Monster Sex Stories (16 page)

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Authors: Lexi Lane

BOOK: Monster Sex Stories
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alpha male tilted his head, frowning. “Mated…yes.”
He pointed to Diane and then Angela, then himself. “You…”
he shook his head, confused. “…no mate with woman. Or

suddenly dawned in Diane what he wanted, what the troop was
expecting. “They want a show. You said circle jerk; they want a
porno show. They want some girl on girl action.”

mate with woman.” She pointed to herself and then Angela, then
the alpha male and the troop, then at her own eyes. “You watch,
yes. We live.”

spread across the alpha male’s ugly face. “Yes. Watch.
Live.” He mimicked Diane’s gestures.

are you doing? What have you agreed to?” Angela struggled to
her feet. “I’m not having sex with you in front of them.”
She waved her hands in the direction of the troop.

have no choice, Angela. He said we’d die if we don’t. I
think they’d kill us, or keep us tied up until we died, if we
don’t do something.”

alpha male gestured to the troop. Two ape-men moved forward, untying
the vines from their arms and legs. The alpha male pushed the two
women together, forcing them into an embrace.

troop formed a circle around the pair. Diane looked at them; many
were beginning to stroke themselves, their cocks growing longer. She
suspected before long they would be another circle jerk happening.

was surprised that the alpha male stayed in the circle with them.
Angela was trembling against her and Diane put her arms around the
woman, more in comfort than in arousal.

the troop began softly hooting at them. The she felt something behind
her. Turning her head, she found the alpha male at her back, pressing
his body against hers. She could feel his cock wedged against her

once again, his scent washed over her, forcing her close her eyes.
She felt Angela relax in her arms, the trembling leaving her body.
Opening her eyes, she looked at Angela, her face just inches from
hers. Her eyes were glazed, her expression blank.
stuff hits her like a locomotive. But it hits me almost as hard.

up, she touched Angela’s face, leaning forward to kiss her. She
felt Angela open her lips, accepting Diane’s tongue in her
mouth. Soon they were kissing passionately, tongues thrusting back
and forth, the assembled troop around them momentarily forgotten. She
ran her hands up Angela’s body, finding her breasts, those
breasts she’d fondled and kissed a thousand times, suddenly new
and exciting. She palmed the nipples, feeling them grow hard at her
touch, Angela gasping as she arched against Diane.

loud hooting of the troop distracted Diane. She tore her mouth away
from Angela, looking around the ape-men. Most of them now had full
erections, their hard cocks in their hands, or in the hands of the
ape-man next to them. All she could see surrounding them were cocks
being stroked, hard shafts in large hands, round heads sliding in and
out of view and eyes, dozens of pairs of eyes locked on her and

the alpha male was thrusting against her, his cock sliding against
her back. He was pulling Diane away from Angela, forcing her down on
the ground. She stumbled forward, landing hard on her hands and
knees. The alpha male was grunting to the troop; one broke from the
circle, pushing Angela down on the ground, poking and pulling at her
until she was lying on her back.

alpha male picked up Diane around the waist, moving her over Angela’s

God, Angela! He wants a threesome!” Diane looked down at
Angela, her body pale against the dark jungle floor. She watched with
detached alarm as Angela spread her long legs, her hips rolling up
toward Diane.

looked up, her eyes glazed with passion. “Oh…yeah.”
She reached up, pulling Diane’s head down to her body.

went willingly, a tiny part of her brain protesting, but her body
relaxing into the familiar rhythm she knew with Angela. She settled
between Angela’s legs, sliding her hands beneath Angela’s
ass, ready to lap at Angela’s cunt, lick and suck at her, drive
her wild. But then the alpha male was pulling at her hips, pulling
her ass into the air.

pulled against him but with his greater strength he pulled her up
until she was resting on her knees. She was still between Angela’s
legs, Angela’s ass in her hands; she was ready to bury her
tongue in Angela’s body, to taste her sweet juices. But the
hands pulling at her distracted her.

the alpha male was thrusting his cock into her cunt, his body pressed
against her ass. She felt his heat, smelled his scent and lost all
desire other than the pleasure she felt from his cock pounding into
her, from the taste of Angela, as she pulled her hips forward,
burying her tongue in her wetness, licking her clit, sucking and
licking, tugging at it with her teeth.

was moaning, pulling Diane’s hair, grinding her hips against
Diane’s face. Shadows fell across Angela’s body; Diane
looked up, watching as the ape-men moved forward, eyes taking in
every movement of the trio. She saw their faces, the lust in their
eyes mirrored what she felt.
pheromones must work on them too.

alpha male was already beginning to hoot and scream behind her, his
cock rock hard as he thrust into her. He shifted, planting his feet
on the ground, his body taking over, thrusting hard and fast into
Diane, pushing her forward into Angela’s cunt, her face buried
between Angela’s legs.

body was quivering, her whole being focused on the cock driving into
her cunt. Angela was coming beneath Diane, her hips rising, twisting,
as she cried out.

alpha male was buried completely in Diane now; she knew what he
looked like, every muscle tense, eyes closed in anticipation.

