Never say forever (Never series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Never say forever (Never series Book 1)
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I don’t want to have a conversation in the bedroom while she’s sleeping. For one, I don’t want her to have to hear any sort of details again and I also don’t want to wake her up.


I arrived at the party to find out the scumbag quarterback drugged Serena and tried to rape her. I walked in before he could succeed. You just can’t say anything to her mother. She doesn’t want anyone to know, she probably won’t even be happy if you knew. I think she may be embarrassed because of it,” I say as I am grabbing a glass of milk.


That’s terrible. I won’t say anything. She seems like a good friend to you, and I don’t want to ruin that. I’m glad you got there in time. Something like that should not happen to a girl. Something needs to be done. I think the authorities should be called,” he said.


We thought of that but since people were drinking there and he didn’t succeed, it’s his word against hers. They may be able to somehow spin it around on her since he comes from a family of money. It’s okay, though. I gave him a good beating so he should know his place not to come near her. I will make it clear at school as well. As long as I’m around he won’t be coming near her. I got her back,” I said with confidence.


I’m glad. She’s lucky to have you as a friend. I don’t want to get any phone calls from the school saying you got into trouble. I know you’re a good kid. Don’t let a girl change you around. Why weren’t you sleeping on the couch? You know I don’t want you sleeping in the same room as a girl,” he lectured.


I actually was sleeping on the couch and she came out and asked if I could sleep in the same room because she was scared and didn’t want to be alone. I figured with what she went through last night, I would be there for her, so I slept on the floor just so she would know that someone was there with her,” I said.


I see the way you look at her. I’m not stupid. I was young once. That look on your face the moment she enters the room….that’s the same look I gave your mother the moment I fell in love with her and every day after.”

I guess he can see right through me that I really do want something more than just friends with her.

Well, we’re just friends. You want something to eat? I think I’ll make some breakfast since she’s still sleeping,” I say as I head to the pantry to see what I can make.


Breakfast in bed for the young lady?? And you say you’re just friends. HA!” he laughs at me.

Whatever”, I say as a grin forms on my face.


I grab a pan, some eggs, bread, cinnamon and a bowl. I mix the eggs and cinnamon together and soak the bread in it. I place it in the pan and start frying up some French toast. I start humming a tune as I’m making breakfast. I can’t help but get out of this little happiness I seem to be feeling. I start moving around the kitchen when I hear some footsteps.


Someone’s in a happy mood?”


I turn around and my jaw drops. There’s Serena, standing in front of me dressed in my pajamas looking sexy as hell. Her hair is messy but I love it. No makeup. The just rolled out of bed look. I stand there and just drink her in. She is absolutely beautiful. I have to make the food but I feel as if my feet are imbedded into the floor. I can’t move. I can’t take my eyes off her.


Here let me help you with that, before you burn our breakfast and your house down,” she says sarcastically with a smile. I love that smile. I don’t even move as she walks up to me and takes the spatula.

Now she’s baking with my clothes on. I sit down in the chair before she turns around to see the bulge in my pants. I can’t take my eyes off her as she cooks us breakfast. This is a sight I can sure get used to. She walks in with the food and sits across from me.


Breakfast is served. Thank you for cooking and thanks for everything yesterday,” she smiles at me.


Wow, she is amazing. She seems different. Maybe her barriers are breaking and she’s learning that she can trust me. This definitely feels different.


No problem. I figured you would be hungry and you know I always have your back Serena,” I say as I am cutting my French toast.


I know you do, but thinking and knowing for sure are two separate things. I know for sure now,” she says. Her eyes have a new sparkle to it.


We eat our food and head out to the car. I let her in and start the engine. We are on the way to drop her off at Larissa’s. I can feel her eyes on me.


We should do something later or tomorrow. Get out of the house. Maybe go for a walk or something.”


Well that just took a turn. A turn for the better.


Yeah that would be great. When?”


I can’t help but feel ecstatic about this.


I don’t know. Maybe later this afternoon or the evening. I’ll tell you what. You decide and text me.”


I know this is not a date but it seems as if I may have broken down one of her walls or barriers. I couldn’t be happier right now.


Ok, will do,” I said as I pulled up to the curb of her drop off point. She leans over and gives me a hug. I want to squeeze her and never let go, but I have to.


I’ll see you later. Don’t forget to text me.”


She raises her eyebrows at me, which was the cutest thing.

Don’t worry, I won’t,” I said and I start driving off.


How could I forget? This is something I’ve been waiting for. I drive home with nothing but Serena and our “date” clouding my brain. I have to figure out where to take her. I want to try to make this somewhat romantic because this may be my only chance to break down her other walls and claim her as mine. I turn the music on full blast, because I am just feeling that much happier. My excitement at full speed as I am anticipating this night.

