New Species 07 Tiger (30 page)

Read New Species 07 Tiger Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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“You’re lucky the humans are honest about their hatred with you. That same doctor was on duty when Tiger was brought in. He helped treat him but never showed his distaste for our kind. He could have harmed Tiger or not done his best to make him well without us realizing it.”

“I can’t believe he said that shit.”

Jaded sighed loudly. “Get used to it, Zandy. You’re with one of us and it unfortunately comes with the territory. I’m sure you knew it wouldn’t be easy when you decided to be with Tiger.”

“I really haven’t thought much about it. Our circumstances are a bit odd.”

He took a seat. “Talk to me and tell me how you two met.”

“I’d rather skip that part.”

His gaze narrowed while he watched her.

“It’s kind of an embarrassing story I’d rather not share.”

“How long have you been seeing him?”

“Not long.” She walked over to Tiger and watched him rather than the man intent on getting information out of her.

“You’re in heat. I asked one of the human task team members to pick you up some supplies to hide your scent.”

That made her look at him and she blushed. “Sorry.” She wasn’t sure what else to say. It was still weird that they could smell her ovulating.

“It’s a pleasant scent.” He smiled. “That’s the problem and why I asked them to get you a few items. Did Tiger tell you how to hide your scent? I could explain it to you if need be. I’m a council member and used to educating humans about Species habits.”

“No. Creek told me how to do that.”

“The male I asked to buy your supplies was upset by the request. You’re blushing and so did he. I’ll never understand why this causes that reaction in humans.”

“Well, you asked him to buy me panty liners.” She laughed. “My ex-husbands would never have done that for me.”

“You have been married?” He frowned.

“Twice. And divorced.”

“You don’t have a good history of loyalty to men. Tiger is my friend. Do you plan to leave him as well?”

Zandy tried not to take offense since he was New Species. “My first husband cheated on me with another woman. My second husband turned out to be a bum. He didn’t live on the streets, before you ask. He wouldn’t get a job and he just wanted me to feed him and pay for everything. I got sick of it pretty fast. He also slept with one of our neighbors. I was always loyal to them but it wasn’t returned. I just have shitty luck finding the right guy.”

His expression softened. “I understand. They betrayed your trust and weren’t mate-worthy.” His gaze darted to Tiger before meeting hers again. “Tiger is a male who has sworn to never take a mate.”

“I know. That about sums up my history with men. I’m always picking the ones who won’t be in my life for long.”

“I’ve watched you with him since yesterday. You have deep feelings for Tiger. Is he aware that you love him?”

She wasn’t about to deny it. “No. He’s been really clear that he’s not looking for something lasting and I can respect that. I wasn’t looking for a relationship either after being burned twice by love. Now, I wish I’d told him.”

“He’ll survive. He’s a tough male.”

“I hope so.” Hot tears filled her eyes and she blinked them back. “I’m going to go take that shower. You’re staying with him, right? I don’t want him left alone.”

“We have another room next door where Bestial and I are sleeping. It has a private bathroom. Go use it. Your bags were taken there. They are in the corner.”

“Thanks.” She checked on Tiger one last time before crossing the room. She had opened the door when Jaded spoke again.


She turned toward him. “Yes?”

“Please come here.”

Nervousness pitted her stomach. “Why?”

“Curiosity. I won’t harm you. I would like to see those bites again please.”

She could refuse but Jaded had stood up for her with Dr. Razner. She stopped before him and he stood. His hands were gentle as he lifted her hair out of the way and tugged her shirt to the side to expose the back of her shoulder.

“I can see two distinctive times you were bitten.” He paused. “They were done at different times. Did you ask him to do this to you?”


“You’re a small female and we’re strong. Did he accidentally take you too rough and cause you to try to get away from him during sex?”


“For someone who doesn’t want a mate, he’s extremely possessive of you.” He released her shirt and stepped away. “Has he bitten you anywhere else?”

