Mr. Darcy Forever (34 page)

Read Mr. Darcy Forever Online

Authors: Victoria Connelly

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Mr. Darcy Forever
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I make a mean hot chocolate,’ Gabe said and Mia couldn’t help but smile.

Okay,’ she said in a little voice.


He disappeared into the kitchen and Mia was left to look around the front room. It was lit by a couple of enormous lamps and looked wonderfully cosy. It was the kind of room you could easily settle into and never want to leave. Mia could quite imagine curling up in one of the big armchairs with a book and a cup of tea and whiling away many a happy hour.

Suddenly, Mia was swept by a tide of sadness as she remembered Andrea. Had she sat in this very chair, thinking of the happy days ahead with Gabe only to have her life cruelly cut short by her illness? She swallowed hard, realising that her own problems were so petty and insignificant in comparison.

It was then that Gabe appeared with her mug of hot chocolate. It was funny - Gabe was forever making her hot, comforting drinks.

Thank you,’ she said.

You’re welcome,’ he said, wincing as he put her mug down.

Are you okay?’ she asked, looking at his bandaged arm.

Just a twinge,’ he said.

When does it come off?’

Next week so not long now.’

It must be very annoying,’ Mia said. ‘How have you been coping?’

Slowly!’ he said with a grin. ‘I’ve been living at half-speed but it could have been worse. Just imagine if I’d broken my leg.’ He went to get his own mug of hot chocolate from the kitchen and then took a seat opposite her.

I like your dress,’ he said at last. ‘It really suits you.’

Oh, it’s Shelley’s. I ruined mine.’

Yes, I noticed.’

It’s been a strange day,’ she said, taking a sip of hot chocolate.

Did you want to tell me about it?’

She leaned back in the chair and then turned around. ‘Is this a cardigan?’ she asked, picking it up from the back of the chair.

Yes,’ Gabe said.

Mia pulled a funny face. ‘I thought only grandfathers wore cardigans.’

Gabe laughed. ‘You really don’t mince your words, do you?’

I don’t think men should wear cardigans.’

Oh, you don’t, do you?’

They’re mumsy.’

I thought you said only grandfathers wore them.’

You know what I mean.’

Mia pulled the cardigan around her shoulders. ‘What?’

I thought you didn’t approve of cardigans,’ Gabe said. ‘But you don’t object to wearing them yourself?’

It’s rather comforting,’ she said, settling back in the chair.

He smiled at her. ‘A cup of hot chocolate and a cardigan around your shoulders.’

Do I look ancient?’

No,’ he said. ‘Far from it.’

Well, I
ancient,’ she said. ‘I’ve never felt so old in my life.’ She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, knowing she was in danger of falling asleep in Gabe’s front room. ‘Sorry,’ she said a moment later, opening her eyes and looking at him. ‘You must think I’m so rude.’

Not at all.’

I don’t mean to be rude,’ she said. ‘It’s just –’ she paused. ‘I keep running into my past and it’s – unnerving me.’

Then your past isn’t a happy one?’

Not the last few years,’ Mia said. ‘Before that, everything was fine. Well, apart from our mother walking out on us.’

And who is “us”? Gabe asked.

Me and my sister – Sarah.’

And she’s here in Bath?’

I met her this evening at the dance.’

Gabe nodded.

Tell me more about Andrea,’ Mia said.

But I want to know more about Sarah,’ he replied.

You go first.’

He shifted in his chair. ‘What do you want to know?’

Did you ever argue?’

Of course,’ he said.

What was the worst argument about?’

Gabe looked thoughtful for a moment and Mia wondered if he was going to tell her the truth or just tell her to leave. ‘It was shortly after we got married,’ he said. ‘I got offered a job here in Bath. We were living in London at the time. Andrea had always lived there and her friends and family had always been on her doorstep. We had a big fight about leaving. I loved London too but I wasn't tied to it as much she was.’

So what happened?’

