More Than Enough (10 page)

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Authors: Ashley Johnson

BOOK: More Than Enough
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Something about meeting Luke’s parents and hearing him say the wonderful things he did made my butterflies swarm. Clarity. I was more than enough for him, but never enough for Trevor. Funny how these things happen
in life. I’ve always heard the saying that things fall apart for even better things to fall into place, and I truly believe with all my heart that Luke was the better thing.

Luke changed my whole world in the blink of an eye last night when he proposed to me on the back patio of Shells. Oh my ge
e, I didn’t see that one coming. The emotions involved were absolutely unreal I was excited and not one ounce of fear resided in my body. Everything about this was right and more than perfect. Finally, this is the man I know I’m supposed to be with for the rest of my life. No doubt about that. I expected his parents to kind of flip out on us and tell us we were rushing but Sherry and Randy did the complete opposite. They made me feel like I belonged with them and I know that I do.

Luke carried our bags into the apartment that looked the same as we left it yesterday morning. Home sweet home, except for the dirty dishes we left out after breakfast. I began washing the two plates and just as I placed them back in the cabinet, there was a knock at the door.

“I’ve got it.” I hollered at Luke. I heard the shower turn on and realized he hadn’t probably even heard the knock. Oh well, I know it was Halley anyway.

Rolling my eyes, I took a deep breath and opened the door. Halley stood there with a bag of ribbon and flowers in one hand and her purse in the other.
Her sunglasses were pushed up on her head and she wasn’t smiling. Great, I come home from a great night and have to deal with attitude.

She didn’t even wait for me to say hi, she pushed past me
like she owned the place and set her purse on the table. After giving the room a quick scan, I’m assuming for Luke, she stared at me. When she realized he wasn’t around, I knew I was in for it. Why did he have to pick right this second to go take a damn shower? He was perfectly fine just the way he was.

“Do you have any idea how stressed I’ve been?”

Halley stood there with her hand on her hip staring me down. What the hell does she think she’s doing? I retorted just as quickly, “I’m so sorry. Do you have any idea how pissed I’ve been? He showed up at the damn bar Halley. Texting me and watching me. Then he called me from your phone. What the hell?”

“I didn’t know he had my phone Macy.” The look on her face told me she didn’t know but I wasn’t ready to believe her. Not when she had withheld information in the first place. “He really did leave
Taylor though.”

“Good for him. That doesn’t change anything.”
I threw my hands up in the air like a maniac. Why did I care if he really left Taylor? None of that concerned me anymore. My hands came back to rest at my side before crossing them over my chest.

She tried to reach out and touch my arm but I moved away. I brushed my bangs out of my face and then continued to stare at her.

“I didn’t say it would, I just know he told you that.”

“I thought you said you didn’t know he had your phone.”

“He said he called you, he never said what phone from. I just know what he told me ok? Please be in my wedding Macy. I can’t do this without you.”

“Yes you can. You made the decision to do it whenever you blatantly didn’t ask me if it were ok with me to walk with Trevor.” I heard the shower cut off and I continued in a whispered voice. “I’m happy Halley for once in my damned life. I am purely happy. Being in your wedding will cause nothing but trouble for me. I love
you; I really do but find another friend. I will help you tie these ribbons again but that is the last thing I will do for this wedding. Got it?”

Halley wasn’t budging. Her body was leaned against the side of the counter and her gaze was continuing to burn into me. “You are my best friend. Trevor is Marcus’ best friend. You know this. Why are you being such a bitch? It’s a five second walk down the aisle then you never have to see him again.”

“No. Halley. Dammit no. I’ve told you already and I’m telling you again. NO! I won’t do it, I refuse.” I slammed my hands on the counter out of nothing but pure anger. Agitated wasn’t even the word for this right now. This conversation wasn’t happening in my kitchen, but then yes it was.

Luke came walking up behind me and placed his arms around my waist. I jumped because he scared me and I was nervous he heard more than he
needed to. The way his lips slowly kissed my neck let me know he heard nothing.

“What does my baby refuse?”
His voice had a light air about it and I could smell body wash. I love that smell on him. If she weren’t here, we’d totally be having sex right now.

Trying to come with the quickest response I rambled, “To wear the damn dress she has picked out, it looks hideous. If she picks another style then I’m good.”

Halley looked at me and let her lips form into a small smirk. She knew I was lying and I knew that if she were really a bitch she would rat me out. Good thing I knew she wouldn’t dare especially since she was so hell bent on me being in her wedding. Let’s just face it, she has to have me or she has no one.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Fine Macy, pick out whatever style you want. I really just thought you would have liked that one.”

I eased up and offered her a smile despite my attitude. “Good, thank you.”

“Well, I’m going to watch some TV while you ladies tie your ribbons or whatever it is you do. Just forget I’m here.”

Luke disappeared into the living room and was watching some movie that involved blowing shit up. When I was sure he couldn’t hear anything I looked at her again as I started tying ribbons around the flowers.

“I hope you’re happy Halley. I’ll be in your wedding, but only because I love you. Not for any other reason.”

Her smile was genuine and she stopped tying her ribbon to look me in my eyes. “Thank you Macy. I’m sorry. I just wanted you to know Marcus had asked him. Believe me; I wasn’t happy when he first told me because I knew you were going to be pissed. He’s going to be my husband though, I had to choose him.”

“I know and I’m sorry for reacting how he did. Luke doesn’t know Halley. How am I supposed to tell him?”

She finished the arrangement she was working on and dropped her jaw. “You haven’t told him? You need to Mace. I don’t want to see anything happen to you two.”

