More Than Famous (Famous #2) (41 page)

BOOK: More Than Famous (Famous #2)
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The cast and crew threw a little mini-party for me over the lunch break and it was fun to have them all celebrating with me. One of the production assistants gave me a bouquet of roses.  He'd been nice and very helpful during filming, and it was evident he had a slight crush. Martin shook his head with a knowing smile and Cade winked at me. I bit my lip to stifle the grin that wanted to spread across my face.

"Thank you, Mark.  You're very sweet," I hugged the young man; careful not to crush the flowers.

Cade faded back, but I always felt his eyes on me, always watching.  During lunch, Mark came to sit next to me and at that point, so did Cade.

Uh oh
.  I smiled to myself.  This was flattering and I was anxious to be near Cade and wondered how he would react to the other guy’s attentiveness.

Mark made small talk during lunch and Cade just sat across from me smirking as he ate.  He didn't say a damn thing.

"Brook, do you have big plans tonight? It must be hard to go out without being mobbed."

"Um... I am going out. My brother and father will be here, and we’re going out. Some of the cast will tag along as well," my eyes ricocheted off of Cade's before returning to Mark's face.  I offered a gentle smile, knowing he was hoping for an invitation.

"Oh.  That sounds like fun."

"Yes, it will be," Cade finally interjected.  I shot him a look but he only grinned wider and forked in a mouth full of food.

The poor kid got so flushed he excused himself only seconds later.  He must have been intimidated as hell.  The blue eyes across the table never wavered from mine as Mark said goodbye and left.

"What?"  I asked as Cade continued to stare.

"You weren't just flirting with that poor unsuspecting lad, were you?"  I knew he was teasing by the glint in his eyes and the smile on his lips.

"Yeah, I guess I was."  I wanted to reach out and touch him so much but I had to be satisfied with a smile.

"Yes, you definitely were. Are you going to break his heart?"  He laughed and I shook my head, but I was trying not to smile. It delighted me that even though he wasn't angry, he was the tiniest bit jealous of the young production assistant.

"You’re very happy today, Brook.  I like the way it looks on you." His velvet voice washed over me like a caress. That voice was my undoing and I felt my face flush.  As intimate as the two of us had become, he could still make me blush.

We were alone. The others who joined us for lunch had filtered away, allowing me to say what I wanted. "I am. Very. I'm looking forward to tonight when Nate and Dad come in.  I haven't seen my dad in several weeks, and I do have the most beautiful boyfriend in the world to make love with me all night."

"Hmmph," Cade let out his breath and ran his fingers through his hair. "All night?  I think I'll need a nap first," he laughed out loud.

"You're gonna get in trouble for messing your hair up.  Sally will have your ass."

Cade rolled his eyes. "I'll take my chances.  What does your dad usually do for your birthday?"

"He always gives me cash, but this year maybe I should be giving him some instead." I giggled at the absurdity of it, but it was true. The first film had done well and we’d be given a better salary on the second installment.  "Denise and Jeanne were right to negotiate our contracts together.  They did an amazing job, didn't they?"

"Yes, but what will I do with more money?  Who needs it?"  He shrugged carelessly. He was hugely famous and he didn’t care or act the part. He was real and down-to-earth, and it was one of the things I loved most about him. .

"I know.  But think of it this way, the more they get for us, the more they get and it's fun, isn't it?  I don't care about stuff either, but it's the principal.  Maybe we can buy an island or something so we can sneak off by ourselves." 

I reached across the table and took his hand in mine.  His warm fingers closed around mine and he rubbed the top of my hand with his thumb. "Speaking of stuff,” I began, “I hope you didn't get me anything for my birthday.  I don't need anything but you."

"What are you saying,
?  I shouldn’t send you roses or get you gifts?” His American accent easily fell over his voice as he took on his role as Ryan.

I raised my eyebrow and shook my head gently.  "I only need you."

He smiled softly at me and pulled my hand across the table and up to his lips. We weren't supposed to have any PDA's, but the touch of his lips on my wrist made my pulse speed up.

"Besides, Cade; material stuff doesn't mean anything.  I already have my bracelet, the guitar, and the ring," my free hand went to my shirt to cover the chain that held my engagement ring under my sweater, "and, I do have you. That’s something every woman in the world between the ages of twelve and sixty-five will gladly kill me for."  I waggled my eyebrows playfully causing Cade to roll his eyes.

“Whatever,” he dismissed in amusement.

Martin called places and we made our way back to the set. Cade released my hand, and walked behind me. I was acutely aware of the absence of his hand in mine, my skin still burning in memory of his touch.

"Happy birthday, honey. I love you." He leaned down and whispered in my ear, his hot breath washing over the skin of my cheek and neck.  My heart stopped.

"See?  That's perfect.  All I need,” I said with a smile.



we left the restaurant, Cade and Dawson planned on getting together for one of our jam sessions in my hotel room.  Nathan and Dad were staying in the same hotel, and Daniel Mayfield, Cade's good friend, who was also in Vancouver, joined us for dinner as well.

I'd had a great time after I could stop staring at Dawson's hair.  He had a pound of hair gel spiking it up, which looked odd considering his hair was pretty long. When I'd joked with him about it he said he was trying to take some of the press off of Cade and me.  Either way, it looked hilarious. I'd never seen anything like it, and I never expected Dawson to do something so weird with his style.

Cade left the restaurant with Daniel and Nate after he'd signed a bunch of autographs outside on the street. Dawson took me, and my dad, with him.  Cameras flashed as I walked out with his hand in mine and he threw me a wink. I answered by squeezing his hand. 

"Big mistake, Dawson.  First thing in the morning the gossip rags will say we’re hooking up."

"Probably before the evening ends," he agreed, with a nod.

