Read OVERTIME Online

Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (14 page)

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A warm smile spread across Colton’s face. “That’s my Wildcat,” he whispered. Slowly…deliciously slowly his head lowered enough to allow him to place soft, feathery kisses on the inside of each of Jagger’s thighs. There was a swirl of his tongue…a sweet kiss…and then a nip with his sharp teeth.

Jagger hissed and his thighs splayed even wider apart. He jerked when Colton removed the hand that was clutching his rock-hard cock and forced him to set it aside and expose himself to Colton’s hungry eyes. Like a coward, he clenched his eyes closed, refusing to look at how vulnerable he appeared with Colton’s head nestled so very close to the spot no man had ever gone before. With his eyes closed, he allowed himself to focus on how
freakin’ wonderful those demanding lips, warm tongue, and sharp teeth felt against his thighs, leaving him hoping Colton would climb further up.

“These knees? One day real soon, these knees are going to be against your chest while I fuck you hard, just like I promised,” Colton said between kisses, his voice barely above a husky whisper. The words, the vision the words caused, almost caused Jagger to erupt into an earthshattering orgasm. His mind conjured up a vision of him bent over a bed while Colton pounded into him from behind, fucking him until he had no choice but to submit.

When Colton’s lips did move upward, right past Jagger’s throbbing cock, and landed on his lower stomach, he couldn’t stop the moan of disappointment from slipping past his lips. Fuck, he was panting like a bitch in heat. Every nerve in his body was abuzz with excitement, every inch of him on fire. Braving a look, he glanced down to see Colton’s tongue tracing a seductive path from his hip bone to lower stomach. He squirmed against the vinyl.

“Like that, Wildcat?” Colton murmured and then moved up to start paying some serious attention to Jagger’s nipple. His tongue flicked against the peak, teasing and tormenting, playing and worshipping. A victorious smile curved his lips when he felt Jagger’s hands tangle in his hair, pulling him closer, demanding more attention.

“Shit, Colton. Fuck,” Jagger whimpered. No chicks had given his nipples much attention. He had no idea that one swipe of the tongue would cause him to quiver and moan. Sounds like he’d never heard tumbled from his mouth, embarrassing him but he couldn’t have stopped them if his life depended on it. He’d like to think it resembled a growl, but was pretty sure he came closer to sounding like a purr.

Colton’s lower body teased his cock, brushing innocently against his burning shaft when he moved to use his lips and teeth to conduct an all-out assault on Jagger. The touch was enough to remind Jagger that he was as hard as he’d ever been in his life, but not enough to offer some much needed sweet friction for his throbbing member. Before he knew it, he was thrusting against Colton and his fucking legs had somehow mysteriously found themselves slung over
Colton’s shoulders. He was as exposed and vulnerable as possible, offering himself to the very man that had done nothing but sling sexual innuendos his way since they’d met in his dorm room…but Colton’s mouth or hands never once drifted toward the promised-land…never once offered him the tiniest bit of relief.

A moan of frustration ripped from his throat and his body fought to position itself to find some sort of release. “Please, Colton,” he hissed. “Please don’t play with…”

“Fuck!” Colton roared as he body jerked away. His green eyes looked almost black, glazed with lust, as he looked up at Jagger. His breathing was labored, borderline panting. Sweat glistened on his face and chest. His hands trembled slightly.

“What? Did I do something wrong?” Jagger asked. Shame washed over him, cooling his ardor in an instant.

Colton stumbled to his feet and in jerky motions, ripped his swimming trunks off and shoved them at Jagger. “Put these on. Now!” He ordered. His voice, lower and huskier than usual, trembled slightly as he issued the commands. A cock, long and decorated with beautiful veins, danced in front of Jagger’s eyes, tempting him in ways he never would have imagined he would be tempted. Had he not been so humiliated by being rejected by Colton, he would have probably allowed his tongue to swipe the tip, to taste the salty sweetness of Colton. As it was, he was contemplating punching Colton in the face or jumping off the boat and drowning himself before the bastard could see the disappointment that had to be lurking in his own eyes.

