Read OVERTIME Online

Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (29 page)

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“Fuck,” Jagger hissed in frustration. His teeth were gnawing at his bottom lip as Colton worked his body in all the ways he’d just realized he loved. “That feels so good. Bite harder,” he urged. A few minutes earlier, Jagger’s hands had been fisting the sheets but now they twisted in Colton’s hair, tugging roughly and urging him to continue his assault.

Colton took his time, kissing and sucking every inch of Jagger’s neck, chest, and stomach. He felt Jagger’s cock burning against his stomach, so he allowed his hand to move downward and begin stroking the heated flesh as his mouth tormented his upper body. Pre cum dripped from Jagger’s opening and he used it to coat the length.

Soft noises, whimpers, frustrated growls, and out-and-out pleadings escaped from Jagger, but Colton refused to rush. A soft smile touched his lips when he realized that his Wildcat was much more pliant than he’d been moments ago. He felt his lover’s hands touching him all over…some of them gentle and some of them very…ungentle. The touches were slowly becoming more determined and urgent. Just like the kitty cat he was, he demanded attention and damn well expected to receive it.

“I love you, Wildcat,” he whispered between tongue swipes. “I always have and I always will.”

Those words were nearly Jagger’s undoing. Tears threatened to slip out of his eyes. His heart hurt from happiness. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t ever remember anybody saying the words and meaning them. His mother had told him that before she left but there was no way she
could have possibly loved him since she was knowingly leaving him behind with a child abuser. He’d been on this earth for twenty three years, but he’d only truly lived since he’d been with Colton. He wanted to say the words…desperately wanted to say the words…but they froze in his throat.

Could he do it? Did Colton really care about him? What if all this was just a way to convince him to submit in the bedroom? What if Colton didn’t really care about him but just wanted to fuck him? What if Colton opened his eyes and realized he wasn’t worthy of that love? Fuck, what if he wasn’t even capable of love? The same damned questions that always haunted him started up again, threatening to ruin the night.


, it is okay, Wildcat. I love enough for both of us right now. Just stay with me. Let me love you.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Jagger answered honestly. At least he could admit to that; he wasn’t leaving Key West until he absolutely had to and that was still days away. He eased up on his elbows so he could capture Colton’s mouth in a kiss that he hoped would show how he felt, even though he couldn’t say the words. Their lips crashed together, tongues dancing, both grappling for control…both knowing who would end up with it. Colton was a pure top.

“I could do that for hours and hours,” Colton said. “I love how you taste.” He nipped a kiss-swollen lip. “I love how you smell.” His tongue swiped and earlobe and then he tugged it between his teeth until Jagger’s lower body bumped wantonly against him. “I love those sweet sounds you make when I’m making you feverish with desire…especially because you try so damned hard to hold them inside.” His mouth crashed against Jagger’s neck and he bit and sucked, determined to leave a brand there that everyone would see.

“Fuck, yeah,” Jagger moaned. “Show everybody who I belong to.”

“Damn, Wildcat, those are some fucking sexy words tumbling from your pretty mouth. It makes me happy to know you can let me know what you like in the bedroom.” He eased back to admire the mark he’d left on his lover. “Keep talking sweet shit like that and you aren’t going to be able to sit down at all tomorrow.”

“I thought that was the plan.”

Colton’s eyes sparkled with desire as he looked into Jagger’s lust-heavy gaze. “Nah, I’m going to go easy on you tonight, babe. Don’t you worry, though, I’ll keep that promise I made to you in that shower room. One day real soon, I’m going to fuck you hard.”

Jagger felt the blush heat his face. Yeah, he bet Colton could make it turn an even darker shade of crimson and that thought was confirmed when he heard his lover whisper his next words.

“Hand me the lube.”


Yeah, Jagger felt the heat on his face intensify and the arrogant grin on Colton’s face didn’t do a damned thing to make him feel any less nervous or vulnerable. The bastard was enjoying tormenting him.

