Never say forever (Never series Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Never say forever (Never series Book 1)
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Chapter 1




It’s been two years and I still haven’t heard from Cadence. It’s been a devastating yet interesting couple of years. I still can’t get
over the fact that she’s gone. At the beginning, I thought she was acting out and would come back home right away. As much as it pains me to say, it didn’t work out to my advantage. She’s gone and there’s nothing I can do about it. No one ever said I had to be happy about it. I just have to learn to live with this on a daily basis.


Freshmen year was really hard on me. On the first day of school I had an emotional breakdown because that was the day that I had anticipated for so long with Cadence by my side and that was also the day that she left. I seemed to be the center of attention since there were rumors floating around school. I heard a lot of rumors that she slept around with all the guys at school including the football team. I really find that hard to believe, but for some reason everyone else believes it. Girls at the school were being nasty to me, writing slut and whore on my locker, trying to trip me in the hallways. Whatever these hellions could do to piss me off, they did it. Eventually I snapped on them and I was sent to the school counselor who talked to me like I was insane.
I don’t have issues. I felt like telling her to leave me the hell alone, but that would have just dug me deeper in a hole I was already digging. I sat it out and listened to her. Yes, I am depressed and yes, I am emotional. That does not mean that there is something mentally wrong with me. But then again how do you explain that to a school shrink who is always looking for the negative issues so they can mentally fix you? I can do this on my own, without the help of others.

Once I started to stabilize myself and started doing really good in school, the guys around school
were trying to get me in bed. They thought it was a game. I’m sure they were placing bets on who could get me in bed first. I learned I couldn’t trust anyone at school. I need to just do my own thing and forget about boys. At this school, they are nothing but trouble.

No matter where I turn, I hear Cadence’s name. I can’t seem to get away. It’s almost as if everyone seems to know how to push my buttons to see me crack. I find it somewhat hard to believe these rumors because I don’t see my sister as that type of person. Yet, she did hold her secret from me.
Maybe we weren’t as close as I thought. Maybe there are more secrets eating away in her brain that she refused to tell me. This is something I guess I’ll never know, since seeing Cadence again just diminished my hope. If I was going to see her, she would have come around. Maybe I just was not that important to her. I try not to listen to the rumors but at this point I’m not really sure what to believe.

My parents have always wanted me to exceed in school. They wanted me to go to college and become something. That’s fine, but I’m not here and I’m not doing this to
please my father. This is to please myself and my mother. I want to do great in school, which is why I choose not to get involved with boys. Education is my top priority right now. According to everyone at school, before Cadence left she became a rebel in school. They say she screwed everyone and ditched school all the time. By the time she was a junior in high school, she got knocked up and ran away from everyone. I hate to talk bad about her, but she left me. A big part of my heart shattered the minute she walked out of my life. She was supposed to be my big sister and help me through all my troubles. We were really close until one day she completely did a 180 and changed forever. I haven’t seen her in a long time and I guess at this point I couldn’t care less. I do not want to follow in her footsteps.


My parents named me Serena. I’m not sure what they were thinking when they named me. I hate my name so all of my close family and friends call me Rena. I still don’t like it but it’s better than Serena. I could have picked a better name. My grades are the best and I don’t date. Maybe it’s because of everything I’ve seen with my older sister and my mother, or maybe it’s that I don’t think that love exists. Either way I keep to myself and don’t put myself out there.

I entered class on my first day of junior year and picked a seat in the back of the class. I got here early so
I could have my pick of the seats. I look around and only see a few people here. The teacher isn’t even here yet. I slide in my seat and wait for Larissa to come to class. This is the only class we share besides lunch. She has been my best friend since we were in kindergarten. We share everything together. I am so happy she is in this class. I set my book bag on the seat next to me so that no one takes her seat. Right as I place it on the seat, someone approaches it and goes to move it.

I’m sorry but this seat is taken,” I stated.


I raise my eyes up as I reached my hand over to keep the bag in place and I was met with a pair of mesmerizing bright blue eyes. He had very short blond hair and the most amazing smile.
What the hell am I thinking? I can’t be drooling over a boy!
I promised myself that I would not get involved in anything like this. I don’t care how cute or hot he is, this will never happen. I see him smirk at me and I feel like I just turned to mush. He has dimples. Dimples have always been one of the traits I have seen in all of my crushes growing up. They seem to make me lose my train of thought because they seem to occupy my mind. It’s going to be a lot harder than I thought. He won’t stop smiling and now I’m getting goose bumps.

I didn’t think you could fit in two chairs,” he laughed.


He thinks this is amusing.
. He was all godlike and now he’s opened his mouth and showed what an ass he really is. I guess he just made it easier for me.


Okay smartass, this is a seat for Larissa. She told me to save it for her. I don’t need your smartass witty humor here. There are plenty of seats in the front,” I fumed.

Gosh, he’s getting under my skin now.


Whoa, tiger! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or make you mad. I will move my seat. Let’s start over. My name is Aiden and it’s a pleasure to meet you!” he extended his hand out. I looked right into his eyes and I can already tell its going to be extremely hard to stay mad at him.


