Nothing Short of a Miracle (16 page)

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Authors: Carol Henry

Tags: #Romance, #single mother, #spicy, #Contemporary, #christmas

BOOK: Nothing Short of a Miracle
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He’d need a miracle to untangle his emotions and get out of this mess with his sanity still intact.


By the time Nina settled back to sleep, all the guests had left and a silent peacefulness blanketed the Hempstead’s home once more. Gabriella was wide-awake after resting, and decided to go to the kitchen to get a cup of tea and some of Ethel’s holiday treats to take back to the library where she could relax next to what was left of the fire. She ran a brush through her hair, slipped into her white terry robe, and tightened the belt. She slipped on a pair of warm, fuzzy slipper-socks and quietly shut the door and tiptoed down the hallway.

She’d been on edge ever since her sister’s accident, and had finally started to enjoy being a mother. Staying at the Hempstead’s had helped. She was happier than she’d been in a long time. Still, the incident with Charles tonight, had left her emotions raw and in shambles.

The day had started out so well, only going downhill when Charles arrived. And ending with Chad punching Charles in the nose. She was glad the incident hadn’t blown into a full-scale fistfight. She’d never be able to show her face again if it had come to that.

A few embers glowed in the grate, and the smell of apple wood filled the room. Gabriella set her cup and plate of cookies down on the end table, and settled back in the plush cushions. She smiled to herself, resting her head on one of the throw pillows.

The lights were low, and even though the tree lights had been unplugged, the full moon shone through the window. A magical peace filled the room. Something about the coziness of the muted sights and sounds of the night wrapped around her like a protective, warm, secure blanket. A feeling of belonging, of being home made her think of her parents and sister. She missed them all so much.

Restless, Gabriella walked to the window and gazed at the winter wonderland outside. The lake was partially frozen. Lights twinkled on either side of the snow-covered shores, their glow sparkled on the water. With a deep sigh, she turned and crossed the room to the bookshelves.

Gabriella was surprised at the Hempstead’s eclectic selection. Along with classics, business, law, and even children’s books, she was intrigued by the large collection by an author named Bronson B. Brady. After perusing the titles, Gabriella discovered Mr. Hempstead was fond of these detective novels.

She had just chosen one of the many books lining the middle shelf—
Detective Dean Reynolds: On Ice
—when she remembered Dennis had said Chad had been acting just like Dean Reynolds. So had Chad’s sisters. Book in hand, Gabriella went back to her chair. About to settle in for a good read, she was startled when Chad entered the room. He looked near froze to death from the cold, and her newly acquired motherly instincts kicked in. She ran to his side at the same time he started toward the warmth of the fire. Almost colliding, they stopped in front of each other. Chad placed his hands on her shoulders to steady her.

“Your hands are freezing,” she said.

“I’ve been for a walk.”

“In this weather?” She clutched the book she held in both hands against her chest. His hands might be cold, but the heat emanating from his body made the glowing embers in the fireplace flicker no warmer than a candle. Her eyes smoldered, but before she could guess at his intentions, she was in his arms. Chad’s lips locked possessively over hers, his strong arms circling her waist. He kissed her as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

Caught up in the moment, Gabriella let the book slip from her hands onto the carpet. It landed with a soft thud.

Gabriella’s feet rose from the floor as Chad lifted her in the air and swirled her around like a music-box dancer. As they slowed, the silent music entwining them reached an end—their breaths mingled, drawing sustaining life from each other. Their hearts beat in unison, a symphony only the two of them shared. Chad held her secure in his embrace, their lips still clinging. Slowly, Gabriella slid down Chad’s now hot, taut body, feeling every muscle, every… everything until the tips of her toes made contact with the carpet once again. She rested her forehead on his chest and listened to his heartbeat… or was it hers? She couldn’t tell. Chad’s chin rested on top of her head, his breath teasing her hair. She turned her cheek into his chest, smelled the fresh outdoors, and blinked back to the present. She didn’t want the magical spell to end. She simply wanted to stay in his arms forever. She had finally come home. Safe. Secure. Loved?

