Mistress Mine (6 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Mistress Mine
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He arched his eyebrows, then put his hands behind his back
and leaned forward. She kept her hand in his hair to steady them both and
stared at the wall behind him as his mouth descended to the top of her thong.
His warm breath tickled her skin before his lips kissed it just long enough to
give his teeth purchase. The cloth pulled away from her and was tugged down,
exposing the swatch of wet curls. The coolness of being exposed only worked to
heighten her arousal. Her fingers dug into her boy’s scalp. His gasp uttered through
a mouthful of silk made her pussy clench. When he had managed to drag her
panties past her knees, she stepped out of them to finish the job. Her need
made her impatient.

Releasing Trey, Juliette turned and took off her jacket.
Spreading it on the chair’s seat, she turned again and sat down, her legs
spread wide in invitation. “Come to me, my pet, on your knees and show me what
that handsome mouth of yours can do.”


Trey gripped his wrist so tight, it was a wonder he didn’t
break something. His ass was on fire from the beating he had received only
minutes before, yet his erection had never wavered. If anything, it had grown
longer and harder. Now he was staring at his Mistress’ pussy, plump and pink
with a hint of dark curls. The glistening flesh winked at him and beckoned. His
cock pulsed with the need to push inside those welcoming folds and find
release. It took all his strength and discipline not to grab his cock and pump
the ache right out. But he didn’t have permission to do that. His orders were to
crawl to that heavenly place and worship it with his mouth, his lips, his
tongue and God, his teeth. This was a mission he knew he could accomplish.

His gaze fixed on his destination, he knee-walked the few
feet. Before he could lean into the chair, however, his Mistress grabbed a
fistful of hair and held him back. The sting of his scalp made him grunt with
pleasure even as he resisted the urge to push forward. He didn’t like being
stopped. He didn’t like having to wait for a taste of this luscious woman.

“Easy,” she commanded. “You’re here for my pleasure, not
yours. To that end, you will make sure that at no time does your cock touch
this chair. You will not get yourself off while you pleasure me. Understand?”
Her fingers tightened their grip.

Trey grimaced at the words as much as the discomfort, but he
responded the only acceptable way. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Good.” She released him and settled back, eyes closed.

It wasn’t easy to do as told. He had to brace his legs apart
to achieve the right leverage. Even then, he didn’t dive in right away. He
wanted to, oh, how he wanted to. He decided, instead, to tease them both by
starting with little flicks of his tongue on the inside of her right knee. Her
skin was as soft and smooth as her panties. It was warm, too, and even that far
away from her cunt, her scent teased his nostrils. He breathed in deeply while
he licked his way up her inner thigh. With his eyes closed, he pictured where
he was headed, still wanting to race to the finish. His cock was off-limits,
but his Mistress had said nothing about other parts of his body. As he leaned
in farther to plant kisses near her junction, his nipples rasped against the
lining of her jacket. Never before had he or anyone paid particular attention
to them. The clamps had heightened their sensitivity. A jolt of pleasure hit
him low in the belly.

Trey moaned and was rewarded with an echo from his Mistress.
Her legs moved restlessly while he switched to attend her left one. A hand
descended on his head and fingers ran through his hair. There was no grabbing
this time and he perversely missed the bite of pain. Still, it encouraged him,
told him he pleased her. He would have been happy to nuzzle her thighs longer,
but when next his face lay inches from her pussy, her hips bucked a little in
invitation. Never one to turn down a lady, Trey slid his tongue between her
folds and gave one long lick up her slit.

“Oh, God,” she sighed and now her fingers clenched his

He smiled as he buried his face between her legs, lapping
and sucking at her juicy clit. It had been literally years since he had tasted
a woman and never had one been so delicious. Sweet and salty, wet and warm, his
Mistress was a treat. He licked and nibbled at her swollen flesh, making her
writhe ever faster. Her legs closed in on him, her heels dug into his back,
urging him to go faster, harder. Keening moans filled the room. She pressed her
body so tightly into his face he could hardly breathe. And, yet he stayed firm,
taking her clit between his lips and sucking the climax out of her. She doubled
over, clasping his head in both hands. He released his hold only to use his
tongue once more, lapping her with short strokes to bring another release. She
had no time to catch her breath before he sent her over again, and he would
have kept going if she hadn’t shouted and shoved him away from her.

