More Than Enough (16 page)

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Authors: Ashley Johnson

BOOK: More Than Enough
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That was my cue. I stalked towards the door and stepped out into the humid air which left me gasping for more air. I leaned against the wall for support to try and stop everything from spinning. I closed my eyes for a split second and when I opened them, Trevor was standing right in front of me. Now I had nowhere to run.

He propped his hand up on the wall and the damn tattoo was right in my view. Turning my eyes away, I blinked back a few tears. Why couldn’t he just go away?

“Trevor, move. Now.” I tried to push his arm but he wouldn’t budge. Now that we weren’t standing in the bar, I could smell the liquor on his breath. It was stronger than I ever remembered.

“Please Macy just talk to me.” His eyes were pleading and his body didn’t move. He stayed glued to the same spot. I tried to look around him and see if I could see Luke but he still wasn’t here and I was still in this crappy position.

“About what? There’s nothing more to talk about. I’ve moved on with my life and I’m happier than I’ve ever been. You want to talk to me? Tell me why. I want a real honest reason why you did what you did. And how come I had to catch you in my
uncle’s bar? Because that, Trevor, was so fucked up it’s not even funny.”

For someone who wanted to talk, he suddenly got quiet and moved his arm from where he placed it. After a minute of thinking he began talking. “The first night, I was drunk. I’d had more than I normally drink. I was just stressing over
how we were going to take care of a baby and I kept drinking. I know that’s no excuse but it’s the truth Macy. She came in and walked up to me talking all flirty and she hung around all night. We didn’t sleep together that night.” I looked at him unamused but shocked that he was even talking about it. “A few days later she asked me if I could hang a shower rod in her apartment. She said she was having issues with it so I went after I left here. I was trying to be nice. She said she had no one else to do it so I figure I could go hurry and hang that then come home to you. She went into the bathroom and came out wearing some lingerie outfit and that was the first time I slept with her—“

I suddenly felt like I
was going to be sick to my stomach. Part of me wanted to vomit out here but the other part wanted to run inside to the bathroom where he couldn’t go in. “Why this bar Trevor?”

He looked into my eyes and replied, “I don’t know. I’m weak Macy. I didn’t mean to do it. It was all an accident. I’m so sorry.”

I choked back a laugh and looked at him. “So you didn’t mean to accidentally have sex with her over and over again for three weeks? Damn, I thought I’d heard it all.”


“But what Trevor? I saw you in here when you came into town. She was right beside you. If you like her, please don’t feel like you have to hide it from me. You don’t affect me anymore.” It sure felt good to say those words aloud to him.

As I stood here talking to him, none of those old feelings were creeping up. I missed nothing about him. “I mean do you even realize how screwed up it was that I had to catch you here? I shouldn’t have had to catch you though because it should have never happened.
I was pregnant with your child. I was engaged to be your wife but I guess none of that mattered and well, now we have none of that. Thank you though.”

He looked confused for a minute. “For what?”

“For breaking my heart.”

A lone tear slid down his cheek as he tried to move closer to me. I pushed him back and tried to get around him but he moved every time I tried to.

“I love you Macy,” he choked out.

“Ohmigod Trevor no. Do not start this with me at all.
I’m engaged to Luke.” My eyes grew wide when he said that to me. Please let me wake up and someone tell me this is all some horrific nightmare. Trevor can not be here right now professing his love outside this bar when Luke is on his way here. I want to go crawl into a hole somewhere and just die. God, you can cut the jokes now.

“Oh yea, where’s your ring?”

“I don’t have one yet.” I managed to squeak out. Great, he thought I was lying to him and that wasn’t helping either, even though I was being a hundred percent honest with him.

Before I could stop him, he leaned forward and kissed me.
The minute his lips crushed against mine, I didn’t kiss him back; I shoved him away and slapped his face. He stood there for a second trying to process what just happened and then walked off slowly into the darkness.

