Nothing Short of a Miracle (18 page)

Read Nothing Short of a Miracle Online

Authors: Carol Henry

Tags: #Romance, #single mother, #spicy, #Contemporary, #christmas

BOOK: Nothing Short of a Miracle
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“Oh, my. Did you slap Charles’ face when he kissed you and created a scene?”

“No. No, I didn’t.”

“Hmmm. I wonder why? Could it be you really didn’t care that Charles hurt you, but cared that Chad did? Sounds to me as if Chad has gotten under your skin.”

Gabriella stood up. “I think it’s time to go shopping.”

“Good idea. We can go to the bookstore and see what your famous author has out there in print. Does he write under his own name?”

“No. At least I’m not sure if he does. I only know about the ones by Bronson B. Brady—a crime detective kind of novel.”

“Bronson B. Brady? Oh! My! God! Bronson B. Brady is famous! I love his books. They’re terrific. Let’s go do some detective work of our own.”

Gabriella thoroughly enjoyed her afternoon shopping trip with Mindy. It was just what she needed to get her mind off everything, although the memory of Chad’s kiss still lingered.

She decided to have Nina’s picture taken on Santa’s lap. After all, a baby’s first Christmas only happened once in a lifetime. Gabriella wanted to make sure she’d have pictures and memories for when Nina was grown. Gabriella vowed she would do everything in her power to see Nina had a wonderful childhood regardless of how hard she had to work, or the sacrifices she’d have to endure to make it happen. It would all be worth it.

Christmas greens and red bows hung from the ceiling and posts in the center of the mall. Dressed in black pants, white shirts, red jackets, and elfin green hats, the local community chorus sang one Christmas song after another, presenting a very festive atmosphere. A large tree shaped out of hundreds of poinsettias stood behind Santa’s North Pole. It was a heart-warming and comforting scene, and Gabriella thrilled at the sight. Even Nina was fascinated by it all.

Picture taken, Nina tucked her snuggly into the stroller once again. Gabriella and Mindy finished their shopping. The mall’s walkways were full of individual crafters and specialty shops for the season, making it easy to find a little something for each of the Hempsteads and Chad’s nieces and nephews. She found a snow angel tree ornament, a reminder of her frolic in the snow with Chad. In spite of their argument last night, she couldn’t resist purchasing it.

Finally, exhausted and hungry, they stayed at the mall for dinner. Once seated, Gabriella asked the waitress to warm Nina’s bottle, and while they waited for their meal to arrive, Gabriella held Nina on her lap and fed her. Nina feasted greedily on the warm milk, while tiny fingers grasped the bottle to keep it in place.

“You look so natural holding her,” Mindy said. “I think you were meant to be a mom. Someday maybe you’ll have one of your own.”

“I’d like that—a brother or sister for Nina.” Gabriella pictured a little boy who looked an awful lot like Chad.

Get a grip
It is not going to happen. Not after last night.

“What about you?” Gabriella turned the tables on Mindy. “You’re wonderful with Nina. You’d make a great mom, too.”

“Do you really think so?”


Their dinner arrived and any words of wisdom died on Gabriella’s lips as Nina gave a hearty burp, a reaction to being patted softly on her back. Unfortunately along with the burp, Nina spit up, staining Gabriella’s sweater. With quick reflexes, Gabriella whisked them both to the lady’s room where she washed Nina and herself, and changed Nina’s diaper before returning to their table. Gabriella placed Nina back in the stroller where she began kicking her chubby legs and arms and making gurgling sounds at the same time. Gabriella made sure Nina was secure before finally getting a chance to finish eating her own meal.

“So much for motherhood,” Mindy said, chuckling.

“It’s worth it, Mindy. I’m learning to take it all in stride, just like everything else.”

“Speaking of men, we haven’t checked out the bookstore yet.”

“Who said anything about men?” Gabriella smiled.

“We were about to and you know it. What say we go to the bookstore after we eat? Nina’s been so good, and she’s just about asleep. She’ll survive another hour at the mall.”

Gabby hesitated. Mindy continued.

“Don’t worry, we’ll have you sneaking back in the Hempstead’s so you can escape running into Chad before he even knows you’ve been gone.”

“I really need to apologize—the sooner the better. But it doesn’t have to be today.”

