Needing You (20 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Needing You
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“Yeah, we can talk about it another time.  Come here, let’s just watch some TV, okay?” he asks. I slide up beside him and cuddle into his side as I hand him the television remote and we watch mindless TV shows until we pass out.

I wake up early the next morning, clearly after sleeping half the freaking day away yesterday.  Tucker is still passed out, I look at the clock and it shows it’s almost 6:45 a.m. I get up and get showered because I have a class at 8 a.m. After I dress, I head to the kitchen to make some breakfast for Tucker and I before I wake him up.

“Morning,” he says in a cheery tone.

“Good morning, I’m making breakfast, egg white sandwiches,” I say with a smile on my face.

“That sounds good, smells good too. Anything I can help with?” he asks.

“Nope, almost done, have a seat.” He sits at table and I bring over our plates of food and we sit in comfortable silence and eat our breakfasts.

“This is delicious, thank you,” he says enjoying his breakfast.

“Anytime.  Sorry I wasn’t much company last night,” I say a bit shyly.

“Harp, don’t apologize for anything. I am thankful that you are starting to open up to me. Thank you,” he says sweetly looking longingly at me.

After breakfast is over we make small talk. “Hey, I need to head home and get ready; I have an early class today,” he says.

“Yeah me too,” I say. 

I walk him to the door, and before he walks out he turns and takes my chin in his fingertips and brushes his lips softly against mine. It’s sweet and romantic and I want him to continue, but it’s over before it has the chance to go further. “I will see you later today, have a great morning,” he says with a sexy smile on his face. Then he opens the door and leaves while I’m standing there looking dumbstruck.  Tucker just made me speechless. 

My morning classes fly by thankfully and before I know it, its early afternoon and I am starving. I head out, deciding to go to the café for lunch before my last class of the day.

“Hey beautiful, want to go to lunch with me?” Tucker asks me. The smile on my face is crazy. I know I just saw him this morning, but he makes my stomach do all sorts of crazy things.

“Sure,” I reply happily. He wraps his arm around me as we make our way to the café across from campus. I see all the people looking our way, more so the girls with their faces looking all pissed off, but all I can do is smile.  It feels good with Tucker’s arm around me and I am going to enjoy this for as long as I can.

“How were your morning classes?” he asks making small talk.

“They were okay; I have a full load of homework to start tonight.”

“That sucks,” he says with his signature sexy smile.

“Yeah but that’s college right,” I say smiling back.

“You are right on that one. I’m working all this week after classes, so we won’t be able to hang out much. Do you work on Friday?” he asks.

“Yes, I work Friday and Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.”

“Okay, so how about we meet up for lunch every day this week, and we hang out Saturday before you go to work?” he asks hopeful.

“Sounds like a plan!” I tell him happily.

“Good!” he says with his sexy smile. Damn I want to kiss this boy again.

After lunch he walks me to class and heads to his own.

Today is a good day.  It sucks I won’t see Tucker all week except for lunch, but I guess it’s probably a good thing.


Chapter 21

I haven’t seen Tuck much at all during the week because our schedules don’t work out together and things came up, so we end up only meeting one time for lunch.  Friday night at PowerTrips is nice and busy and I still found time to talk to Natalie a little more, it’s nice to see we are friends.  She’s opening up to me and telling me a little about her situation, but nothing in too much detail.  I can tell she has a lot going on, but I didn’t want to pry, so I don’t. 

I’m looking forward to seeing Tucker tomorrow, but we never discussed a time.  I’m thinking maybe I should purchase a phone, that way I can at least text or call a few people if I need to. 

After work Natalie gives me a ride home and I head into my apartment for a quiet night.  I am pretty wide-awake, but tired at the same time.  Too bad for me, I know sleep won’t be coming easy.  So I shower and decide to watch some TV to pass some time until I can succumb to sleep. 

At around 3 a.m. there’s a knock at my door which surprises me because I’m not expecting anyone.  I look out the peep-hole and see Tuck standing there, so obviously I open the door.

“Hey,” I say looking curiously up at him.  Damn this man is fine.

“Hey Harp,” he says softly looking down into my lust filled eyes.

“What are you doing here this late?” I ask.

“I couldn’t sleep and knew you were working so I thought I could come and see you now,” he says with a sexy smile on his face.

