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Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (11 page)

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“Get your fucking hands off me!” He hissed as he struggled against the solid embrace that felt more like iron bands wrapped around him than another man’s arms. A myriad of emotions raced through his veins—shame, anger, humiliation…arousal. The arousal sensation made him struggle even harder but he couldn’t get much traction with his arms pinned down so solidly. After a few embarrassing minutes, he realized he was wasting his fucking time—Colton had him right where he wanted him.

Fury quickly replaced arousal but all he could do was seethe in it. Until Colton decided to let him go, he was pretty much stuck right where he was. “Let. Me. Go.”

“Let’s get all the fight out of you first, wildcat. The last thing I need is to have to jump overboard after you.”

Jagger felt him…felt his lips almost touching his neck. Hell, he did want to hide. He didn’t want to be brave. His body shouldn’t burn like a flame whenever he was near Colton.

He didn’t want Colton’s pity.

“Have you calmed yourself down yet? I enjoy a little fight as much as the next guy, but I never want to be the one to put that hurt look in your pretty eyes.”

“I hate you and I want you to stop touching me. Now.” Jagger’s jaw was clenched so tightly he was afraid his teeth would shatter about any second. Even worse than that was how tense his body was. He fought the traitorous urge that was literally begging him to melt against Colton’s chest and enjoy the masculine heat that was bumping up against him. If he allowed it, he could lose himself in the embrace. It felt safe. Fuck, it almost made him want things he had no business wanting.

Colton bumped his hips against Jagger’s ass, forcing the other man to become acutely aware of the erection he was sporting. “Do you feel
, Jagger? Does that feel like pity to you?”

“Stop; just stop,” Jagger pleaded.

“I’m never going to lie to you, okay? This means too much to me for that kind of childish shit. Sure, I felt some pity at first…when I could get past my anger. Did you know I followed you home most days? I was obsessed. Fuck, I’m still obsessed. Back then, I just needed to know you were going to be safe.”

“Stop.” His voice sounded weaker. His determination to deny Colton felt weaker.

“With each passing day, my pity grew into respect. You’re right, Wildcat, I’ve had everything handed to me my entire life. I’m ashamed to say that I was quite the obnoxious brat for most of my younger years—before I started stalking you. I watched how you dealt with things,
things, and it made me want to be a better person. That isn’t pity,” he bumped his cock against Jagger’s ass again and added, “and neither is

Respect? How the hell could anybody respect him, especially back then? He’d been a fucking disaster, a punching bag for a drunk father.

When he felt teeth tug on his earlobe, every drop of blood raced toward his cock. Every sound disappeared…the waves no longer bumped against the boat, the laughter and the yells from Duval Street faded until there was nothing. There was only the sound of his own heart beating and Colton’s breathing against his ear. It felt perfectly perfect.

“You ready for bed? We’ve got an early wake-up call in the morning,” Colton asked and Jagger could have sworn the man’s tongue swiped the spot he’d just bitten.

“I’m…I’m not sleeping with you, Colton.” Shit, if Colton’s eyes drifted south, he would easily be able to see that while he might vow he wasn’t going to sleep with him, his body wanted it more than anything. Or, if the arms banded tightly around his waist dropped a few inches lower

“I think we’ve already established that, Jagger. Nevertheless, we still have to sleep because we are scheduled to set sail bright and early at eight-thirty in the morning and I’ll be damned if I ship out on an empty stomach.” Jagger felt Colton’s face brush against his neck, heard him inhale deeply like he was sniffing his scent…and then, fuck him, but the horny bastard moaned in appreciation. “So, do you want to sleep on deck or below deck? I’ll let you pick tonight.”

Jagger tilted his head to the left and right, looking for a bed but finding nothing. Ironically, he’d made no effort to step out of Colton’s arms, even though the other man’s grasp had loosened minutes ago.
Just a few more delicious moments, he promised himself

“Where, uh, where do you sleep?”

“Wherever you want me to sleep, Wildcat,” Colton answered softly.