Chad swayed with Gabriella in his arms. Having to let go was the most abysmal idea in the world. Everything about this woman turned his preconceived images of love upside-down. He didn’t know where they were headed, but he had to tell his mother to stop matchmaking already. He could handle things just fine all on his own.

“Who needs mistletoe?” he whispered, and putting his fingers under her chin, lifted her face to his. His own feelings of longing were reflected in her eyes. He couldn’t resist kissing her again. But when he leaned toward her, his foot kicked something on the floor. He looked down and found his face staring up at him from the back cover of one of his books Gabriella had been holding. Glancing back at Gabriella, her eyes closed, waiting for his kiss, he saw red. He’d been a fool once again. Thankfully, the trust fund he’d secretly arranged for Nina had stipulations. He’d chided himself for being so cautious when his lawyer had suggested the cautionary measures. It’s a good thing he hadn’t listened to his heart after all.

Gabriella stumbled forward, losing her balance. The two of them tumbled to the floor and the book skirted across the room.

“Ah,” he said, and reached down to retrieve it. “An interesting choice. Why this one in particular? The author, perhaps?”

The author?
Gabriella wasn’t sure what he was getting at. Chad’s tone, while soft and seductive, held a hint of something else that belied his suggestiveness. What did reading the book by Bronson B. Brady have to do with anything?

“I…I don’t know what you mean,” Gabriella stuttered softy, trying to get up. “I came down for tea and wanted something to read.”

“So you picked that book? Do you know the author, hmmm…?”

“No. No, I don’t. I just found several here. They looked interesting. I’ve got to admit the name Dean Reynolds piqued my interest after Dennis and your sisters commented on it earlier.”

“My sisters? What did they tell you? What about Dean Reynolds?”

“Nothing. They just said he was a character. I didn’t realize he was a character in a book until I spotted it on the shelf. I decided to read one and find out for myself, seeing as no one was willing to tell me anything.”

“Tell me, why did Charles say you were after my money?”

“Why does Charles say anything? I don’t know—maybe because I asked him for a small loan and he turned me down. But it isn’t true. I told you before, I don’t need anyone’s money.”

“So you say. Why would he mention it if it wasn’t true? I was right about you all along, wasn’t I?”

Gabriella bristled. Her eyes narrowed.

“I thought we got beyond this. Apparently I was wrong.”

Chad handed her the book, his picture staring back from the back cover.

“It’s you.” She smiled in amazement. “Oh, my God. Chad. That’s you! I can’t believe it. You’re the author!”

“You knew. Of course you knew,” he stated. “You couldn’t have Charles, so you settled on making a grab for me? You waited up for me and my money tonight and made it look like a chance meeting.”

“What are you talking about?” Gabriella stared at him as if he had two heads—she was in the Twilight Zone. She steadied her shaky legs and brushed her hands down the side of her robe to stop them from trembling.

“I had no idea. No one ever said.” Wow. Chad was Bronson B. Brady and Dean Reynolds was a character in his books. There were a number of his books lining the shelf. He must be famous. And wealthy. No wonder he accused her of being after his money.

Her robe had come undone from their tumble on the floor. She tightened the belt, brushed the hair back from her face, and didn’t give a damn if her socks had slipped off her feet during their earth-shattering kiss. She felt cheapened, insulted, and close to tears.

Angrier than she had ever been before, even when Charles had dumped her, Gabriella exploded. She might be a fool once for thinking she was in love with Charles, but she wasn’t going to be caught a second time. Especially, by someone who accused her of being after his money. Apparently, Chad hadn’t gotten past that point. Had he been manipulating her all this time waiting to see if she would slip up so he could prove she was like all the other women that were after his money?

“First of all,” she said, catching her breath and letting it out in a rush. “Do I look like I’m dressed for seduction? Second of all, I don’t know who Bronson B. Brady is, but I do know Chadwick Hempstead, Jr. And from where I’m standing he isn’t much of a catch.”

“Maybe not, but I have the bank account that reels them in.”

Gabriella’s arm flew foreword, the flat of her palm connecting with Chad’s cheek before she could call it back. The loud crack filled the silent room, sounding an awful lot like the embers popping in the fireplace. But she wasn’t about to apologize. Or be humiliated again.

