More Than Famous (Famous #2) (46 page)

BOOK: More Than Famous (Famous #2)
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"Yes, I know, but box office is your problem, not mine. We’re aware of your concerns and they are duly noted. Our managers and attorneys have clarified your reasoning and while we understand, we feel the contracts are in violation of our personal rights," I put up my hand to stop Todd when he opened his mouth to speak.

"We have no intention of going public with the relationship yet, but we don't want to sneak around between hotels anymore," I continued.  "If you feel it necessary to waste money by getting each of us our own room, then so be it, but they will be at the same property going forward. We want to be together and we’re sick of the hassle."

"During the promotion of the movies we need you on lock-down.  Sorry Cade, but the focus needs to be on the movies, not you and Brook. It's my job to build box office and that's what I will damn well do!" Nancy paced back and forth across the room while she spoke.

I ran my hand through my hair impatiently as I looked across the table, and then up at her. No doubt she was paid on results. I felt Jeanne move in closer and lean forward slightly. She folded her hands on top of the table and smiled at them coldly. Nancy’s returning smile was stiff.

"Maybe we can come up with a compromise. Surely you remember what it's like to be young and in love? Brook and Cade are professionals and will deliver the goods, but they deserve the right to be together without all of this corporate bullshit, don't you agree?" Jeanne asked.

"Cade, I get it.  Brook is a hot little number," Todd put in. Anger flashed and heat began to rise in my face.

"Just bloody stop right there! This is
about shagging her, and I’m insulted that you would imply it is. We are
in love
with each other, and while we understand the logic behind the promotional rules and Pinnacle being worried a break up will ruin box office, we want to be together.  I can promise you, we won't break up. But," I started to raise my voice, "
that were to happen, Brook and I would be the model of professionalism and we would complete our obligations without interruption. You have my word."

"We can take your fee, cancel your upcoming films
You could be ruined.  Don't fuck with us, young man," Todd retorted.

I just looked at him and laughed. "Really? You'll ruin
? You need us far more than we need you and that's a bloody fact. Yes, you could cancel the two movies we’ve signed with you, but we could walk on the rest of this series

Everyone sitting at this table bloody well knows that the series is the cash cow pulling the rest of your little projects along.  If you want to grow so you can finally compete with the big production houses, you can't dick around with current success."

My face was strained and I could feel the muscles working in my jaw, but my voice was resolute. I might be young, but I’d been working in the business for years and I knew how shit worked.

"Cade," Denise cautioned and placed a hand on my arm; I was so bloody pissed by this point, I didn't give a damn.

"Do you think the fans will come see the films if you tried to recast Ryan and Julia? Do you think the author of the books will agree?" I crossed my arms over my chest, leaned back in my chair and waited for them to answer. They all bristled in their seats so I continued with a shake of my head. "No. We all know the answer is clear. So, I think you've got it backwards. Don't

Silence. No one spoke for a good minute and a half. I took a deep breath and continued.

"The solution is simple," I stopped when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and opened Brook's message. “Excuse me.”


Pinnacle sent David up here, and it's the same song and dance as before. The press already had him, so I have to go out for a bit.

Sorry, I didn't know until my phone rang at 10:30 this AM.

Counting on you to give those fuckers what for. Love you.


I sighed again, disgusted with the people sitting across the table from me.

Bloody hell! This wasn't happening anymore, either. I felt my blood pressure rise.

"Either you help us be together quietly or we'll be together
. You do have a choice, but those are your only options. I guarantee we will both walk off of these films without a backward glance. We're talented enough to make a living without the backing of Pinnacle or the
franchise, and frankly, we don't give a flying fuck about money or fame. We only want each other. We've had too much grief as it is, and we're bloody done."

Nancy was less forceful when she answered. "Cade, you're being unreasonable. Think of the risks you're taking. The entire world believes that Brook is with David, so she'll be painted as a two-timing whore who steps out on her boyfriend; and the press will position her as falling for every new co-star she is cast with going forward. You must think of her."

"Oh, I
thinking of her. This bullshit has cost us a great deal and we're tired. It's none of your business so I'm not going into it in detail, but I'm in love with this girl and she is the only thing that matters. You’re making more money off of me than I’m making off of you. Remember that." They all stared at me with their mouths open and if I wasn't so angry, the situation might have been funny.

Joel pulled out his phone to check his messages, and I watched as his mouth tightened.

"My client just informed me that you forced David Landis on her again this weekend. I thought we'd already had these discussions? This is absolutely the last time he will show his face in Vancouver unless she expressly invites him, is that clear?"

Todd stood up and went to the side bar to refill his coffee. "We're under contract with him, and if we have to pay him then he's going to fulfill the contract."

"Whatever your contract is with David, it doesn't confine my client. She is under no obligation to acquiesce. I'm prepared to take this to court if need be. It's a violation of her civil rights."

Jeanne stepped in. "So what, Joel? David is up in Vancouver? Now?" I could see it in her face how pissed she was. Joel just nodded and threw his phone down on the table.

I never realized how jealous and possessive I was until I was faced with that little wanker so bloody often.

"I want him gone for good, or I'm done. No more negotiation," I growled through clenched teeth. Jeanne shot me a glance before she sat back and addressed the Pinnacle team.

"In the best interest of my client's reputation, we'll dance your little dance a little while longer..." I started to sit up, and she put a hand on my arm, "that is
, because we'll need time to feasibly solidify a break-up before Cade and Brook can be a couple out in the open. Keep in mind that this charade is necessary only because of the one Pinnacle has already created. It’s very unfair to these two young people. Brook has been apart from David for months, yet she is forced into uncomfortable situations and she’s been a good sport, but enough is enough."