She shook her head.

“We don’t usually bite females during sex unless we are in the middle of it and they try to move away. We will grip them with our teeth to hold them in place during highly passionate moments. It’s instinct to finish the sex with us after a certain point. The only other time a male has been known to bite a female is possessiveness. The urge to have all of them, including to know the taste of their blood on our tongues. To mark them for that reason is very rare. It’s a trait we’ve discovered in males who want to make the female their mate. Tiger has bitten you twice, one of those times deep enough to scar. It’s a lasting mark that will warn off other males who see it. They’ll know there’s a male willing to kill them if they mount you.”

“He said he just lost control. He didn’t mean to do it. You’re making too much out of this.”

“I’m educating you, Zandy. I don’t care what he said. Actions speak with Species. Those bites assure me that my friend isn’t easily going to allow you to leave his life. Think about this while he recovers. He might not have wanted a mate and you might not have wanted one either but you both are feeling strongly for each other.”

She nodded her understanding and hope flared to life that perhaps Tiger was falling in love with her too. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

“Go.” Jaded took his seat. “Breakfast will be here soon.”

The other room was empty but four cots had been set up in there, all obviously used by Tiger’s security detail. Her bags were neatly stored in one of the corners and she walked into a towel-messy bathroom. Clean ones were folded but a pile of used, wet ones were on the floor. She closed and locked the door behind her.

The shower felt great after spending a rough night sleeping in a chair at Tiger’s side. Jaded’s words were stuck in her mind. The thought that Tiger wanted to mate her didn’t make her fearful. It wouldn’t be easy telling her family about him but she’d deal with them. They’d be leery of any man she fell for after two divorces.

It would change her life but he would be worth every single one. They’d have to live at the NSO. She loved the people there and wouldn’t miss her house. She wasn’t attached to it except for the mortgage payment. Tiger was one in a billion and worth taking risks for.

She dried off quickly, dressed and returned her bags to the corner of the room. Bestial had exchanged sitting duty with Jaded when she entered Tiger’s room. He was eating and met her gaze.

“You showered.”

“I did.” She approached Tiger’s bed. His coloring had improved and the scratches were healed. It amazed her how much better he looked in a twenty-four-hour period. “The drugs he’s on are amazing.”

“Mercile did a lot of bad things but they were an excellent pharmaceutical developer. They wanted the ability to heal us quickly after the abuse they made us suffer at their hands. Sick test subjects weren’t useful to them.”

That sobered her appreciation. She reached out to caress Tiger’s cheek. His nose twitched when her fingertips traced his jawline and his mouth tightened. Excitement made her heart race as she leaned in closer to him.

“Tiger? Can you hear me?” She didn’t look away but spoke to Bestial. “He moved.”

The chair squeaked and the New Species rounded the other side of the bed. “Talk to him,” he encouraged. “I’m right here in case he wakes violently. If he does, get back and I’ll handle him.”

“Tiger? Please open your eyes. It’s Zandy. I’m right here. Come back to me. Come on and open those beautiful blues for me.”

His hand moved and she grabbed it with her free one, squeezing it gently. His chin lifted a little as his head turned in her direction, seeming to seek her out.

“Wake up for me,” she urged. “Tiger?”

His eyelids parted and he stared at her, looking confused. His tongue darted out to lick his lips. “Zandy?”

“Yes!” Joy hit her hard. He was awake and knew who she was. She had to blink back happy tears that he had come out of his coma-like sleep. “I’m right here. You’re going to be fine.”

His expression changed, hardened. He tore his hand out of hers and a deep, mean snarl came from his parted lips. “Get away from me.” He turned his face away as if her touch burned him. “Go! I can’t have a mate. Stay away from me. You aren’t safe.”

Her horrified and hurt gaze lifted to Bestial’s. He appeared just as stunned as she was by Tiger’s reaction to her. He glanced down.

