Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas) (11 page)

BOOK: Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas)
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“Sounds reasonable.
How can I help you with performance? All I know is that I feel the music but I don’t know how I actually do it.”

“We’ll think of something.”

“When can we start?”

“Here,” Anya said as she grabbed a card out of her bag. “This is the place where I teach. Class is at 2 p
on Saturdays.” With that she stood up and grabbed her bag. “I better get going. The car will be waiting for me.”

The car?
Who was this girl?



That Saturday after her morning shift at TGI Fridays, Elena got ready for her first class with Anya. Elena had to admit she was curious. She had nothing to lose, after all, but learning with all those kids was going to be a bit embarrassing.

She headed out to Brooklyn, hoping blindly that this would be the miracle she needed. She found the studio easily and waved to Anya when she saw her. 

Most kids have been coming here a while so they know the drill. Just try and keep up. They may look at you strangely at first but don’t worry they will get over it
they’re more interested in ballet.”

“So who are these kids?”

“Most of them are kids whose parents can’t afford lessons. I teach for free and the borough lets me use this hall.”

“Impressive. I wish had this when I was growing

About fifteen kids stared at Elena with open curiosity. Elena smiled back weakly.

“Good morning everyone,” Anya said with a firm tone.

“Good morning, Miss Anya.”

“Now do we all remember the warm up?”

“Yes, Miss Anya

“This is a new student, Elena. Remember, we always help new students, right?”

“Yes, Miss Anya.”

These kids looked at Anya like she was a
od, eager to please and following her every word. It was so cute!

Anya started the music.

“First position and one,” Anya said.

Elena could follow the basics easily. She had learned that much.

Anya went past each student

When she got to Elena she stood and watched her for a moment.

“Okay, more turn out from the hip, not the knee.”

Elena adjusted.

“Arms reaching out from the shoulder and always within your peripheral vision.
Just this slight mistake can throw you off balance when you turn. And don’t think about tucking in. Think about stretching your spine from the top of your neck to your coccyx.
Shoulders down.
That’s better.”

Elena made the adjustments, trying to concentrate on everything Anya said.

The class continued this way, going onto pirouettes and leaps.

Elena kept repeating Anya’s corrections in her head. Press down into the earth but spine up. Straight leg on the bottom and don’t move your hips.
Shoulders down.
There was a lot to think about in a simple turn, but Elena kept at it like the other students.
Again and again.
When class finished she collapsed into the nearest chair and wiped her sweat off.

“I hav
e to say
Anya, that
was a good class.”

“See you, kids,” Anya called out.

“Bye, Miss Anya,” they shouted back.

A tiny little voice added, “Bye, Elena.”

Elena turned to see the most adorable little girl with curls smile at her and wave before running off. Elena waved back.

“I felt like a giant,” Elena said, “but the kids were all pretty good about it actually. It’s a fantastic thing you do here.”

said, returning to her shy, quiet manner. “I was luckier than most when it came to ballet, having been brought up in Russia. We only came here when I was ten, which is why my English is not so good.”

“You sound fine to me. Is that why you are shy in class? You’re worried you will sound different?”

“I’m shy anyway, except when it comes to ballet. Then I feel totally comfortable.”

“So now what do I do?”
Elena asked.

“Keep doing the exercises we did today at home and repeat the corrections I gave you. Always do it in front of a mirror as well. Pirouettes
every single day. Then when you come back, I’ll re-correct any bad habits you have repeated.”

“Makes sense.
I guess the difference is I didn’t have anyone to correct me. What are we going to do about your performance?”

“I don’t know. How do you get into the music?”

“I literally just close my eyes and take two deep breaths while the music starts and let it possess me,” Elena answered. “I then forget about everything else. No special trick. Do you want to try?”

“I guess so.”

Elena put on an Alicia Keys ballad from her iPod. “Okay, go stand in the middle of the floor. Close your eyes and sing with Alicia and feel what she’s feeling. Got it?”


“Now move. Do what your body tells you to.”

Anya went into a series of ballet steps, all perfectly executed of course.

“No, no,” Elena said and got up. “Alicia is talking about being in love. How do you show love in your body?”

Anya looked at her blankly.

“I guess you need to think less ballet and more contemporary. You know tension and release. Breathe through the music.”

Elena didn’t seem to be helping Anya. All she could see was a look of anxiety and confusion on Anya’s face.

“I’m tired. Let’s try again another time,” Anya said.

“Are you sure? I wish I could be more helpful.”

“It’s OK.
Next time.”

That sat in silence for a moment.

“I really want to help you too,” Elena continued.

“I know. It’s OK
Elena. There is time. We’re both tired.”

“I don’t know about you, but I could really use a shower.”