"Well, they should know I could never sleep with you tonight.  Your hair would poke my eye out!" I teased him as he hunched down in the cab so his hair wouldn't crack on the ceiling.

He just laughed out loud.

Jennifer had a commitment in L.A. so she was unable to join us and Ethan had fallen ill with what we thought was food poisoning and was in his room recuperating. 

Cade told Wendy she wasn't allowed to show her face at my birthday party.  He was still pissed about the “overnight” innuendo of the previous weekend.  Of course, she’d said she just overslept and missed her plane.  I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but Cade was less forgiving and didn't want to deal with her at all.

He ordered wine with dinner. The drinking age in Canada was only eighteen and I could join him in a glass. I felt mellow and relaxed but not intoxicated from the effects. His eyes oozed over me all evening and heat flushed my skin with his every glance. No, I didn't want to be drunk tonight because the look in his eyes said the celebrations were only just beginning; later when we were alone would be very special. He was so beautiful and I was on fire for him. I was looking forward to the time when everyone left, but I wasn't going to deny that the time we spent playing music was always a blast.

When we all flooded into my suite, I removed my jacket and called room service to order some snacks and dessert. Cade played bartender; taking everyone's drink order acting the gracious host.  I wandered over to him and leaned on the bar.

"Hey sexy," I said in a quiet voice only he could hear.  He looked up from what he was doing and smiled.

"Have you had a good birthday so far, my love?"  The dimples in his cheeks appeared and his eyes glowed, echoing the small smile that played on his lips.

"Mmmm... So good.  I've been able to look at my sexy man all night, and he is gorgeous.  What else could a girl ask?"

"I can think of a few things.  It's only going to get better, babe.  Is your dad going to stay long?" Cade asked suggestively. I couldn't help but smile as heat rushed through me and my body quickened at his unspoken promise.

"As long as the others, I suppose.  Actually, I'm hoping he'll leave earlier so you don't have to pretend to go back to your hotel." He handed me a glass of white wine, and my fingers brushed against his as I took the glass. "What are you going to sing for me?"

"It's a surprise.” Cade leaned unperceptively toward me, but I could feel every breath of space that separated us. “I want to kiss you so badly it hurts."  He leaned on his folded arms; his eyes dropping to my mouth. He bit his lower lip and my heart pounded wildly and heat built between my legs. He reached out and delicately brushed his fingers along my cheekbone.  Electricity shot through me at his slightest touch.

"Okay, are you going to torture me all night?  Is this what you're giving me for my birthday?"  I couldn’t help staring hungrily at his mouth, my eyes silently begging for him to kiss me.

"Hey, you two! Let's get the party started." Dawson came over to get a beer and interrupted our private conversation.  "Come on, birthday girl."  He put his arm around me and led me over to the couches.  I handed Nate the beer I'd brought for him, and Cade walked over to hand my dad a glass of Crown Royal.

"Dawson; I'm sorry man, I just have to ask.  What the fuck were you thinking in regard to your hair tonight? I mean, if we point you into a stiff wind, you'll bloody take off!"  His blue eyes sparkled with laughter.

Dawson shoved Cade’s shoulder in retort.  "I didn’t have time to shower before dinner and so just put some water through it. Big mistake with all that glop in it.” He grinned. “You're just jealous because you don't have the guts to do it."

"Right." Cade shook his head then he strapped on his guitar and took a seat across from me, and my dad.

Throughout the course of the evening they played some of Dawson's songs from his band as well as a couple Daniel and Cade were working on. 

Cade wanted me to sing something too, but I was tired and I was enjoying just watching him. 

He was just so flipping amazing. I would’ve been happy to watch him all night, and the three of them together were spectacular.  I’d spent a good part of the evening sitting beside my dad and snuggling into him.  I could smell the cinnamon candies and tobacco emanating from him as I rested my head on his shoulder.  My eyes were starting to get heavy from the wine I'd drunk and I was on the verge of falling asleep. 

"I think I'm going to head back to my room, honey.  I have some calls to return and it looks like you need to go to bed."

"Huh?"  I raised my head from his shoulder.  "Okay, Daddy.  Will you and Nate join me for breakfast before you go back to L.A. tomorrow?"

I stood up to walk him and Nathan to the door and hugged both of them goodnight.

"Sure, sugar.  We'll call you in the morning.  Thanks for your hospitality tonight, Cade," he said as he reached out to shake the younger man’s hand.

"It was my pleasure, sir.  Anytime.  I'm glad you were able to join us."

"You're a very talented musician, son," he said as he patted Cade on the shoulder.

I wasn't sure if the pleasure on Cade's face was from the compliment or because my father had called him ‘son'.  Either way, I felt proud.  My heart swelled at the realization my father was beginning to love him, too.

It felt natural to say goodnight to my family with Cade by my side.

"Happy Birthday, sis." Nathan slugged me in the shoulder lightly then ruffled my hair.

"Thanks. I'm glad you came up with Dad, Nate.  I love you,
I guess
," I teased.

After they left, Cade wrapped his arms around me and led me back to the couches where Dan and Dawson were waiting.

"Honey, I know you're tired, but we have one more song to do tonight, and then we'll call it a night, yeah?"

I put my hand around his bicep just above his elbow and rested my head on his shoulder as we sat together on the couch.

"Okay.  Is this my present?"  I beamed at him.

"Yes.  Daniel and Dawson have graciously offered their extraordinary talent to make it as special as possible. The song is called,

How apropos,
I thought.

I'd just told him last weekend that I wanted to be everything to him, and here he was singing me a song about it.  It was impossible to believe that someone so wonderful and thoughtful could really exist.

My eyes welled up, but I smiled and snuggled closer in behind him on the couch as they started to play; the three guitars blending, each one playing a different strain of the music, all of them composing the delicate strains.

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