New Species 07 Tiger (36 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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He vaulted over the wall, his body slammed painfully into the angled roof and he slid on his ass to the edge. He hit the grassy area next to the shack with a grunt, ignored the pain and dropped the gun still clutched in his fingers. He needed both hands to shove off, to regain his footing and rush at the burning vehicle.

More gunshots rang out and bullets slammed into the human who’d thrown the lighter that started the fire. Tiger had to dodge the falling body as the male sprawled on his back, dead. He shoved fleeing humans out of the way to reach the motor home where he leaped and gripped the metal edge of it. He hoisted himself up.

Scorching heat from the flames registered but he ignored them, too focused on Zandy to care if he burned. A large body suddenly landed next to him and he twisted his head to stare at Bestial. The male held a fire extinguisher, which he pointed in front of them. He tore out the pin and sprayed the flames. It doused them instantly.

“Get her,” his friend snarled, turning the spray to make a path to the wooden cross.

* * * * *


Zandy coughed, choking on smoke from the fire below her as it blinded her. She twisted her head but couldn’t find any breathable air until the wind shifted. Tiger had been on the wall above the gates of Reservation. She’d seen him there, heard him order the officers to shoot Brother Adam, but then she’d lost track of him.

“Zandy!” Tiger roared her name and the cross shook enough to make her entire body sway.

She looked down to see if the fire had eaten through the wood enough to make the thick beam collapse. She stared at Tiger below her as he climbed up the cross to reach her. It was his added weight that caused the rough motion. He inched closer until he reached her feet.

Pain lanced through her but she clenched her teeth when he fisted the ropes to pull his body higher. They bit into her skin from the pull of his weight but she refused to scream. He hugged her and the beam when they were face level.

Their gazes locked. His amazing eyes stared deeply into hers and he crushed against her chest. One of his hands released the rope and he suddenly held a knife. He looked away and sawed at the ropes that secured her arms.

“I’ve got you, little one,” he rasped.

“Tiger,” she whispered, stunned that he was really there.

“Hang on to me.”

One arm was cut free. It hurt to move it but she wrapped it around his neck. He twisted a little to transfer the blade to his other hand and gripped the beam to support their weight.

Sweat beaded his brow and his face was red from exhaustion or perhaps from inhaling too much smoke. She couldn’t look away from him. The tug of the ropes assured her that he was trying to free her other arm.

“Hurry,” a male snarled from below them. “The canister is near empty.”

The wind changed direction and smoke billowed up, making her eyes sting. She tore her gaze from Tiger’s face and buried it against the hot skin at his neck. The masculine scent of him and the smoke were strong. The rope gave way and she wrapped her other arm around him, hugging his neck tightly.

The beam swayed roughly again and she wondered if it would collapse with both of them. It didn’t. Instead a hand gripped her ankle and the ropes around her legs were pulled away.

“She’s free,” someone shouted. “I got her legs clear, Tiger. Hurry. The interior is burning now and we are losing the battle with the fire.”

“Wrap around me,” Tiger demanded harshly.

It took her a second to figure out what he meant but she lifted her legs and hooked them around his waist. He twisted his head to look down. She opened her eyes but regretted it instantly. The sensation of falling made her stomach seem to rise up into her throat before Tiger’s feet hit the roof. His body took the worst of the impact and it nearly doubled him over, crushing her between his knees and chest where he crouched.

He snarled—a vicious, horrible sound against her ear. She realized he’d just dropped with her in his arms as he straightened, both arms wrapping around her. She stared at two New Species males who were on the roof of the motor home with them. One of them was kicking burning wood off the sides and using a fire extinguisher to hold back the flames while the other one just jumped off the side.

Tiger followed him to the edge but he limped badly, dragging one leg. Alarm shot through Zandy, knowing he was hurt.

“Throw her to me,” Bestial demanded from the ground where he’d just landed. “I’ll catch her.”