“I’ll tell him later.” Like maybe the day of the wedding
as we’re heading up to the church. That ought to go over real well. This was going to be hard. Actually it wasn’t hard at all but I was making it hard because I was scared of the possible consequences. What if he broke up with me and kicked me out of the apartment? What if he accused me of having an affair? There were so many what if’s going through my head, it was starting to hurt. Maybe I was overthinking this entire situation though. Luke was amazing. Maybe he would understand. It’s not like I asked Trevor to be in the wedding.

“Tell him after I leave. Please. Oh, I know you were probably supposed to be the person who planned my bachelorette party but since you went all AWOL on me, I took it into my own hands. I didn’t think you would change your mind. We’re probably going to go between Gills and The Lounge. Marcus is doing his the same night but we aren’t going to be in the same place at the same time.”
She added the last part cautiously watching my every expression.

“Ok that sounds good. When is it?”

“Two weeks. Does that sound good?”

Five arrangements were done. She only did
one; I had done the other four. Big surprise there. There was only one left and I assumed it was mine so I grabbed it and began putting it together strategically placing the ribbon around the arrangement.

“Sounds good.”

Once I finished the last arrangement, I placed them back in the bag she brought with her. “Please tell Oreo to stay away from these so I don’t have to do them again. Tying these are a bitch.”

She laughed and stood up, pushing the chair in behind her. “I will make sure she knows.” She leaned in and then whispered, “Your dress came in and is at my house. I’ll hold it there until the wedding. Now I’m leaving, talk to Luke and tell him.”

I groaned and hung my head in defeat. “Fine. Wait Hales, another reason I’m in your wedding again, well I’m going to need your help planning my wedding because Luke asked me last night!”

“Shut the front door!” She screamed. Luke turned his head and when he realized what she was screaming about he simply flashed a grin and then went back to what he was doing. “This is going to be so much damn fun! Gah, can you imagine! Both of us getting married and oh my gosh what if we’re pregnant together?!”

Ok she was seriously cracking me up with all this. I suddenly forgot I was ever mad at her and was more excited about sharing this news with my best friend. My conscious was grinning a rather evil grin as I thought about how much fun I was going to have torturing her with flowers. Payback could be quite a bitch.

“Call me later ok
, we have so much to discuss and plan! Thank you for helping me redo those. BYE LUKE CONGRATULATIONS!!” She hollered into the living room.

Without turning his head he yelled bye back and she left.

I stood there in the kitchen trying to decide the best way to tell him that I was going to have to walk with my ex fiancée in this wedding. He could react one of two ways. He would either be ok with it or he would be highly pissed. I crossed my fingers hoping for the first reaction. Luke and I have never been in a fight. We rarely argue about anything except who is doing the dishes or who will fold the clothes. I can’t imagine him mad at me for anything.

I snuck into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I let the warm water run over me as I continued to think about how to tell Luke. The smell of shampoo and soap lingered in the air already from him and I just added to it. Once I felt clean enough, I dried off and ran to the room to get some clothes on.

Luke was still watching the same movie. Something else just blew up as I walked into the living room. I pulled my still wet hair back into a ponytail and made my way into the living room. He was laid out on the couch and smiled as soon as he saw me walk up. This was seeming to get harder and harder. Smiling, I lay down beside him and rested my head on his chest. My eyes closed and I imagined happy moments with him. Moments that could be clung to in case everything went south. Moments that were bound to help me keep my sanity if all else failed. Please don’t let it fail.

I lifted my head to find him watching me with an amused look on his face. He was so incredibly
sexy; please don’t let him hate me after I talk to him.

“Hey I need to tell you something Halley informed me about.”
I felt my body tense as I prepared to let the cat out of the bag.

“What’s that babe? You have to wear hideous shoes too?” Good, he was joking. At least he was in a good mood.

I laughed as I replied, “Not that I know of yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all.” Since we got our jokes out of the way, it was time to get serious again. “No, she uh told me that Marcus put Trevor in the wedding and he and I have to walk together.”

Luke was silent for a few seconds then looked me in my eyes and then kissed my cheek. “I’m not worried about him baby. I know you may feel uncomfortable with the situation but I trust you fully and I know it’s just for a few seconds. Once the wedding is over, he’ll be back out of our lives.”

“So you aren’t upset?” I searched his eyes for any sort of pain or anguish he may be hiding but all I saw was the same simple Luke that I was so desperately in love with, the Luke I was going to marry. Thank you God.

“Nothing to be upset about Mace, that is Marcus’ friend. We will just deal with it.”

I let out a huge sigh and grinned. “Good, I was nervous you would be upset over nothing. Oh she also told me her bachelorette party is in two weeks and we and the guys won’t be in the same place at the same time so that’s good to know.”

“Sounds good to me. I know you’ll be happy when all of this is over.”

“You have no idea.” Really. He had no idea. Two more weeks and all of this mess would be behind me. I just had to survive until then.

We lay there while the movie still played. My mind wasn’t on the
movie; it was on the next two weeks. I could do it. I know I could. With everything I’ve been through, I could surely survive the next two weeks and walk in my best friends wedding with my ex fiancée.

“I really like your parents
Luke. They seem great.” I smiled letting the conversation take a turn to something more positive. I’ve never been more relieved in my life to hear his reaction to what I deemed to be an issue.

“They are. I’m glad you like them. I was worried it would scare you off. They aren’t always at the restaurant.”

I laced our fingers together and smiled at him. “No worries. It takes a lot to scare me Luke, they were far from scary. I know this sounds corny but I was so glad they accepted me.”

“Baby,” he looked deep into my eyes, “I love you and they see that. They know we are good together. They don’t have to know you forever to see that. My mom is happy that I’m happy, s
he told me she really likes you and well you saw her face when I told her we were going to get married.”

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