This time, Jagger was certain a pair of sexy lips touched the back of his neck. Things were going too far. This wasn’t going to happen. It wasn’t part of his plan. It was a twenty-four hour fake date, nothing more.

He stepped away and immediately felt cold and empty. To keep his hands from trembling, he grasped the cool railing of the boat and held on tightly. This could not happen. Fuck, he knew this would happen!

“Be brave for me,” Colton whispered but made no move to close the distance between them.

“I’ll sleep up here. You can sleep below deck.”

Colton puffed out a breath and then smiled sweetly at Jagger. “Let me get the air mattress blown up…
scaredy cat.”




Chapter 9



“Wakey, wakey
, Sleeping Wildcat!” Colton whispered in his ear, his husky voice caressing every inch of his boat-mate. “You need to shake that pretty ass of yours if we are going to have time for breakfast before setting sail.”

There really weren’t words to describe how sexy Colton thought Jagger looked at the moment. His inky black hair was standing in every direction and Colton couldn’t help but wonder if that’s exactly how it would look after a rough night of passionate sex. His indigo blue eyes were lazy with sleep and so utterly unguarded and openly honest. Colton knew that the lazy honesty would vanish as soon as he completely woke up, so he just soaked up the sheer beauty of it for as long as he could. Any second now, his guard would go up and he’d wrap himself in that protective shell that he used to block out anybody that tried to worm their way into his heart. Right now, he was looking at Colton with a hunger that he always tried to hide, but failed. His pretty mouth could tell all sorts of lies and deny how he felt, but his body betrayed him every single time.

Jagger’s eyes blinked away the sleep and Colton knew the second reality came crashing down, destroying the fun he’d been having watching the real Jagger. Shutters blocked the passion that had been dancing around in the blue orbs and an uncomfortable frown replaced the sensual beauty that had been there mere seconds ago.

“Why are you in my bed?”
More importantly, why didn’t it bother him that Colton was in his bed

His sleepy voice was scratchy sounding and it tickled Colton’s cock in a very arousing way. The fact that he’d climbed onto the air mattress and was currently straddling Jagger’s lean hips didn’t do anything to douse the fire that had been started in his loins. Naturally, Jagger’s morning wood was resting not-so-innocently right beneath him.

“Because you’re in it,” Colton answered smoothly. “Why else?” He nudged his ass against Jagger’s wood and asked, “Want me to take care of that for you? I’ll be more than happy to help a friend out.”

Jagger’s eyes focused even more as sleepiness slipped away and warning bells started ringing in his head. He should be mad that Colton had climbed into his bed and onto his lap. Shouldn’t he feel uncomfortable about being in bed with another guy? Shouldn’t he at least pretend that it didn’t feel so fucking right?

“A shower will take care of it just fine. Now, get off of me, you idiot.” He unsuccessfully tried to buck him off but Colton wasn’t budging. Damn, but when that boy put his mind to it, he could be fucking strong and unmovable. His feeble attempts at throwing Colton off only seemed to make the bastard want to snuggle in even closer. He leaned over him, bracing his elbows on either side of Jagger’s head and just grinned down at him.

Several seconds passed with Colton smirking and Jagger blinking innocently. Both of their bodies were on fire, blazing from desire; one denying and one praying that the other would be brave. When Colton saw that the eye-shutters were slipping back into place, he realized he’d lost this round…but he certainly hadn’t lost the fight. He’d know years ago that Jagger Jameson would one day belong to him and he was still believed it with all his heart. He would have him and when he got him, he was keeping him.

“Ever been snorkeling, wildcat?”

Jagger snorted. “I live in Kentucky, dude. Of course I’ve never been snorkeling. Is that your big date for the day? We’re snorkeling? What if I can’t swim?” Jagger was shocked that his voice sounded so casual…so normal…when all sorts of explosions were going off inside his body, mostly around the
and balls area. Colton, with all his hard muscles and chin stubble, should be turning him off as he towered over him, but it was definitely having an opposite effect on his body. If his pride would allow it, he could stay like this forever. Thank the fuck, he had his pride, though. He finally caught Colton unaware, and with one hard shove, he sent him toppling off the air mattress. Before the bastard had time to recover and jump on him again, Jagger was up and off the bed in an instant. Sure, his cock was hard and long, probably peering out from the top of his boxer briefs, but if he’d stayed in that position, with Colton dominating him so seductively, he knew he would have caved and given the arrogant bastard anything he wanted. Fuck…what they both wanted.

