More Than Enough (14 page)

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Authors: Ashley Johnson

BOOK: More Than Enough
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Halley leaned across the counter and crossed her hands over her chest. I swear almost all of her breasts were now out. Her eyes had a certain fire behind them, like she could set this whole apartment on fire. That can’t be good.

“What’s that look for Halley?” I’ve seen that look before and if I recall it’s gotten us into a few messes before. My memory floated back to my brief stint in college when we decided it would be a good idea to get drunk and Halley wanted to ride the bull in the bar. Only she didn’t ride it, she basically sat for a second then went flying in the air like a damn circus act. Really, I thought she had broken a bone or something but she got up laughing her ass off and then decided she just wanted to dance.

“You and I are about to get wasted and have the time of our lives do you hear me? We are going to dance and drink and…well I haven’t gotten that far yet.”

I laughed at her and looked at the bottle of whiskey that had more gone from it than two little shots.

“Halley are you drunk already?”

“No officer I haven’t had any drinks.” She slurred the last word a little too much and I began laughing.

The doorbell rang and I went to open the door,
Crystal and Reina had arrived. I’d only met them once or twice during school; I had a good memory though.

“Hey guys, Halley’s in the kitchen.”

Crystal had long dark brown hair that almost could have been black. She dressed a little more modest than Halley and I but she had the cleavage to make up for it. This girl almost looked like a damn Barbie. Her skirt was longer than Halley’s and she had the leanest, tan legs I’ve ever seen. I wondered if I brushed my legs up against hers if I could get some of that color. She topped the outfit off with a pair of brown wedges that added at least an inch to her height.

Reina was petite. She only looked tall because of the three inch heels she wore with her blue jean skirt. Geez, I was the only one not in a skirt. Hers however rivaled the length of Halley’s. She had her blonde hair in a mess of bobby pins and it looked amazing. I can’t believe she did that herself. If I were to try it, it would look well, nothing like that.

Crystal stepped in first and gave me a hug. That was pretty awkward, I had boob all over me now. “It’s good to see you again Macy. It’s been a long time.”

I smiled as Reina walked in and smiled at me. “It has been. I hope you guys are ready to have some fun tonight.”

Reina grabbed a shot from Halley and threw it back. “I sure am ready.”

We stood around taking shots and talking about our game plan for the night when Halley’s phone rang.

“Hello? Ok, ok, yes. Sounds good. Thank you.”

She ended the call and then looked at us grinning with the biggest smile a person could possibly wear. “Time to get this fucking party started!”

We all let out a scream and then made our way outside where the limo was waiting for us. The driver was an older man probably in his forties. I somewhat felt bad for him tonight. Who knows what the hell we were going to be putting him through. Halley tried winking at him but she mainly looked like something was stuck in her eye. I tried not to laugh at her but I was almost doubled over. What a horrible friend I am.

This guy was trained very well for his job, no doubt. He paid no attention to the sexual comments that those three were throwing at him. I shot him a sympathetic glance and he gave me a warm smile in return. We headed off to our first destination.

Halley controlled the radio from the back. I hoped this man didn’t have to hear what we were. He didn’t seem to look like he’d be a fan of LMFAO or anything else with a beat that she played. I did however see his head begin to move to the beat when ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’ by Def Leppard came on. Halley was now trying to stand up through the sunroof. Poor thing was gone already. I eased up some and took a few swigs out of the bottle from her house and squeezed alongside her. I felt like Debra Messing and her sister in The Wedding Date with Halley. Our night was just beginning, I suddenly felt the urge to let loose and somewhat let the old Macy back in.

We rode around town for a few minutes drinking and made a pit stop through a daiquiri shop. I ordered a long island with an extra shot. Halley followed my lead and got the same thing. Crystal and Reina both insisted they were waiting to do all their drinking at the bar.

Halley requested that the driver just make a few blocks while we finished our daiquiris. Thirty minutes later, he pulled up at the front of Gills. We all began cheering and one by one filed out of the limo. I nodded my head in a polite thank you to the driver for his service since everyone else was too busy running from the limo to the bar.

I haven’t stepped inside Gills since the night I met Luke and happened to run into Trevor. It looked the same to me.
I looked around and I swear I could point out the exact spot we danced and the spot we stood by the bar. I fumbled through the pocket of my shorts for my phone and pulled it out to text Luke.

“I love you.”

Instantly he replied back, “I love you too. Now get off your phone and go have fun.”

I put the phone back in my pocket and grinned. My best friend was getting married in a week; it was time for some fun.

Gills was the only place we’d have to spend money tonight. Gary had told me he wouldn’t charge us anything, which was a good thing because I had a feeling I was getting ready to go broke here.

Halley already had a beer in her hand when I met her at the bar. She was flirting with some guy who looked like he could almost be her dad. I reached in my pocket and grabbed the bride to be pin I almost forgot I put in there last minute. This was sure to get everyone’s attention. It was pink and had a light that flashed.

I politely pulled her arm towards me and pinned it on her blouse. I also looked at her beer and shook my head then yelled to the bartender we needed two crown and cokes.

Crystal and Reina disappeared for a few minutes to talk to a few people they knew. When they came back, they bought us each a round of shots.

“What’s this?” I hollered to Crystal. I always shot whiskey. This smelt girlie and sweet, I needed to know what I was about to put in my system.

“It’s a buttery nipple. Try it, they are amazing!” She gave me a wink,
and then raised her glass. “To my bitches, let’s get this party started!”

We all cheered and threw back the shot. Ok, she was right it was pretty good. I may have to have well one, two, maybe ten more tonight. Or more.

