New Species 07 Tiger (28 page)

Read New Species 07 Tiger Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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Her knees almost gave out beneath her. “What?”

He blinked. “I’m sorry. You know him. Tiger was on board.”

She clutched Smiley’s arms just to keep from falling. Hot tears quickly filled her eyes. “Is he alive? Where is he?”

The tall Species grabbed her hips to steady her and frowned. “Zandy, you are very pale suddenly. Are you ill?”

“Is Tiger alive?” Her nails dug into him where she had his arms. “How bad is he hurt?” She refused to believe he was dead. Fate couldn’t be that cruel. “Where is he, Smiley?”

He studied her eyes and softly snarled. “You shared sex with him, didn’t you?”

“Is he alive?” she yelled, frantic to get an answer.

“He’s alive but in critical condition. He suffered multiple broken bones and a head injury. We were told the pilot was able to get them to a low altitude before the engines seized. He did some kind of maneuver to halt their momentum. They estimate that the helicopter fell about a hundred feet into the tree branches at the crash site. That cushioned the crash somewhat but it landed on the side where Tiger sat.”

Every word he spoke was like a dagger to her heart. Tears slid down her cheeks. She’d been sleeping and Tiger had been fighting for his life. It was beyond horrific. Someone should have told her when it happened. She’d have been at his side.

“His ribs are fractured, as well as one arm and his leg. He suffered cuts and a blow to his head. Our doctors suspect swelling in his brain but they aren’t sure how extensive the damage is.”

“Take me to him.”

Smiley frowned. “He’s not here, Zandy. His injuries were severe and our doctors felt he needed a neurosurgeon. We don’t have one of those. He was airlifted to a trauma center a few hours from here last night. He is under heavy guard and protected where he is.”

“Where? I want to go there.” The desire to get to Tiger’s side was nearly overpowering. She just had to see him to make sure he was really alive. Inside she was falling apart. “I need to get to him.”

“How many times have you shared sex with Tiger? You’re really upset by this.
you share sex with him? You didn’t answer me.”

“What does it matter?” She wanted to shake him. “Where the hell is Tiger?”

Smiley’s hold on her hips tightened and he leaned down enough to stare into her eyes. “Answer me.”

“Yes! Are you happy now? Where is Tiger? I want to see him.”

Smiley released her and grabbed for his cell phone. “How many times? I need to report this immediately.”

Her mouth fell open. “What? It’s no one’s business how many times Tiger and I have slept together. I demand to know where he is, damn it. I want to see him.”

Smiley took a deep breath. “He’s under heavy guard by both the NSO and the human task team assigned to protect him. I’m going to have to get you clearance, Zandy. You can’t just go to his hospital room to see him. They’d never allow you near him without them being ordered to do so. I have to contact Timber, he’s in charge of Reservation with Tiger injured, and he’ll have to give permission for you to go where Tiger is being treated. He’ll want to know the extent of your relationship.”

She wiped at her tears. “We’ve been seeing each other since the first day I started working here. We’ve spent the night together a few times. We’re dating. I was supposed to have dinner with him last night at his house but he was called to Homeland, okay? He said he’d call me last night but he didn’t.” She sniffed. “He couldn’t because he was in that accident. Please, Smiley. I need to see him.”

The male’s gaze softened. “You have deep feelings for Tiger.”


He dialed, watching her. “It’s a few hours away. You might want to get a spare set of your clothing while I get this cleared. I’ll try to put together an escort for you as quickly as possible. We don’t have another helicopter at our disposal.”

She spun and fled back inside the apartment. Her hands shook badly as she rushed into her bedroom to grab clothes. All she had to pick from were shorts, sweats and T-shirts provided by the NSO.

Smiley hung up the phone when she walked outside carrying one spare set of clothes. “Timber is calling the task team to clear you to visit Tiger.” He paused. “You need to wait until dark when some males can be freed from their current duties to escort you off Reservation and to the hospital where Tiger is being treated.”