“Let go,” Tiger ordered.

She hated to do it but knew there was no time to argue. The thick smoke made breathing almost impossible and it was probably a miracle the roof hadn’t given way under them so far. Tiger didn’t allow her to stand but instead twisted her in his arms to cradle her there. He lifted her out over the edge and she realized what he intended to do. She said nothing though, the desperation on his features making it clear there wasn’t a choice.

She dropped when he released her until strong arms caught her under the back of her knees and around her back. It hurt but she didn’t care if it left her bruised. Her head jerked up to stare at Tiger, terrified for his safety.

He jumped down and tried to land on his feet. A roar came from him as he hit. His legs gave out and he sprawled on the pavement. Zandy struggled in the arms that held her but the male refused to let go. He spun with her fast enough to make her dizzy and ran.

The jarring motion was rough but she managed to twist in his arms. She peered over his shoulder and saw the third male escape the roof of the burning motor home. He landed on his feet, bent down and grabbed Tiger.

Glass burst from the motor home windows, fire shot out the sides and Bestial jerked her tighter against his chest. She lost sight of Tiger and the fire as she was rushed through the slightly opened gates of Reservation.

“Tiger!” She yelled out for him, worried for his safety.

“Calm,” Bestial demanded, stopping their mad dash. He turned to stare back at the gate.

Zandy saw Tiger then. He leaned heavily against the New Species who’d helped save her. He avoided putting weight on one leg but his gaze was fixed on her as they entered through the gate. The male held Tiger around his waist, being his crutch. He came right at her.

Unshed tears filled her eyes. Tiger had saved her by risking his own life. He and the other male stopped just feet from them. Tiger shoved away from his friend and opened his arms, his gaze leaving hers to stare at the one holding her.

“Give her to me, Bestial.”

“Tiger—” the man protested but was cut off when she was yanked out of the black-haired Species’ hold.

Tiger staggered with her in his arms. Two Species officers in full uniform were suddenly there, grabbing him to keep them upright. They gently lowered both of them until she ended up sitting on Tiger’s lap. He slid his arms out from under her legs and her back and cupped her face.

“I didn’t mean the things I said in the hospital. I don’t even remember waking.” His voice came out softly, pain clear in his tone. “I never meant to send you away.”

“Are you okay?”

He growled. “Did you hear what I said? It was the drugs I was given.”

“Get a medic,” someone shouted. “Both of them are hurt.”

Zandy’s hands shook as she gripped his shoulders. “It’s okay. Don’t worry about that right now. Is your leg okay?”

“I broke it again.” He licked his lips. “Are you all right?” His gaze lowered to her cheek. “Where else are you hurt?”

None of the bruises mattered. “I’m okay. You broke your leg again?”

“It wasn’t completely healed.”

“You saved me again.”

His incredible eyes lifted to hers. “I’ll always do whatever it takes to protect you, Zandy. I’m just grateful to be holding you in my arms again.”

Her heart pounded.

“You were almost turned into a fire stick and you are worried about me?” Tiger asked.

She nodded. “Yeah.” Her brain started to function. “Oh god. I’m on your lap. I must be hurting you.” She tried to ease off him but his hold on her face tightened, keeping her there.

“I don’t care. I just want you close.”

“Tiger?” Slade cleared his throat.

Zandy turned her head to stare up at the man who’d hired her. He stood next to them, his expression grim.

Tiger growled. “Leave us alone,” he warned.

“You both need to be taken to Medical right now.”

Tiger shook his head. “Later.”

“She’s hurt, Tiger. We don’t know what they did to her. You both need to be seen by our doctors. We’ll keep you close together. May I take her from you?”

Tiger stared into Zandy’s eyes. “Let him carry you. I can’t.”

Slade reached down and gently lifted her. Tiger winced and his face twisted in pain, instantly alarming her. She wiggled to be put down.

“I can walk,” she stated, glancing at the one holding her.

