Mistress Mine (10 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Mistress Mine
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“Hey, Mistress, you look fabulous.”

“Don’t call me that! I am not your Mistress.”

His grin faded. “I know, but I want to change that. I found
a card lying around for this place and thought I’d give it a try.” He dropped
his gaze and softened his tone. “I have to confess I kind of hoped to run into
you. You won’t take my calls.” He looked up at her from under his lashes.

She felt the familiar tug of desire once more and her hand
twitched at the memory of playing with this man. It would be so easy to fall
back into the old pattern of wrestling for power with Tom. But she knew it
would be a mistake. Not only was she done with power plays, she’d had a taste
of another man, a better man, honestly. When she pictured Trey next to Tom,
there was no contest. Trey exuded power and confidence, whereas Tom oozed
smarmy charm. Yes, the guy was beautiful, but how had she been so blind? Real
pleasure came from dominating an alpha male. Match the two men up, and Trey
would blow away the other. She could imagine it easily, and then she didn’t
have to. The door opened and in he walked.

If the sight of Tom had heated her body, Trey’s presence
sent her senses into overdrive. She inhaled sharply as if kicked in the gut. He
wasn’t dressed as provocatively as Tom, yet he was ten times as sexy. His worn
jeans outlined cock and balls. His button down shirt opened up just enough to
show a hint of his chest and the sleeves were rolled up his strong forearms.
His gaze homed in on her immediately and the look of sheer delight on his face
nearly brought her to her knees. And then he spotted Tom and his expression
turned hard. His obvious displeasure at seeing her with another man thrilled
her more than she wanted to admit.

When he reached them, Trey dropped his gaze and stood with
his hands clasped behind his back. “Mistress Juliette, may I speak with you

Tom shot him a thunderous look. “The Mistress is otherwise
engaged,” he spat out.

Her old sub’s reaction jolted her. “I decide whom I talk
to,” she said sternly.

Tom immediately struck a submissive pose. “Forgive me,

“I am not your Mistress,” she retorted and before Trey could
say anything, she turned on him, too. “I’m not yours, either.”

She could tell Trey wanted to dispute the statement, but he
wisely kept silent. Tom, on the other hand, was not so smart. “Come on,
Juliette, give me another chance. We were good together.”

“No, we were not.” Her temper was rising and it felt good
because it replaced the hurt. She stepped closer to Tom and said, “You were a
manipulative little shit and I will never play with you again. Now get out of
here. I’ve already told the manager about you, so your reputation precedes you.
You won’t find another playmate at this club.”

Tom opened his mouth, still not ready to capitulate. Before
he could get a word out, though, Trey leaned into him. “You heard the lady,
beat it or I’ll kick your disrespectful ass out.” Trey topped his threat with a
lethal looking grin. It caused Tom to lean away from his adversary.

Juliette was torn. That purely girly part of her was once
more thrilled at Trey’s alpha male response, but the Domme in her knew that she
couldn’t let him get away with being in charge. “Trey!” She made her voice
sharp, commanding. His startled face turned to her. “Do you see my bag over
there on the floor by the bar?” When he nodded, she continued. “Go stand next
to it and wait for me.”

His gaze flicked from the bag to her and to Tom, the war
inside him obvious. It raged for only a few seconds before he nodded again.
“Yes, ma’am.”

Juliette watched him leave, a deep sense of satisfaction and
hope welling up inside her. She knew it had taken a lot for a strong man like
Trey to leave in circumstances like these. But he did it and his compliance
spoke volumes. She turned her eyes to Tom. “Get out and don’t try to contact me
again. It is over. Do you understand?” The bouncer, Hayden, watched by the
door, waiting for her signal to intervene. It turned out not to be necessary.

Tom sighed. “Okay, I get it. I’m sorry.”

“So am I.” She watched him walk out the door. When he was
gone from her sight, she turned it on Trey. Desire burst through her as she saw
him standing, waiting, waiting for her.