Trey caught himself with his hands, sitting with his fiery
ass on the cool stone floor. His Mistress was collapsed against the chair, eyes
closed, legs akimbo. She was the perfect picture of a woman satisfied to
bonelessness. He stared at her with a measure of pride. He hadn’t known such
utter satisfaction before, even while his cock remained hard and aching. If
only Juliette would grant him some relief.

As he thought it, her eyes opened to sleepy slits. “Your
turn, precious.” His cock jerked at her words and he shifted back to a kneeling
position, hands clenched behind his back. His breath quickened at the notion of
finally getting off. “You’re right handed?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Then grip your cock with your left hand.” He did as order
and shuddered at the feel of his own touch. Not as good as his Mistress’, but
after so many hours of restraint, any hand would do. He pumped his hard flesh

“Stop!” He froze. “I didn’t say you could jerk yourself. Be
still. You will move only when I tell you to and stop immediately if I say so.
Otherwise there will be no orgasm for you tonight.” Trey shuddered at the
effort to obey, a fine sheen of sweat popped out all over his body. He had
never been so aroused.

“Very well, you may work your cock—slowly. You will not come
until I tell you to. Is that clear?”

Trey nodded. “Yes, ma’am.” The words were little more than
grunts as he stroked himself slowly and carefully. Enough pre-cum leaked out to
slick his movements, but his flesh still burned with need. His balls, pulled
tightly to his body, ached for release. The tremors of a climax climbed up from
the core of his body, threatening to erupt from his cock. His body shook from
the effort to hold back. He didn’t have permission.

“Hold for me, Trey.” His Mistress’ voice was low and
seductive. “I know you can wait for my command. I won’t make you do anything
more than you can. Do you believe me?”

“Yes,” he managed to bite out.

“Do you trust me?”

Trust? Did he trust her? Yes, she could take care of him.
She was taking care of him. Oh, God, he needed to come. His answer was more
grunt than word. “Yes!”

“All right, then, now.”

The last word was barely out her mouth before he let himself
go. With a roar, Trey climaxed, semen spurting out of his engorged cock. His
fist clenched and yanked the orgasm out of his body. He doubled over, his other
hand squeezed his balls, more pain and pleasure mixing. He became deaf and
blind to everything except the spasms of his cock as he milked that last of the
cum from it.

And, then a hand descended on his head, petted him, and he
knew he had just had the best sex of his life.

Chapter Five


“I said don’t move!” Trey grimaced with satisfaction as he
ground his knee deeper into his squirming prisoner’s back and snapped cuffs in
place. The little shit howled like a kid who’d dropped his ice cream cone, but
he was well and truly trussed. The guy had to know the FBI had compiled enough
information to send him and his friends away for the rest of their wretched
lives. Terrorists be damned, it was still good to put away old fashioned
mobsters who preyed on Americans every day. Trey stood up, hauling his catch of
the day with him. Mike jogged over.

“Holy Christ, what’s put the spring in your step?” Trey
quirked his eyebrows. “The way you climbed that fence and brought this mother
down, you were in fine form my friend.” Mike slapped him on the back. “Man,
bringing down the Moss gang makes this a beautiful day.”

“For some people, maybe,” grumbled the prisoner.

“No one asked you, asshole,” Trey snarled, but he was
grinning like a fool. The takedown was wrapping up early enough for him to meet
Juliette. God, his cock throbbed. It had remained hard all night and most of
the day. The temptation to make it go away had been strong, ignoring the urge
had been pure torture. Still, he hadn’t touched himself because his Mistress
had ordered him not to—again. The very thought that a woman now controlled him,
or his body anyway, turned his arousal up to an eleven. It was hard to wrap his
mind around the fact that he had actually taken the step to become some woman’s

Had he really gone to a strange club, sat around waiting for
a woman to pick him up and then when one did, followed her into a room, let her
string him up and whip his ass? Yes, his ass was telling him with its faint
sting, he had. And, he had done it again two nights ago. It had been amazing.
The beatings had been not only arousing, but calming. The stress had fled his
body, leaving him satiated and refreshed the next day. Except one part, of
course, remained needy. His erection had begun the moment he had laid eyes on
Juliette and hadn’t flagged with the pain, or with the glorious experience of
going down on her or even jerking himself off at her command. He licked his
lips and swore he could still taste her. He grunted as he shoved the prisoner
into the back of a car. Both the guy and Mike stared at him. He slammed the
door and smiled back at his friend.

