Nothing Short of a Miracle (21 page)

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Authors: Carol Henry

Tags: #Romance, #single mother, #spicy, #Contemporary, #christmas

BOOK: Nothing Short of a Miracle
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Chad obeyed and carried the heavily laden tray to the kitchen. When he returned, he gave Ethel a quick hug and placed a quick kiss on her forehead. “You see too much. You know us too well. Which isn’t always a good thing. People in my books die for less,” he said with a grin.

“As long as you keep them in your books, young man. Now, go upstairs. You have a lot to think about.”

She pushed him out the door toward the stairs. He let her.

She was right. He did have a lot to think about. In truth, he had already done a lot of thinking. What he needed now was to take action. He wasn’t giving up. He was home for as long as it took to work things out with Gabby. That was a promise he’d already made to himself. Now, he just had to figure out his plan of action.

What would Dean Reynolds do? Dean was forceful, took control of every situation, and never let the girl call any of the shots. It was Dean’s way or the highway. Maybe that’s what he needed to be—forceful. Take her in his arms. Declare his love. And of course she would fall right into his arms and they would end up in bed, spending the night making mad, passionate love.
The End.

God, just thinking about lying next to Gabby in bed had his BVDs stretching tight. He shut his eyes and pictured them together, naked, touching, kissing. His hands were touching her breasts. Now they were sliding down over her smooth, soft stomach and nearing…

A loud knock on his bedroom door startled him, bringing him out of his erotic daydream. He didn’t even recall walking into his room or closing the door.

The knock sounded again. Chad shook himself, wiping the moisture from his forehead and upper lip. He needed a shave.

Chad took a deep, steadying breath, before he opened the door. Gabby stood on the other side barefoot, wearing her bathrobe. Her magnificent auburn hair tumbled around her face. She made an enticing sight with her jade eyes wide, but cautious, yet all-knowing, as if they could look right through into his very soul. It was very disconcerting and at the same time very endearing. And seductive. Transfixed, Chad could only stare.

“What were you thinking?” Gabriella asked. “What makes you think you have to take care of Nina for the rest of her life?”

She stamped her foot and pointed those luscious fingers at his chest. If she touched him, he wasn’t going to be responsible for his actions. He had worked himself into a lather over her mere moments ago. Spitfire or not, he wanted her now.

“Well, what have you got to say for yourself? I told you I didn’t want your money. I’m not for sale. At any price.”

Chad bit his tongue. There was always a price to pay—but he’d found out too late it didn’t always have to be monetary. He hoped he wasn’t too late. He was willing to pay any price—grovel if that’s what it was going to take to make her listen to reason.

Her breasts rose and fell beneath her robe. He held his breath. Was she naked beneath that tantalizing piece of material? She clutched the belt on her robe and drew it tighter. He let out the breath he’d been holding and reached for her.

“We need to talk, but I don’t think now is the time. You’re upset.”

She skirted around him, her green eyes black with anger. Damn, she looked sexy. He wanted to kiss her rage away. Yes, she had every right to be mad at him for using Nina’s trust fund as a means to help her, but it hadn’t been out of sympathy—it had been out of love.

“Now is as good a time as any, so don’t stand there and tell me to go away like a good little girl. I want answers, Chad, and I want them now. Why? Why did you go behind my back and make me think Tom had provided for her?”

“Simple. Because I knew you wouldn’t accept my help any other way. I did it for Nina. I fell in love with the little tyke. I wanted to make sure she had security no matter what life brought her way.”

“It’s not simple at all and you know it. I told you we don’t need your help.”

“Listen, it’s no big deal. I can afford it. I wanted to do it. It’s done.”

“I won’t accept it.”

“If you don’t use it now, she gets whatever is left after her college expenses are paid, or when she turns twenty-five.”

A defeated look came over her face. He wanted to wipe it away and make her smile again. She turned to walk out of his room. He pulled her back.

“I did it because I care—for you, too,” he whispered. “I don’t go around handing out money to everyone.”