“I trusted you. I thought you really cared for me. But I guess I was wrong. Again.”

Chad stood silent.

“I don’t get
reeled in
, and I never check anyone’s bank accounts before I let them kiss me. And I don’t need to stand here and be insulted by you. For the last time, I don’t need your money. Hell, I don’t even need this job any longer. A trust has been set up for Nina, so she’s no longer the burden everyone seems to think.”

Beyond tears, Gabriella no longer needed or wanted a book to read. She skirted around Chad, stopped in the doorway, turned back, and found his face ashen, sporting a red mark on his left cheek where her hand had connected.

“You need to figure out what the important things in life are, Junior. Grow up. Not everyone is after your money.”


Gabriella refused to cry. She lay on top of the bedcovers, eyes closed. An errant tear trickled from the corner of her eyelid. Wiping it away would only acknowledge it. She wouldn’t cry over Chad Hempstead/Bronson B. Brady no matter how devastated she was to realize she had fallen in love with him. He didn’t trust her with who he was. And she wasn’t going to acknowledge she had just admitted she had fallen in love with him.

Another tear trickled down Gabriella’s cheek, making its way slowly down her face, landing next to her ear, seeping silently into the pillow. Gabriella squeezed her eyes shut. Her hands lay limp at her sides.

She refused to cry.


Not sure what had just happened, Chad plunked down on the easy chair Gabriella had been sitting in next to the fire. What he did know was their kiss had been one hellava kiss and it had shaken him up more than he’d care to admit. He hadn’t meant to turn against Gabby.
Hearing Charles call Gabby a gold-digger had all his old fears resurfacing. Seeing her hold his book in her hands had triggered the past hurt. It was no excuse. He’d blown it. He’d deserved the slap.

Chad lifted his left hand and rubbed his cheek—the sting had dissipated, but the touch of her hand lingered. It had all seemed so clear when he returned from his walk. He was sure Gabby’s feelings were as real as his. He had safeguarded his pseudonym for so long and hoped she wouldn’t find out who he was until he was positive she was falling for him—Chad, not Brady. Now, he’d killed any chance there might have been between them.

She probably hated his guts and wouldn’t speak to him for the rest of his life. He didn’t blame her. He hadn’t trusted her with the truth. How far could their relationship go without trust?

When Chad woke early the following morning, he wondered why he was in the library sleeping and who had covered him with a blanket. Then he remembered, and he wanted to forget. He’d been such an ass. And all because he’d seen Charles kiss the woman he loved.

Loved? When the hell had that happened?

Chad sat up, rested his elbows on his knees and covered his face with the heel of his hands. He rubbed his eyes, then looked around the room. A soft glow from the window told him it was early morning. It wouldn’t be long before everyone would be up and about and ready for breakfast. After last night he didn’t think he could face any of them.

Especially, Gabby. How could he ever face her again?

The fireplace was cold now, except for a single ember peeking out between the grate full of ashes. It reminded him of himself—his heart was still beating, but something good that had started between him and Gabby had turned to ashes. His fault, of course.

Chad closed his eyes again. A big mistake. He was unable to close his eyes without seeing Gabby—first the shower, the sweetness of her making snow angels, holding Nina in her arms, and tonight, holding her in his arms—rolling on the floor. Her robe had come undone when they had tumbled together. He’d looked down at her. Damn, she was the sexiest lady he’d ever seen. Soft and cuddly in her long teal colored nightshirt that barely covered her thighs. It was nothing like those cold silk negligees of Tanya’s he’d never cared for. Sure, they showed a lot of skin, but they weren’t something you could snuggle up to on a cold winter’s night. And yes,
, Gabby
looked and smelled like a seduction in progress despite what she thought.

She’d looked like a goddess with her long auburn tresses hanging loose around her face. He was certain she’d never worry about messing up a hairdo while making love.

Wow. Stop right there. Do not continue that train of thought

He threw the blanket aside, stood up, spotting Gabby’s soft, over-sized, fluffy slipper socks. Teal, to match her nightshirt.
When had they slipped off? In the throes of their passionate kiss? When he was as giddy as a schoolboy twirling her around the room before he ruined everything with his vile accusations?

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