New Species 07 Tiger (26 page)

Read New Species 07 Tiger Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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His gaze lingered on her clothes. “Will you take them off?”

She sat up, grabbed the T-shirt and tore it over her head. Tiger softly growled to encourage her as she dropped flat on her back, lifted her hips and grabbed the waistband of the sweats to wiggle out of them. He helped by pulling at the ankles, tugging them down her legs. In seconds she was bare and Tiger shifted positions until he stretched out on his side against her. One hand cupped her face as he peered deeply into her eyes.

“Do you have any idea how insane you make me? All the things I want to do to you?”

“No. Tell me.”

He dipped his head and nuzzled her cheek with his while he inhaled deeply. “You’re in heat. You smell so good I could eat you alive.”

Her belly clenched in response and she turned on her side to face him while her hands opened on his chest to flatten there. His hot skin felt satiny and she loved to touch him.

“More biting, huh?” She knew that wasn’t what he meant and smiled when he met her gaze.

His tongue wet his lips and his gaze lowered down her body to her lap. “Open up for me. You know what I want.”

She rolled to her back and spread her thighs, lifting her legs at the same time. Tiger moved fast and slid down the bed. Zandy’s heart raced as she watched him crouch over her and his hands gripped her inner thighs. He softly purred and lowered his face.

“I could stay here for hours.”

“You’d kill me.”

His gaze jerked up. “Don’t say that.”

“It was a joke. I just meant I’m not sure I could take hours of that.”

His features hardened and his voice came out deeper. “I’m trying to keep in control for you. I don’t want to frighten you.”

“You being right there isn’t scary unless you bite. I really like it when you go down on me.”

He caressed her thighs with his hands. “I want to do more than that.”

“What do you want, Tiger?”

He closed his eyes.


He opened them to stare at her and she saw something in his gaze that made her hold her breath. There was a raw hunger showing but she didn’t understand what caused it.

“I want it all with you but I’m afraid I’d frighten you if I let go of my control. You’re in heat and it calls to me in ways that would shock you.”

“I’m feeling really brave,” she admitted. “Really turned-on.”

“I’m not totally human.”

“I know.”

He blinked. “Do you really understand that?”

She nodded sharply. “You purr, Tiger. You growl. You’ve got those amazingly beautiful eyes that I love to stare into. You’ve got the sharp teeth. Trust me, I get it. I’m still here naked with you. I’m not afraid. You won’t hurt me. I trust you so stop holding back.”

“There are officers outside. Remember that.” It was the only warning she got.

Tiger dipped his head and his mouth fastened over her clit. Zandy closed her eyes when his hot tongue began to tease her by rubbing strongly against the bundle of nerves. He nuzzled his mouth in tight against her, his hands shoving her thighs wider apart to make room for him.

Pleasure gripped her—fast and furious. Her back arched to press her pussy tighter against his hungry mouth. One arm lifted and she threw it over her open mouth to muffle the sound as she moaned. Tiger showed no mercy as he manipulated her clit, found that tiny spot that drove her insane and she climaxed hard.

He tore his mouth away and the bed moved. Zandy opened her eyes just as his hold on her shifted from her inner thighs to her ankles. She looked down as he slid off the end of the bed and yanked her down it. His intense stare held hers until he flipped her over, grabbed her hips and her knees softly hit the carpet. He bent her over the side of the bed and his legs spread on the outside of hers.

The head of his cock brushed the seam of her pussy as he reached between them to adjust it, found right where he wanted to be and slowly entered her. She moaned and clawed the bedding at the wonderful sensation of his thick shaft stretching her apart to take him.

“I can’t stop,” he growled. “I need you.”

His body wrapped around hers to pin her tightly against the bed. His hands grabbed hers where they clung to the bed and his mouth brushed hot, wet kisses on the side of her throat. He drove into her deeply and fucked her hard, fast.

Zandy moaned loudly and pressed her mouth against the bed. She couldn’t move at all the way he had her pinned. She could just take him and feel every thrust of his cock. Her vaginal muscles were still twitching from her climax. It didn’t take long for him to bring her to a second one. She cried out, muffling the sound against the bedding as she felt him come.

His body shook over hers as hot jets of semen filled her deep inside. He growled, stopped kissing her while he panted and groaned. His hips bucked with each jerk of his release. She expected him to slowly withdraw after he seemed to recover but instead he began to move again, fucking her a little slower.

“I could take you for hours,” he rasped. “I’m going to. I can’t stop. You’re so hot and wet for me. So tight. You’re mine, Zandy.”

She moaned. He might kill her but what a way to go. “I—” She stopped, shocked by what she’d almost said.

Tiger paused. “You what? Do you want me to stop? Are you sore?”

“Keep going,” she urged. She’d almost told him she loved him. “Don’t stop.”

His teeth lightly raked her throat. “I won’t.” He began to move again, fucking her deeply and steadily.

Pleasure rolled through her. He brought her to climax again and found his own. She didn’t protest as Tiger lifted her afterward. He put her back on the bed and curled up behind her. Light kisses brushed her shoulder and cheek as he held her tightly.

“I’m going to wake you during the night. You’re exhausted though. Try to get some rest.”

“That was incredible.”

He softly purred. “It was and it will be again. Rest, Zandy.” Amusement sounded in his voice. “I think I wore you out.”

She grinned and closed her eyes. “You totally make me understand why men pass out after sex.”

* * * * *


Tiger knew when Zandy fell asleep. His dick was still hard and he ached to take her again. Because she was in heat, he’d stay in his aroused condition as long as the tempting scent of her filled his nose.