“Tiger, you’re in a hospital. Zandy is fine. You—”

“Get her out of here.” Tiger reached up and grabbed his friend by the shirt and snarled again. “Get her away from me. I won’t ever see her again. I won’t take her for a mate. Never!”

“Tiger,” Bestial snarled.

His heart rate was so fast the alarm he was hooked to started beeping in warning. He turned his head and roared. “Humans are the enemy. They attack for no reason and there’s no safety. Get away from me!” he roared and tried to get out of bed.

“Stay down!” Bestial threw his body forward to hold his injured friend down. “Get help, Zandy.”

She stumbled back, horrified that Tiger blamed her for what had been done to him. He fought Bestial and turned his head to glare at her. Another roar tore from him and pure rage showed on his face. The door behind her burst open as Jaded and two human task team members rushed inside.

“Get Dr. Allison,” Bestial shouted. “Tell her we need to sedate him.”

“Get her away from me,” Tiger snarled. “She’s not safe. The
enemy is everywhere. I will never take you for a mate. I never should have touched you. Get away from me!”

She spun and rushed for the other door. Seeing her made him fight harder. Her bags were still in the other room and she grabbed them. Her shoes were near Tiger’s bed but she wasn’t going to go back in his room to retrieve them. Another roar sounded as she stepped out into the main hallway barefoot. Nurses and doctors rushed toward Tiger’s room.

She ended up in the elevator alone, crying. Tiger and she were over. He regretted ever touching her. Those words still rang in her ears. It devastated her. So much for hoping he loved her and wanted something serious. He’d demanded his friend throw her out of the room.

She completely broke down in a fit of tears when she reached her car. Tiger would live but he wouldn’t be part of her life anymore. It tore her heart apart. She finally pulled herself together, paid for parking and began the long journey to her house. She might need her job at the NSO but she wasn’t ready to return to work until she had some time to harden her heart.

* * * * *


Bestial glared at Tiger. “Why did you say all that bullshit to Zandy?”

Tiger snarled. “Mind your own business.”

Bestial growled back. “You were very wrong to do that.”

The door opened and Dr. Allison Baker rushed in with her medical bag. “What is it? Is he having a violent reaction?”

“He’s having a something,” Jaded snarled. “Sedate him.”

She shoved her bag at one of the human task team members who held it and she withdrew a syringe. Tiger wildly fought at her approach.

“Get that human away from me. They aren’t safe.”

“Knock it off,” Jaded hissed. “Give him the shot. He’s strong for someone so injured. Do it before he reopens his wounds.”

The doctor jabbed Tiger in the hip and jumped back as he fought the two males holding him down. “It’s going to take a minute. I didn’t want to risk over-sedating him.”

Tiger panted but his thrashing lessoned. “What happened to the others? We were in a helicopter crash.”

Bestial answered. “You were hurt the worst. The others lived but one of the pilots suffered severe burns. He’s being treated in the burn unit.”

“Tell me what two plus two is,” Allison demanded. “I need to know if you’ve suffered any brain damage.”

Tiger growled. “Four. Did they catch whoever shot us down?”

“Yes,” Jaded said, nodding. “There were six human males trespassing in the woods. We’ve changed the flight patterns to prevent them from trying to shoot at more of us. The helicopter was a total loss. We’re going to be down one for a few weeks. We’ve ordered another but the company said that is the quickest they can do the modifications we need.”

Bestial growled. “Why the hell did you say all that to Zandy?”

Tiger snarled. “Mind your own business.”

Jaded gave him a disgusted look. “She sat with you and wouldn’t leave your side except to go to the bathroom. She threw a doctor out of this room because he called us animals. She held your hand.”

“She bathed you,” Bestial added. “She talked to you while you slept until she was almost without a voice. I told her how dangerous you could be because we had to give you the healing drugs but she didn’t care. She said she knew you wouldn’t hurt her. She was wrong, wasn’t she, Tiger?”

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