I slid down the wall and sat on the concrete.
My body was shaking as I tried to get the image and feeling of his lips crushed against mine out of my head. What the hell was he thinking trying to kiss me? Did he really think I was going to kiss him back? My breathing was still ragged from the events that just unfolded and to make it worse, I still hadn’t gotten adjusted to the humidity that was still making it hard to breathe. A shadow approached me and I looked up to find Luke standing there.

“Hey baby. I’m so glad to see you.”
I drew in a deep breath and then began to stand. I couldn’t wait to go home and just let him hold me all night.

He just stood there with no expression on his face. No smile or anything. What was wrong with him?

“You’re glad to see me? Because it looks like I just saw your lips all over your ex fiancée.”

I started to laugh then stopped for fear it would make matters worse. He wasn’t smiling at all, there was no kindness in his eyes.
The only thing I saw in them was hurt. I’m not even sure why because I didn’t kiss Trevor.

“No baby, he kissed me. I didn’t kiss him back.”

“Why did he kiss you?” He asked with an accusatory tone.

“I don’t know. He just did. I swear I didn’t kiss him
, I pushed him away. I’m tired can we please go home?”

inched closer and tried to hug him. I really had missed him tonight. As I got closer he pushed me away. Confused, I tried to walk towards him again. “No Macy. Don’t touch me.”

Shocked, I looked into his green eyes that usually sparkled. Tonight they didn’t at all. My heart began racing trying to figure out what in the hell was going on.
Doesn’t he know I’d rather die a thousand deaths than ever dream of hurting him?

“Luke, I love you.
You have to believe me. I swear I didn’t kiss him back. I pushed him away, I’m telling you.” My eyes began to swell with tears. I didn’t understand. Did he really think I kissed Trevor back? Even though I was telling him I pushed him away? I didn’t even part my damn lips, they were sealed shut. I may have had a lot to drink tonight but I was not that drunk.

“Stop. I know what I saw Macy. Don’t lie to me.”

The tears that were swelling now began to flow down my cheeks as I felt my heart beginning to break. This was not happening, wake me up, pinch me, do something. “Luke, please. I’m not lying I swear to God.”

I reached out for him one more time but he began backing up towards his car.
It practically killed me to see the hurt in his eyes and I wanted to take that hurt away. This isn’t happening. “I know what I saw Macy. I can’t do this right now. I don’t even know what to think.” He inched closer to his car and I ran to him trying to talk some sense into him and explain he didn’t see what he thought. As soon as he reached the car, he opened the door to his Challenger and climbed in. As soon as the car started he peeled out while I stalked back to where I was, sat back on the concrete and cried my heart out.

I cried for what seemed like an eternity. The tears weren’t stopping and the snot kept coming. Gross. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to find Paul kneeling beside me.

“Hey what’s wrong you ok?”

“Do I look ok? I’ve never been worse. I think
, I’m scare that Luke and I are…over.” I sobbed uncontrollably into my hands.

His eyes bugged out and he pulled me in for a hug. “What happened?”

“You remember the guy I described?” He nodded. “He ruined everything. He tried to talk to me and I didn’t want to talk. Then he kissed me but I didn’t kiss him back. I pushed him away only Luke didn’t see that part.” Quietly I whispered, “He didn’t believe me.”

He said nothing but patted my head with his hand. It was so soothing; at least something was right now. I sat there quietly staring at the broken line in the concrete. It looked like the picture of my life. I should have known there was a flaw bound to pop up eventually.
Things were going too good and my life is nothing even close to a fairy tale. I’m not cut out for the princess life style, things will always go wrong and I’ll always be there to pick up the pieces and try my best to put it all back together. My body started shaking uncontrollably as I choked out a sob or two. Paul just pulled me closer and began softly humming. It reminded me of Luke humming and my eyes filled with more tears. After a few seconds I was able to make out just what he was humming and it was ‘I Won’t Let Go’ by Rascal Flatts. I grabbed his shirt and made a ball out of the spot where the tears fell.

