Mistress Mine (7 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Mistress Mine
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She made her approach slow and quiet and was pleased when he
turned to see her even before she arrived. Her pleasure increased tenfold when
he stood up and assumed his submissive pose. Yet he hadn’t done so quickly
enough for her to miss his expression. Hungry, that was the right description
for it. It was as she had hoped when dressing for the evening. Gone were her
business casual clothes. Instead, she wore a sleeveless black suede minidress,
cut low to accentuate her breasts. Her high-heeled boots were red suede, the
ensemble a deliberate homage to her precious flogger. She had dressed to entice
and incite. The thick bulge of her boy’s jeans confirmed she’d succeeded.

She didn’t bother to say anything, merely turned on one
sharp heel and strode toward the play rooms. Of course, Trey followed her, that
was a given. After a quick consultation with Dru, Juliette entered a room
farther down the hall from the simple room they had used the previous nights.
This new chamber was set up like a bedroom, a simple one, but it served her
intent very nicely. The dominant piece of furniture was a dark, steel-framed
canopy bed with a flat top and a St. Andrew’s cross at the foot. Perfect, given
that she’d decided to first beat her boy and then fuck him. Perhaps it was too
soon for that type of intimacy, yet she couldn’t resist. Just seeing the man
again had sent her body into overdrive. Panty-less as she was, her inner thighs
were already wet from her juices.

Juliette went to place her bag on a low table by the wall.
“Strip.” She didn’t turn to watch him, although she wanted to very badly.
Instead, she opened her bag and pulled out a few toys. She took a couple of
yoga breaths for calm before turning to look at Trey. It was her long
experience as a Domme that kept her from giving any outward signs of pleasure.
She perused her naked sub, standing with legs braced, head down and hands
clasped behind his back. His cock jutted out from his body, hard and dark from
engorgement. Her pussy clenched at the sight. Her nipples tightened and
tingled. What she wanted was to go to him, drop to her knees and swallow that
magnificent rod whole.

What she did was scoop up a couple of her toys and saunter
toward him. It was hard to do, but necessary. It was her duty to be in control.
He needed to know he could trust her to be careful. If she gave into her
impulses, he would be right to worry she couldn’t be trusted to stop if
necessary. So she took it slow, stopping in front of him, gently taking his
hard length in a firm grip and yanking. A harsh sound, part groan, part gasp,
erupted from his mouth.

She cooed to soothe him, yet kept her grip tight. “Have you
been a good boy, Trey, and left your cock alone?”

“Yes, ma’am.” The struggle to speak clearly was obvious. The
poor boy was in pain, and he was going to be in more soon enough.

“Go stand against the cross, facing me,” she ordered,
following him as he complied. She didn’t bother to truss him up for what she
had planned. He had already proven himself to be stoic, so she judged he’d be
able to stand still while she applied her toys to his body. “First things
first,” she said briskly. “I’ve seen stronger boys than you coming
spontaneously from a good beating. We can’t have that now, can we? This simple
harness will keep you nice and hard until I say otherwise.”

As she spoke, Juliette snapped a soft leather cuff around
the base of his cock and wrapped its split strap down between his balls to
separate them. When she snapped the two tongues of the strap to the cuff,
Trey’s package was secured high and tight against his body. His breath became
more labored. The taut skin of his cock darkened. She ran a finger up the
length of it and flicked the glans just to see him jerk. He didn’t disappoint.

“Good,” she purred. “Now a little bit more pain to add to
both of our pleasure.” She had brought her more elaborate nipple clamps this
time. She leaned over and laved his right nipple with the tip of her tongue.
Not many straight men appreciated the sensitivity of their own chest. It
delighted her when he uttered a low curse.

His response morphed into a full blown “Holy Fuck” when she
removed her tongue and replaced it with the clamps, tightening them into his
aroused flesh.