She hoped she wasn’t making a mistake. Standing next to him in his room, so close, his hand on her arms, it was all she could do to stop from running into his arms. She’d been so angry at him once she’d figured out why Mindy and Dennis had been so evasive about signing papers for the trust fund, she’d kept her distance the rest of the evening. It had hurt, knowing he had devised a way to give her money. Lord, she had to admit it didn’t stop her from wanting to be near him. His shirt hung open, exposing his broad chest and flat torso, and it was almost more than she could stand. She cleared her throat, the silence disconcerting.

His slate-blue eyes reminded her of a deep, turbulent ocean. His black hair tumbled over his forehead like a stalwart ship’s captain standing at the helm on a stormy night at sea. She had the strongest urge to run her fingers through his hair. She started to lift her hand, caught herself and dropped it back to her side.

Chad caught the movement. She could see it in his mesmerizing eyes. She waited for his response, wished he would say something. Anything. But he didn’t.

Caught in a world where nothing existed except the two of them, neither were capable of breaking the sexual tension spinning out of control around them. Gabriella couldn’t move—didn’t want to leave.

Chad finally broke the spell, his words softly spoken. “I’ve been a jackass, and I have no good excuse. God, Gabby, I’m sorry. Please forgive me for hurting you. And I’m sorry I didn’t call you from New York or say goodbye before I left. The longer I left it, the harder it was to pick up the phone. I didn’t want to talk about
over a damn phone,” he growled.

Her heartbeat raced.
Did he really believe there was an us? Especially after tonight?

He rubbed his hands through his hair. “I wasn’t sure of… well, you.
Where this whole thing was… is going.”

“I understand. I know about the other women—Tanya—only wanting you for your money. It’s not who I am. I don’t need a lot of money to be happy.” If she didn’t leave soon, she wouldn’t be able to leave at all.

He drew her further into his room—the contact magnetic. She sighed.

“I think it’s great you care so much for Nina. But I feel as if I’m being bought off, damn you,” she chastised him softly.

“Damn me all you want, just don’t go. I’ve done nothing but dream about you all night. You’ve been driving me crazy with those come hither looks.”

“Those were daggers I was throwing your way. I’m still upset.”

“Then take your anger out on me. I deserve it. All of it.”

Before Gabriella could respond, she found herself in Chad’s arms. He covered her face with tentative kisses. By the time his lips met hers, her legs were about to give out—the kiss sapping the far reaches of her inner core. The overwhelming emotional tug on her heartstrings swept her away. She wrapped her arms around Chad and gave as good a she got—kiss for kiss.

His kisses became demanding, then became slow, sensual, and lingering. Her blood boiled and cascaded through her veins—intoxicating, heady. Drowning in a sea of emotional bliss, she didn’t need or want to be rescued.

Chad slid his hands to the front of her robe and inched the soft fabric aside. The belt hung loose and fell away. The soft silky fabric of her nightshirt did nothing to impede the sensations his touch aroused. His fingers slid under the fabric, he cupped her bare breast in the palm of his hand. Gabriella’s knees buckled. He caught her, swung her up into his arms, and closed the door with his foot.

“Steady, Love,” Chad said, nuzzling her neck. “I’ve waited all day to do this. Thank God, you’re here now.”

He kissed her tenderly, and whispered softly next to her trembling lips. He carried her to his bed, where he paused.

“Tell me to stop if you don’t want this, Gabby. You’ve got to tell me, now.”

“I want this,” she breathed. “Don’t stop now, Chad. Please.”

“You’ve got to be sure, Gabby,” he said, softly kissing her just below her earlobe, down her neck, across her bare shoulder, then lower.

Gabby shuddered—his lips and breath were feather light—erotic, mesmerizing. She held her own breath, but breathing wasn’t necessary. The honesty in the moment was all-consuming—she allowed herself to be swept away.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Oh, yes.”

He laid her on the bed, and joined her.

A sense of longing so strong coursed through her. His ardent kisses were no longer enough. Gabriella clung to Chad like a lifeline—wanting, needing more. He pulled her into a crushing embrace that lasted a lifetime.

Coming up for air, Chad gently held her from him. She saw the truth of his need shining there for her to see. She wanted to tell him she loved him, right then and there. Wanted to shout it out loud to the world. But she held back, still afraid to share those words with another man. The assault on her senses continued as Chad rained more kisses on her lips, her neck, and finally the soft mound of her breast held firmly in his palm. Gabby didn’t know when he had removed her robe, or her nightshirt, or his clothes, but she didn’t care. He lifted her to heights far beyond her imagination.