She tented her hands in front of her on the table, "You will make it easier for Caden and Brook to see each other in private. No more separate hotels and an increase in security to ensure their privacy. Do what you want as far as promoting the films as long as it doesn't malign either of their characters or hurt future opportunities. And no more fake boyfriend visits."

"But for
Don’t Forget To Remember Me
we have to foster other relationships!"

"You're delusional. Do you think that the fans want to see ‘Julia’ appearing with other men in the cast? Get real. No, they're going to that film to see if Julia remembers Ryan. Did you even read the story that you're trying so hard to promote?" Denise rolled her eyes and took a drink from her cup. "Jesus, you people amaze me."

"Okay," I interrupted, "Bottom line is; we'll compromise. We'll help you promote the subsequent films, as you ask, but no more appearances from Landis, no more Wendy being shoved down my throat. No more separate hotels, and we will be going out in public together on occasion.  Most of all, I want some freedom with Brook when we go to the Italian Film Festival. She hasn’t been to Italy and I want to take her to some of my favorite places." The festival was just after the end of filming the second movie, and Brook and I would be separated for months afterward while we worked on other projects.

"We won’t tolerate public appearances, Cade," Todd stood and walked around the table, "at least, not ones we don't arrange and script."

"Todd, didn’t you hear me? You're not in a position to tell us what to do. We'll be discreet, but we won't be prisoners any longer. We've got two bloody years left on this series, and we aren't going to be caged up in our hotels the entire time," I challenged, meeting his eyes without flinching.

Fucking weasel.

"We can still walk off these films if that is what we have to do."

Nancy sighed heavily. "You're scheduled for Cannes in May, before Italy. Can we compromise so the whole thing isn't screwed?" she asked as she turned to her cohorts. The men didn't look happy, but they nodded at Nancy before she looked back toward the four of us.

"I'll authorize Brook to move into your hotel the weekend you are away in France; you still do your appearances there without her, and we keep the relationship as private as possible until
A Love Like This
is released?"

"What about Italy? I'm leaving for New York right after that, and we need time together there."

"Yeah, we'll put you in the same hotel there too, but no public PDA's. No holding hands, kissing, or even walking arm in arm. Not yet."

"I have one other concern regarding the promotion of future films that do not include Brook," I said as my eyes narrowed.

"Here we go! You've already got us hanging by the balls!" Todd was exasperated and I laughed at his expression. "You realize that you'll need to promote with whoever is cast as your romantic lead, so we
expect you to go out in public with her." My next film began pre-production in a couple of months and as of yet, the actress hadn’t been cast.

I shook my head at the ridiculousness of the situation. "Do you realize how absurd you sound? I can't be seen in public with Brook because she's my co-star, but I
be seen in public with this yet-to-be-named co-star? Ridiculous." I'd had enough and rose from my chair. "I'm going to be late for my bloody readings... Um, that is, if I'm still employed on these films?"

I could see them all clenching and stiffening. I waited until Todd nodded and I felt my lips quirk in a grin.

What were they going to do? Take away my bloody birthday?
I felt like laughing out loud

Jeanne spoke up. "Brook may not be comfortable with outings with the co-star.  If Cade has to be seen in public with her on occasion, I want someone else with them. Another person who it’s known is only his friend. Denise, who do we know that lives in New York?"

"Sarah does, but I'll see who else I know. That's a good idea, Jeanne," Denise added.

"Oh, for God's sake!  Is she really that insecure?" Nancy spouted off. "I thought she was a professional with a growing reputation for being tough. That's what you guys are always shoving down my damn throat."

I turned on my way out of the office. "Oh, it's not for her, she's tough as nails. It's for me. I don't like other women pawing on me, even if it is for publicity. Moreover, I'm sick of the rags lying about my actions. This is my goddamned
! To comply, I will not openly admit to being with Brook; I'll avoid answering questions, but if any lies emerge that need direct dispute, I will not hesitate to do so. If you do your job and concentrate on promoting the films the right way instead of through vicious gossip, you'll have no worries. Better get busy then, hadn't you?"

 Nancy and the others looked at us without speaking, their expressions full of anger and frustration, but they knew they were wrong and that they needed us.

Joel stood and began to gather his things.

"Gentlemen, ladies. Thank you for the meeting." He put his papers back inside his briefcase as he spoke. "I'll have the clause with all of the provisions we've discussed drawn up and on your desk by the end of the week. These contract amendments are non-negotiable and we will expect them signed and back to me no later than the wrap of
Don’t Forget to Remember Me
. If they are not, my clients will
be returning to the set of
Love Like This mid-August. Have a wonderful day." He grinned broadly.

They all followed me out and I took a deep breath when I stepped inside the elevator. I felt better, except for David tagging after Brook all bloody day. I took out my phone to send my girl a message.


The meeting went pretty well. We still have to be discrete, but they’ll put us in the same hotel. How bloody long is that weasel scheduled in Vancouver? He's history after this. Love you back.




David had been surprisingly relaxing. We played around downtown Vancouver like the friends I felt we were. I was relieved the pressure seemed to be off and he didn't badmouth Cade or try to talk about getting back together. After Cade's text, I felt better knowing there wouldn't be another one of these unexpected visits and happy
David, the one with me today, was the one I remembered, and missed.

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