Anya smiled as they both grabbed their bags and headed home.





When the school bell rang on Tuesday, Elena was first to jump out of her seat and
her gym bag. It was time for hip hop rehearsals and she wanted to make sure she didn’t waste a precious minute of rehearsal time.

She ran to the changing room, threw on her dance clothes and headed for the studio. Only Deshaw had arrived.

“Thanks again for giving me this opportunity,” Elena said while placing her bag down and starting her warm up.

“Elena, you don’t have to keep thanking me. Just work your butt off!”

Damn right
she would.

“Maybe you can show me a couple of new moves to work on while we’re waiting,” Elena said.

“Sure, why not
Warm up and let me know when you’re ready.”

Elena bit her lip in anticipation and started her stretching regime. By the time the other students dragged themselves to class, Elena had learn
two new flip sequences which she was practicing using the large foam mat. She loved those mats. It felt like falling into a cloud!

“Nice going
Elena,” Darius said.

“Thanks! Deshaw showed me earlier.”

She liked Darius
though she had to admit he looked intimidating. He was stocky and muscular, more so than most other fourteen
old boys. He had a tattoo on each shoulder, one of a dragon and one containing a ring of character writing. He had
a sharp nose, thick lips and eyes so dark that they were almost black. His face was usually scowling, and he swaggered with purpose, making him difficult to approach. If he hadn’t been so friendly at the audition, Elena would have avoided him. And yet, despite his aggressive physical appearance, when he spoke, he was gentle and kind. Elena was intrigued.

As class was about to start, Elena stopped her practice and came out onto the main floor. They warmed up and danced and practiced tricks without a break.
Again and again and again.
After two grueling hours of dancing, it was over.

“So how are you finding it?” Darius asked her.

I guess. But I want to be able to do everything now!”

Think of it as your training year. I don’t think anyone expected you to be able to do everything day one.”

They sat down after class a few moments to stretch and relax.

“Can I ask you something?” she said.


“How did you end up here? You have to admit, you don’t look like the typical Montacrue student.”

Darius laughed. “I do think I was a special case. I think I was taken in as an experiment
bad boy turns good.”


“I was getting into lots of trouble when I hit twelve and my parents didn’t know what to do.
I don’t think I was a bad kid. I was just confused about life, my identity, where I belonged. I joined a gang and that’s when my parents decided desperate measures were needed.”

“Go on,” Elena said while they both continued to stretch.

“My mom knew some people on the board of the school and convinced them to take me in so that my energies could be used more productively. Don’t ask me how she convinced them or what made me go along with it. But I’m glad I did. It
was the best thing that ever happened to me. I know I can dance hip hop with the best of them here.”

“You got that right! Where did you learn to dance like that?”

“The streets
But would you believe that my mom managed to get me through two years of ballet training when I was seven!”

Elena’s eyes widened. No way.

“So here I am, courtesy of the board’s charity initiative, dancing my way through school alongside all the wealthy little ballerinas
Who would have thought?”

“That’s quite a story.
Bad-ass Darius.

“Be careful or I’ll hurt you,” he said as he raised his fist to her face.

“Oh p-lease.
I’m not so easily intimidated,” Elena said and flicked his hand away.

“Tough girl eh?
Whoa,” he said, mimicking her mocking tone.

They continued stretching in comfortable silence.

“Look, maybe I could help you out a
do some extra practice until you feel more confident?”

“That would be great
Darius. Thanks! But why would you offer to do that? I am essentially your rival.”

“First, Elena, no offen
e, but you’re not even close to matching me
so let’s get that clear,” he said, smiling. “Second, consider it my return charity case for being here and helping women rise in the world of hip hop.” He placed his fist on his chest and looked up for dramatic effect.

“So you’re helping me because I have no chance of being as good as you and to ease your guilty conscience for centuries of female discrimination. Hmm,” Elena said, tapping her lip with her finger in concentration. “I can deal with that. You’re on,” she said as she offered her hand to shake on the deal.

“See what I mean?” he said to her. “You need a lot of work. If you want to be a real hip hop girl, you need to shake like this.” He then offered his fist and hit hers on the top and then side by side.

“Got it
Bad-ass Darius!” she said in a deep voice, throwing down a rapper style hand. “But, by the way, the handshake you just showed me is so yesterday. This is how we do it in my hood.” She hit fists and then opened her hand to brush against his palm to palm, fingers moving.

“Nice! See, even I learn
something new today.”

“And don’t you forget it!” she said as she stood to leave. “Later


Elena walked slowly from the studio, thinking about Darius and his story. It was nice to know she wasn’t the only one who was different. There was something really special about him. She laughed as she recalled his horror when she called him dude. Ye
, training with him was going to be fun.

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