“Yummy,” Colton complimented with a nod toward Jagger’s crotch and a flicker of his tongue across his lips. Jagger’s face turned a beet red. “Do you know how to swim? Don’t tell me you’re going to drown on our first date? That would be so uncool, wildcat.” Jagger was
thankful that Colton chose to not comment on the fact that he had inadvertently admitted that he’d never been out of the state of Kentucky unless he’d been on basketball trips. Hell, this was the first fucking time he’d ever seen the ocean but he would never admit that to Colton.

“Stop staring, you idiot. Yes, I can swim. Where’s your shower?” He ran his fingers through his hair to keep from placing them in front of his crotch. He was pretty sure that move would make him look even more like the scared virgin, so he physically and mentally forced his hands to not move southward. “Shit, I don’t have any swimming trunks. Oh well, looks like the date is a bust. We could just head for the airport now?” He asked, trying to make his voice sound hopeful, but knowing he wanted to stay more than he wanted to go.

With a naughty smile, Colton dug into the pocket of his shorts, dug out a tiny scrap of cloth, and dangled it in front of Jagger. “It’s your lucky day! I have an extra pair of speedos you can wear!” He burst out laughing when Jagger actually took a couple of steps backward, like the itsy bitsy bikini bottoms were going to bite him or something.

“You’re kidding, right? I’m not wearing those,” Jagger growled. “Please tell me
aren’t wearing something like that,” he begged. “Those things are just wrong on about every level out there.”

“Everybody wears speedos here, dude. You’ve got to give them a try. They hug your cock and balls like a nice hand snuggling you all day long. They are fabulous!”

“I’m not goin
g if I have to wear a speedo.
End of story.” Jagger crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Colton.

Tossing his head back and laughing, Colton finally admitted, “I don’t wear those creepy things either. I’ve got you some board shorts and a T-shirt laid out in the bathroom. It’s down the stairs and the first door on the right. Be careful, it’s a tiny space. If you don’t watch everything, you’ll bump your head, knees, elbows…”

Jagger stalked by him…before he laughed. Shit, he was having fun, enjoying every second he spent with Colton. He shouldn’t be, but damn it to hell, he was. Maybe he could have fun for once in his life? Maybe veering from his plan for just twenty-four hours wouldn’t be the end of the world. He already had his job lined up for when he returned to Kentucky. His college education was going to pay off and he would never again be the poor, abused boy from backwoods Kentucky again. Yeah, he would be a new man…but maybe, just maybe, he could be a different person while he was here, with Colton. Could he give himself to another man…to
Colton? Fuck, Colton was the only man he would even consider fucking, but if he was honest with himself, he’d considered it ever since those words had been whispered in his ear in the shower room of camp. So many erotic dreams, shower stroke-offs, and wicked fantasies had been enjoyed whenever he’d allowed himself to remember Colton making that promise to him.
I’m going to fuck you so hard one day, Wildcat

Had that day finally come?

Three hours later, Jagger seriously thought there was a good chance he was in love with Colton. His belly was stuffed full with shrimp and grits. Before this morning, he knew he liked shrimp and he knew he liked grits, he just had no idea they were
’ awesome together. Following the man-sized breakfast, they’d boarded a boat owned by a friend of Colton’s’ and he was now snorkeling…right smack dab in the middle of the ocean. Never in his life would he have imagined he would have the opportunity to see what he was seeing. The coral reefs were beautiful and the colorful fish darting in and out around them were even more eye-catching. There were bright yellow fish, orange fish, blue fish…hell, almost every color in the crayon box.

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