“Wait until I take it off,” she warned sweetly. “Remember
the pain will be far worse.” She repeated her ministrations with his left
nipple, but she wasn’t done yet. Grabbing a handful of the clothespins, she
applied a few along the underside of his restrained cock. Engorged as it was,
little skin was available to pinch, making the pain that much more intense.
Trey shook and stuttered out low moans as she worked her way down the shaft. He
howled when she moved to his balls, head thrown back. Moisture leaked from the
corners of his eyes. Juliette thumbed away the tears with a murmur of comfort
and stood back to admire her handiwork. Despite her sub’s response, she knew
the restraints were quite mild. They were plenty for what was only their third
time at play, however. It was hard to believe they had known each other for
such a short time, she was so comfortable with him already. “Turn around,
spread you legs and place your hands on the cross by the shackles.”

With a shuddering breath, he obeyed her, keeping his body
far enough from the cross so that his cock didn’t touch it. The cross was made
from the same dark steel as the bed frame, with bars that were a couple of
inches wide. She secured his ankles first into cuffs lined with a soft
material, then she did the same with his wrists, pulling everything tight so
that he couldn’t move his arms and legs. He said nothing while she moved his
body into position. His breath, though, became more labored and the hairs stood
up on his body.

With him at her mercy, Juliette allowed herself the pleasure
of touching him some more. She ran her fingers lightly down his arms and across
his shoulders. The muscles bunched under her touch. “Relax,” she whispered into
one ear and was pleased when she felt the tension drain out of him. She kept
going to pet and cup the taut globes of his ass. She was tempted to slip a
finger into him, but didn’t. She remembered his reaction from the first night.
Pegging would be something she would need to introduce slowly. She would do it,
eventually. It was the ultimate surrender for a straight man and unless he
surrendered to her fully, there was no future for them.

She was getting ahead of herself, again. For now, there was
so much fun for them to have. She retrieved her flogger from her bag and
returned to stand behind him. Without warning, she went to work on his
shoulders, beating first one side and then the other. Each time the suede tails
hit, he uttered a gasp or a groan. She moved down to his ass quickly, careful
to avoid slapping the flogger against his kidneys or around his hips. Instead,
she went for the meat, setting a figure eight motion that soon sent her into
the zone. Rhythmic, hypnotic, she could do it all night. She bet her new boy
could take it all night, too, but that would be far easier and less fun than
what she was capable of giving him.

She paused her stroke a fraction of a second before landing
a hard slap against one ass cheek. Trey yelled out. The wetness of her labia
increased. Her clit and nipples throbbed to the beat of her flogger. She let go
another stinging stroke, made him cry out once more, and her own breath
whooshed out of her lungs. She was hardly straining herself, yet her lungs felt
as if they needed more air. She picked up the rhythm, hitting harder,
ratcheting up the tension. Trey grunted now with each blow, his arms and legs
tugged at their restraints. A fine sheen of sweat coated his back. He neared
the breaking point.

Recognizing as much, Juliette gave one last, hard blow and
stopped. She ran a hand over her head and yanked a bit on her braid, reveling
in the bite of pain. Time to give them both relief. Putting her flogger away,
she went to her boy and wrapped her body around his from the back. Heat poured
out of him and into her. She sighed and clasped the area beneath his balls and
tugged up to make him groan. She rubbed her own aching body against his to make
herself moan. Then she moved her hands up to his chest and fingered the clamps,
twisted them back and forth.

“Shit!” Trey forced the word.

“Mmm, isn’t it wonderful?” she purred, rubbing against him
even more to make her clit sing. She stretched up on her toes and first licked,
then nipped his ear lobe. “You’ve been such a good and brave boy, I’m going to
let you fuck me now.”


Blood roared through Trey’s body. It drowned out virtually
every other sound except for Juliette’s voice, his Mistress’ voice. She was
going to let him fuck her now, her words. He hadn’t dared hope the evening
would include getting inside her luscious body. He tried to stay strong as she
released him from the restraints. It was hard, his body was alive with the pain
she had given him, yet numb, too. He swayed a little when his arms were freed.
But she was there for him, giving her body in support, massaging the blood back
into his hands. She led him over to the bed and pushed him gently down.
Sitting, his face was level with her magnificent breasts. Soft, round flesh
swelled over her neckline. The urge to taste overwhelmed him and he leaned
forward. A sharp tug of his hair brought him up short.