“Oh okay,” clearly I’m happy and my stomach starts doing these crazy somersaults again. 

“I thought maybe I could stay the night unless you don’t want me to,” he says rather quickly.

“Sure!” I say a little too excitedly. The smile on his face says he’s happy as well.

“Good. We haven’t been able to see each other much this week and I miss seeing you, so here I am,” he says in all sexy Tuck fashion.

“I’m glad you came. I missed you too,” I say with a cute smile on my face.

He laughs and says, “Let’s get some sleep.”  We head into my room and get ready for bed.  I am more than comfortable to sleep in Tucker’s arms.


“Morning beautiful,” Tuck says softly into my ear.

“Good morning,” I say while stretching a bit.

“So, I was thinking that we could just hang out inside all day today until you have to go into work,” Tuck states looking hopeful.

“Sure, we can do that, anything in particular you have in mind?” I ask curiously.

“Hmm…well,” he looks like he’s thinking.

“Like stay in bed and make out all day?” I ask trying to be all sexy and seductive, clearly not working in my favor. Once I say the words I regret it because his eyes get a dark look in them, which is a little scary. And because it seems like I’m talking about us maybe having sex…which I’m not ready for.

Tuck starts laughing, “Well as great as that sound, I’m not sure I would be able to stop from wanting to go further if we’re lying in bed. “  Obviously Tuck reads my face because before I can continue he says, “Harp don’t worry, we can make out, just not in bed all day.” The smile on his face is so sexy, damn him for making me all hot and bothered.

“Good,” is my only reply.

I hop out of bed to go and brush my teeth because morning breath is gross; Tuck follows me in probably thinking the same thing. Once our brushing is done I reach over and grab him, pulling his head down to meet mine.  If I’m getting a chance to make out with Tuck today, I am damn well going to get my fill of him.

Tuck makes me feels things I’ve never felt before and damn if I don’t want more to happen.  Our passionate kissing is getting heated and he starts walking backwards out of the bathroom while kissing me, leading us towards my bed.  Tuck slowly sits on the edge of the bed and I am positioned in between his legs frantically kissing and tasting every bit of his mouth.  He lets me and in seconds I have him lying on the bed and I am straddling him, kissing him and myself senseless.  I can feel his erection growing and wonder what it would feel like for him to hit my most sensitive spot.

My body, having a mind of its own, starts moving against his hard erection and I hear a soft moan come from Tuck’s throat. Hell I’m making my own noises, not sure where they’re coming from.

Tuck slowly flips us to where he is on top of me kissing my lips, my face, and down my neck, across my collarbone.  The noises that are coming from me are so foreign that I feel slightly embarrassed. My God, I want him to go further down, to touch me; my body feels on fire by his touch.  As if he can read my mind he says, “Harp, can I kiss you everywhere? I need your permission first,” he asks in such a sexy seductive manner. I can’t seem to get close enough.

I nod my head and Tuck pulls my tank top straps down to release my breasts.  He starts slowly licking and kissing all while kneading them.  Once they are rock hard peaks, Tuck finally takes one into his mouth and oh gosh, the moans from me are animalistic.  Tuck makes sure to spend equal time on both of my mounds and oh my I don’t want him to stop.  My body is reacting to everything he is doing.

“So responsive,” he says with lust filled eyes.

“Mmmhmm,” is my only response. The way he is kissing and sucking is making me go crazy.

“Harp can I go further?” he asks hopeful.

“Mmmhmm, please don’t stop,” I beg.

He slowly lowers my shorts and underwear.  I should feel embarrassed because here Tuck is seeing me naked, but my mind is elsewhere and only concentrating on the way he is making my body feel.

“You are beautiful Harp,” he says as he slowly places kisses on my stomach and from hip to hip. He continues his kissing torture to my body and slowly so slowly I feel his fingers move through my slick folds. “Are you okay?” he asks as he slides up my body so his lips can meet mine while his fingers work their magic down there. 

“Oh yeah, I’m good,” I say a little breathlessly.  Then I feel a finger enter me and a part of me jumps, not ready for the sensation. The other part is excited because of this sexy man beside me. The moment I jump though Tuck stops, “Baby are you okay?” he asks in a panicked tone looking into my eyes.

