Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (156 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnson

Tags: #History, #World, #20th Century

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9 Riezler’s diary, 18 April 1915. Quoted in Stern, op. cit.

10 Ibid., 4 October 1915.

11 Ibid., 1 October 1918.

12 Holborn, op. cit., 562—3.

13 Stern, op. cit., 118.

14 Gerhard Ritter,
Staatskunst und Kriegshandwerk
(2nd ed., Munich 1965), 2 vols, II 129.

15 Holborn, op. cit., 514.

16 Ibid., 519–21.

17 George L. Mosse,
The Crisis of
German Ideology
(London 1966); Fritz Stern
The Politics of Cultural
(Berkeley 1961).

18 Laqueur, op. cit., 27–30.

19 Martin Esslin,
Brecht: the Man and his Work
(London 1959); John Willett,
The Theatre of Bertolt Brecht
(London 1959).

20 H.F.Garten,
Modern German Drama
(London 1958).

21 Laqueur, op. cit., 36.

22 Frederich V.Grunfeld,
Without Honour: a Background to Freud, Kafka, Einstein and their
(New York 1979).

23 Laqueur, op. cit., 155.

24 Roger Manvell and Heinrich
The German Cinema
(London 1971); Lotte Eisner,
The Haunted Screen
(London 1969).

25 Walter Gropius,
The New
Architecture and the Bauhaus
(London 1965); Barbara Miller
Architecture and Politics in Germany, 1918–1945
(New York

Arts Council
Neue Sachlichkeit and German Realism of the
(London 1979).

27 Kurt Tucholsky,
Deutchland uber alles
1931). See Harold Poor,
Tucholsky and the Ordeal of Germany 1914–1935
(New York

28 Quoted in Laqueur, op. cit., 81.

29 See Ruth Fischer,
Stalin and
German Communism

30 See Fritz Stern,
Gold and Iron
(London 1977).

31 Grunfeld, op. cit., 26–7: Laqueur, op. cit., 73.

Zur Genealogie der

33 Die
, April 1925.

34 Gerhard Loose, ‘The Peasant in Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl’s Sociological and Novelistic
Germanic Review

35 Mosse, op. cit., 23.

36 Ibid., 171ff., 112, 82.

37 Laqueur, op. cit., 87.

38 For Lagarde and Lengbehn, see
Fritz Stern
The Politics of Cultural Despair

39 Mosse, op. cit., 96–7.

40 Ibid., 143.

41 Quoted in Laqueur, op. cit., 75.

42 Ibid., 76.

43 Fest, op. cit., 138.

44 H-P Ullmann, ‘German Industry and Bismarck’s Social Security System’, in Mommsen, op. cit., 133ff.

45 Max Weber, ‘Politics as Vocation’,
printed as
Gesammelte Politische
(Munich 1921).

Der Jungdeutsche
(Dusseldorf 1958).

47 Georg Franz-Willing,
2 vols (Hamburg
1926), I 82.

48 Holborn, op. cit., 585.

49 Ibid., 586.

50 Figures from E.J.Gumpel,
Jahre politischer Mord
1922); quoted in Grunfeld, op. cit., 211, footnote.

51 FritzK. Ringer,
The Decline of the
German Mandarins: the German Academic Community
(Harvard 1969), 446; Laqueur, op. cit., 189.

52 Holborn, op. cit., 658.

53 Joseph Bendersky, ‘The Expendable
Carl Schmitt and National Socialism
Journal of Contemporary
, 14 (1979), 309–28.

54 For van den Bruck see Fritz Stern,
The Politics of Cultural Despair

55 Michael Steinberg,
Sabres and
Brownshirts: the German Students’ Path to National Socialism 1918–1935
1977), 7.

56 Laqueur, op. cit., 186.

57 Istavan Meszaros,
Marx’s Theory of Alienation
(London 1970), 29–30.

58 Robert S. Wistrich,
Jews from Marx to Trotsky
(London 1976).

59 Quoted in Robert S. Wistrich, ‘Marxism and Jewish Nationalism: the Theoretical Roots of Contradiction’ in
The Left Against Zion
(London 1981), 3.

60 Laqueur, op. cit., 103. Hubert Lanzinger’s portrait of Hitler as a knight is reproduced as plate 31 in
Joseph Wulf
Die Gildenden Künste im Dritten Reich
(Gutersloh 1963).

