More Than Enough (32 page)

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Authors: Ashley Johnson

BOOK: More Than Enough
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I could see Cole across the room watching me with both concern and a hint of a smile. His baby blue eyes were burning a hole into me. I’m glad he was standing over there. He was bound to either get me more wound up about my fight or just wound up in general.

I was glad Rocky was my trainer. He fully understood my situation and why I showed up at Lou’s Gym when I did. He had truly seen something in me that day, or at least that’s what he told me. That’s where I first met Cole, and sometimes I wish I hadn’t. He had my heart cutting flips most of the time but I forced myself to shut him out. I don’t have time for that right now in my life.

I still can’t believe we kissed last night. Dammit Sam, what is wrong with you? Without meaning to, I had nearly broken every rule I had set in place. Surprisingly, he acted like nothing happened so far which was just fine with me. It was easier that way. I wasn’t paying to go to Lou’s for a relationship.

I continued to look around the small room where many people stood wall to wall ready to see some good fights. The lights were so bright I could barely make out the cage where I would soon be taking out all my anger and frustrations in hopes of earning a little more money to tuck away inside my shoebox. Not much more, that’s what I kept telling myself. Rocky just finished helping me secure my grappling gloves as I got ready for my fight. I have no idea who I’m up against which is what I find to be the most exciting. That’s part of the reason my nerves are so bad. I just know I’ll be in the cage against one of the male fighters.

I’ve fought against a few of the women and so far, I’ve won all but one. Marley was one tough bitch and I admired her for that. Rocky knew I wanted more and I was capable of handling more, shit I practically knocked him on his ass when we were just practicing. And I know he came at me full force, he didn’t take it easy on me and treat me like some sort of princess. I’ve never fought against one of the guys but I figured me of all people could take a hit from a man. That is, if they were lucky enough to get a shot at me. There was also more pay involved if a woman could beat a man. Most of them didn’t care to even try. They were more than happy with the normal. I was more than willing to go against a male.

My thoughts were interrupted when Blaize, the announcer, began to speak into his microphone. “Alright, you guys ready for an action packed night?” Blaize had an authorative yet exciting voice. He really knew how to get the crowd pumped, they were insanely loud tonight.

I closed my eyes drawing in a deep breath as he continued to ramble on about the rules and yadda yadda yadda. I’ve heard it all and I know it. I’m just ready to hear who I’m against so I can get it over with.

Blaize’s voice broke through my thoughts again when I heard my name over the speakers. “Tonight, we have our own Sam Montgomery doing what very few females do. She will be going up against one of our male contenders. I love seeing women kick ass. Can I get a hell yeah?”

The crowd erupted into one big hell yeah and a few even hollered my name. I’ve become a bit of a favorite here. Blaize looked at the clipboard in front of his face and a big grin spread across his face. Shit, he sees who I’m up against. Rocky and I made our way closer to the ring so he could finish prepping me. When he was done he hugged me.

“Good luck Sam. Just remember what we’ve practiced and keep your hands up. Don’t let the bastard get a shot in. You got this.”

I grinned and replied, “Don’t worry Rocky; he won’t know what hit him.”

The crowd suddenly got quiet as Blaize set the clipboard down and placed the microphone back to his mouth. “Ok, I’m super fucking stoked about this
match up and I think you guys will be too. We have the best of the best going at it tonight and for once, I’m not sure who to place my money on. So without further bullshit, Sam Montgomery will be facing off against our own Cole Johnson. Fuck yeah, I can’t wait to see this one.”

The entire crowd began cheering and it was so loud I could hardly hear myself think. Did he really just say I was up against Cole tonight? No. I can’t do it. I can’t fight Cole. Who makes these lists? This has got to be a joke.

I felt my face turn pale and I looked to meet Cole’s eyes. His face was as pale as mine if not worse. I just kissed the guy last night and now, I would be getting ready to take him on in the cage. I’ve seen him in the cage, he’s the best there is around here and he’s fucking ruthless. I’ve never seen him lose a match.

