to the size of him. Bending forward, I touched my lips to his and he thrust up hard, making me cry out, just before I felt his teeth pierce my neck and he began to feed from me. With the mix of pain from his bite, the feel of his huge cock inside me and that piercing rubbing on my most sensitive spot, I cried out again as I came apart, tightening around him, powerless to do anything but ride out a surprisingly intense orgasm.

Fabian bucked up, his back arching as he drove so hard into me, I thought he would damage me. He tore his fangs from my neck, savagely, blood dripping from them. It hurt but the pain barely registered as I watched him. He slammed his head into his pillow, eyes tightly shut, his lips pulled back in a freakish looking grimace. The veins in his neck bulged, his fingers suddenly sinking into my hips, and he shocked me when his pale eyes shot open pinning me with them. I couldn’t look away; I couldn’t do anything but stare into those silvery eyes, seeing the fear in them, the agony and the desperation.

Suddenly I was released from his stare when his eyes rolled back in his head. He growled, the growl becoming more animalistic, more savage and finally I felt it, the jerk though his cock which was still buried deep in me. His body convulsed, a powerful convulsion and I felt the first wash of cum begin to fill me. He pumped into me over and over again, in a seemingly endless climax. His face a mirror of all he was feeling; the agony, the ecstasy, the pleasure and most of all, the relief. On and on he came, filling me, flooding me, spilling from me, when my body could take no more of him inside me. He soaked me, he soaked his balls and he soaked the bed as he came and came.

Finally he began to quieten, his body reduced to a few twitches and I felt him relax under me as he sagged into the mattress. He opened his eyes and studied me for a moment, not speaking and I knew he had questions, I could see it on his face but he could wait for a little while. I wanted to come again. I wanted to get as much from this evening as possible, since I would probably be hated by him, by the end of the night.

Of course he was still hard, but then that was typical of vampires. They could stay hard for hours if necessary. I didn’t need hours, I just needed a few more minutes.

Slowly I began to rise and fall over him, feeling the thick length of his cock sliding in and out of me, the metal piercing scraping inside me, teasing my already sensitive tissues. Faster I moved, riding him, fucking him, using him to bring myself to climax again.

As my excitement grew, I opened my eyes to see Fabian watching me, desire waring with the confusion and suspicion on his face, but I couldn’t think about it for now, I was about to come, and with a cry, I let go again, sagging over him.

I barely had time to lie sprawled on him, my body limp, sated, trembling and exhausted, before Fabian suddenly flipped me over and I found myself on my back, looking up at him. He propped himself up on his elbows and started thrusting hard, driving into me, his face set, his expression focused and determined, and I knew all he was concentrating on, was coming.

I watched his beautiful face, the myriad of expressions that passed over it until with a guttural growl; he came, thrusting still, the sound of his cock in my well fucked pussy, noisy in the room.

The moment he finished, I felt him withdrawing. Not just physically but mentally too. He climbed off me and off the bed, staring down at me for what felt like an eternity although it was just minutes. Silently he bent and picked up his jeans, pulling them on, tucking his softening cock into them. “Get dressed.” He ordered quietly, throwing my clothes at me.

I swallowed nervously. He was being too quiet and calm, which gave me every reason to be suspicious of him. I got off the bed quickly, grimacing about dressing when I’d have preferred to have cleaned up a bit first. I had his cum running like duel rivers down both legs, but Fabian didn’t look like he was interested in helping me out or that he gave a shit about my situation. I had no choice but to ignore how wet I was and get dressed, all the time wondering if the broodingly quiet vampire was about to unleash the full force of his fury on me.




Fabian was furious, no furious probably still didn’t come close enough to how angry he was right now.  It didn’t take him long once he’d finally been able to come to realise something was wrong, and not necessarily with him. Everything was starting to add up; the changes in Cassandra since Sirene had met her, followed by her moving in with her and Chloe. The pain he experienced whenever he’d tried to mind control Cassandra or Chloe, and now the agony he’d just experienced during sex.

