Never say forever (Never series Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Never say forever (Never series Book 1)
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Is this guy fucking serious? How does it seem like I’m a cool person? I keep to myself and don’t hang around with the cool kids. Usually that says loser in other people’s eyes. What does he see in me?

Whatever. It’s a cafeteria. You can sit wherever you want.”


Gosh, that was so hostile. I really need to work on that


Before he could say anything Larissa sits next to me.


OMG Rena, you’ll never believe what happened.”

Right when she said that I looked past at Aiden and I could see the hurt expression on his face because she called me Rena. He looks like he just lost his best friend or he
found out his girlfriend was cheating on him. I feel bad but only certain people can call me that.


I’ll leave you two alone. I can see you are busy and I don’t want to impose.”

Before I can say anything he walks away and I immediately feel crushed. Why is it that I feel so bad about being mean to a new person I know nothing about but I have no trouble being a bitch to all the people in school? Larissa stops me from thinking.


So I go to biology class and OMG the teacher is so hot. He looks like Channing Tatum. He’s so hot I can melt butter on him. The things I would do to him...”


Okay, Lar that’s enough. You are getting carried away here. What’s the purpose of your story?”


If I didn’t interrupt her she would go on and on the whole lunch period.


I’m sorry I didn’t mean to corrupt your prude virgin ears.”


Ha, she thinks she’s funny now.


It’s not that, Lar, and you know it. I don’t mind hearing about your sexy daydreams, but I would like you to get to the point before we leave school.”


Okay, so I go into class and he totally flirts with me. I swear Rena, if he asks me out I am so going to marry him and have his babies.”


She gets like this with anyone she thinks is Larissa worthy. It’s funny sometimes but it drives me bonkers because she doesn’t think. She doesn’t seem to think it is wrong to date a teacher.

Yeah, that’s fine in your daydreams but don’t make that a reality. He is your teacher, you do anything and he can get fired. Let’s not mention what it can do to you too. Don’t make any mistakes.”


Gosh, I feel like a parent telling her what to do but if I don’t, sometimes she gets into trouble. I am like the angel on her shoulder, making sure the devil doesn’t take over.

Oh c’mon, Rena! You think I would be that stupid?”


I don’t think she would do it but I know her passion sometimes gets the best of her and she acts out without thinking.


No, I don’t. I’m just trying to watch out for you.” I start to get up but she stops me.

Where are you going? You’re not done.”


Lunchtime is over in less than two minutes, I need to get to my next class.” I start to leave and she catches up to me.


Who was that hottie at the table when I came up?” She asks this with a huge smile on her face and I know what she’s thinking. She thinks that I may have interest in him and that she can play matchmaker. This isn’t Valentine’s Day when she can play cupid.


I think he’s new. His name is Aiden.”


I try to keep it as little detail as possible because I don’t want her to see right through me, to see how I seem to have a hard time resisting.


Wow, he is a total package. I think he has the hots for you.”


Is she nuts?


No, he’s just being nice.”


I sure hope he’s just being nice. It’s hard to turn him down so much and I’m not sure how long I will be able to do that.


I don’t think so. I saw the way he was looking at you. Why don’t you try to get to know him? He seems like a good guy.”


I hate when she does this. She’s always trying to play cupid and set me up with one dickhead after another. She should know that anyone from this school will not make it in my book. If they knew Cadence or heard all the rumors, they may not have the best intentions in mind.


I don’t even know him. He’s probably like the other jerks in school who are looking for a quick lay. I’m not getting myself into that. I have to make something of myself and to do that, I shouldn’t be getting involved with men. You know this! I’ve told you this every time.”


I don’t like to be like that towards her but I can’t help it. I tell her every time and she doesn’t seem to get it. I still love her, she will always be my best friend but she has to know when to stop.


I know, I just want you to live a little. There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun, falling in love and not being so serious in your schoolwork all the time,” she told me with a pouty face.


Look where love gets you! All around me I see it. My dad left my mom and now she has so many different boyfriends that I can’t keep track of them. Cadence slept with a bunch of people at this school, got knocked up and ran away. She hasn’t even had anyone stick around for her. Do I want to end up in a situation that is going to leave me broken, shattered and alone? No. I think I’ll stick to what I’m doing. Listen I don’t want to argue with you. You are all I have but I need to go to class. I’ll talk to you later.”


With that I turned around and headed to class. New school year, new people, and somehow I seem to be getting moodier by the day. I just need to make it through this day.



I make it home after a long day of school. As soon as I walk in the door, I am hit with the most amazing smell. I walk to the kitchen and my mom is slaving over the stove making us dinner.


Hey Mom, what are you making?”


I don’t even wait for her answer, I walk over to check it out myself.