then he screamed to the sky, filling Diane with incredible heat as he
pumped his seed into her, his cock pulsing and throbbing. Diane
joined him, raising her head from Angela’s body, her scream
matching his.

felt something wet hit her face. She looked at the troop surrounding
them; they were coming too, hooting and yelling, jacking their hard
cocks, spurts of creamy liquid raining down on Diane and Angela,
coating their bodies with their seed. The sounds and feelings seemed
never ending; Diane wasn’t sure she could stand the sensations
that tore through her body. She felt the alpha male pull away from
her, felt him running his hands down her legs, knew he was showing
his success to the troop. She collapsed forward onto Angela, eyes
closed, breathing hard. The last thing she remembered were the hoots
and calls of the troop, in celebration of the alpha male’s
successful mating with Diane. And then it all faded away.

was a long time later that Diane heard screams and calls in the
jungle. It wasn’t the troop in celebration; these calls were of
distress. She opened her eyes to the now dark jungle. Angela was
sitting next to her, trembling.

is it, Diane?” Angela clutched Diana’s arm.

know. Predator maybe?” She tried to see through the dark, but
it was like looking at black velvet, impenetrable and thick.

several bright lights penetrated the jungle, filling the clearing
with white light. Diane held her hand to her eyes against the sudden
brightness. She heard voices but there was too much chaos to make out
anything clearly.

someone was calling her name. She squinted toward the voice,
shielding her eyes. A light was moving toward her and then dropped to
the jungle floor, revealing the man behind the light. It was Dan,
their contact at the research site.

Are you all right? Angela!” He turned, calling to another man.
“Bring blankets, they’re over here.”

knelt in front of the women, setting his light to the side, giving
them the privacy of shadow. Someone handed him two blankets and he
shook them out, wrapping the women in the coarse gray wool.

did you find us?” Diane clutched the blanket to her, suddenly
aware of how cold the jungle had grown.

got your last transmission before the plane went down. We traced the
GPS location, found the plane and then tracked back here. We found
the trail through the jungle, which lead us to you.” He was
looking at the women with concern.

you walk out? It’s not really that far to the research site.
You’d have crashed into it if you’d gone much further.”

stood, pulling Angela to her feet. “We can walk, Dan. We just
need a minute.” Dan nodded, walking a few feet away, talking to
the rest of the search party.

we need to decide what we want to tell the group. There’s going
to be questions.” Angela looked at her in the flickering light
in the clearing.

do you mean?” She frowned at Diane.

we can tell them what happened, every detail.”

Diane heard the hesitation in Angela’s voice.

we can just say we were attacked by apes, terrorized by them and then
the searchers scared them away.” Diane hesitated.

last choice: we tell them about the mutant ape-men, find a way to do
research on them, find out exactly what they are. Study them. It
could be a breakthrough for our research.” Diane looked at

up to you, Angela.” Diane watched her friend’s face in
the dim light.

looked up at Diane, tears in her eyes. “I just want to go home,
not to the research station. Just home with you, away from this
hellish jungle. I never want to see another ape as long as I live.”

pulled her close, holding Angela while she cried against her
shoulder. She motioned to Dan and he helped the women through the
jungle, winding their way down to the research station.

the jungle Diane heard a hoot and a whistle, the call repeated ahead
of them, echoing through the jungle. She caught a scent on the air;
she felt Angela shudder beside her.

then, on the path ahead of them a large ape-like figure appeared.

By The Centaurs #2
Virgin Breeding Erotica

had walked further than she ever had in her life, the small village
where she’d grown up many miles behind her. Her simple shoes
were tattered and her feet were sore. But the ordeal with her family
had finally driven her out of their small cottage and into the
countryside. She didn’t think she would ever go back; she
didn’t think she wanted to.
have nothing there to hold me.

shifted the small bundle on her back; everything she owned was tied
in a square of canvas. She thought about what the bundle contained
and decided that for once, being poor was a blessing. It had taken
only minutes to throw her few belongings and some food in the bundle,
tie it with string and leave.

her woolen cloak around her shoulders, she looked up at the darkening
sky. It was close to sunset; she needed to find some kind of shelter
for the night. But she was far from any village lights; she was in
the wilderness.

never willingly been out in the dark before; no one ever went out in
dark. Everyone knew that fairies and elves and other night creatures
came out to play, and that in the dark, bad things happened, even to
good girls.

left the path reluctantly, finding a sheltered spot beneath a leaning
oak tree. She rummaged in her bundle, pulling out a wedge of cheese
and heel of bread. She ate in silence, watching as night swallowed up
the forest. And then she listened with growing terror as the night
noises began; crickets, frogs, those she knew. But there were grunts
and whistles, snorts and stampings, sounds of much larger creatures
moving nearby, unseen in the dark.

or horses
just cows or horses.
She pulled the hood of her cloak over her face, willing herself to go
to sleep. But it was many hours before sleep came and when it did, it
was filled with strange images and fanciful beasts, noises and smells
that made her cower under the tree.

was light when she woke. Throwing back her hood, she looked up at the
sky; clouds and pearl gray light. She quickly braided her tangled
hair, tying it with a tattered piece of cloth. She stood, gathering
her bundle, pulling her cloak around her shoulders.

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