I will accept your apology this time but if it happens again you’re on your own. My name is Serena.”


I shook his hand and immediately I can feel the electricity between us.
! We share chemistry class together and I’m definitely feeling the chemistry between us. It is so strong but I can’t let him get to me. I can’t date, I don’t even know what love is and I don’t think I want to find out. From what I’ve seen, it leaves you pregnant and alone. He smiled that beautiful smile and I think I just melted in my chair.


Nice to meet you Serena, I’ll see you around.”


He smiled and walked to a chair towards the front.


Not if I have anything to do with that.




Class ended and I bolted out of the room and went to my locker. I’m trying to get my locker open and I can’t remember the combination for the life of me.
Gosh Serena, get your head together. 27 45 19....nope 37 45 19...nope. What the hell!
I’m seriously about to freak out. I can’t be late for my class. This is my first day and I’m already screwing up. I can’t get into trouble. I rest my head against the locker trying to recollect what that darn number was when the locker vibrates and I hear a loud boom. I instantly jump and turn and there’s Aiden.

I’m sorry if I scared you. Usually when you give it a good smack sometimes it dislodges. I was just trying to help you.”


I’m grateful he tried to help me but also a little scared. Does he have a temper? Normal people don’t just come and beat on a locker especially when someone’s head is resting on it. Where did this guy even come from? He must be new because I’ve never seen him here before. I think I’ll keep my distance from this one.


It’s okay. Thank you,” I smile sheepishly and turn my head.


So, what are you doing later?” he asked.


I have a lot of homework.”

I have to keep my answers short because I can’t engage too much with him. He reeks bad boy to me
and I can’t have that right now. I want him to know as little as possible about me and maybe he will get the hint and leave me alone. There are plenty other girls at this school, he can go bark up one of their trees.

It’s the first day of school and you only had one class. How much homework can you have?”


He’s a smart one now. Why can’t he just take the hint?


Listen Serena, This isn’t a date I’m asking for. I’m just trying to tell you I’m sorry for being a jerk earlier and for scaring you. My treat! Please?” he gave me sad puppy dog eyes but I refuse to buy into it. You can’t buy me with sad eyes. As much it hurts to resist this, I have to for my own good.


I’m sorry but I can’t. I am very busy.” With that said I turn and walk away. As I make it around the corner I look back and he’s staring at me with an expression on his face that shows me that he is hurt. I hate making people feel bad but I need to do what’s best for me and he is not it.


I catch up with Larissa in the hallway. “Hey Lar, I really need to get out of school. I feel as if I’m going to suffocate.”


She looked at me like I was on drugs. She raised an eyebrow and had that shocked look on her face because she knows this isn’t me. This isn’t the person she’s known all her life.


Rena, really? You are never one to ditch school. What is going on with you? This is the first day of school. You are always great in school.”


She has always called me Rena for the same reason I call her Lar. We are too lazy to use our full names.


Ugh, I know and I’m not going to ditch but I don’t want to be here. I just said that because I was frustrated and I just want to go home. I won’t act on it. You know me better than that. I’ll suck it up and go to class. I’ll see you later!”


I start walking to my class.


Rena. Wait. What’s wrong? You’ve always told me everything. Are you having trouble with anyone here?” She must be really worried.


I don’t have time to talk right now, but I’m fine. I’ll see you later. Don’t worry about me.”


I love that girl. She’s always been there for me. She is like the sister that I used to have. I turn around and head to my next class. I hope this day goes by fast. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through this school day with Aiden here. It would be much easier if I could fully resist him but it is very hard.




Lunchtime couldn’t be any more disastrous. I enter the lunchroom, stand in line for my food and guy after guy comes and hits on me. This has been going on since I started high school. It’s not because I’m drop dead gorgeous, it’s because I’m Cadence’s sister. She really made an impression at this school and everyone thinks that I am like her and that they will get a cheap lay. The girls at the school don’t really like me either because I seem to grab the guy’s attention. I always hear slut and whore as I walk past. You would think because it’s been a year and I am still a virgin that they would back off, but they don’t. Kids in school can be cruel sometimes. At this point I don’t care all that much because I have Larissa and she’s the only friend that I need at this point.


After turning down all the wankers in the cafeteria, I plop down in a seat and wait for Larissa. I take a big bite of my sandwich and a hand drops on my shoulder. I lift my head and turn with a huge bite of food in my mouth and there stands Aiden. I am mortified because my whole mouth is full and I know he is secretly laughing at how much of a cow I am.


Hey Rena… Mind if I sit here?” he asks.


Wait what?! Did he just call me Rena? Only Larissa calls me Rena.

My name is Serena not Rena. And Larissa is sitting here.”


I know it may have sounded like my words were icy but I can’t let him get too close. What if he’s like the other guys who are just looking for a quick bang. I know nothing about him, and I am not really intending to find out. Sorry, no thank you!

Ok, I’m sorry Serena! I would like to sit with you. You seem like a very cool person and I would like to get to know you better.”

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