V is for Virgin

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Authors: Kelly Oram

Tags: #romance, #coming of age, #teen romance

BOOK: V is for Virgin
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Kelly Oram




Published by Bluefields Creative


Copyright © 2012 by Kelly Oram



1st Edition ebook, 2012

ISBN 978-0-9856277-2-0



Edited by Mary L. Holden (



All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.


The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.













For Kyle.

Ask, and ye shall receive.



CHAPTER 1 - “The Talk”

CHAPTER 2 - “The Meltdown”

CHAPTER 3 - “The Video”

CHAPTER 4 - “The Comments”

CHAPTER 5 - “The Campaign”

CHAPTER 6 - “The Challenge”

CHAPTER 7 - “The Letter”

CHAPTER 8 - “The Festival”

CHAPTER 9 - “The Song”

CHAPTER 10 - “The News”

CHAPTER 11 - “The Interview”

CHAPTER 12 - “The Date”

CHAPTER 13 - “The Offer”

CHAPTER 14 - “The Compliments”

CHAPTER 15 - “The A-list”

CHAPTER 16 - “The Feud”

CHAPTER 17 - “The Hype”

CHAPTER 18 - “The Breakup”

CHAPTER 19 - “The Escape”

CHAPTER 20 - “The Show”

CHAPTER 21 - “The Truce”

CHAPTER 22 - “The Point”

CHAPTER 23 - “The End”

EPILOGUE - “The Aftermath”




CHAMELEON (Supernaturals #1) CHAPTER 1






I knew it was coming. When Zach told me that his parents were out of town for the weekend and asked me to come over and watch a movie or something, I knew what he was thinking. I may be a virgin, but I’m not stupid. He was definitely leaning towards the “or something.”

That didn’t bother me, though. I mean he’s a healthy seventeen-year-old boy, and we’ve been dating for three months now. I understand how the world works. I just thought some of my understanding might have been returned.

I was wrong.

I suppose it’s just as much my fault as his. I should have been honest with him up front, but can you blame me for putting it off as long as I could? Telling someone you’re a virgin isn’t easy to begin with, but telling someone that you plan on staying that way is even harder.

Zach had it all planned out too. When I got to his house he was waiting with a home cooked, candlelit dinner—complete with his mother’s fine china, and his father’s Tchaikovsky collection playing in the background. It was the best Chicken Parmesan I’ve ever eaten, even if it was a little overcooked.

After dinner he sat me down on the sofa and handed me a small box with a single ribbon on it.

“What’s this for?” I asked, a little shocked.

It’s not that Zach is insensitive or unthoughtful or anything, but romance is not his forte, and this whole evening had blown me away.

“Well, I know how much you like jewelry, and I thought they would look nice with your necklace.”

My right hand automatically found its way to the shiny white gold V that hung from my neck. The V stands for Valerie. The necklace is from my birth mom. She was only sixteen years old when she had me, and she gave me up for adoption right after. Aside from life, the necklace is the only thing she ever gave me. But I’m grateful to have at least that.

My eyes were misty before I got the ribbon off the box. The earrings I found inside were so beautiful that the mist turned into real tears and began to drag my mascara down my face.

Zach went pale when he realized I was crying. “Does that mean you like them, or did I screw up?”

“Zach,” I whispered with a sniffle. “They’re perfect.”

That’s when the kissing started.

We kissed… and kissed… and kissed until my mouth was dry, my lips were sore and I was dizzy from having my head up in the clouds for too long.

When we took a break to catch our breaths, Zach took my hands in his and said the phrase I’d been dreading all night. “Let’s go up to my room.”

My heart began pounding hard in my chest. Like I said, I knew this was coming, but that doesn’t mean I was prepared for it.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” I said, sighing a little.

“Why not? It’s just us here, we’ve had a great evening and we’ve been together for three months now.”

I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. I searched for the right words to explain, but while I tried to pull my thoughts together, Zach pressed his lips to mine again… and that just makes it so hard to think!

“Don’t you know how much I want to be with you Valerie?” His lips moved from my mouth to my jaw, and then trailed down my neck. “Haven’t we waited long enough?”

I shuddered beneath Zach’s warm breath. Part of me really, really wanted to give in, but I scooted away from him, determined.

“I’m sorry Zach, but…” I hesitated, and then the rest of my sentence came all out in a rush. “I’m not going to have sex with you.”

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