Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas) (12 page)

BOOK: Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas)
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“One more month ’til the audition for the contemporary performance group, Anya,” Elena said as they wiped themselves down after rehearsal. “I’ve been doing all the exercises and adjustments you’ve showed me
but I don’t know if it’s enough.”

“I think you’ll be fine. You’re looking good.”


ve helped me so much and we haven’t even started on your performance work.”

“I don’t mind.” Anya put on her track pants over her tights and packed her shoes away.

“I know you don’t really like crowds, but if you ever want company at lunch time, you

re free to join me. There are only five of us and my friends are pretty nice.”


“Well, whenever you feel like you do, we sit by the storeroom in the quad.”

. See you later.”

With that they grabbed their gear and headed in different directions.


Anya continued outside to the waiting car, deep in thought about Elena’s offer. The thing is
she hated meeting new people. She didn’t like the pressure of making conversation. Speaking to Elena was a rare exception. She considered making an effort
At least trying
to trust people.
turned out al
l right
. She could always use practice as an excuse later if she felt uncomfortable right?

,” Anya grunted as she was thrown a meter away
after colliding with what felt like a solid wall.

“I’m sorry. Here, do you need a hand?”

Anya scuttled backwards on her hands. “Get away from me.”

“I was just offering to

“Here, take my wallet.” Anya said. She pulled out her wallet and threw it at his feet.

Darius started laughing. “I’m a student at the school.”

“Stay away from me!”

“Fine, suit yourself,” Darius said as he shrugged, kicked the wallet back towards her and kept walking.

Anya felt ridiculous. She had just accused a student of trying to rob her. That is, if he was a student. But he
scared her. His physical power was overwhelming! She
a meter
for God’s sake.
e had scars on his face and was wearing baggy jeans and a leather jacket. He didn’t look like a student.

Anya slowly picked up her bag and wallet. His laugh was
though. Still. Who want
to take chances? She stealthily walked around each corner
glancing both ways before moving, relieved when she reached the car without incident.



Elena took her time going to the chang
room for a shower. Her mom was meeting her after school to do some shopping. Elena could feel the echo from her footsteps as she walked the empty corridors.

Elena’s ears suddenly tuned in to the sound of a beautiful piano ballad. She was drawn to the sound like a moth to the light. She followed the sound to a nearby music room where the door was open. She stood to the side of the doorway hidden, and listened intently. As the person began playing again, Elena leaned against the wall, closed her eyes and let the powerful music seep through her. The pianist then started singing and Elena swooned. His warm voice washed over her like melted chocolate. She had to see who it was. Elena slowly turned her head to peak around the corner of the doorway. Just as she managed to get her eye around for a look, she inhaled sharply. It was Jay!  She heard the scrape of the piano stool. “Hello?”

Elena had already ducked back behind the door and ran as quickly as she could.  She flung herself around the corner and huddled into a ball, holding her breath while she heard Jay calling out. She could imagine him looking out into the corridor, confused. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it was going to leap out of her chest and fly down the corridor. When she heard him walk back into the studio and shut the door, she relaxed her body and breathed slowly and deeply to calm herself.

So that’s what Jay sound
like. She leaned her head against the wall behind her. So apart from a dazzling smile and a touch that sent tingles down her body, he could hypnotize her with his music. Oh man, this was getting worse! She shook her head and sighed. She recalled his song
which was about overcoming fears.
Ironic, seeing as she was hiding from him.
She could have listened to him forever.

She stood to take the alternate route to the changing room and noticed the sweat patch she left behind. Thank God he hadn’t seen her. She was drenched in sweat and disheveled from her dance class. He would have already thought she was a loser from the way his sister tortured her in show choir. She didn’t need to further humiliate herself.

She covered her head with her towel and knitted her brows, trying to finalize the shopping list before her mom came. But when she met her mom half an hour later, she didn’t have one item on her list and was still humming his song.




Sebastien and Frankie were in the middle of rehearsing a scene when Letitia made her grand entrance. “Hello, hello,” she said to no one and everyone.

Frankie looked up excitedly
but Sebastien rolled his eyes. Was it necessary to interrupt?
Did she have to be the center of the universe?

“Nice of you to join us,” Ms Worthington said to her.

“The demands on my time.
You know how it is.”

Sebastien shook his head and attempted to continue with his lines.

“Don’t let me interrupt,” she said as she threw herself in the front row seat.

Sebastien glowered at her but she merely winked back.

“Oh Tyler, I guess we were just meant to be together,” Frankie’s character, Simone, said, lying splayed on the sofa suggestively.

“It does seem to be the way,” Sebastien’s character, Tyler, replied, sitting relaxed on the other side of the sofa.

“Perhaps we should do something to symbolize our agreement.” Simone rearranged
into a more seductive position.