61 Fest, op. cit., 76.

62 Ibid., 32.

63 August Kubizek,
Young Hitler: the
story of our friendship
(tr. London
1954), 140f.

64 Wilfried Daim,
Der Mann, der
Hitler, die Ideengab

65 Hans Jürgen Syberberg, ‘Hitler, Artiste d’Etat et l’Avant-Garde Méphistophélique du XXe siècle’
Les Réalismes 1919–1939
1980), 378–403.

66 Adolf Hitler,
Monologe im
Führerhauptquartier 1941–1944
(Hamburg 1980), 54, 90, 331.

67 Hitler,
Mein Kampf
, 474ff.

68 Fest, op. cit., 482.

William Carr
Hitler: a Study in Personality and Politics
1978), 2–3.

70 Fest, op. cit., 489.

71 H.P.Knickerbocker,
The German Crisis
(New York 1932), 227.

72 Weigand von Miltenberg,
Hitler Wilhelm III
(Berlin 1931)

Max H. Kele
The Nazis and the Workers
(Chapel Hill 1972) argues that Hitler had a powerful working-class following;
J. Noakes
The Nazi Party in Lower Saxony 1921–1933
(Oxford 1971), and R.Heberle,
From Democracy to Nazism
(Baton Rouge 1970) put the opposite case.

74 W.Carr, op. cit., 6.

75 Holborn, op. cit., 596–8.

76 Fest, op. cit., 271–88.

77 Ernst Hanstaengl,
weissem und brannen Haus
(Munich 1970), 114.

78 Werner Maser,
Hitler’s Mein
Kampf: an Analysis
1970); see also his
Hitler: Legend
Myth and Reality
(New York

79 Hitler,
Mein Kampf
, 654.

80 Lawrence’s ‘Letter’ was first published in the
New Statesman
, 13 October 1924; reprinted in
(London 1936), 107–10.

81 Hans Frank,
Im Angesicht des Galgens
(2nd ed., Neuhaus 1955), 47.

82 Otto Dietrich,
Zwölf Jahre mit Hitler {Munich
1955), 180.

4 Legitimacy in Decadence

1 Pierre Miquel,
(Paris 1961).

2 Harold Nicolson,
Curzon: the Last Phase 1919–1925
(London 1934), 273–4.

3 Charles Petrie,
Life of Sir Austen Chamberlain
, 2 vols (London 1939), II 263.

4 Lord Murray of Elibank,
Reflections on Some Aspects of British Foreign Policy Between the World Wars
(Edinburgh 1946), 10.

5 See D’Abernon’s
An Ambassador of Peace
, 3 vols (London 1929–30), 114.

6 Barnett, op. cit., 323; Lord Vansittart,
The Mist Procession
(London 1958), 341.

7 L.B.Namier,
Facing East
(London 1947), 84.

8 Zeldin, op. cit., II 949–50.

9 J. M. Read,
Atrocity Propaganda 1914–19
(Yale 1941); Alfred Sauvy,
Histoire Économique de la France entre les deux guerres
, 4 vols (Paris 1967–75).

10 André Bisson:
L’Inflation française 1914–1952
(Paris 1953).

11 Zeldin, op. cit., 961, 971.

12 Ibid., 78–81.

13 Ibid., 623–5, 637–42.

14 Sauvy, op. cit.

15 Richard Kuisel,
Ernest Mercier, French Technocrat
(University of California 1967); J.N.Jeanneney,
François de Wendel en République: l’Argent et le pouvoir 1914–1940
(Paris 1976).

16 Zeldin, op. cit., 324–9.

17 François Chatetet,
La Philosophie des professeurs
(Paris 1970).

18 G. Pascal,
Alain educateur
(Paris 1969); Huszar (ed.), The
(Glencoe, Illinois, 1960).

19 Zeldin, op. cit., 1032.

20 Jean Pélissier,
Grandeur et servitudes de l’enseignement libre
(Paris 1951).

21 Joseph de Maistre,
Les Soirées de Saint-Petersbourg
, 7e entretien;
Du Pape
(1819), Book 3, chapter 2;
Les Soirées
, 2e entretien. Quoted in Nolte, op. cit., 34–5.

22 See Erich Maria Rémarque,
Arch de Triomphe
(New York 1946).

23 Zeldin, op. cit., 15–16.

24 Jacques Barzun,
Race: a Study in Modern Superstition
(London 1938), 227–41.

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