When they arrived at the bookstore, they were surprised to see two rows of books with Bronson B. Brady’s name on the spine. A stirring of pride washed over her. She picked out one and read the back cover, then studied the embossed front cover with his name in big letters across the top.

“Here, you’ll love this one. It’s one of the Dean Reynolds Detective series you mentioned,” Mindy said, handing her a book.

Gabriella looked at it:
Award Winner. New York Times’ #1 Best Seller.
She ran her hand over the cover and carefully turned the pages and began reading. She was intrigued. Instead of being caught trying to borrow one from the Hempstead’s library, Gabriella decided to purchase Chad’s latest release. She wanted to find out just how talented
Bronson B. Brady
was. Maybe reading his books would give her some insight into the complex man.

“Let me buy it,” Mindy grabbed the book away from her.

“You don’t have to do that. I can afford a book.”

“That’s not the point. I’ll let you read it if you agree to get Bronson B. Brady to autograph it for me.”

“I think you’d have a better chance of getting his autograph than I would at the moment. He’ll probably throw the book back at me.”


A constant procession of visitors stopped by the Hempstead’s laden with Christmas baskets full of an assortment of homemade baked goods to wish his mother well and spread holiday cheer. With all the festive food coming into the house, Chad figured Ethel wouldn’t have to bake anything until next July. Ethel set out for one group of visitors what the previous visitors had brought. This continued on and off all day until well into the evening. Chad gave up waiting for Gabby to come home. Instead, he retreated to his room wondering where she’d been all day—was she coming back at all?

He took a deep breath, sat down at his computer, and turned it on. Dean Reynolds might just as well get lucky with the ladies tonight and have a hot night out on the old town tonight on Chad’s behalf, because he sure as hell wasn’t going to.

By the time Dean picked up his date, had dinner, took the lady home with an invitation to stay for breakfast, not to mention one long, hot steamy shower shared in one tight shower stall and a sultry, sexy, satisfyingly long, long night having hot, slow, slow, sometimes fast sex, Chad was exhausted. And so hot, so hard, and so ready to head for a cold shower himself, he was tempted to by-pass the washroom down the hall and go right to Gabriella’s room and beg forgiveness. As well as ask other favors.

Chad wanted Gabriella. It was all Dean's fault—Dean had gotten what Chad wanted.

Dean Reynolds was one happy man tonight. After his night of lovemaking, he’d gone on to solve his case, win the police detective department’s highest award for his efforts and bravery, and then flew off into the sunset with his lady-love at his side to a remote part of the world while he waited for the next crime case to come along.

Chad’s own love life was just about as boring as a dead rat’s. Reflecting back was painful. He meant it when he told his father he was tired of women chasing after him for financial gain and security. But he was wrong about Gabby.

He rubbed his cheek. He’d deserved her slap.

At two in the morning, Chad was still lying on top of the covers, his mind wandering in circles trying to figure it all out. Gabby wasn’t like those other women. His father was right. He had to apologize, had to ask Gabby for a pardon—even if it didn’t change things between them. It was the right thing to do.

In the meantime, a cold shower might cool him down enough so he could get his mind off her and get some sleep.

Chapter Eleven

Arriving back at the Hempstead’s, Gabriella entered the library to let Helen know she was home.

“I’m glad you had a lovely time, dear. You look tired. Off to bed with you and Nina. I’ll see you in the morning. We can have a nice chat after church services tomorrow over tea, and you can tell me all about your day.”

Grateful Helen wasn’t in the mood to chat, Gabriella carried Nina and her shopping bag up to their room. She treaded quietly up the stairs and down the hallway, hoping Chad was engrossed in his writing and wouldn’t hear her footsteps. Gently closing her bedroom door, she settled Nina for the night and climbed in bed with one of the books she’d let Mindy buy. Before she knew it, her bedside digital clock flashed two o’clock in the morning. The book had indeed held her interest. She didn’t want to put it down. But she had to get some sleep soon, otherwise she would have a hard time keeping up with Nina and Helen’s schedule in the morning. Deciding a quick shower would relax her tight muscles so she could get a good night’s sleep, Gabriella checked on Nina, gathered her toiletries and padded down the hall to the washroom.