Oh God, I can’t do this. I need a way out. Now. The walls are closing in as I hear our names being chanted throughout the building. I could handle fighting any other man in here, just not Cole. All eyes are on me and I suddenly feel as if I can’t move. Thank God we aren’t the first fight of the evening. I know this because after Blaize called our names, he continued to call out every other pairing of the night and we were set to go last.

Jack Miller and Trey Jones just stepped into the cage and their fight had begun. I could easily take one of them on with nothing to hold me back. Cole liked me, he’d made that clear on more than one occasion and I just, I can’t do this.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Cole inched closer to me. Shit. What does he want? Does he just want to gloat about how he’s about to throw my little body across the cage? I’ll fucking drag him to the ground now; I’m not in the mood.

He reached out to touch my arm and I jerked it away. My breathing became ragged as I tried to figure out what I was going to do. Could I even beat him?

“Sam, I’m freaked out about this too. I won’t go hard on you, ok?”

My green eyes shot up to meet his and I scowled, “Are you serious Cole? Don’t fucking treat me like a porcelain doll. I’m not breakable ok?”

“Stop Sam, I don’t mean it like that. You know I don’t like the idea of you even wanting to fight a man. Why do you want to?”

“I’m sorry who are you? Don’t act like you can give me advice or tell me what to do. It’s my business not yours.”

Shit. What I said just hurt him. I can see it in his eyes. “I care about you. You know that. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

Tears stung behind my eyes as I walked towards the door to get some fresh air. Trey just won his match and the next pair was getting ready to get in the cage. Cole followed closely behind me.

I leaned against the brick wall, breathing in the cool November air. A lone tear slid down my cheek and I quickly brushed it away as Cole stood in front of me with his arms crossed over his bare chest.

“I’m a big girl Cole. I don’t need you to protect me. I’m good out there; you know it so quit giving me a hard time.”

“Sam, most twenty one year old women are in the bars, not cage fighting. I just want to know you, to figure you out. We need to get back in there soon; Rocky and Blaize are going to be looking for us.”

I swallowed the rest of the tears that threatened to come up. “I’m not most twenty one year old women Cole. There’s nothing to get to know, what you see is what you get.”

“I won’t hurt you in there. I swear I won’t.”

I started removing my gloves and dropped them to the ground. Cole looked at me with a confused look on his face. “You’re right. You won’t be able to hurt me in there because I’m not going back inside. I’m leaving.”

I bent down to grab my gloves and he still stood there not knowing what to say. I started to walk away and he grabbed my arm. This time, I didn’t pull away.

“Sam, don’t go. We’ll tell them to pair you with someone else.”

I stood there offended by what he just said. Was he serious? “Yeah, so I can look like I can’t handle the great and mighty Cole Johnson?” I pushed his chest so hard, he actually moved back. Rocky was going to be pissed at me, no doubt about that. I was leaving though and not even Cole with his baby blue eyes could stop me. I was a fool for starting to fall for him, my brain clearly wasn’t thinking. He didn’t know how I felt and it needed to stay this way. Forever.

“Whatever Sam, have it your way. Run away from it all. You could just talk to me you know. Tell me why you’re so uptight all the time. Tell me what’s going on with you. Tell me how to fix you. I can do that you know. I can be there for you in whatever way you need me.”

His eyes were pleading with me but I couldn’t listen to them. Instead I chose to pull the worst out of the situation and insert my foot a little more.

“Stop trying to get in my pants Cole, it’s not going to happen. You can’t fix me either, so quit trying. Give it up, this is all you get.” I shoved past him and began walking. Home was a few blocks or so away but I didn’t care.

Cole wasn’t one to give up easily, I already know this. He’s had his eye on me since I walked into Lou’s. He made snide remarks about me being a girl wanting to learn to cage fight until he saw me take Rocky down like it was nothing. Then he shut up and slowly began trying to make advances at me. I shot down every single one of them. The last thing I heard before he went back inside was him yelling to me, “Dammit Sam, you know it’s not like that. Come back and talk to me.”

But I didn’t go back and talk. I kept walking away from him and the cage. Walking away meant I made no money for the night, but at least I saved myself from possibly embarrassing myself or ruining things. Fuck it. I’ve had enough of this bullshit. I don’t need any of this anymore. I can get by; no I will get by without Rocky and most importantly without Cole.


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