His hands trembled slightly as he took Colton’s trunks and just sat there…holding them…looking, he was sure, fucking ridiculous. At least his cock wasn’t hard and dripping pre cum anymore.
, Colton had taken care of that particular problem in record time. Apparently shame was a no-fail way to cause his cock to shrivel.

He decided on drowning himself but before he could sliver over the side, Colton dropped in front of him again. “Baby, put my trunks on, okay? Jeremiah is back and I’ll be damned if I share.” He leaned in and covered Jagger’s mouth with a wet kiss, then dipped lower, moving to his throat and then biting the super sensitive spot between his neck and shoulder blade. When he had finished sucking a bruise onto Jagger’s throat, he whispered, “Jeremiah’s my friend but I will fucking kill him if I see his eyes looking at you. I’m a jealous bitch, babe. Put on the trunks. Please.”

Disgusting relief washed over Jagger. He was such a
’ hypocrite. The entire date had seen him claiming he wasn’t at all interested in Colton in a sexual way, but when faced with the possibility that the other man hadn’t really wanted him, he’d crumbled like a dry cookie. As he slipped his feet into Colton’s trunks, he congratulated himself on the fact that he hadn’t cried. Yea, that is about the only fucking thing that could have made this situation any worse for him. Well, that or if Colton really hadn’t wanted him. Hell, for all he knew, Colton didn’t really want him. He could send Jeremiah away. Fuck, he hadn’t heard the damned wave runner returning. A bomb could have gone off next to him and he wouldn’t have noticed anything except the way Colton’s lips felt against his skin. Colton clearly hadn’t been into it as deeply as he had been.

As he stood up and pulled the borrowed garment over his hips, he watched Colton’s expression from beneath a lowered gaze. He saw as Colton’s eyes darkened even more with fury as he looked toward the wave runner that had bumped up against the boat. Jagger tilted his head and saw Jeremiah looking at both of them, grinning from ear to ear like the pirate he appeared to be. He had little doubts that Jeremiah had probably seen more of his ass than Colton was comfortable with. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw Colton start to lunge for his friend.

“Colton! Let it go,” he barked, catching Colton around the waist and holding tight to keep him from attacking the still grinning Jeremiah. As he looked at Jeremiah, Jagger honestly considered letting Colton go. It might be fun to see that arrogant smirk knocked right off the pirate’s face. The bastard was intentionally goading Colton. Without thinking, he placed a quick kiss on Colton’s shoulder and said, “Dude, you are buck-ass naked right now. You look kind of prison-house, shower-scene crazy.” He tried to joke but made sure his arm never loosened its grip around Colton’s stomach. Fuck, his abs felt good. “It’s no big deal, okay?”

Colton growled, bit his lip so hard that Jagger was afraid blood was about to start spurting, and then flipped Jeremiah off and hurled a curse word in his direction. Jeremiah answered with a laugh and tossed him the tiniest piece of fabric Jagger had ever seen in Colton’s direction. The pink fluff landed at Colton’s feet.

Jagger held tight, loving the muscles quivering and bunching beneath his hands, and waited for Colton to make a decision on how things were going to move forward. After a few seconds, the tension slipped from those hard muscles and Colton’s fun-loving smile fell back into place.

“Kiss me again, Wildcat, just like you did a second ago. Kiss me like that again and I’ll be fine,” he promised.

It had been so much easier to drop his lips to Colton’s burning skin in the heat of the moment. He wasn’t sure he could do it without the threat of violence hanging over him. Who the fuck was he kidding? He wanted another taste.

His lips dropped to Colton’s shoulder again and this time he took more time with his nuzzle. His lips teased the hot flesh and then his tongue swiped a sexy trail up the side of Colton’s neck. He tasted salty…and manly…and perfect. His taste buds did a happy dance across his tongue and he knew that particular taste was one he would never forget. Colton’s essence was forever emblazed in his soul.

“There,” he finally said, licking his lips and fighting not to moan out his approval of what had just happened. “All better?”

Colton grinned from ear to ear. “You have no idea, Wildcat. Here’s a ‘heads-up’ for you—you can
tame me with that mouth of yours any time, any place.”

A warm feeling settled over Jagger with Colton’s words.