“I’m good Tuck please don’t stop,” I practically beg and he continues. He moves his finger inside of me then adds another.  The way he is moving them inside of me is driving me crazy, but the palm of his hand is what is making me go nuts. He is rubbing my nub and shit, all at once my mind is going wild. Then add the kissing to my lips and body and this man is making me explode, seeing nothing but stars.  Tuck continues to kiss me until my body calms down.

“Wow,” is all I can say.

“Harp, that was the sexiest thing ever,” he says with a huge smile then kisses me again.

As much as I want to please Tuck, I have no idea of where to start. I mean I’ve read plenty in books, but that’s not the same thing. As if Tuck can read my mind, he stops kissing me and looks me in the eyes.  “Harp, have you ever had sex before?” he asks with sincerity in his eyes.

Damn him, why did he have to ask me this now?  I can’t talk about this, not right now.

“Yes, but I’m not ready for that,” I say softly hoping not to ruin the mood.

“We aren’t ready for sex. I’m sorry, I just had to ask,” he says sweetly still staring at me. I feel like he can see into my soul and see the shattered mess that’s there.

“It’s fine,” I say and suddenly Tuck takes my face into his hands and kisses me so deeply, damn I turn to a puddle of mush when it comes to this man.

“I could kiss you all damn day,” he says, staring at me with hungry dark brown eyes. 

“Sounds like a plan to me!” I tell him with a big smile on my face.

“As great as that sounds we need to eat, we will continue this later beautiful,” he says while standing up.  He still has a tent in his shorts and damn if I don’t want to help him out of that situation.

“Umm Tuck…what about,”…I nod at his erection in his shorts.

“It’s fine Harp, I just need a few minutes,” he says like it’s no big deal.

The rest of the day is great.  We make out more and hang out and laugh at stupid reality television shows. The day turns out to be a lot of fun, but soon it’s time for work.

“So Tuck, do you want to spend the night tonight?” I ask him with a hopeful look.

“Why Harp, can you not get enough of my sexiness?” he says with a sexy smirk on his lips.

“Oh shut it, I can do fine without...that!” I say while pointing to his body.

He starts laughing, “I would like nothing better than to spend the night with you in my arms. The guys are planning to come into the bar tonight anyway so I’ll grab extra clothes and then swing by and wait for you to get off work tonight,” he says looking at me and smiling.

“Good, can’t wait!” I say.  My stomach starts doing those damn flips again.

Tuck drops me off at work before heading back to his frat house.  I can’t help how excited I am. I’m in a great mood to work all evening.  Tuck and his friends aren’t here yet, but I hope he will be here soon. Damn him for making me a giggly high school girl.

Around midnight, Tuck comes into the bar with his fraternity buddies.  Most of them look drunk already.  They make their way to the tables in the corner and one of the waitresses takes their drink orders.  The bar tonight is busy, but it’s not out of control.  Parker is talking to Natalie and they keep looking at me so I know something’s up, I just don’t know what. I’ll find out soon enough though I’m sure.

After I finish serving the last customer at the bar, I make my way down to them and ask, “What’s up?”

“So you and Tuck are an item now?” Parker asks angrily.

“I don’t know what we are guys,” I state truthfully, because honestly I have no idea.

“Seriously Harp, you need to be careful, Tuck’s not the guy you think he is,” Parker says looking at me in all seriousness.

“Look Parker, I appreciate your advice, I swear I do, but Tuck and I talk and we’re good. I promise I’m not in over my head,” I say smiling to them both, hoping to reassure them that I know what I’m doing.”

“Harper…there’s thing’s you don’t know about Tuck that maybe if you did,” before he could continue Tuck interrupts, “Parker she’s well aware of the shit in my life.  I don’t keep shit from her, so she knows what happened in regards to my family situation,” Tuck all but spits out.

“You told her?” Parker asks questioningly.

“Yes, I told her,” Tuck says shocking Parker.

“Holy shit…Natalie I need a shot. Tuck, just because you told her doesn’t mean you’re a changed man. You’re still an asshole,” Parker takes his shot and then leaves without saying another word.

“Maybe we can work on that situation later,” I say to Tuck.

“No, that’s never gonna happen, he’ll never forgive me,” Tuck says with a touch of sadness.

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