A song came on that I haven’t heard since I was in high school but it had a poppin beat then and still had it going on. Halley grabbed my arm and yanked me to the dance floor. Any time a guy would try to get close to me, I would inch closer to Halley pretending to be her lesbian lover. Dancing was as far as it was going though; we didn’t have that kind of friendship. It was the fool proof method to keep all the creepies away, even though some of them found that hot. Gross.

The Footloose line dance came on next and I got the biggest grin on my face. This was my favorite line dance ever. Drunk or sober I could rock it and I did. In my cowboy boots and all. Reina even joined me midway
through; I shot her a grin thanking her for sticking it out with me.

When the song ended I was officially wore out. I probably should have asked the bartender for water. The dancing plus the lights on the floor had drained everything out of me. I wiped the sheer line of sweat off my forehead and asked for a beer. The beer was gone in about fifteen seconds.

The girl behind the bar stared at me like I were some sort of amazon freak. No, I’m not a freak, I was just thirsty and I needed something to drink. I smiled politely and ordered another crown and coke. She almost looked like she weren’t going to serve me a drink but she began fixing it.

I paid her and tipped her about five extra dollars just for the beer I devoured in no time. Her facial expression changed and she was now chipper and smiling. That figures.

Crystal placed another two shots in front of my face. Buttery nipples, I figured. And by the smell of them I was right. Halley and I downed ours together and began laughing.

I scanned the room and found a guy dancing alone. He looked kind of geeky in a way. I don’t know if it were the flannel plaid shirt he wore or the black rimmed glasses. I nudged Halley with my elbow and pointed, “Hey I dare you to go dance with him. Show him some of your moves.”

She eyed him for a second debating whether she wanted to accept the challenge or not. She ordered two more shots, one for each of us. After she downed hers she flipped her hair and smiled, “I’ll be right back.”

Yeah. She was totally gone already and I barely had a buzz. I needed to fix that. I ordered another buttery nipple and when I finished my crown and coke, I had the bartender make another. Anytime she looked pissy, I slid her an extra few dollars to keep her happy.

I looked over to see Halley approach the guy. He had no idea what was about to hit him. I stifled back a laugh and watched as she began dancing provocatively in his lap. Poor thing, he looked like he wasn’t sure where to place his hands. Eventually he just placed them behind his head and started doing some sort of pelvic thrust thing. Oh how I wish Halley could see what he was going to her.

Crystal and Reina joined me in watching the circus act unfolding before our eyes. We were all laughing, practically inches from rolling all over the floor. Halley couldn’t see but she sure felt something after his last thrust because her face turned red and she ran off.

“Ohmigod, what happened Halley. Those were some damn hot dance moves!” Reina managed to say before she started laughing again.

“He totally has a hard on! It poked me!”
She shrieked before allowing her face to turn beet red from laughing.

I called for the bartender and ordered four shots then passed them
to everyone. “Ok, these are on me. Drink up bitches.”

After downing the shot, I reached for my phone to find no texts or calls. It took my eyes a second to focus on the screen. Damn you buttery nipples, you were going to be the end of me tonight. I opened the messages and tapped Luke’s name.

I tried to focus on the keyboard as I typed. “I mioss you si mush.”

About two minutes later Luke texted back, “I miss you too baby, may wanna use spellcheck.”

I looked back at my message I sent him. My bad. I stuffed the phone back in my pocket then ran to the dance floor.

Five songs and probably ten more shots later, everything in Gills was fuzzy. I probably really needed to drink water now if I were planning on drinking at The Lounge.
Crystal was making out with some guy in the corner and Reina and Halley were still dancing.

“Can I get a water please.” The bartender looked shocked for a second to hear me actually ask for water. She grabbed a bottle and tossed it to me. Luckily my reflexes were not completely gone yet. I managed to catch it.

The water felt so cool and refreshing as it slid down my throat. The whole bottle was gone as soon as I opened it.

It was just a little before ten and I whistled at Halley. I was ready to go to The Lounge. We all met up by the bar and decided to get in the limo for the short ride.

When we arrived, Gary was standing behind the bar. He smiled and waved me over. “You ladies have a good time. I’m going to sit in the office. I don’t want to see anything.”

I gave him a big bear hug and told him, “
I’m getting married Uncle Gary. Luke loves me! Oh, I love buttery nipples.” Yeah, I’m pretty sure I would regret that one in the morning. Right now I just didn’t care.

congratulated me and then burst out laughing over my comment about the buttery nipples and turned on his heel to go sit in his office. I climbed behind the bar and immediately started filling shot glasses for us. There was a guy behind the bar, I don’t know if I’ve ever met him but he was watching me like a hawk.

“Hey you, guy. This is my uncle’s bar don’t cut me any eyes. Make us buttery nipples please.” I made sure to bat my eyelashes at him and it worked. He produced four shots and we graciously threw them back.

Suddenly I began looking around. Did the guys know we had left Gills? I looked for Halley but I couldn’t find her. I just decided to suck it up and hope for the best. I was a big girl now. He didn’t affect me. Or that’s what I told myself.



Chapter 10

My head began to feel dizzy so I approached the guy behind the bar a second time. He looked to be a little older than me and was sporting a vintage Aerosmith shirt with some skinny jeans. I tried not to be too judgmental of his outfit. I mean for crying out loud I was in short shorts and cowboy boots. I was in no shape to be judging anyone when I looked like a complete slut. I hoped he didn’t see my raised eyebrow.

I snapped my fingers to get his attention and when he finally looked my way I hollered,
“Hey you. I need a bottle of water.”

“Can you say please?”
He asked with his eyebrow raised to match mine. I was still pretty much in shock over this outfit but here he was basically catching an attitude with me. I think not.

“Do you want to get fired?”

He shot me a dirty glare daring me to get him fired. I would, he just had no idea how easy it would be for me to walk back to Gary’s office and persuade him that he’s hired yet another idiot. Lucky for him, he slid me a water bottle.

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