Chapter 5




I walk the half block to Larissa’s anticipating what Aiden will come up with. I’ve really grown close to him, especially with what happened
last night. No guy has ever treated me like that, been a gentleman, opened doors for me, let alone let me sleep in their bed while they roomed on the floor. No guy has ever saved me and cared enough to sit there with me until I wake up. He is a whole new species, one I’m especially not used to. After last night, I can’t help the anticipation of getting to know him more.

I walk up to Larissa’s house dressed in Aiden’s clothes. It really just looks like I’m just bumming around in sweats. I knock on her door and a minute later she opens up.


Well, well, well. Look at you! You got some didn’t you?” She winks at me.


No it’s nothing like that. Since my clothes were kind of ripped and had vomit on it, Aiden told me to wear his clothes.” I knew she was going to think that since I am wearing his clothes.


So what happened? Did you sleep in his bed with him?” She asked very suggestively.


No. He was a true gentleman. He let me sleep in his bed and he slept on the floor. He even made breakfast this morning….well, I finished the breakfast otherwise he would have burned it.”


As soon as I said that, Larissa started busting out laughing.


I’m surprised he let you finish after your baking fiasco.”


She will always bring that up. Larissa and Aiden always tease me about that. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget it as long as I’m friends with them. They will never let it go. But it is funny in a way.


Well whatever. I made the French toast perfectly.” I stuck my tongue out at her.


Of course. Anyone can make French toast. All you have to do it put it in the pan and flip. What’s so hard about that? Oh, that’s right. That’s all you had to do with the cookies and you burned that.”


She leans over laughing in hysterics. I’m glad she finds this so funny. I have to find something to get back at her.


HAHA very funny.” I said with a fake laugh. “Anyways, I need some clothes. I can’t go home wearing Aiden’s clothes otherwise my mom will think something’s up.”


Yeah, sure. I’m sure I have some of your clothes lying around here somewhere.”


She starts browsing her closet and comes out with a pink V-neck sweater and a pair of jeans. She tosses it to me. I look at the jeans and realize these are my favorite jeans that I have been looking everywhere for.


You have my favorite jeans? What the hell? I’ve been looking everywhere for these. Are you stealing clothes from my house now?” I asked not really meaning it, just messing with her.


You let me borrow them and you forgot about them. I’m not going to remind you when those jeans look amazing on me,” she teased.


Well I’m glad to have them back now.” I start changing the clothes and I put Aiden’s clothes in a bag to bring home with me. If he doesn’t ask me for them back, I think I may just keep them. He has been in my head a lot lately. If I ever miss him, I’ll have his smell on the clothes. This will be a reminder of the day my impression changed of him. Just as I put my clothes on, my phone dings.


Aiden: I will pick up at 5 P.M. Destination is a secret. See you soon


Butterflies are swarming my belly at this moment. I wonder where he’s taking me. Even though I’m not in the dating phase, I can’t help but wish he’s bringing me somewhere romantic. I shouldn’t be thinking this, I should be sticking to school, but I’m beginning to think he’s irresistible. What can I say? He knows how to get to my head. I kind of like it though and don’t really want to change.

I leave Larissa’s and walk home. My mom is not home, which makes this much easier. I go into my room and put the bag with Aiden’s clothes into my closet. I go and shower to get anything remaining
of Jeremy off my body. I cringe just thinking about it. I scrub my body free of all remnants of last night. I wash my hair with my lavender shampoo. I love this shampoo, it makes me more relaxed. I start getting ready for my day with Aiden. Before I know it, I realize I’m actually getting ready. Full blown ready, hair, makeup, the works. I never do this. I want to look my best. I apply some eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara. I look in the mirror and don’t even recognize myself.


I make myself some lunch and lie on the couch watching TV. I doze off for a little while. A little while ended up turning into four hours because my doorbell just rang. Shit did I oversleep? I walk up to the door and look through the peephole. There’s Aiden, which just confirmed my suspicions of oversleeping.


Hey Aiden,” I said, my body still waking up.


Did you just wake up?” He smirks at me.


Yeah I dozed for a little bit,” I said.

Well you look amazing for just rolling out of bed.” He smiles and winks at me.


I’m so dead! How can I resist him?
I literally have goose bumps running down my arms.


You ready?”


Yeah let me just lock up.”

I make sure TV’s are off, lights are off, and the door is locked. I walk up to his car, and he’s standing there with the door open. He’s so sweet. He enters the car and before putting it into reverse, he pulls something from the glove box.


Since this is a surprise, you have to wear a blindfold,” he begins to tie the blindfold over my eyes and I can’t help the giddy emotions flowing through my body. I can’t stop the smile spreading across my face. The anticipation builds as he drives and I have no clue where we are going.


You better not be peeking. I’ll know if you are,” he teased me.


I’m not,” I laughed, not being able to keep the smile off my face.

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