Adjusting the water, she drew the shower curtain around the tub and proceeded to undress, laying her clothes carefully to the side. Stepping into the tub, Gabriella changed the knobs on the faucet, allowing the hot water to fill up around her.

She stood up to reach for the bottle of bath foam from above the sink. The door swung open. Chad stood frozen in place in a pair of tight, white briefs—his only clothing. His hair tousled, his eyes glazed, his body…all too intriguing… and sexy as hell.

Gabriella gasped. She tucked the shower curtain around her, but it clung to her wet skin.

Chad’s mouth dropped open, then shut.

“So, we meet again,” he said, his eyebrows raised, his hands resting on his hips.

Gabby took a deep breath to calm her racing heart.

“I can see you haven’t learned to knock.”

“Sorry, I didn’t see a sticky note on the door. Didn’t realize anyone was still up, otherwise I would’ve put my pants on. I didn’t hear the shower running. Sorry.”

Neither moved.

Gabriella’s gaze was drawn to his tight abs, his muscular thighs, and all his other magnificent body parts straining against his briefs.

“Do I pass inspection?” His voice was low, sexual, and barely audible.

Startled by his boldness, Gabriella gasped. His half grin and cocky stance unnerved her. His words shocked her back to her own predicament—her nude state and his near-nude body together in the same room. Standing, admiring each other had disaster written all over it. She sank down into the tub—there were no bubbles to hide her body parts, and the heat now circling throughout her body had nothing to do with the hot water in the tub.

“Do you mind?” she demanded behind the shower curtain.


Oh, Lord.
Gabriella wanted him to go away. She wanted him to disappear. She wanted him to…
She wanted him. She had never wanted anyone as much as she wanted Chad Hempstead.

Gabriella held her breath and waited. It was too quiet in the room. Slowly, she peeled back the shower curtain and peeked around it. He hadn’t moved an inch. She dropped the curtain back in place and prayed he’d disappear. When that didn’t work, she counted to ten. Slowly.

“Go away,” she demanded.


Damn. Now what?

“Please. Just go away so I can get out.”

“You just got in.”

“Go away.”

“What do you need?”

Gabriella sighed. Perhaps if she told him, he’d get it and leave.

“Bubble bath. Now go away.”

The shower curtain moved. A muscular, hairy arm appeared, holding a cream-colored bottle of bath foam over her head.


“Don’t mention it.”

He was still in the room, she could sense him, feel his presence with every cell of her being. She wanted to cry out in frustration, in embarrassment, and just because. She was tired from shopping, she was tired of sparing with him, and tired of having to deal with the hand fate had dealt her.

Gabriella poured a hearty dollop of liquid from the bottle into the bath water and splashed it around until bubbles formed along the top of the water. He could stand there all night if he wanted. She didn’t care. She wasn’t getting out.

She slid down into the deep tub, rested her head along the edge, and closed her eyes. And hiccupped!

“Are you all right?”

She wrung out the washcloth and placed it over her face.

“Fine,” she hiccupped again, wishing him away.

“You don’t sound fine. Are you crying?”

“I never cry.”

“It sounds like you’re crying.”

“Go away.” She hiccupped once more. “I’m fine.”

“Listen, Gabby, I’m really sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’ve felt like a heel ever since I kissed you.”

Gabriella sat up in the tub. Water sloshed over the rim.
He was sorry he’d kissed her?
It had been a wonderful kiss—she couldn’t stop thinking about it
. Obviously their kiss didn’t matter to him if he was sorry he kissed her? On top of everything else, if that didn’t put her in her place, nothing did.

“I’m sorry, too. I’m sorry I slapped you. You hurt my feelings, but that was no excuse.”

“I understand. But you didn’t slap Charles’ face. Why is that?”

“You didn’t give me a chance,” she said, suddenly realizing the truth of it. “You slugged him before I had a chance.”

“I wonder why?”

His voice low, Gabriella almost missed his words. Mortified at his comments and their entire conversation, Gabriella slipped deeper into the tub and immersed her entire body underwater, head included, hoping he would just go away so she could be humiliated all on her own.

But her respite from his closeness was short lived. Two hands lifted her from the tub and the now cool water without ceremony, and she was held tightly against one strong, warm, firm, enticing unclothed body—skin to skin.

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