Every part of his body touched every part of hers, and the heat of it had her in flames. She floated in midair, and the miracle of it all was that he seemed to be floating right along with her. Nothing in the whole world mattered right now except for his touch. Moonlight shone through the window as Chad softly stroked the length of her body. Several heated moments later, when they finally could wait no longer, Chad’s fumbled attempt to enter her only to encounter a tender barrier Gabriella had guarded for so long.

He pulled back.

For a split second, Gabriella was afraid he would stop. She took matters into her own hands. Shy, but in the throes of passion, and in love with a man who she was afraid was about to leave her side, Gabriella placed her hands on Chad’s firm, warm, hips and pulled him into her. In a heartbeat the discomfort forgotten, they found a rhythm that was theirs alone.


Chad lost it. Gabby was a virgin. It never occurred to him that she hadn’t had a physical relationship with Charles. The pounding of his heart matching hers was spiritual—their union ordained.

They lay together, afterwards, his arms held her next to him. He was the luckiest guy in the universe. The gift she had just given him was a true blessing. A miracle.

Gabby snuggled closer, her head tucked comfortably under his chin. He smiled. He couldn’t help it. He was her first lover—it was a heady and powerful sensation. On a more mundane level, he’d just bested Dean Reynolds, his fictitious love’em and leave’em heartbreaker hero in his novels. Maybe it was time for Dean to settle down and find his own special someone to spend the rest of his life with, too. Well, maybe not. Dean had a few more murder mysteries to solve before he retired. But Chad, although not ready to retire, was pretty sure he and Gabby could be happy together for a long time to come—if their spectacular lovemaking was any indication.

“Did I just wake up from a wonderful dream?”

“If it was a dream, I don’t want to wake up,” she murmured.

Chad pulled her into his arms and together they made love, slowly, passionately with both their hearts fully engaged. Again. And Again.

When he awoke the following morning, Chad was still smiling. He stretched, anticipating holding Gabby in his arms for an early morning nuzzle. But she wasn’t there. He sighed. Then smiled again. She couldn’t have gone far.

Chad jumped from bed, naked, grabbed his robe, and headed to the shower almost wishing Gabby would be there. But he was doomed to disappointment when there was no sign of her anywhere.

Half an hour later, refreshed from the warm pelting shower spray, Chad walked out a new man. Making love to Gabby had been like nothing he had ever experienced in his entire life. He couldn’t wait to see her this morning, take her in his arms, and lavish kisses on her once again.

Dean Reynolds, eat your heart out!

Chapter Thirteen

“Oh, my God! What did I do last night?” Gabriella paced back and forth in her room. She’d never given herself to anyone before. But with Chad, it had felt so right—so wonderful. She’d missed him while he’d been in New York, and she’d fallen in love with the man. It must have been the wassail—she must have consumed too much of it during the caroling without realizing it. Of course, seeing him half naked in the moonlight in his bedroom had only heightened her own desires. But, Lord, to give herself to a man who hadn’t even said he loved her? It was the most colossal mistake she’d ever made. How to explain her wanton behavior last night? In Chad’s arms. In his bed. She cupped her hands to her face, the heat spiking just thinking about what she’d done. Oh, the passion of it, and now the regret.

She didn’t regret having lain in his arms, having made love to him.

But, how was she ever going to face him this morning. And oh, what a field day Helen would have if she found out.

Gabriella procrastinated going downstairs.

Images of their lovemaking kept flashing in her mind. Her heart constricted, knowing Chad was not the marrying kind. He didn’t need his orderly life spiraling out of control with a baby around all the time. Especially, one who wasn’t his. No matter what he said about caring for Nina, it wouldn’t work. He needed un-interrupted time to write. She had to think of her future—hers and Nina’s. Having an affair with Chad was not on her list, short or long-term, of goals and priorities. He was leaving for New York City right after Christmas. Only two more days left—she would make an effort to try to keep out of Chad’s way. How hard could it be with him working in his room all day?

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