We had a weekend here in Bath and just wandered around together, soaking it all in. We stayed in a little bed and breakfast in a village just outside Bath. The views were breathtaking and, one morning, we set out walking. We really didn't know where we were going and we even got lost at one stage.’ He laughed at the memory. ‘But something changed that day. We spent the whole day together -
together and it wasn't like our life in London where things were always rushed and time was always short. We felt as though we’d stumbled across a different way of living here. We’d both discovered this new place and there were no ties from either of our backgrounds - no preconceptions or previous commitments. We were free to make a brand new life that would be completely ours.’

Mia smiled. ‘That’s really romantic.’

I guess it is,’ he said. ‘Anyway, shortly after, we found a house about a mile from here and left London for good.’

I can't imagine leaving London.’

Have you always lived there?’

No. Just since I was a student.’

So you like it?’

Mia looked at him and then slowly shook her head. ‘No,’ she said. ‘I don't think I do. At least, not any more. When I was a student, I got a real buzz from being there. Everything seemed so exciting. I thought it was the centre of the whole world.’

But not any more?’

She shook her head again. ‘Please don't tell Shelley. She still thinks I'm going to make it in the West End.’

And you’re not?’

Mia looked at him. His bright eyes looked so kind and understanding and she felt as if she could tell him everything which was an experience she’d only ever had with her sister in the past.

I can’t imagine leaving London but there’s a part of me that would love to.’

Then why don’t you?’

I don’t know where I’d go,’ she said.

Doesn’t Shelley have a spare room? She told me she was looking for another lodger.’

It’s not that simple,’ Mia said.

You’ve not fallen out with Shelley, have you?’

Oh, no – I don’t think that would ever happen.’

Then what?’

Mia’s hand clasped her warm mug. ‘It’s a long story,’ she said slowly.

Gabe shrugged casually. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’

So, even though she’d only known this man for a short time, and even though she didn’t know him all that well, she began to tell him what had happened to her from the heavenly holiday in Devon to Sarah’s confession that she was in love with Alec and they were to get married.

And tonight was the first time you’ve spoken to her since then?’ Gabe asked.

Mia nodded. ‘And I was so horrible. It was like all the hatred I have ever felt in my life came pouring out of my mouth. I shouldn't have said anything,’ she said, hiding her head in her hands.

But she hurt you.’

I know but I didn’t want to hurt her back. I feel just awful.’

Well then talk to her again. There must be a way through this.’

I don’t know. I just can’t see it. We’ll always have this
between us.’

But do you want to sort out things?’

I obviously didn't this evening.’

But you were in shock then. But what if you could meet up again and just talk. Would you?’

Mia sat in silence for a moment. What did she want to do? It seemed like it was up to her now. ‘All I know is that I don't want things to be as they are right now.’

Gabe nodded. ‘Then we'll have to make sure that they change, won't we?’

That sounds scary.’

Change usually is.’

Silence descended between them again and Mia heard the comforting tick of an old carriage clock on the mantelpiece.

Okay,’ Gabe said at last. ‘So what was this afternoon about? Who were you running away from then?’

Mia blinked. She'd almost forgotten about the events of the afternoon.

Alec,’ she said.

He’s here in Bath?’

He said he came to find me. He thought I’d be here for the festival.’

Did Sarah ask him to find you for her?’

No,’ Mia said. ‘They’ve broken up.’

Gabe shook his head. ‘I don't understand. What did he want to see you for, then?’

Mia gave a little laugh. ‘He wanted to tell me that he'd made a terrible mistake and that he wanted me back.’

My God!’ Gabe said. ‘I don't believe it.’

Neither did I.’

And what did you say to him?’

I told him I never wanted to see him again.’

And you slapped him?’

Only once,’ Mia said. ‘Although he deserved several really.’

I wish I'd seen it,’ Gabe said, risking a tiny smile.

It’s a shame you didn't. I think half of Bath saw it.’

I should have bought an evening paper. Perhaps it was reported.’

Mia gave the tiniest of smiles.

Do you think he’s gone?’

I hope so,’ Mia said.

Gabe took a deep breath. ‘You’ve had quite a day.’

Mia gave a little laugh. ‘I wouldn't want to live through it again.’

Gabe looked at her. ‘But that’s not the whole story, is it?’

What do you mean?’

You’ve not told me everything, have you?’

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