Read OVERTIME Online

Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (12 page)

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Sure, when they’d trussed him up in flippers, an eye mask, an inflatable vest (that they barely inflated, thank you very much), and his snorkel tube, he’d felt kind of stupid. When he’d stood on the edge of the boat with the Captain telling him to jump in and Colton bellowing out the Jaws theme, he’d felt like chum for sharks, but as soon as his eyes had found the undersea garden of beauty, he’d forgotten all about his fear of being shark food.

Every time he came up to shake out his mask or fiddle with his snorkel tube, Colton was treading water within a few feet of him, immediately asking if he was enjoying himself. The fool had a stupid-ass grin on his face that made Jagger’s heart do an alarming
thumpity-thump thing that would embarrass any grown man.

“Did you see that purple one with the black streaks? Tell me you saw it!” Colton demanded, fun excitement dancing in his green eyes. Arrogant Colton had vanished when they’d started snorkeling. This Colton was kid-like fun and boyfriend attentive.

Shit, he was in so much trouble.

He’d never been with a man, knew he didn’t ‘fit’ into Colton’s world, but many more hours like this and he knew his heart would end up getting broken. He knew what he was, knew he wasn’t good enough for Colton. He also knew what Colton wanted from him…sex, and nothing more. Could he do it, give himself physically, and walk away when Colton was finished with
him? He knew once the challenge of bedding him was gone, Colton would want
gone. Would he recover from that kind of rejection? Should he keep the protective shell in place, not have the one taste of happiness so he wouldn’t miss it when it was gone?

“Earth to Jagger,” Colton said as he waved his hand in front of Jagger. “Did you see the purple fish?”

They both pulled their masks and snorkel tubes away from their faces.

“I saw it. It was beautiful.” He smiled at the handsome bastard that had always held the power to rock his fucking world. One taste…just one taste. Didn’t he deserve it?

“Are you ready to head back to the boat? We still have jet skis, the banana boat, and parasailing to squeeze in but I don’t want you to leave here until you’re ready.” Colton reached over and tucked some hair behind Jagger’s ear. “Fuck, you are so beautiful, Jagger. I wish you could have seen the expressions on your face today. I…I liked it…a lot.”

Jagger nearly let his head go completely under when he noticed that Colton could blush too. He reached down deep and tried to find some courage. Surely there was some hidden inside him somewhere? He was leaving tonight. Why not have some fun today?

“You, ah…you don’t look so bad yourself,” he managed to whisper. It might not be much for other people, but the words cost him so, so very much. He was pretty sure he’d never felt so utterly foolish…so pathetically hopeful, in his entire life.

Colton swam closer…then closer. When they were only inches apart, their legs brushing each other as they kicked to stay afloat, he begged, “One kiss, Wildcat. Please; just one kiss. Be brave for me. Be brave for us.”

Jagger felt himself gulp and figured Colton probably heard it. He was barely an inch away. His inky black eyelashes had water dripping from their length…his lips were full and enticing…his emerald gaze was hot and hungry, desperate and pleading…

One kiss didn’t make you gay, did it? Did he care if he was gay? He didn’t know the answers to those questions, but he damned well knew he wanted Colton to kiss him. He probably shouldn’t, but he fucking wanted it more than he wanted his next breath of air.

…sure…I guess,” he answered weakly, figuring Colton would be turned-off by his indecisiveness and lack of enthusiasm, but knowing it was the best he could do at the moment. It was all the courage he could muster.

Colton was on him so fast he nearly yelped in surprise, but a sound never had the opportunity to escape from between his lips before Colton’s mouth claimed his own. Yes, claimed; that was the only way to describe how Colton kissed. He felt one hand wrap around the back of his neck, yanking him up against Colton’s hard chest, and the other wrapped around his waist, pinning him in place. He kissed…and kissed…nibbled at his lips…kissed more…tasted…teased

Fuck, it was like nothing he’d ever experienced in his life. He’d kissed girls, four to be exact, but not a one of them had rocked his world like this. Stubble scratched his face…and it felt fucking good. He liked how it burned his cheeks and lips, making his skin even more sensitive to Colton’s touches. Strong arms held him tightly, dominating but making him feel safe at the same time. He felt Colton’s tongue swipe his lips, dance with his own tongue, tease every corner of his mouth…and then start all over again. It was a hungry, desperate, and needy kiss. Jagger wouldn’t label it as rough, but it sure the fuck wasn’t gentle. Colton was the aggressor, pushing and demanding more, leaving Jagger with no choice but to submit, kiss him back, and hang on for the ride.