Jagger reached for the nightstand and obediently retrieved the lube and handed it over. Colton noted that the hand giving him the lube trembled slightly and beautiful blue eyes flickered nervously between the lube and the spot where Colton’s cock bumped demandingly against his lower stomach.

“Tell me again this is going to feel good,” Jagger whispered. “I think I need to hear that right about now. From where I’m at…it really looks like it’s going to hurt. I mean, the tongue thing was really, really nice but that monster is bigger than your tongue.” He tried for a confident smirk, but failed miserably. “Are you positively sure this is how this is supposed to work?”

Colton tried to bite back his smile, but failed. “I’m positive this is how it is supposed to work.” He coated his fingers with the warm lube and tossed it aside. “This is going to feel good. I promise.”

Leaning back so his ass rested against his ankles, Colton pushed Jagger’s legs further apart and greedily looked at what he wanted so desperately. Jagger’s cock was long, hard, and decorated with beautiful veins and a large mushroom head that was dripping with pre cum. His hairless balls were full and begging to be suckled and tugged. The puckered hole was pink and was nervously clenching and unclenching.

“Stop staring. It makes me feel weird,” Jagger growled, his blush glowing even more furiously. A frown knit his brows as he glared up at Colton. His legs tried to tighten back
together but Colton held them in place, refusing to allow him to deny him the pleasure of looking.
What was this dude’s obsession with staring at his ass?

“You’re the most beautiful sight in the world to me, Wildcat. Let me look for just a few more seconds,” Colton pleaded. He didn’t want to make his lover uncomfortable, but, by dammit, he wanted to look. Their time together at Rory’s house had only wetted his appetite, making him long for more and he was determined to have it!

“Shit,” Jagger muttered and covered his eyes. He was doing that bottom lip bite that always drove Colton mad. “I can’t believe you’re teasing me like this. You damn well know I’m embarrassed.”

“Yep…and you’re so pretty when you’re embarrassed,” Colton countered but he silently agreed—they needed to continue moving forward before his lover went all tense on him again. His lubed finger traced the length of Jagger’s cock, from top to bottom, teasing and worshipping, then moved to his tight balls, cradling and testing their weight, before he finally allowed one finger to tease the puckered opening, not entering, just tracing the edges, ensuring lube was generously smeared all over the prize.

Jagger hissed in a breath and held it there when he felt Colton’s finger prod against his hole. His entire body tightened up as his nerves flat out took over and undid everything Colton had done to loosen him up. He wanted this…wanted this more than he’d wanted anything in his entire life, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t
concerned about the logistics of what was going to happen. Really, really concerned

“Nu-uh, don’t you go get tense on me all over again, Wildcat. Just relax and enjoy,” he purred as that damned finger kept circling and flickering against the pucker. “I’m going to make you feel so good; make us both feel so good,” he promised.

“Having a hard time believing you right about now,” Jagger muttered, still hiding his eyes. When the tip of a finger slid inside of him, he heard himself yelp in surprise and his back arched completely off the bed…which only succeeded in thrusting his hips toward the invading finger, sending it all the way inside him with one swift, unexpected, movement.

“Well, shit, I was planning on going a bit slower,” Colton said. “Are you okay, babe? I know there’s got to be a bit of a burn since you haven’t done this before.” He moved his finger, searching for the spot that would make Jagger forget all about any discomfort he felt at the moment. His finger crooked, twisted, and searched

“That’s it. I’m done. This isn’t going to work. I knew it wouldn’t work,” Jagger said, but there was a smile on his face. His teeth were gritting, but there was still the tiniest of smiles. It was fueled solely on trust.

“Your ass is so fucking tight,” Colton hissed as he continued his search.

“Yeah…I get that but stop wiggling your damned finger around like you’re looking for the lost pyramids. Holy fuck!” He bellowed as his head slammed back against the pillows and one of his legs jerked out with enough force that if he’d made contact with Colton, he would have knocked him flat off the bed and blacked his other eye. “What the fuck was
?” He tilted and then thrust his hips in Colton’s direction. “Do it the fuck again,” he ordered.