She was in full heat and he hadn’t used condoms. She didn’t know he could get her pregnant. Guilt ate at him for not warning her of what could happen but he didn’t regret it. He’d need to tell her the truth though. Their relationship had reached the stage where he knew it was time to share the classified information with her. He wanted her for his mate and she’d need to be informed of the truth to make that decision.

What if she said no? Pain tightened his chest. She could tell him she didn’t want another male in her life. She’d had two of them who had harmed her heart and betrayed her. They’d been human but she might not understand how different he was from them.

* * * * *


Tiger’s buzzing cell phone woke him before dawn. He hated to turn away from Zandy but he had to answer it. He grabbed it from his pocket and walked into the living room, closing the door to prevent his voice from waking her.

“Tiger here.”

“This is Brass. We’ve had a full-out assault at Homeland. Two of our males are injured, two humans are dead and we’re facing a riot from the protesters. We need help immediately. The human task force is here and we have human police helping but Justice wants you here too. You have a way with our males, of keeping them calm.”

“What happened?” Tiger instantly was alarmed.

“Two of those damn crazy humans drove right up to the gates and came out screaming about how we are animals. The car just blew up. We suspect a car bomb they set off. The humans died instantly. Two of our males were blown right off the walls from the force of the blast. They are in bad shape but they’ll survive. Our males are furious. The protesters are lying, saying we blew up the car. It’s turned into a nightmare. The human law enforcement and our task force are trying to handle the situation but our males are fit to be tied. They are tired of being attacked and Justice thinks your good nature and humor are desperately needed. How fast can you be here?”

“I’m on my way.” He hung up and dialed Security. “Get the helicopter ready. I need to get to Homeland now.”


He hung up and stared at the closed bedroom door. He didn’t want to leave Zandy but he had no choice. He’d only be gone a few hours.

Chapter Fourteen


Zandy woke alone but Tiger had left a note on the pillow. She read it and smiled. He planned to take her to his house for dinner later. That had to be a good sign that he planned to keep seeing her. She showered, dressed, and turned on the television when breakfast was delivered to her door by a grim officer.

She thanked him and took a seat on the couch, opening the bag. The commercial ended and the opening news story left Zandy gawking at the screen. The background sight of the scarred, twisted gates to Homeland held her attention as a chipper, blonde news reporter accounted what had taken place there in the middle of the night. Two suspected members of a hate group were dead while two New Species had been injured.

“Shit.” Her appetite was gone.

She flipped the channels, picking up more of the story from different reporters. The two New Species would live. It had been a car bomb and both the men who’d driven the car to the gates had died in the explosion. Her mind went over all the hate mail she’d read but no one had made threats against the NSO with car bombs.

Was Tiger okay? Upset? She wouldn’t blame him if he hated humans. She just hoped he didn’t lump her in with the ones who’d attacked Homeland. Were the injured New Species friends of his? She stood and turned off the television. He’d call her and she’d ask him about it. She’d be there for him if he needed her. She put on her shoes and walked to the door, wanting to get to work.

* * * * *


Richard looked surprised to see her when she entered the office. “I thought you were taking a few days off.”


He grinned. “I take it you’re wearing panty liners?” Amusement lit his dark eyes. “I didn’t see your escort sniffing at you or drooling.”

“Yeah. I got some of those delivered to me. Did you see the news?”

His humor vanished. “Yeah. They didn’t send in any threats to warn us.”

“That’s what I was going over in my head when I saw the news. I hope we didn’t miss something.”

“We didn’t. The real fanatical ones rarely send warnings. They just attack.”

“What have you heard that isn’t on the news?”

“I talked to someone at Homeland first thing this morning. The officers are going to recover. They mostly suffered cuts and bruises from the fall. They were lucky to hit a grassy area and not the pavement. Their protective gear also helped avoid more severe injuries. We got lucky this time. Expect a lot of threats to come in. Copycat idiots and crazies tend to do that after one of these events.”

“Events?” Zandy sat down hard in her chair. “That sounds like such a tame word for what happened. I keep thinking about how much worse it could have been.”

“What else do you want me to call them? It’s fucking horrific. I shudder to think what could have happened or how many New Species could have been killed if they’d used more explosives. Did you see the damage to the gates? It twisted part of them.”

“I saw.”

Richard got up from his desk to crouch in front of her and stare into her eyes. “Are you okay? You really seem shaken by this.”

Tears filled her eyes. “No. It could have happened here.” She thought about Tiger, Creek and everyone else she had met. “New Species are so great. Why can’t those assholes leave them alone?”

Richard took her hand. “I know, honey. It’s upsetting. We can’t control the idiots of the world but this time it worked out in our favor. None of the New Species died. We help where we can. That’s why we read all this shit that comes in. Just concentrate on work and maybe we’ll find a real threat today. That’s how we find and stop the morons we can. Okay?”

She squeezed his hand. “Thanks for the pep talk.”

“No problem.” He straightened and released her. “We’ll have lunch brought to us. We’ll put in as many hours as we can today. Throwing myself into work always helps me.”


He shrugged. “Oh. I brought you perfume.” He opened one of his desk drawers and lifted a small bottle. “I was planning on giving it to Creek today to get to you.”

She smiled. “Thanks and please thank your wife.”

His smile returned. “She loved hearing about women going into heat. She said it was really interesting.”

Memories of Tiger in her bed made her lower her gaze. It was flat-out sexy. It was some of the hottest sex she’d ever had. She couldn’t wait for a repeat later when Tiger came to get her to take her to his home. She wondered what his house would be like.

They worked through lunch, her mind still on Tiger, and she was startled when her desk phone rang. Richard stared at her as she met his gaze.

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