“Fuck, wildcat, you taste sweet. I’ve waited so long for this,” Colton said between kisses and bites. “Do you have any idea how fucking long I’ve wanted you? You’ve been the star of every one of my fantasies since I was sixteen years old.” Kiss. Bite. Suck.

The hand that had been wrapped around his waist dropped to cup his ass, squeezing and then yanking him right up against him, groin to groin, cock to cock. He felt Colton’s hard length ram against his own and fireworks went off in his head, heart, stomach, and finished with his own cock.

“I’ve wanted to taste these plump lips forever. This ass?” Colton squeezed again. “I’ve wanted to touch it, squeeze it, and taste it…for-fucking-ever.” His tongue swiped across Jagger’s lips, biting the bottom one and tugging at it until he heard a sexy grow
l rumble from Jagger’s throat. “There’s my Wildcat!”

Terror swamped Jagger. Not terror from being so thoroughly kissed by Colton, a man, but terror from how it made him feel…and not just physically. Shit, he might have known he wouldn’t be able to do anything without his fucking heart jumping straight in to the party. That realization made him push Colton away and start swimming back toward the boat. He was such a fucking coward! The problem was, he wasn’t troubled by the realization that he was probably
gay. No, it was the fear of how Colton held the power to make him lose control.
had ever made him lose control. He had a plan—a life plan. Colton held the power to make him toss all his hard work right out the fucking window without a backward glance and he knew just how deadly that would be. He would end up just like his father…angry, bitter,

He couldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t allow Colton to sway him from his future. Why the fuck couldn’t he just enjoy some physical enjoyment and move on like the rest of the male population did? He was sure that was all Colton wanted from him, regardless of all the pretty words he kept spewing out. There was
he had to offer Colton except sex. He was

Back on the boat, Jagger half expected Colton to arrogantly shove the kiss in his face or be pissed because he’d pushed him away right when things were getting good and steamy. Colton was neither of those things. He climbed aboard several seconds after him, looking thoroughly kissed, but his swollen lips and raging hard-on, clearly visible in his swim trunks, were the only indication anything had happened in the water. He told the captain to head them out to the next spot and then turned his undivided attention back to his date.

“I’m not…I can’t…” Jagger began, stuttering like he’d never been kissed before. He didn’t have a fucking clue what he was even trying to say, so he couldn’t hardly blame his idiotic mouth for not being able to put it into words. Was he going to claim he didn’t want Colton? He was pretty damned sure the evidence of his desire was pretty visible to Colton unless he was blind in one eye and couldn’t see out of the other.

, Wildcat,” Colton interrupted, closing the safe distance Jagger had worked so hard to put between them. The arrogant, smiling bastard didn’t stop until he was mere inches from Jagger, boldly violating the personal space rule yet aga
in. “It’s okay to be nervous—
just like it is okay to want me and enjoy my kisses. I’m not going to push you too hard, babe. I promise,” he finished with a soft, encouraging smile.

Jagger whimpered and then burned with embarrassment when he heard the sound tumbling from his own kiss-swollen lips. He gulped in a deep breath when Colton suddenly stepped away from him, giving him some much needed space. Had he stood there much longer, looking all sexy and ready to fuck him six ways to Sunday, Jagger would have collapsed, dropped to his knees, and assumed the position. Hell, he just needed to get it over with, take the edge off. He
would surely be able to think straight after he got a dose of Colton and then purge him completely from his system.

“So, what did you think about your first time?” Colton wiggled his eyebrows like a total love-struck idiot and added, “First time snorkeling, that is? What did you think about it? Gorgeous, right?”