“No. I want to go to him right now.” Impatience burst forth and so did the need to get to Tiger as quickly as possible.

“That’s the best we can do.”

“Take me to my car. I’ll go alone.”

A soft, animalistic sound came from Smiley. “No. It isn’t safe.”

“I don’t give a damn. No way am I going to be able to sit here all day waiting for someone to get around to driving me. Tell me what hospital he’s at and take me to my car.”


Her anger surged. “You can’t stop me. I’m leaving. Tell me where Tiger is, damn it. He’s hurt and I want to see him.”

“Smiley,” one of the males interrupted. “She wishes to go. She’s not a prisoner.” He cleared his throat and red-hued engrossing eyes fixed on her. “I’ll escort you to your car. You’ll need identification for the human task team. They’ll want to see that if you arrive without escorts to prove your identity.” He sniffed. “You don’t carry Tiger’s scent.”

“Stay out of this, Jericho.”

The big male had black hair that was pulled back in a long braid. He growled at Smiley while glaring at him. “The female is highly agitated. We both know if Tiger is sharing sex with her that she must mean a lot to him. I know she’s in heat and that may be making you irrational but she wishes to leave.” He hesitated. “She might be little but I would bet she isn’t one you wish to anger. Females have a way of getting even.” He stepped closer and held out his arm to her. “I’ll escort you to your vehicle. Do you have identification? They will ask for it.”

“In my purse,” she admitted, grateful as she curled her fingers around his upper arm. His eyes were so strange she couldn’t help but stare a little.

He hesitated. “I’m primate like Smiley but those traits are more pronounced with me. There aren’t a lot of us.” He tugged her forward. “You probably haven’t seen eyes similar to mine before. I get stared at often when I come in contact with humans.”

“They are really pretty.”

He made a snorting sound. “Scary perhaps but not attractive.” He helped her into a Jeep.

She glanced at Smiley and saw how unhappy he looked when he frowned deeply. Her escort climbed into the driver’s seat and pulled away from the curb as soon as he started the engine.

“Smiley was highly interested in you. He spoke of you often. He also was clear that you turned down his offers. Don’t feel bad for him.”

“Right now all I feel is terror and worry. Is Tiger going to be all right?”

“He is a strong male in good hands with medical professionals. We heal at an accelerated rate—faster than typical humans do. They designed us this way and it’s a good sign that Tiger has survived all these hours. I would bet a week of my cream pies that he will live.”

She gawked at the New Species. He smiled, his attention on the road. “I can feel you staring at me. I have a fondness for cream pies and wouldn’t give them up easily or bet them away without being certain I am right.” He chuckled. “And no, banana isn’t my favorite. I enjoy chocolate and coconut more.”

She appreciated his attempt at humor and his assurances that Tiger would make it. He gave her the name of the hospital and told her to ask for Trey Roberts when she arrived there. “He is heading the human task team protecting Tiger. He’ll ask for identification. Don’t forget that.”

“I won’t.”

He drove her to the east gate and parked. “I’m going to have two officers follow you down the stretch of highway to the main road. We don’t want to risk you being attacked.” He leaped out. “Go to your car. I’ll arrange it now.”

“Thank you so much.”

He cocked his head to stare at her with those strange yet appealing eyes. “I am hoping your presence will help Tiger heal faster.” His gaze swept quickly over her body. “He will be motivated to heal at the sight of you.” A small smile appeared. “Not to mention that we joke about how the scent of a female in heat could make us do anything they desire. You want him well.”

Zandy liked the man. He spun away to talk to the officers at the guard shack. They had two of the heavily armed ones come down from the overhead walls and climb into a Jeep. She followed them for a few miles until they pulled over to the side of the road to wave her past them when they were sure no one hung around the wooded area looking for an easy target.

She gave them a grateful wave and drove toward her house. She needed to print out a map and grab some of her own clothing. The area was still unfamiliar to her and she wished she had a GPS system in her car. Money was always tight though and it was an expense she couldn’t spare. Seeing her house after a few days away made her realize she hadn’t missed it much.