Mike gave him the once over, but Trey had strategically
crossed his hands in front of him. Still, the guy was no fool. His eyes
narrowed. “You’ve been awfully cheerful all day and for the better part of the
week, come to think of it. Damn, boy, are you getting yourself laid again?”

“No, sir, I am not,” he answered in all honesty.

His friend didn’t seem convinced. “Something’s up with you.”
He beckoned with his fingers. “Give.”

With a grunt, Trey moved away from the car and with a flick
of his head, asked the other man to join him. He wasn’t sure what to say, but
this was his best friend, a man he had fought alongside and was still fighting
alongside albeit in a very different sort of war. Besides as safe he had felt
in the club and with Juliette, it would be wise for someone else to know where
he was going.

How to tell his friend, though? It wasn’t exactly small
Hey, great news, I found my inner submissive! Want to go have a beer
in celebration?
No, that approach might give his friend a heart attack,
although frankly he couldn’t think of a more acceptable way to broach the
subject. Damn.
He pinched the bridge of his nose before taking a deep
breath and just spitting it out. “Remember that weird card I found in my pocket
last Sunday? Well, I called it, went to this club in the old Leather District,
met a woman and let her work me over. I enjoyed it enough to have met her

Mike stared back at him as if frozen in time for a few
seconds. Blinking hard, he said, “You’re not joking. I can tell when you’re
joking and you’re not.”

“No, I’m not.” Trey grinned and shrugged.

His friend rubbed a hand down his face. “So let me get this
straight. You went to a strange club and let a strange woman, what, beat you?”

“With a suede flogger. She has crops and paddles, but the
flogger is her favorite.” He waited a beat. “And mine.”

“Uh-huh. What color is it?”

“What difference does that make?”

“Just answer the question.”

“Red and black. Beautiful really. Looked handmade.”

“Uh-huh,” Mike said again. “And, this woman, does she look
like Catwoman, or something?”

“No, actually she looks like an accountant, which is what
she is.”

“An accountant? An accountant beat you with a beautiful,
handmade, red and black suede flogger?”

Trey blew out a long breath. “You sound like you don’t
believe me.”

Mike held up his hands in surrender. “Oh, I believe you.
Only a psycho could make up that kind of detail and I know you’re not a mental
case. It’s the weirdest goddamn thing I’ve ever heard, but I for sure believe
you. I have one final question. Do you really like it?”

In answer to the question, Trey unclasped his hands and
spread his arms wide. His friend glanced down at Trey’s crotch, as intended,
and winced. “Oh, man, you’re going to make my eyeballs bleed. I do not need to
see that. A simple yes would do.”

Chuckling, Trey clasped his friend on the shoulder. “Come
on, I want to finish up the paperwork and get going. I have a date tonight.”

“With the sadistic accountant?” When he nodded, Mike
continued, “Are you going to get laid tonight?”

“I don’t know. That’s for my Mistress to decide.” As he said
it, his muscles relaxed a fraction. He didn’t know what would happen that
night, but he didn’t need to know. It wasn’t his decision, wasn’t his problem,
to decide. Relinquishing control was liberating. Soon he could stop thinking,
stop worrying, and the mere thought of it gave him a measure of peace he hadn’t
known in a long time.

* * * * *

Juliette entered Unfettered and already felt at home. The
club was a little bit more lively than it had been the other nights. There were
a couple of dozen people milling about. A few of them tried to catch her eye
immediately, but she was looking for one man only, and there he was. Trey sat
on the same stool as she had ordered, drinking what she knew to be soda water,
again as she had ordered. She wanted his mind clear for what she planned. She
hefted her gym bag higher on her shoulder. This time she had come with more
advanced toys to play with. Their scenes together had been successful thus far,
and she deemed it time to step things up, make them more intimate.

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