Not half as gorgeous as Colton was, but Jagger kept that thought to himself. “You were right. It was awesome. Thanks for bringing me,” he told him with a shy smile. How the hell were you supposed to act around a guy that had just shoved his tongue half way down your throat? “What’s next?” He glanced down at his watch, noting the time and deducting they only had a couple more hours at the most before they needed to head to the airport. “That’s going to be pretty tough to top.”

Colton smirked. “Yeah, you will be pretty tough to top, but I have confidence in my abilities, Wildcat.” He blinked innocently. “Oh! You mean it’s going to be tough to top the snorkeling; I misunderstood.”

Shaking his head from side to side, Jagger said, “You’ve got a one track mind.”

“No, I have a time constraint. If I knew I had more time, I could properly seduce you. As it is, I’ve got to hit a homerun the first time at bat.”

“Sorry, dude. You aren’t even at bat,” Jagger warned, the lie rolling off his tongue without hesitation. “And speaking of time constraints, we only have a couple of hours left. Should we just head back to shore?”

“Nope. We still have loads of fun time left. Don’t worry; I’ll get you to the airport when the time is right. Now, let’s dig around and find some snacks. Lusting after you has left me famished. I need to refuel so I can keep it up!”

What the fuck did he mean about getting him to the airport when the time was right? His flight was scheduled to take off promptly at six in the evening and he intended to be on that flight. If he wasn’t, he knew he would end up in Colton’s bed. Ending up in Colton’s bed wasn’t so bad - leaving it…that was the part that could damage his heart and soul.

“Six o’clock, Colton. That’s the end of our
. You damn well better have me at the airport.”

“Whatever. Let’s eat, Wildcat.”

Jagger glared.

Colton smirked.

Jagger felt his heart do that stupid little flippity-flop thing.

“Don’t do something stupid,” Jagger warned.
Do it! His mind screamed a dare

Forty-five minutes later, they’d both forgotten about their watches and the airport deadline, just the way Colton had probably planned. They rode the jet skis wildly across the rough waters and Colton totally kicked Jagger’s ass but Jagger refused to admit it. When they prepared for their parasailing trip, Colton spent way too much time helping the captain strap Jagger into the harness, his hand accidentally brushing against his crotch at least four times. Even that was forgiven as soon as they were air born and flying through the air. The scenery was beautiful and it felt peacefully quiet as they soared above the blue waters.

“You like?” Colton asked. Jagger didn’t have to answer, the expression on his face said it all, but Colton seemed to want to hear it anyway.

“Yeah, I like.” Jagger, as with the snorkeling, was in total awe of the beauty surrounding him.

“Me, too.” Colton wasn’t looking at the blue waters of the ocean or the cloudless sky.

Back on the boat, Colton told him all they had left was the banana boat ride. It was pretty tame compared to what else they’d done throughout the day, but was part of the package he’d booked, so he guessed they might as well do it. As long as nothing went wrong, they’d have plenty of time for a quick ride and they head back to shore…to the airport.

“He’s totally going to try to knock us off the boat, you know this, right?” Colton asked with a naughty smile as they climbed onto the banana boat.

“I figured. His face was sporting one of your smirks, so I think it is safe to assume something’s up. Does your friend get a kick out of scaring tourists half out of their minds?” He shrugged and wrapped his hand around the rubber strap that was the only thing between him and flying through the air and launching into the deep blue sea. “Seems like shit like that could be bad for business,” he said.

“He says it is definitely one of the perks to his job. Now, let me give you an experienced ‘head’s up’, if you get tossed, keep hanging on as long as you can.” He shrugged innocently. “You know, just to delay his fun as long as you can.”

“Got it. Hang on. I can do that…but, I don’t intend to fall off.”

“Nobody ever does.”

Before Jagger could respond, the wave runner pulling them took off, jerking their banana boat through the water at a dangerous rate of speed. After only a few seconds, Jagger realized he might be in some serious danger of being labeled ‘tourist’ because he was slipping and sliding all over the damned boat. Colton, the bastard, wasn’t having any problems staying upright, but then the captain was taking it way easier on the turns that might dump Colton. His last thought before he felt his body start to propel over the edge and toward the water was that he had been set up. His second thought was that he was supposed to keep holding on.

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