The two-bedroom home had been in her price range and her budget. She’d bought it for that reason more than loving it. She unlocked the front door, stepped over the mail on the floor that had been pushed through the mail slot, and walked over to her desk. She turned on her laptop while she rushed into her bedroom. In minutes she’d changed into a pair of comfortable jeans, a tank top, and had packed a small overnight bag.

It only took her a minute to pull up driving directions to the hospital where Tiger had been taken and print them out. She grabbed the overnight bag and left her house. She wanted to get to him as soon as she was able. Worry ate at her. Would he really be all right? Jericho had seemed so certain that it helped keep her calm over the next few hours as she drove.

* * * * *


The woman at the front reception area stared at her blankly when she asked to speak to Trey Roberts. “I don’t know who that is.”

Zandy lowered her voice. “He’s in charge of a security detail here. A New Species was brought in last night. His name is Tiger and he might be listed under the last name of North.”

The woman’s eyes narrowed. “We have no New Species patients.”

“You do,” Zandy insisted. She reached inside her purse and slapped down her driver’s license. “Call his security detail and let them know I’m here. They are expecting me.”

The woman reached out and took the identification and studied it before glancing around. Her voice came out low. “No one is to know he’s a patient here. The press would be all over it. Have a seat while I call upstairs.”

“Thank you.”

She sat, nervous and worried. In minutes she watched a tall, beefy man in a gray, cotton, long-sleeve shirt and jeans approach the front desk. The woman she’d spoken to handed over her driver’s license to him and pointed. Zandy rose to her feet when his gaze met hers.

“Zandy Gordon.” He passed her license back to her. “I’m Trey Roberts. Please follow me.”

Excitement and worry gripped her as the elevator doors closed. “How is Tiger?”

He suddenly moved and his hands roamed her body. “Sorry. I have to pat you down.”

She didn’t resist. “Is Tiger okay? What’s his condition? They said he had some broken bones and a head injury.”

He spun her around, patting down her back. “I’m just taking you to the NSO team. They will answer your questions. You’re clean.” He released her and held out his hand. “Give me your purse and your bag. I have to check them out.”

She gave them both up easily. The doors opened and they stepped out on the eighth floor. He pointed to two men dressed similar to him and both of the muscled guys stood out in the hospital setting.

“Go to them. I will have to go through your bags here.”

She followed the men down a hallway and into a room. Two large New Species were inside. They wore T-shirts and jeans too, and frowned when the door closed behind her as the human guards left her alone with them.

“I’m Bestial,” the black-haired giant stated. “This is Jaded. You are Zandy Gordon.” He sniffed the air, walked a circle around her to study every inch of her body and glared when he paused in front of her. “You don’t smell of Tiger and I doubt your story. He isn’t into human females.”

The black-haired New Species with bright-green eyes growled softly at the other one. “Be kind, Bestial. It’s not impossible. She is attractive. It’s possible she’s telling the truth.”

“I don’t believe it.” His dark eyes narrowed. “Prove it, female.”

“How is she going to do that? Tiger is unconscious. She doesn’t carry his scent.” Jaded crossed his arms over his chest. “The male Species who called seemed to believe her. He knows this human. We’ll need to have faith it’s the truth.”

“She’s not getting near Tiger.” Bestial blocked her path.

Frustration and anger rose in Zandy. She reached up and grabbed her shirt, tugged it to the side and turned enough to toss her hair out of the way to reveal the back of her shoulder. The scratches and bite marks from Tiger’s teeth couldn’t be missed.

“Is that enough to prove to you that I’m telling the truth? Those are from Tiger.” She glared at the much-taller New Species in defiance. “You could send someone to the apartment at Reservation where I’m staying and have him sniff my bedding. Tiger has slept there with me. There isn’t maid service and I haven’t been able to wash my sheets.”

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