Stuffed green peppers. We have a visitor coming over that I would like you to meet.”


I knew it!
She always makes something delicious when she is bringing her new boyfriend over. I hate going through this. She has had so many boyfriends but none of them ever seem to stick around long enough to really peg them as a doting boyfriend. She should do us all a favor and not bring anyone around until they have been together at least six months. This is getting old.


Who is it now, Mom?”


I wish she wouldn’t bring them around at all. They never seem to last long. Maybe it’s me? Maybe they got wind of what happened to Cadence, too? I don’t know. I think these men are too chicken-shit to deal with a single mother who has a rebel child and a teenage daughter. I think they secretly cringe when they come over to meet me. That’s all fine and dandy because I’m not too fond of them either.


Oh, it’s just someone I met at the grocery store the other day. He is really handsome and he seems to have a nice head on his shoulders.”


She tells me this every time, which means she’s bringing home the neighborhood scumbag. I don’t even know why she bothers. She should have realized with my father that there really aren’t any guys worth it anymore.


Okay, I guess I’ll go upstairs and do my homework.”


I started to go upstairs to my room and she stopped me.


You are such a good child. I was so blessed to have you. I’m very proud of you, I hope you know that. How was school? Any new kids?”


And this is why I swore off men. My mom is proud of me and I love hearing it. I really don’t want to screw that up so I have to be the best child that I can be.


School was fine. I wish it would have ended sooner. Of course there are new kids but a lot of the same pricks as last year. I’ll see you at the dinner table. Love you, Mom.”


I went in my room and closed my door. I sat down on my pink fluffy bed and put on my Beats by Dre headphones. The first song to play is Taylor Swift’s
. Listening to the lyrics somehow steers my mind to Aiden. I can’t be doing this. I never daydream about anyone. I can’t seem to focus on my homework because my mind is clouded with that blond haired blue eyed hunk. What the fuck did I just think? I don’t think these things. Something is seriously wrong with me. I take my headphones off because I just can’t take it anymore.
Ding dong
. Great!


It’s time to meet dick number seventeen. I go downstairs and see a guy standing at the front door. My mom just let him in. He is standing there in khaki pants and a button down shirt. He has brown hair and what looks to be a goatee on his face. To me, he looks like all the rest she brings home. Nothing new here.


Serena this is Tim. Tim, this is my daughter Serena.”


Tim comes up to me and tries to shake my hand and I have to force my hand. He smirks at me and I just want to go back to my room. Just looking at him is making me cringe. He looks like another typical asshole.


It’s nice to meet you Serena,” Tim said.


I just nod my head. My mother ushers him to a seat and goes to walk in the kitchen. She drags me with her unfortunately, which means I’m about to have my ass handed to me.

Serena, can you please be nice? This is a new guest in our house and I don’t want him to be scared away.”


She says this like it’s my fault that all her men keep ditching her.


I am as nice as I am with everyone. It’s not my fault you pick out the losers,” I sneer back at her.

I’m not one to be defiant but I can’t stand to be introduced to these guys
... I walk back to the table and decide I won’t be a complete bitch. I’ll just ignore him or say as little as possible.


So Serena, what grade are you in?”


Why does he seem to be so damn talkative all of a sudden? Well I guess my plan won’t work out too well.


Junior.” Let’s keep this short and simple.


That’s awesome! Do you have any brothers or sisters?” Oh, here we go again. Do I seriously have to get into this with every person? Can’t people just leave some private issues alone?


One sister.”


Hopefully, if I keep my answers short and blunt, maybe he will just get the hint and leave me the hell alone.


That’s cool. I have a son about your age. His name is Aiden. He goes to your school. Maybe you know him?”


I almost fell out of my chair.
Holy fucking shit! Did he just say Aiden?
I sure hope I’m not hearing things. Now my stomach is all tied in knots.


Please excuse me, I have to go use the restroom.”


I get up and walk upstairs to the bathroom. I’m looking in the mirror and having a total panic attack.
Fuck! What the hell am I supposed to do now?
The guy who I like, his father is dating my mother.
What the hell am I supposed to do?
I can either break them up so I can have Aiden...or this is the perfect way to make sure that I can’t ever get involved. As much as I am already liking Aiden, I have to act like the best child so he is not easily scared away from my mother. Aiden, then cannot use his charm on me. It’s the perfect solution to my problem.
Now I have to act! Its go time!

I leave the bathroom, sit down and become the most talkative person there is. I see a light in my mother’s eyes as I’m describing
how great school is and that I have actually met Aiden and he seems like a very nice person. We go through all the questions and answers and Tim seems to be having a great time. I look over at my mother and she mouths, “Thank you,” and I just smile at her. This may work out to my advantage. We’ll have to see how this plays out.

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