More Than Famous (Famous #2) (45 page)

BOOK: More Than Famous (Famous #2)
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 "Hmmph," I let out my breath as I twirled my hair around my finger. I knew he'd have to kiss them and I kept hearing his voice in my head... “It's only my job.” I knew it was his job, but shit, it still made my stomach clench.

If that wasn't bad enough, the meeting with Pinnacle was scheduled for this morning and I'd be biting my fingernails to the bone until Cade called me later tonight to tell me how it went. I had the damn weekend off and was stuck up here alone. I'd thought about calling Nathan to ask him to fly up and keep me company, but Noah was here and Cade would be back Monday morning.

Two days.

Surely I could keep myself occupied for two days. I could re-read
A Love Like This
if nothing else. The weather was chilly, but nice. If those damn paparazzi would lay-off, I could go walking or shopping. Jennifer was still here because there was a cast party and some of the new actors would be on set next week. It didn't make sense for her to leave either. Maybe she and I could go out and do something.

My phone rang on the bedside table and I grabbed it. It was Lillian.

"Hey Lillian! Did you talk to Carter, Layla, and Olivier about Cade's birthday?"

"Hi honey. Yes, Carter and I would be delighted to come, but Layla is going to Switzerland with a friend and Oliver has to work. It's so nice of you to invite us, Brook."

"Oh, not at all. I know it would mean the world to Cade to have you here.  He’s so difficult to buy gifts for.  I have such a hard time figuring it out, and this will be perfect." I was smiling, even though Lillian couldn’t see me face.

"Brook, the Christmas gift, the diary, is so precious to him. He takes it with him everywhere in his guitar case. Did you know that?"

My voice got quiet. "Yes. I catch him reading it sometimes when he thinks I'm not watching."

"During those six weeks when he came back to London at the first of the year, he was so despondent, he'd barely talked to any of us. Layla mentioned he always held it in his hands when she went to visit him at his flat."

"Yes... he told me. About that, Lillian; I'm very sorry that happened. I'm not sure how much Cade's told you..."

"Not that much dear. Just that you weren't talking to him and that he didn't know why. He was very hurt, we barely saw him. He wouldn't come over or go out with his mates. Layla was the only one who saw him, more than once or twice, during those weeks." She paused for a couple of seconds. "Brook, it's none of our business and we trust Cade to work out his own life, but we’re glad you've gotten back together. He loves you very much. Sometimes, I think more than he should."

I felt my throat tighten and tears well in my eyes. I struggled to speak, so I cleared my throat.

"Uhhhhhggghh. Um, it was difficult for me as well, but I hope you know I love him more than anything in the world. I’d never intentionally hurt him. The stuff we deal with is crazy. It’s brutal, but we're doing a better job of communicating and keeping perspective now, so I don't think we’ll have a misunderstanding like that again. I don't want to have secrets from Cade or from you, Lillian. I went to his apartment to surprise him when I was supposed to be in New York for an audition, and another woman answered the door without any clothes on."

"Oh my God!" Lillian gasped.

I didn't want her to get the wrong impression so I rushed on.

"Yes, that's how I took it too, but the fact was, Cade wasn't even there. I was so hurt that I just closed down without talking to him. That was a mistake, and I should have listened to him. It's all been straightened out now."

"He didn't stray did he? I can't imagine he'd risk—" Her voice was questioning.

"No.” I shook my head. “And if I weren't such an idiot, I’d have realized. I was just too scared to know for sure; if that makes any sense? My heart was broken, and I was afraid knowing details would make the pain worse."

"You poor dear. I'm sorry, Brook. Surely, I’d have thought the same thing."

"Well, I appreciate your understanding and that you can forgive me for causing Cade that kind of pain. At the time, I just couldn't get beyond my own."

Lillian sighed on the other end of the phone. "Well, talking to him now, he’s very happy and the entire family loves you. We're delighted for you both."

"Lillian, honestly, I’d love him regardless if he slept with someone else. I’d already decided I couldn't be without him, either way."

"Well, don't say that, dear. We women shouldn't give men permission to cheat just because they know we won't leave them," she said sardonically. “Even my son.”

I laughed at her expression. "You're right, but I know he won't do that. I'm positive of it now."

"Darling, I'm very proud of you both. You're so mature for your years. Now, about the birthday; Caden doesn't know we're coming, does he?"

"No. I thought it would be fun if we walked into the restaurant and you were there. I've asked another of our friends to plan the party because we have to keep my involvement a secret from the public."

"Oh? Is it a friend of Cade's?"

"Yeah, Ethan Ranfeld. He's already back in L.A., but he agreed to make the arrangements. Most of the actors will be off set by then, but he's a great to help me, even though he won't be able to attend."

"Will the party be a large one?"

"No, only us, a couple of the actors, and a few of the crew members that Cade is good friends with. Probably our director, and Cade's production assistant will be there, too. Will you be able to stay for a few days? Maybe you can come to set and watch us work one day? Cade would like that."

"I'd love that dear. I'm sure my husband would as well, and I'll plan on it. I was going to make our plane reservations today."

The phone in the room started to ring. "My other phone is ringing, Lillian, so email me the details of your trip and I'll arrange for the boys to pick you up and get you a room in Cade's hotel. I'm really looking forward to seeing you!! I have to run. Tell the others I said hello. I love you!"

"Love you too, darling. Take care of yourself."

I scrambled to grab the other phone.


"Hey good looking, wanna come out and play?"

"Uh...," I recognized the voice and was taken off guard again. I felt my face flush red hot.

"Brook? Are you there? It's a beautiful day! Let's go out," David said. I’d be damned if he wasn't too happy about it.

Okay, so they didn't just do this to me again!