Chapter Eight


Trey clasped his wrist with a bone-crushing grip, his gaze
fixed on a spot on the floor. The urge to look up, to see what was happening
between Juliette and the Eminem wanna-be warred with his discipline. It was
make or break time, and he had to show his Mistress once and for all that he
could follow orders. God, it killed him. Nothing pissed him off more than
another guy preying on a woman. He had wanted to protect her by kicking,
literally, her old sub to the curb. Walking away instead had been important. He
had to show her he trusted her to make the right decisions, for her and for
him. It was hard, though. The top of his head threatened to blow off from the
effort to remain in place. Finally he was rewarded by the sound and sight of
her high heels coming into view.

He sensed more than saw her body lean into his. “Pick up my
bag and follow me.” Her voice was soft yet no less commanding for it.

He let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he was holding,
bent to pick up the bag and kept his Mistress in his sight. He still thought of
her as that even though there was some chance he would not be forgiven, a
chance he might let her down.

Fuck that! This time, he would submit no matter what.

She stopped briefly to speak with the manager before leading
him down the hallway past the point they had ventured before. They entered a
room filled with all kinds of restraining apparatus. He had mere seconds to
take it all in before his Mistress called him over to one corner. She stood
beside a padded bench that could have been in any gym, except this one had
restraints where weights would have been.

“Put the bag down here,” she said pointing to the floor
beside her. When he had done as she commanded, she told him to strip.

As he moved quickly to comply, he saw she did the same. Off
came her silk bustier and short skirt. Underneath she wore a lacy garter belt
that held up her black fishnet stockings. Those things plus her heels she kept
on. He watched in confusion as she straddled the bench and lay down on her
back. She held up her arms. “Secure me.”

“What?” Trey shook his head. “I mean, I’m sorry, ma’am, I
don’t understand.”

“Really? I’m quite sure my words were plain enough.” Her
voice was cool and dismissive. As erect as he had been since first seeing her,
he became even harder. “Put the straps around my wrists.” So saying, she
stretched her arms up toward either side of her head. “Are my orders clear?”

Trey swallowed hard. “Yes, ma’am.” His voice was rough to
his own ears. Holy shit, what was she doing? “May I ask a question?”

Juliette sighed heavily. “You want to know why I am taking
the submissive role. You’re mistaken. I’m not a switch and I’m yielding up
nothing to you. This is to show each of us how much we trust the other. We need
this if we are to get past what happened. You will bind me and you will play
with my body. I will tell you how to play with it, and you will do exactly what
I tell you. Then you will do what I tell you to do with your own body. You will
do all this even though you have the freedom not to and I am physically
powerless. You will do it because you want to obey me and you trust me enough
to do what I say. I’m right about that, am I not?”

His chest rose and fell in harsh breaths as his arousal
increased. What she ordered him to do both frightened and intrigued him. He
wasn’t worried about hurting her because he knew he had the self-control to be
trusted with her body. Yet, he also knew she might very well order him to hurt
her simply to show her level of trust in him. Could he really do it? Could he
obey an order to harm his Mistress? The answer was obvious. If he didn’t then
there would be nothing left for them. She wouldn’t be his Mistress if he didn’t
obey her completely, totally. He had to let go. No more thinking, no more
worrying. With a deep breath, he released the last of his reservations and did
as commanded.

He took each of Juliette’s delicate wrists in hand and
restrained them. When she told him to pull the straps tighter, he did, wincing
only slightly as he pulled her arm muscles taut. When he was done, he stood up
beside her and waited for the next order. He tried not to look at her beautiful
breasts on display, rosy nipples pointed up at him. Nor did he gaze at the
thatch of hair nestled between the straps of her garter belt. Perhaps it was
only his imagination, but he swore he could smell her sweet arousal. He kept
his sight fixed on the wall beyond her head and clasped his hands in a tight fist.

His Mistress cooed. “Good boy. Now go into my bag and find
the wooden box. Inside it are several metal rings. Take them out and slide them
one at a time down your awesome cock. They’ll keep you nice and hard for me.”

Trey did as he was told, happy to have something to do that
didn’t involve hurting his Mistress. There were five rings in the box, and
going down on one knee, he slid them past his cock head and onto his shaft. It
was excruciating, the cool metal against his heated flesh only served to heighten
his desire to come. But the rings also did their job, choking the path his
semen would have to take. When he was done encasing himself in the restraints,
his breath labored and sweat beaded his skin.