“Liked that, did ya
?” Colton asked. His finger rubbed the nub of nerves again, stroking Jagger’s prostate until his Wildcat was purring and bucking like the wild animal he was. “We’ve all got one of those and now that I’ve found yours, that makes you my bitch,” Colton purred happily.

Jagger’s neck turned in directions he was pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to turn in but the pleasure was making his body contort in ways of the unknown. His hand reached for his cock and he tried to pump himself but Colton slapped it away with a chuckle. Arrogant bastard. “If that didn’t feel so fucking good, I’d punch you for making a comment like that. Bitch, my ass,” he snorted. Then moaned. Then whimpered. Hell, maybe he was Colton’s bitch.

“Tighten up around my finger, babe,” Colton ordered as he pushed his finger in deeper, rubbing that sweet spot with the movement. The words were scandalously dirty.

Jagger tightened around the digit, loving how full it made him feel. He was ready. His body couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to feel Colton’s cock inside of him. “Fuck me, Colton,” he demanded. “Please.”

Colton gasped and then Jagger felt his finger slide out of him. He moaned at the emptiness the withdrawal made him feel but then he heard Colton rip open a condom. This is it. The lube bottle was opened again and the sound of Colton’s stroking his own cock, lubing himself up, was sexier than fuck. On the other hand, Jagger was still nervous as hell.

Colton’s hand stroked his side, sliding up and down in a gesture that was calming and erotically sensual. “You’ve got to relax for me, Jagger Jameson. If you aren’t relaxed, we don’t do this. I’m not going to hurt you,” Colton preached.

“Stop being such a pussy, Colton Montgomery,” Jagger countered and gave a little ass wiggle that shocked both of them. “I’m not going to break, Colton. I can handle anything you can dish out.” Ass. Wiggle.

Colton laughed. “I was kind of looking for something a lot more pleasurable than you just
it. I can’t believe how sassy you are in bed. I bet you’re going to be a demanding little fucker when you really get your feet under you.” He bit at his bubble ass. “Are you going to try to top from the bottom, babe?”

Jagger looked down at Colton through lust-heavy eyes, not having the first clue how fucking sexy the position made him look. “I have no clue what that even means but if you don’t get busy back there and fuck me, than I’m going to switch positions on you. My cock is screaming for some friction and my balls are screaming for release.”

When he felt the head of Colton’s cock pressed against his stretched opening, his sassy mouth slammed shut but his eyes remained wide open. His gaze was locked with Colton’s ocean-blue orbs and his hands gripped the sheets tightly. “Do it,” he urged.

Colton thrust forward, gently but forcefully.

“Fuck!” Jagger hissed, his face twisting into a painful expression. He could honestly say he felt like Colton’s cock was ripping him apart. He spewed out another curse word and gasped at the fiery, full pain consuming his ass. Every muscle in his body was rigid and angrily rebelling against the invasion. When he cut, the pain gave him a sense of peace. This pain hurt like a mother-fucker.

“Relax, babe. I won’t push all the way in until you’re ready, I promise,” Colton whispered as his hands started with the calming strokes again.

Jagger nearly reared off the bed. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? You aren’t all the way in?” His head fell against the pillow in defeat. Sweat trickled down his brow and matted his damp hair to his forehead. His chest rose and fell from a little bit of frustration and a hell of a lot of pain. His cock? Yeah, no longer hard. Colton remained perfectly still, poised between his spread legs. “Half-way?” He finally muttered.

“Uh…no,” Colton answered sheepishly. “Babe, we can’t do this if you are tense. I need you to relax for me. The other thing I need you to do is bear down like you’re trying to push me out.”

“I need you to shut the fuck up for a minute. Shit. Not halfway? What are you—some kind of cock cyborg or something?” The burn was starting to ease up, but he didn’t dare admit that to Colton. The dirty fucker might start…fucking. He tried to take a deep breath and think about something,
other than the fact he had a cock shoved up his ass—not halfway. Bear down. Try to push him out. He could do that. Maybe.

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