Tyler looked deep in thought. “You’re right.” He took out his wallet and gave her his credit card. “I’m yours now.”

Simone grabbed the card and held i
to her breast.

“No no
!” Letitia called out. “Ms Worthington, I have a much better idea for this scene. Do you think
working as it is?”

“I do, Letitia.”

Letitia sat back down pouting.

The teacher’s phone rang unexpectedly. She picked it up and frowned as she listened to the caller.

I need to take this call. Will you continue with the scene

“Sure,” Sebastien said.

The second Ms. Worthington stepped out of the auditorium, Letitia jumped up, smiling like a Cheshire cat.

“Hey, Frankie, do you mind? I’ll show you what I mean about the scene. Sebastien?” she said, rolling his name over her tongue.

“Sure Letitia. I would love your opinion,” Frankie said. Sebastien sighed and looked to the heavens.

Might as well get it over with.
He resettled in his spot on the sofa and looked at Letitia with disinterest.

“Oh Tyler, I guess we were just meant to be together,” Letitia
Simone said, lying splayed on the sofa suggestively, using her foot to rub Sebastien’s thigh. She had to be kidding.

“It does seem to be th
way,” Tyler replied, gritting his teeth as Letitia continued kneading him. Was she for real?

“Perhaps we should do something to symbolize our agreement,” Letitia crawled along the sofa and straddled Sebastien.

Sebastien tried to keep in character, cool and indifferent, but he could feel his whole body react involuntarily to
touch. He couldn’t let her see it.

“Um Letitia, you

covering my face. The audience can’t see me,” Sebastien said, a bead of sweat trickling down his cheek.

“Oh sorry,” she said with a giggle and swung her hips to the side so that Sebastien’s face could be seen.

Sebastien roughly pushed her to the side. “Letitia, this isn’t right for the play. The way Frankie did it was fine. You’re wasting time.”

“Looked like you were enjoying yourself to me.”
He looked down, uncertain what to do. She was relentless.

“Sebastien, when are you going to give in? Look,” she said staring at his crotch, “your body knows it wants me. Why don’t you?”

felt helpless as he blushed under Letitia’s gaze. He
was never more relieved to see a teacher.

“What’s going on here?”

“I was just showing Frankie and Sebastien my ideas for this scene,” Letitia said, adjusting her dress.

”As I said before, their interpretation is perfect. Now, can you please get off the stage

til it’s your turn?”

“Of course
Ms Worthington,” Letitia purred.

“I thought it was great, Letitia!” Frankie said.

Letitia patted Frankie on the shoulder as she slinked off the stage.

“You were much better
Frankie,” Sebastien said.

“Seb, she’s a professional. I would take her advice seriously.”

“There is a reason you got this part
Frankie. Trust yourself.”

Frankie followed Letitia with her eyes as she strutted to her seat. “But I want to be like her.”

Sebastien shook his head. Women just did not make sense to him.

“Are we going to do my scene soon?” Letitia asked, tapping her foot.

Sebastien looked up and prayed for patience.



Later in choir rehearsals, Frankie sat beside Elena in the back row.

“Letitia has been giving me great advice during our
rehearsals, you know.”

” Frankie, you so have that X- factor and you were brilliant when we rehearsed
for the auditions
. I’m sure you’re doing a great job on your own.”

“She has a way about her. I’m flattered she would take the time.”

“Have you looked in the mirror, Frankie? You draw plenty of attention your way!”

“People think I’m ‘cute

But I want to take their breath away the way Letitia does.”

“She’s soulless. She sucks their breath away like a
. Why would you want to be like her?”

They both looked down as Letitia spoke condescendingly to those around her
like a queen to her subjects.  Elena knew what Frankie was talking about. Everything Letitia did
’m going places
Elena used to always think that about Frankie, too, but Frankie was changing.

Elena’s thoughts were interrupted as her eye caught Jay’s entrance. She watched him beneath her eyelashes as he walked across the room in his carefree swagger, his jeans hugging his tight
butt perfectly. She couldn’t believe she just thought that. Since when did she notice
butts? And now she had a sultry voice to go with the sexy body. Her stomach tightened as she remembered his music. He looked her way and smiled. Elena blushed and turned away, mortified that he had caught her staring at him.

girls and boys. Today will be the last day for competition choir selection, so give me your best.”

Elena exhaled with a sigh. As long as she didn’t have to sing solo, she was fine. She didn’t care if she didn’t make the competition choir, as long as she didn’t leave here humiliated. This was supposed to be a fun choir and yet it seemed to be nothing but stress!

Letitia stood in front of the class with Ms. Lazowski. It looked like she’d gotten promoted.

They started the music and Letitia came close to the students, cocking her ear towards them and then returning to Ms. Lazowski and whispering, pointing back at the students.  This was worse than humiliating. Letitia was basically deciding on the ensemble, and in front of the whole room.

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