“Excellent.” The simple praise made him grin. The next
command erased it. “There’s a butt plug and a tube of lube. Get them out.”

Trey found the items and held one in each hand. The
cone-shaped plug with the narrow neck caused him to swallow hard. Whether the
item was for her or him, he didn’t like it. Still, he would place it wherever
he was told and knew enough already to apply a liberal amount of the lubricant
on it.

“Good,” his Mistress said when he was finished. “It’s for
you. You understand it’s not a dildo. Its purpose is merely to enhance your
pleasure. It will stimulate your prostate and when I let you come inside me, it
will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.”

Her words alone sped up his heart and made him moan. His
cock pulsed in its confinement and his asshole tightened. He looked at the
plug, shiny with lube, and wondered how he would take it inside. But he knew
already. He had done this before to someone else and could do it to himself.
Reaching around his body, he pulled at one ass cheek. He relaxed his sphincter
and pushed out as he slid the cone in. There was a bite of pain before it
settled in, filling him, stimulating his already aroused body. He sighed
heavily and looked at his Mistress. She smiled back at him.

“Not so bad, is it?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Good. Now come and enjoy my body. Play with me.” With a
deep breath, she turned her head to face the ceiling and closed her eyes.
“Start with my breasts. Touch them, lick them, bite them.” She said the last
word with a growl.

His whole body jerked with the urge to grab her and feast.
Instead, he took his time, worshipping her as she deserved. Kneeling fully
beside the bench, he leaned over to cup her breasts in both hands. They were
soft and lovely, yielding to his gentle pressure. When he rubbed his thumbs
over the hard nipples, his Mistress moaned and arched into his hold.
Encouraged, he replaced one thumb with his lips, tugging the nub into his
mouth, laving it with his tongue. He repeated the motion with the other breast
before sucking and tugging and grating the engorged flesh.

Juliette bucked and writhed. “Yes, like that. Show me how
much you want me, how much you missed me.”

“Mmm,” he murmured against her hot skin. Releasing her, he
stared at the wet pucker of her areola. “I did miss you. I want you so badly.
I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Of course you will,” was her breathless reply. “Time for
you to straddle the bench. Face me and move that clever tongue of yours down

Trey didn’t need to be told twice. He hated to abandon her
breasts, but the chance to taste her pussy again was not to be ignored. He
stood on stiffened legs, the movement sending a jolt of pleasure inside his
ass. Clever woman, his Mistress, giving him the gift of the plug. He could
understand now why straight guys craved being pegged. His equally stiff cock bobbed
in front of him, eager to play, yet still side-lined. Easing himself across the
bench, he stared at his destination.

“Not yet,” Juliette admonished. “I mean for you to tease me
up to it.” He wanted to groan in frustration. “Place your hands on my thighs
and inch them upward. I want gentle pressure, a light touch.”

Trey obeyed, placing his hands on her thighs just above the
stockings. Here, too, her skin was creamy soft and warm. His thumbs made lazy
circles on her flesh as he crept upward. He never took his eyes off his goal.
The folds of her labia winked at him, wet as they were with her juices. When he
inhaled deeply, he could smell her. She was ripe for the taking, her hips
undulating as his fingers moved higher and higher. When his thumbs met in the middle,
he flicked them up between her lips and caressed her clit with alternating

Juliette cried out and bucked her hips. “Don’t let me move!
Hold me down and use your tongue. Now, Trey, make me come.”

His hands clamped down on her hips, pressing her firmly back
against the bench while his head dipped down to her mons. His tongue darted
between her folds and tasted the sweet salt of her arousal. Her clit was
waiting for him, swollen with her need. When he touched it, she cried out again
and strained against his hold. As commanded, he held her down tightly, keeping
her body still as he used tongue and lips to rip the orgasm from her. She
screamed and thrashed against all the restraints holding her back. Her body
shook with the orgasm, all the more intense because there was nowhere to
release it other than inside. He knew the feeling, knew how wonderful it was.
He lapped and sucked, determined to give her every last drop of pleasure,
before she commanded him to stop.

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