"Where are you?" I was afraid of the answer.

"In the lobby," he paused at my gasp. "No big deal, this is more because I miss you than it is for Pinnacle. I came to make peace. Let's just hang as friends, if it makes you feel better. They've got Noah out canoodling with some other actress from a new movie he signed with. It's all publicity for the suits, but I really did want to see you."

"Uh, well...," I sank down on the bed. "You've got to let me know in advance, David! This causes a shit storm for me when you just show up unannounced. I thought we talked about this!"

"Look, I know Mr. Wonderful is MIA today, so I thought it would be less uncomfortable and we could just have fun like we've done a million times, okay?"

I looked at my watch. It was 10:30 and Cade would be in his meeting with the studio executives.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"David! How many people have seen you? Have you been photographed?"

"Who cares?” My heart dropped like a stone to my stomach at his words. “Let's just have some fun. We can go to lunch and walk around downtown, maybe go for a bike ride or something?"

My brain was racing. Maybe if I went along with him, it would be the last of David's obligations to the studio and I’d be free and clear. The timing was good because Cade was having it out with the producers at this very moment.

I was uncertain but due to circumstances I couldn't get in touch with Cade. It was impossible to call Jeanne or Joel because they were in the same damn meeting! Maybe Joel would read a text...

"It seems pretty convenient that you show up right when Cade leaves. You must have passed each other in the air. You're idea or the studio's?" My eyebrows rose and I sighed loudly.

David hesitated. "Um, I think they must have planned it that way, but does it really matter? What’s he doing down there anyway?"

I was confused because David seemed unconcerned and really laid back.

Was it only a few weeks ago that he was confronting Cade over dinner?

Exasperation tightened my chest and my lips thinned in annoyance. "Do you really give a rat's ass what he's doing down there?"

"Nope,” David answered in amusement.  “Just making conversation. So meet me down here in twenty minutes. Does that give you enough time?"

"David… I don't know," I replied hesitantly.

How would Cade take it? Even if I didn’t hate it myself, I wasn’t looking forward to his reaction.

"Brook, come on. Do you want to be my fucking friend or

"Ugh! Okay, but if you screw me on this, David, I'll never forgive you."




first series of read-throughs for my next film later in the afternoon and again the next morning, but this meeting with Pinnacle was the most important reason for this trip. Maybe, just maybe, this would be the end of the bloody bullshit.

Jeanne, Denise and Joel were waiting in the lobby of the Pinnacle headquarters when the limousine delivered me directly from the airport. They all looked extremely polished; all business, with brief cases in hand, and I was grateful to have such an eloquent and professional team behind me.

I hugged Jeanne and Denise, then shook Joel's hand firmly.

"Thank you all for being here."

Joel smoothed down the front of his shirt and tie. "Cade, I'm here to advise you that the contracts are still binding and the studio can retaliate with the repayment of fees and keeping you off future projects. Please be aware of the consequences before going in there. Brook only has one other movie on her docket and she is more vulnerable than you. Remember that," he warned.

"I know." Maybe this wouldn't be as cut and dried as I thought, but something had to change. "I'm not that worried at this point,” I said, with more confidence than I felt. I didn’t care about my career, but hers was just getting started. “We’re mid-series, and their hands are as tied as ours.”

He shook his head and Jeanne spoke up.

"Joel, I don't think they’ll fire Cade or Brook on any of their new projects because the production staff has already been compiled, and pre-production has started. They'll lose a lot of cash if they try to recast at this point."

, as Cade said, they absolutely need the two of them for the rest of the series," Denise said as she laced her arm through mine. "Let's not forget that little point. I agree; we have more clout than they give us credit for. They're hoping we don't realize it, but they're in for a surprise. Let's go kick some ass, shall we?" She smiled up at me as we walked into the elevator.

When we arrived on the floor that housed the main office suite, we waited for the pretty young receptionist to show us into the conference room. "Can I get you any refreshments while you're waiting?" she asked.

"I'd love some coffee with cream," I replied, my early morning was catching up to me, and I wanted to be as alert as possible.

Jeanne and Denise also requested coffee, but Joel shook his head. "Nothing for me, thank you." His tone was all business.

The Pinnacle team entered the conference room a few minutes after us: two women and three men. Three of them were probably lawyers, with the marketing manager and one of the three producers of the
series. I only recognized Todd, the producer, and Nancy, the marketing manager. I'd met Todd a couple of times, but I only knew Nancy from a picture that was included in some media materials I’d received post production for a press tour.

After the introductions were made, one of their lawyers pulled out a chair and motioned for all of us to sit down. After we were seated, they starred at us blandly. Finally, Nancy spoke.

"Cade, this is your meeting. You called it, so what's it about? Also, why are Joel and Jeanne here? Are you changing management? We only expected Denise."

I glanced at Jeanne, and she nodded for me to continue.

"Yes, I called it, but it is for
Brook and me. Jeanne and Joel are here to represent her interests."

Nancy's face tightened.

Yes, it's heavier than you anticipated,
I thought. I could see them start to fidget and it calmed my nerves.

"So?" Todd started. "Negotiations are closed on the money. You two have gotten a nice fee, plus a percentage of the take, so that's it for us."

I huffed.

"We aren't here about money; it's something entirely different. I'm sure you’re aware that Brook and I are involved. Our relationship is the focus of this meeting, and I expect to get it over with quickly," I said, and watched them all stiffen, especially Todd and Nancy.

Nancy was a pretty woman; late thirties, blonde hair and thin. "Yes, well you're in violation of your contracts and you've already done enough damage as it is. Don't you know what kind of effect this could have on the film's box office receipts?" she railed at me. "That affects you as well. You're each getting five percent of the take."

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