More Than Famous (Famous #2)

BOOK: More Than Famous (Famous #2)
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidences are either a product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


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More Than FAMOUS: The Famous Novels, Book Two Copyright © 2015 Kahlen Aymes.

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Cover designed by Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations

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Pink Ink Designs

Published by Kahlen Aymes Books, Inc.

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ISBN: 978-1-3101196-5-1

Version: Sample: 2015.8.30

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

About the Author






the airplane engines surrounding me was the only sound in the quiet darkness of the first class cabin. Most of the cabin lights were off and there was little movement of others to disturb the silence.

The last three months passed by in a blur. Up to now, Brook, Martin and I had many promotional appearances around the U.S., as well as some around the world, but the real juice was starting now as I made my way from London to Rome for our first premiere.

I was meeting Brook and Martin there; it would only be the three of us this time. Well, almost. I sighed in frustration as I thought about Brook on a plane with David, traveling from L.A. at the same time I made my way from London.

With David. Fuck.

I couldn't wait for the time when we could stop all of this pretending. I knew it was necessary to uphold the contracts, but that didn’t mean I had to like it. To give David credit, he'd been decent to me whenever we were at events together, but I still felt uneasy around him. I could sense the same tension in him. It was to be expected; we were both in love with the same woman. I still had guilt and jealousy to deal with, but the heart wants what it wants, and it was impossible to deny my feelings for his benefit.

Brook said he'd become a good friend through all this, and even though I trusted her, I wasn't sure I trusted him. There had been many times over the past months I'd been stuck in London when he'd been near her, going to her house to hang out with Nathan. The problem was I didn’t believe Nate was the draw. I could see he still wanted her. His eyes tracked her every move in a hungry, predatory sort of way, and he was extremely guarded when he was around me.

But what did I expect? Who could blame him, really? As far as he was concerned I'd stolen his girl.

As far as I was concerned... she was
mine.  Even before we'd met.  Before we were even born.

I felt her in my soul. She was part of me in a way no one else ever would be and I doubted would ever be again. She wasn't a choice I'd made... she just
. This was another echo of the book series turned into movies that we were filming.

I closed my eyes and tried to let sleep overtake me, but visions of the recent months flashed behind my closed lids and wouldn't let me sleep. So much had happened with the photo shoots and the many interviews that had been pre-recorded. There were countless airplane trips across Europe and North America; so many that it was beginning to make my head spin. I lost track of time, and where the schedule would take me next, mixed in with more auditions and filming of other work, I was exhausted.

I'd just been home to London, spending ten days with my family for what would be the last real break I'd get until all of the premieres for
The Future of Our Past
ended in Tokyo the coming February.

Holy Hell.  It was an endless array of cities, paparazzi and screaming women. It was completely insane. I still couldn't get my head around it all even though I’d dealt with it for the past six years. This seemed worse and more invasive because now my privacy and the need to be able to be open with Brook, was my foremost priority. I never liked crowds and well, these were more like mobs. I'd never bloody get used to it.

I would’ve been a nervous wreck if Brook wasn't with me for the majority of it. When I'd signed for this movie, I had no idea it would be this much madness. The fans were more adamant than on my other movies, and younger fans turned out in bigger numbers. All I knew was that Brook had become my focus and despite the craziness, I was glad I’d taken this job. She was my reason for everything since her audition.

Brook had a way of grounding me and putting a smile on my face even in the most frantic moments. Her inexperience should make her the uncertain one, but she was solid and confident, less jaded than I. We'd gotten into trouble a few times due to our comments about each other, and our expressions when we looked at each other. Our managers, Jeanne and Denise, literally read us the riot act on several occasions.  Hell, it was impossible. I loved her too much to hide it completely, and I didn’t want to. Brook just shrugged it off with a small laugh.

I smirked to myself as I thought back to our weekend in San Diego.

It was beyond incredible.

Being surrounded with her very essence had been complete and utter joy. I wanted it to last forever; I wanted it every day, every morning, every night. She was so soft and loving in the way she took care of me. We couldn't get enough of each other, and since then, we hadn't had any time like that alone.

I'd been able to sneak into her house a few times when I'd been in L.A., but it was never like the complete satisfaction of getting to spend day and night with her. I missed her every second she wasn't with me. The loss was like a tangible thing, and it made my heart ache. I thought time would lessen the pain of being apart, but the reverse was true.

I leaned back in my seat and let the memories rush over me, thinking back to the last day of our weekend...

I caught her popping the tab off of my Starbucks iced coffee can while I lay by the pool. The sound made me open my eyes to see what she was up to. The sight of her stunned me as always, but the look on her face was priceless.

Her eyebrow raised and her mouth smirked as she tried to hide the fact that she'd taken it, shoving it into the pocket of her shorts.

"Brook what are you doing?" I had to ask. "Are you trying to make me cut my lip so you can suck my blood?" The corners of my mouth lifted in the start of a grin.

"What?" She tried to brush it off as she lay down on the chaise next to me. "Nope," she said and emphasized the word. She'd been all too good at giving me what I wanted over the weekend and I felt a rush of desire flood me at her teasing remark. She reached over and pulled the tab from her own can, too.

"What are you doing with those?" I laughed as she blushed. "Are you going to auction it off on eBay?”  I reached for her hand.

"Hmmph! Give me a break, Cade." She laughed. "If I were going to do the ebay thing, I'd steal a pair of your underwear. I'd get so much more for that. Give me some credit, please." Her mouth twitched as she bit her lip and cocked her head to one side.

"What then?" I wouldn't let it go, pressing her to answer.

She sighed. "I wanted it to be a surprise..." Her lips pursed and her brow wrinkled.

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