Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (153 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

Tags: #History, #World, #20th Century

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1 A Relativistic World

1 A. Einstein, in
Annalen der Physik
, 17 (Leipzig 1905), 891ff.

2 Banesh Hoffman,
(London 1975 ed.), 78; John White,
The Birth and Rebirth of Pictorial Space
(London 1967 ed.), 236–73.

3 Hoffman, op cit., 81–2.

4 A.Vibert Douglas,
The Life of Arthur Stanley Eddington
(London 1956), 39–40.

Daily Telegraph
, 25 June 1980; D.W.Sciama,
The Physical Foundations of General Relativity
(New York 1969).

6 Karl Popper,
Conjectures and Refutation
(London 1963), 34ff.; and Popper,
Unended Quest: an Intellectual Autobiography
(London 1976 ed.), 38.

7 A. N. Whitehead,
Science and the Modern World
(London 1925).

8 A.Einstein,
Out of My Later Years
(London 1950), 41.

The Born-Einstein Letters 1916–1955
(London 1971).

10 Ibid., 149.

11 Ernest Jones,
The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud
, ed. Lionel Trilling and Steven Marcus (New York 1961), 493ff.

12 Ibid., 493.

13 B. A. Farrell,
The Standing of Psychoanalysis
(Oxford 1981); Anthony Clare,
The Times Literary Supplement
, 26 June 1981, 735.

14 P.B.Medawar,
The Hope of Progress
(London 1972).

15 Jones, op. cit., 493.

16 Letter of 18 December 1912. William McGuire (ed.),
The Freud-Jung Letters
, (tr. London 1971), 534–5.

17 See Freud’s essay, ‘Psychoanalysis Exploring the Hidden Recesses of the Mind’, in the Encyclopaedia Brittania survey,
These Eventful Years: the Twentieth Century in the Making, 2
vols (New York 1924), II 511ff.

18 Sigmund Freud,
The Future of an Illusion
(London 1927), 28.

19 Quoted by Richard Buckle,
(New York 1979), 87.

20 Walter Laqueur,
Weimar: a Cultural History, 1918–1933
(London 1974).

21 There is no evidence they met. The conjunction forms the setting for Tom Stoppard’s play

22 George Painter,
Marcel Proust, 2
vols (New York 1978), II 293ff.

23 Theodore Zeldin,
France 1848–1945
, 2 vols (Oxford, 1977), vol. II
Intellect, Taste, Anxiety
, 370ff.

24 Quoted in Lionel Trilling,
The Last Decade: Essays and Reviews 1965–1977
(New York 1979), 28.

25 Painter, op. cit., II 339.

26 Camille Vettard, ‘Proust et Einstein’,
Nouvelle Revue Française
, August 1922.

27 Trilling, op. cit., 28–9.

28 Karl Marx,
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
, 20.

29 Sigmund Freud,
Beyond the Pleasure Principle
(1920) 70–81.

30 Quoted in Fritz Stern,
The Failure of Illiberalism
(London 1972), ‘Bethmann Hollweg and the War’, 77–118.

31 FrederickR. Karl,
Joseph Conrad: the Three Lives
(New York 1979), 737–8.

32 J.B.Bury,
The Idea of Progress
(London 1920), 352; see I.F.Clarke,
The Pattern of Expectation, 1744–2001
(London 1979).

33 Quoted by Martin Gilbert in R.S.Churchill and Martin Gilbert,
Winston S. Churchill, 5
vols (to date) with companion volumes (London, 1966-) iv 913–14.

34 Randolph Bourne,
Untimely Papers
(New York 1919), 140.

35 Foster Rhea Dulles,
The United States Since 1865
(Ann Arbor 1959), 263.

36 Figure given by Karl Deutsch, ‘The Crisis of the State’,
Government and Opposition
(London School of Economics), Summer 1981.

37 W.W.Rostow,
The World Economy: History and Prospect
(University of Texas 1978), 59.

38 Margaret Miller,
The Economic Development of Russia, 1905–1914
(London 1926), 299.

39 Olga Crisp,
Studies in the Russian Economy Before 1914
(London 1976).

40 G.Garvy, ‘Banking under the Tsars and the Soviets’,
Journal of Economic History
, XXXII (1972), 869–93.

41 Stephen White,
Political Culture and Soviet Politics
(London 1979), 50.

42 Stern, op. cit., 91.

43 E.H.Carr,
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917–1923
, 2 vols (London 1952) II 81.

44 Riezler’s diary, 4 August 1917; Stern, op. cit., 118.

45 Hajo Holborn,
A History of Modern Germany 1840–1945
(London 1969), 466, 454.

46 ArthurM. Schlesinger,
The Crisis of the Old Order 1919–1933
(Boston 1957), 20ff.

47 Dulles, op. cit., 260–1.

48 John Dewey, ‘The Social Possibilities of War’,
Characters and Events, 2
vols (New York 1929) II 552–7.

49 Dulles, op. cit., 262.

50 See Henry Kissinger,
A World Restored: Castlereagh, Metternich and the Restoration of Peace
(London 1957).

51 Harold Nicolson,
1919 (London 1945 ed.), 25.

52 Quoted by Robert Wohl,
The Generation of 1914
(London 1980), 44.

53 lbid., 25ff.