I fumbled for my phone and opened a new message. Paul grabbed it out of my hand. “What are you doing Macy?”

“Texting Trevor to tell him I hope he rots in hell.” Seriously. I wanted to be the one to send him there and I wanted nothing good to happen to him. He’s ruined me not once, but twice. It was beginning to be a known fact that no matter where or when he popped up everything became a disaster.

Paul let out a soft chuckle. “No honey, he isn’t worth your time. The only person you need to text is Luke. Fix things with him. Screw Trevor.”

“I did, that’s why I’m in this awful mess.” I wiped my eyes and gave Paul a frown then looked back at the broken concrete. It was true; I screwed Trevor and in return screwed myself. Wonderful.

I looked up at Paul with my tear stained face. I knew he was right. Things with Luke were far more important. My every ounce of happiness was with him.
There was no other place he belonged than with me in my heart. My life had not been the same since he walked into it and I refused to go back to the before. I was a new person because of him. He saved me, he can’t just leave me. I offered what I could of a smile and reached my hand out for my phone. When he handed it over, I began typing to Luke. “Baby please talk to me.”

Two minutes went by then he replied, “I can’t do this Macy.
” Then nothing else.

The phone dropped from my hand
and listened as it crashed against the concrete. I wish it would have broken because maybe, just maybe it would make things a lot easier. Where was I supposed to go? I couldn’t go home. He didn’t even want to talk to me through text. If I showed up, he would probably throw me out.

“I have nowhere to go.” I admitted out loud.

“Why don’t you stay with your uncle?”

The look I gave him told him my answer. No. I racked my brain trying to figure out what I was going to do. Halley was drunk and already home, that wasn’t an option. I picked up my phone and hit the call button
making the only decision I felt was a good one right now.


“Mom? I’m sorry to call so late.” I managed to get that much out without completely losing my composure. I’m sure when she got around to asking why I was calling so late; she wouldn’t be able to understand through the crying.

“It’s ok. Are you crying? What’s wrong?”

I looked up at Paul for strength. He had no idea about my situation and how mom and I were on the road to being a happy family again. His eyes were smiling at me telling me it was ok to do what I had to do and that gave me all the strength I needed.

“I, um, can I come stay with you for a day or two?”

There was a pause before she continued. “Sweetheart, it’s after midnight what is wrong?”

I took a deep breath and tried to keep that composure but I was tired and very quickly sobering. The truth was hitting me harder than I liked and I was fully aware of all the horrible emotions I was feeling right now.
I liked these emotions better when I was drunk and I couldn’t feel.

, um, and I had a fight—“

“Oh honey what happened?”

I groaned at the thought of having to repeat this all over again. I drew in a deep breath and squeezed Paul’s hand for support.

“My ex Trevor, tried to talk to me after my friend Halley’s bachelorette party and he kissed me. I didn’t kiss him back at all, I pushed him away.” I stopped to take a breath and ended up crying again. “Luke saw the kiss and he doesn’t believe anything I said. I can’t go home to him mom and I can’t stay with
Gary. Please.”

“You’ve been drinking Mace. Do I need to come get you?”

I sat there trying to sort this mess and it needed to be sorted quickly before Gary left. I know he was closing everything up right now and most likely wondering where his worker was hiding.

“Um, I’m sure I can drive. I’m pretty sober now.”

Paul nudged me and I looked up. “I’ll drive you.”

I mouthed ‘are you sure’? He nodded his head yes.

“I have a ride Mom, I’ll be there soon. Thank you.”

“Be safe Macy. I’ll wait up for you.”

I looked at Paul and squeezed his hand thanking him for how nice he’d been to me tonight. It sure was nice to have some sort of friend in all this chaos. If he weren’t here, I have no clue where I would have gone or what would have happened.

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