Fuck he’d never suffered that level of pain before, not even when he got the damned piercing in his cock. She had seen him cry for fuck sakes and he didn’t normally cry. Shit he hadn’t cried since he was a child and yet this tiny scrap of a woman had seen him weakened and less than a whole man as he blubbered next to her. He wanted answers from her and he wanted them now.

Once she was fully dressed, he grabbed her elbow and steered her out of the bedroom, not wanting the setting to distract him and make him want her again. He led her out to the living room and with little regard for her, he pushed her down into one of the lounge chairs and then stood over her, legs spread, arms folded as he glared at her.

“Just answer me one question, why?” He asked and he had to give her credit for not playing the dumb act with him.

“Because I can.” She said quietly, although he could hear the quaver in her voice.

“That doesn’t answer my question though, and it doesn’t make sense. I thought you liked me as I do you, and yet you want to hurt me? Why?”

“You like me Fabian?” She raised her eyebrows at him. “You’re a vampire and a man whore vampire. I knew of you before I came to town and you don’t do relationships. You just fuck em, wipe their memories and leave em. I knew as soon as I met Cassandra that she was a victim of yours. I thought you’d know you can’t mind control over and over again without slowly destroying the person’s brain.”

Fabian curled his hands into fists by his side. She was right, dammit but something about her was different. He’d liked her; he’d even considered seeing her again and not mind controlling her. Could he even do that to her? He needed to try but he wasn’t done getting pissed at her yet.

“What are you Sirene? Witch, am I right?” He asked, closing his eyes briefly when she nodded. Damn, not another fucking witch. He thought he was free of this crap when he’d arranged for Dominick and Allegra to die. What was he? A fucking witch magnet?

“So did someone send you or you just decided to entertain yourself by torturing me?” His voice was laced with sarcasm.

“Both.” She whispered and Fabian felt shock ricochet through him.

Who had sent her? He didn’t know he had any enemies. Not many knew he was vampire and he made sure it was kept quiet. He didn’t want himself or the others to be forced to move. One day they would of course. Eventually people would notice they weren’t aging. That was one of the reasons he didn’t get involved with humans. Familiarity, intimacy and friendships were to be avoided at all cost. If people didn’t know them, they wouldn’t notice they weren’t aging.  

“Who sent you?” He bent forward, his hands on the armrests of her chair as he met her beautiful jade green eyes.

“I can’t tell you that. I work for clients who want to remain anonymous. You should know that I can’t betray their confidence.”

Fabian’s eyes locked on hers, his gaze never wavering. “Who…are…you…working…for?” He asked; slowly as he began to mind control her.

Sirene stared back, her gaze fixed on his, not blinking, her expression seeming almost dazed, until finally she blinked, and infuriated him by bursting out laughing. The sweet sound of her giggles filling the room and he snapped his teeth together in irritation. ‘Fuck he couldn’t control her.’

“Seriously Fabian. You’re going to try that shit on me? I’m a witch. How could you think it would work on me?” She asked as she struggled to get her laughter contained.

Fabian straightened and moved away from her, pacing the room as he raked his hands through his hair with frustration. What the fuck did he do now? This woman knew too much about him it would seem. She was working for someone. She could cast spells on him and control him, and anyone using any form of control over him, scared the crap out of him.

What was it with his luck and women lately? First Allegra and now Sirene. He stopped pacing and stared at her. Fuck she was so beautiful, but she was not what she seemed at all.

He’d found a woman who piqued his interest for the first time in centuries, more than even Allegra had, and she was a fucking witch? His track record with witches wasn’t good.

Katarina had come after him through Allegra, and now he had no idea if Sirene was just by coincidence a witch, or she was linked to his past in some way. Maybe she had been sent to punish him for killing his son and Dominick’s woman? Did someone find out what he’d done and wanted to fuck with him now? Was this some sort of tipping the scales thing? He had arranged the death of a powerful witch so she was back through Sirene? Was that it? Still, Katarina had been able to hurt him, physically harm him, whereas Sirene seemed more motivated to torment him. She’d certainly done that. Making it so he couldn’t come had certainly tormented him. He was a very sexual being and he’d have nothing if sex had no longer held any kind of pleasure for him. He was lucky she’d chosen to lift the spell.

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