Chapter 10



Jagger lathered the shampoo in his hair and lectured himself at the same time. He should have at least put forth some kind of defense against Colton’s attack on his sexuality but it was pretty damned apparent that when the other man’s tongue was in his mouth or his hands were anywhere on his body, he was pathetically inept when it came to denying Colton anything. What could he say? The pleasure he felt when Colton was anywhere near him shoved away any thoughts of anything other than how sexy Colton was or how strong his hands felt when he touched him or how erotically different it felt when their lips collided.

The oddest thing was that he wasn’t allowing these new feelings to freak him out or, more importantly, scare him away. Sure, he still felt a tug in his mind urging him to run for his life, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t smother into submission. He should probably feel confused, question how he could allow another man to kiss, touch, and flirt with him, but he wasn’t. He’d always known his body responded to Colton in a way that could only be described as hot, burning lust. Giving the other man his body wasn’t nearly as frightening as the possibility of giving him his heart. Hell, giving his body to Colton had been a foregone conclusion. Giving him his h
eart was unacceptable.
It did not fit into his plan. His heart had always been and would always be unavailable.

Unfortunately, there had always been something about Colton—the way the other man, even as a young boy, had watched him closely. A connection had always been there, teasing him, whispering dark thoughts into his ear. When Colton had moved, he’d been so relieved…at first. The relief had been easily identified as him no longer having to deal with the feelings Colton stirred in him. Colton had come close to becoming a weakness he might not have been able to overcome. When he’d left, the threat had vanished.

And it had nearly killed him.

He wasn’t sure he had even realized it at first but Colton was the only person that did watch him. After Colton moved, he was pretty certain he could have vanished into thin air and nobody would have noticed or cared.

He’d been lonely. So lonely. Oh, and he’d been angry. So angry.

A pounding on the door jerked his mind back to the present.

“Hey Cinderella! How long does it take to put that look of yours together? Shake your pretty ass. We need to be there in less than an hour!” Colton yelled through the thin door. “Unless, of course, you’re trying to get me to come in after you!”

“Shut up, asshole,” he grumbled as he shut off the water. “I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”

“Are you sure you aren’t trying to lure me in there?”

“Positive,” he answered with a smile that he was thankful was hidden on the other side of the door. “Give me a few.”

They were going to a gay resort with some of Colton’s friends. It would be nice if he could tell himself he was simply exploring something new—gay resorts and kissing Colton. It wasn’t exactly exploration though. He wanted Colton. He always had.

He just didn’t know what the hell he was going to do about it.

He was going to a gay resort.

With a gay guy.

And he was probably gay, too.

He was scared shitless.

He swiped the fog covering the mirror away and looked at himself. Did he look different? He definitely felt different. He squinted and looked more closely. Fuck, he definitely looked different. There was a damned hickey on his damned neck. The bastard had marked him.

Colton had marked him. Claimed him. Did he finally belong to somebody? Did someone finally want him…or would he be tossed away again?

He felt the smile tugging his lips as he pulled on his borrowed clothes. Forty minutes later, he wasn’t exactly smiling.

“Whoa! Wait a minute,” Jagger hissed to Colton, digging his feet in and forcing Colton to stop as well. “What the fuck, Colton?” He asked.

“What?” Colton countered innocently.

“They…they…hell, Colton, some of those guys aren’t wearing any clothes. Any. At all. No clothes. Naked. Cock and balls dangling about like it’s perfectly normal!” He’d started out whispering. He didn’t quite finish that way.

“Oh. Yeah. That. Uh…did I forget to mention that clothes were optional at Island House?’’ He asked with an innocent shrug. “It must have slipped my mind. No biggie, right?”

“Well, yeah, some of them are pretty damned big. Fuck, Colton, they aren’t wearing clothes!”

Colton crossed his arms over his chest. “Is this a deal breaker for you, babe? I knew it would be a shocker, but I didn’t actually think it would completely shut you down. Do we need to go?” He stepped closer, right into Jagger’s personal space, and added, “I really want you to give this place a try, okay? I love it here. The food is awesome. The staff rocks. The drinks are off the charts. The video room? Hell, it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Give it a try for me, okay, babe?”

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