Slade softly growled. “You two are well matched. Both stubborn and irrational when it comes to each other. Be silent.”

He spun, striding away to a waiting Jeep. He gently placed her in the front seat and she tried to look around his big body to find Tiger. Slade leaned in close to draw her gaze.

“Do me a favor, Zandy Gordon. Understand that Tiger has no memory of hurting your feelings and take my word of total honesty that he didn’t mean whatever he said. He deserves some trouble for some of the things he’s said to males who have chosen human females but I never want to see him sulk again. It was painful to watch when he worried about your safety. Forgive him and maybe he’ll return to his rational, mellow ways again.”

Slade straightened and jerked his head at someone behind her. “Go to Medical. Hurry so she can be examined before Tiger arrives. I doubt he’s in a mood to watch Dr. Harris touch his female.”

The Jeep moved and Zandy spotted Tiger finally. Two officers supported his body between them, carrying him to keep his weight off his legs. Worry gripped her over how hurt he really was. The driver made a turn and she lost sight of him.


The familiar voice made her twist in her seat. “Smiley.”

“I’m glad you’re alive.” He glanced at her and then back to the road.

“Me too.”

“Next time you don’t leave Reservation without a full escort.”

She relaxed in the seat. “Not a problem.”

“Tiger will be fine. We’re strong and heal quickly. He shouldn’t have been released from the hospital until his bones had knitted firmly but he went a bit insane when he learned of your kidnapping. This set his healing back but it will be fine. Stop worrying.”

She hugged her chest and fought the urge to cry. So much had happened that she knew it would take time to recover from it mentally. Her emotions were too close to the surface.

“Don’t shed tears. Tiger will heal.”

Tiger claimed to have no memory of the episode in the hospital. Her eyes closed as that information settled in. It left her wondering if, in his drugged state, he might have stated what was in his subconscious. Did he think they shouldn’t be together? That she really was the enemy?

The Jeep halted and Smiley escorted her inside the building. The medical staff was on alert, all of them waiting inside to handle any emergencies sent their way. Zandy was led to an exam room and a female doctor with a male Species nurse followed her into the room.

“I’m Dr. Allison,” the woman introduced herself. “You are?”

“Zandy Gordon.”

“She works here at Reservation,” the male nurse stated quietly. “She was brought in once before to be treated by the younger Dr. Harris after an incident with the protesters at the gates.”

“Thank you for the history.” The doctor flashed a smile. “I’m usually at Homeland but the helicopter crash victims needed my attention so I was brought to Reservation. I’m afraid I don’t know that many of the employees here but it’s nice to meet you. I just wish the circumstances were better.” She put on gloves and gently gripped Zandy’s jaw, turning her head to study her cheek. “Someone hit you?”

She carefully detailed the attack at her house and consequent kidnapping. The entire story of what she’d endured came pouring out. “So that’s all of it. Tiger needs you more than I do. He thinks his leg is broken.”

The woman turned her head to glance at the nurse. “Go make sure Harris has it handled, okay? We’d both like an update.”

The New Species left the room quickly and the doctor smiled tightly. “Tiger is better off in Harris’ care. We had a big argument yesterday. He wanted to leave the hospital but I was adamant he stay there. I’m the last person he’ll want working on him. He’d probably snarl at me if I said ‘I told you so’.”

“He saved my life. He could have burned to death with me if the top of the motor home had collapsed.”

“I’m glad to hear it was worth the pain he must be in. Are you hurt anywhere besides your face?” The woman’s gloved fingers touched her bruised cheek, frowning. “What are these red marks from along your jaw?”

“They put duct tape over my mouth. I used my tongue to wet it and worked it away from my lips but couldn’t do anything about the rest of it. The jerk in charge of that group tore it off right before he tried to kill me. It hurt so bad that I couldn’t even breathe for a few seconds. Ouch! Now it just feels tender.”

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