“Uh-uh,” his Mistress admonished. “I did not give you

He nodded once to show he understood, his throat suddenly so
dry, he didn’t think he could speak. He remained passive as she positioned him
down on his back and secured his ankles and wrists once more with shackles at
each bed post. His arms and legs were stretched taut again enough to make him
ache. His arousal had never been so great. He didn’t doubt that without the
cock harness, he might very well have come already. He loved the idea too, as
he always had, of the woman being on top and in control. Never before had a
woman done it without his urging. The freedom of not having to worry about what
to do added to his pleasure in an indescribable way.

“Trey, look at me.”

The sharp command jerked him out of his thoughts. He turned
his head toward his Mistress, and once his gaze locked with hers, she stripped
down to join him. Her movements were slow, calculated. First she lowered the
side zipper of her dress, then let the top slide down her arms, down past her
breasts. His breath hitched when he saw her hard, dusky nipples freed. He
licked his lips. Would she ever give him a taste? God, he hoped so. As the
dress dropped down to the floor, his attention shifted to her plump mons and
the swatch of curls he was already acquainted with. His stomach clenched when
he realized she had been panty-less during his beating.

His Mistress smiled at him. She held up one finger as if to
silence him and wagged it. His gaze now fixed at that point, he watched her run
the finger down between her breasts, past her stomach and through her curls. A
low moan escaped him when the finger dipped between her folds and disappeared.
Her hand moved up and down. His hips bucked in sympathetic rhythm. She took a
piece of her lower lip between her teeth and moaned back at him.

“Fuck, fuck!” he panted. His cock strained ineffectively
within the harness. It felt as if it would burst. The ache in his balls spread
up his body.

His Mistress pursed her lips and blew him a kiss. “Okay,
sweet boy,” she cooed.

Taking her finger away from her clit, she stepped out of her
dress and dug into her bag. Out popped a condom in her hand. Trey almost wept
from relief. Finally! She sauntered over to him and climbed up on the bed.
Kneeling beside him, she took her time giving him what he desperately wanted.
Her fingers played across the tops of those damnable pins torturing his aroused
flesh. He gritted his teeth against the pain. When she pulled the first one
off, a howl ripped past his lips.

“Oh, yes, my darling,” his Mistress crooned. “That’s what I
like. Let me hear how much pain you’re in. It makes my pussy weep. See how wet
you’ve made me already.”

Trey’s gaze lowered to drink in the sight of her glistening
mons and slick inner thighs. So transfixed was he by her obvious arousal, he
barely noticed his own agony and the ensuing cries of his own voice as she
freed his cock and balls from the remaining pins. He panted like a dog when she
was done, yet his gaze never wandered and his mind focused on the promise of
sliding into all that wet heat beckoning him.

Juliette teased the underside of his cock and squeezed his
balls for a short while. He hissed and bucked throughout the playful assault.
Small grunts passed his lips until she undid the straps and freed his package.
He sighed, then growled when finally she unwrapped the condom down his length.

His Mistress studied her handiwork for a few seconds before
looking into his eyes. “Shall I straddle you now, Trey? Shall I place your cock
against the entrance of my cunt?”

“Yes, please, Mistress.” It was a strain to speak. He wanted
to howl again instead.

“Very well.” Her tone was soft and matter-of-fact, but there
was an underlying breathlessness to it. She was not as cool and in control as
she wanted him to believe. The knowledge added to his heat. He wanted to have
that effect on her.

She did as promised and with her legs clamped firmly against
his thighs, she poised him at her entrance. “Shall I slide your cock into my
pussy? I’m very hot and very wet, you know. And tight.” To emphasize her words,
she squeezed his rod with her fingers.

He bucked up, trying to push inside her. “Yes, God, yes.
Please, Mistress!” He was beyond caring how he sounded. This waiting was the
worst kind of torture.

Without further warning, Juliette impaled herself on him.
His cock shot up inside her welcoming cunt, instantly caught in the promised
hot, wet and tight embrace. “Don’t come!” she ordered.

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