54 Professor Carl Pribham and Professor Karl Brockhausen, ‘Austria’ in
These Eventful Years

55 Carr, op. cit., I 254.

56 F.Lorimer, The
Population of the Soviet Union
(Geneva 1946), gives full list, Table 23, 55–61.

57 Nicolson, op. cit., 200–1.

Papers Respecting Negotiations for an Anglo-French Pact
, Cmnd 2169 (London 1924), 5–8.

59 For the secret treaties see Nicolson, op. cit., 108ff.; Howard Elcock,
Portrait of a Decision: the Council of Four and the Treaty of Versailles
, (London 1972), chapter 1.

60 P.S. Wandycz,
France and Her Eastern Allies
(Minneapolis 1962), 11–14.

61 H. and C.Seton-Watson,
The Making of a New Europe: R.W.Seton-Watson and the last years of Austria-Hungary
(London 1981).

62 PeterA.Poole,
America in World Politics: Foreign Policy and Policymakers since 1898
(New York 1975), 39.

63 Ibid., 46.

64 L. E. Gelfand,
The Inquiry: American Preparations for Peace, 1917–1919
(Yale 1963).

65 Nicolson, op. cit., 21–2.

66 Ibid., 31–3.

67 Holborn, op. cit., 502.

68 For the armistice negotiations see Harold Temperley,
A History of the Peace Conference of Paris
, 4 vols (London 1920–4), 1448ff.

69 For the ‘Commentary’, see C.Seymour (ed.),
The Intimate Papers of Colonel House
, 4 vols (London 1928), iv 159ff.

70 Keith Middlemas (ed.),
Thomas Jones: Whitehall Diary
, I
(Oxford 1969), 70.

71 Nicolson, op. cit., 83–4.

72 For this episode, see Robert Lansing’s own account,
The Peace Negotiations: a Personal Narrative
(Boston 1921).

73 Nicolson, op. cit., 79–82.

74 Elcock, op. cit., 241.

75 Ibid., 242.

76 Nicolson, op. cit., 270.

77 Elcock, op. cit., 270–89.

Foreign Relations of the United States: Paris Peace Conference
1919, 13 vols (Washington DC 1942–7), XI 600.

79 François Kersaudy,
Churchill and de Gaulle
(London 1981).

80 Elcock, op. cit., 320–1.

81 André Tardieu,
The Truth About the Treaty
(London 1921), 287.

82 Elcock, op. cit., 310.

Paris Peace Conference
, XI 547–9.

84 Lansing, op. cit., 3.

Paris Peace Conference
, xi 570–4.

86 Walter Lippmann, letter to R.B.Fosdick, 15 August 1919, in
Letters on the League of Nations
(Princeton 1966).

87 Howard Elcock, ‘J.M.Keynes at the Paris Peace Conference’ in Milo Keynes (ed.),
Essays on John Maynard Keynes
(Cambridge 1975), 162ff.

Collected Writings of J. M. Keynes
Activities 1914–1919
(London 1971), 313–34.

89 Ibid., 375 (the paper is 334–83).

90 Ibid., 418–19.

91 H.RoyHarrod,
Life of John Maynard Keynes
(London 1951), 246.

92 Drafts in Lloyd George Papers, Beaverbrook Library (F/7/2/27 and F/3/34) quoted in Elcock, ‘Keynes at the Paris Peace Conference’.

93 See for example Arthur Walworth,
America’s Moment 1918: American Diplomacy at the end of World War One
(New York 1977).

94 Keynes,
Collected Writings
, xvi, 438.

95 Harrod, op. cit., 250.

96 Elcock,
, 174; Harrod, op. cit., 253.

97 Paul Levy, ‘The Bloomsbury Group’ in Milo Keynes, op. cit., 68.

98 Quotations from ibid., 67, 69.

99 For Cecil see Kenneth Rose,
The Later Cecils
(London 1975), 127–84.

100 Hankey minute, 1916, Foreign Policy Committee 27/626/, FP (36) 2; Crowe memo, 12 October 1916: Admiralty minute 23 December 1918 CAB 27/626/, FP(36)2. Quoted in Corelli Barnen,
The Collapse of British Power
(London 1972), 245.

101 G.Clemenceau,
Grandeur and Misery of a Victory
(London 1930); A.Tardieu, op. cit.

102 Henry Cabot Lodge,
The Senate and the League of Nations
(New York 1925).

103 R.S.Baker and W.E.Dodds (eds),
The Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson
, 6 vols, (New York 1925–7), vi 215.

104 For the details of Wilson’s last eighteen months in office, see Gene Smith,
When the Cheering Stopped: the last years of Woodrow Wilson
(New York 1964).

105 Ibid., 153.

106 Ibid., 107, 111–13, 126–8.

107 Dulles, op. cit., 273.

108 G. Smith, op. cit., 149; Robert Murray,
The Harding Era: Warren G.Harding and his Administration
(University of Minnesota 1969), 91.

109 For the importance of Article 19
Nicolson, op. cit., 73–5.

110 See Table of Wholesale Prices;
US Federal Reserve Bulletin

111 See R. L. Schuettinger and E.F.Butler, Forty
Centuries of Wage and Price Controls
(Washington DC 1979).

These Eventful Years
, vol I; this gives complete table of international indebtedness, 410.

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