Missing Hart (14 page)

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Authors: Ella Fox

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Missing Hart
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“Baby, stop. Come here.”

I sucked and licked him a half dozen more times before I complied, climbing back onto the bed so that we were side by side again.

Brushing the hair back from my face he pulled me in for a kiss, the taste of each of us now merging together in our mouths. Where before we had been kissing gently now we were ravenous for each other. Pulling back he held my face in his hands and he stared at me in wonder.

“This time,” he said, “we’re coming together. Use your hand on me. I’m so close.”

Reaching between us I gripped him firmly and began working his erection, gasping when he slid his finger against my wet heat. I buried my face in his neck as he used his fingers on me, licking his neck and nibbling his ear as I built again. The taste of his skin, the sounds he was making and the smell of the two of us together were almost too much. Using my grip on him, I rubbed his erection against my sex, the hot wet tip of his bulbous head hitting me just so.

This time my release started in my toes and worked its way up my body. I rubbed him faster and harder against me as I drank in his words of pleasure.

“Oh god… kitten… I’m going to come. I can’t hold on.”

I bucked against him as I lost control, shaking as I came with a quiet cry, my release growing in size when he cried out my name as his completion jetted out onto my pulsing sex. I shivered and moaned when he gathered his come onto his fingers and rubbed it into the area at my pelvic bone, the feeling of being marked by him beautifully erotic.

We continued to gently caress one another as our heartbeats returned to normal as he whispered to me how beautiful I was and how much I meant to him.

“You’re so special, kitten.”

“Hold on,” I whispered back to him in confusion, “Why am I suddenly your kitten?”

Letting out a throaty chuckle he replied, “You practically purr when I touch you and that wicked tongue of yours… The name fits kitten. Trust me.”

I let out a girly giggle at that, laughing as he tickled my side and kissed my face.

“You’re going to spend the night with me, right?”

“Of course I am. You couldn’t get rid of me now.”

Kissing me gently he replied, “I wouldn’t want to. I’m happier when I’m with you than I’ve ever been.”

There was no awkwardness to being with Dillon. When he stood up and asked me if I wanted to shower with him, I said yes without hesitation. I was eager to experience things with him, and that killed any nerves that I might otherwise have had.

He washed me gently, almost reverently. I had put my hair up so that it wouldn’t get wet but acquiesced when he asked me to take it down so that he could wash it for me. His firm hands kneading my scalp were starting another fire inside of me, and I tried to contain my response because I wasn’t sure if he would be able to go again.

When he had me fully clean and rinsed from head to toe, he let me start soaping him up. We laughed because I couldn’t reach his head without him bending forward for me, but the laugher faded to groans when I began lathering his body and saw that he was hard again.

After he rinsed off he pulled me back into his arms for a kiss and I melted into him like butter. Lifting me up he pushed me against the wall and told me to wrap my legs around his waist.

This was it, I thought, the moment when he would come inside of me. I had no thoughts other than the desire of just that outcome. Instead, he pushed himself against me so that he could thrust against my sex to stimulate us both. Hard and fast he pushed against me as I clung to him and whispered words of encouragement.

I lost it at the end, clawing at his back and shoulders as I came, shivering and chanting, “yes, yes,” as I felt him release against the lower portion of my stomach. I hugged him to me tightly as he finished and then gently scratched his neck and shoulders when he buried his face in my neck and tried to get himself back under control. I felt tremors under his skin and it made me smile to know that he was just as affected as I was.

Eventually the water started to run colder and we were forced to quickly rinse off and get out of the shower. We dried each other off quickly and efficiently, both of us beyond spent by that point. I towel dried my hair and borrowed his brush so that it wouldn’t be a puffy mess in the morning.

Looking around the room I realized that I had left my overnight bag in the car. With a shrug I decided that since he was going to sleep naked, I would too. I climbed into bed pleased with his low groan as he turned me onto my side and spooned me from behind.

My final coherent thought for the night was that he’d just given me the best birthday celebration that I’d ever had.

Chapter Fifteen

Falling in love with Dominique has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done. There is no anxiety, no worry about pretending to be someone I’m not, no thoughts about being with anyone but her. With her I’m alive like I never have been before.

My improved outlook on life is contagious. Rick called me into his office three weeks ago to share the news with me that we had been awarded the contract for the garden I had designed that was inspired by Dominique.

In just six weeks we break ground and I can’t wait. I’m already planning what to do with the bonus money that I’ll be getting, and it’s going to be a big surprise for Dominique. Since I haven’t told her about the garden or the contract bonus, she’ll never see it coming.

My idea is to buy Dominique a newer car and surprise her with it when I take her to the garden that she inspired me to create. She never complains about her car or anything, but it can’t be comfortable for someone so tiny to drive something so large and old.

I also want to talk to her about her living arrangements for the following school year. Earlier this year I pieced together that she still lives at home and although she didn’t say anything I assume that has to be financially motivated. Generally if a person can afford it they live in a dorm or an apartment during college.

My hope is that I can talk her into moving in with me at some point over the summer. My plan is to have us live in the house I have now until she graduates from college in two years. During that time I’ll save money each month for us to make a down payment on a house of our own, preferably a fixer upper that we can work on together.

We’re taking things slowly in the physical area of our relationship, but emotionally we’re both all in. She’s a little bit annoyed with me for insisting that we wait a bit before going all the way, but I don’t want what we have to be based on sex. When she shares our love story with our kids someday, I want her to proudly say that we waited until it felt absolutely right.

The only gray clouds right now are the fact that Leah is working so much that I only see her once or twice a week, and Dominique never spends the night unless it’s a Friday or a Saturday. Both of those things are small problems to have, so I try instead to focus on the positive. It makes me look forward to the weekends that much more because for two nights she sleeps in my bed and in my arms.

I was just wrapping up work for the week so that the weekend could start when my phone dinged with a message alert. Picking it up, I smiled when I saw that it was a text from Dominique.

Dominique: Hi baby, I’ll be at your house in about an hour to go running. Do you need anything?

Me: Just you Kitten.

Dominique: You melt me, I swear! Be ready for kisses!

Me: I live to be ready for your kisses. See you at home. You can melt in my mouth.

Dominique: Great, now I’m not in the mood to run anymore. You’re a bad boy!

Me: That’s not what you normally say when you’re “melting” kitten.

Dominique: Did I say an hour? I meant thirty minutes. BE READY.

Me: I’m ready right now. Drive safely baby.

Dominique: You too! See you in a few.

I’d realized over the last few weeks was that I was ass over elbows in love with this beautiful girl. I’ve been waiting for the right time to spring that on her, but I think she already knows.

We pulled into the driveway at the same time, and after throwing her car in park she came bounding toward me wearing a pair of running shorts and a tiny tank top. I swallowed hard when I got a look at her as she came toward me and jumped up into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist the second I stepped out of my truck.

We kissed each other desperately, as though we hadn’t seen each other in weeks instead of just one day. I held her tightly as she rubbed against me, laughing low in my throat at what a wildcat she was.

Figuring that we’d given my neighbors enough of a show, I pulled my lips from hers and made quick work of crossing the lawn to the front door with her still wrapped around me. I fumbled with the keys several times as she repeatedly ground herself against me.

“God, kitten… stop or I’m going to embarrass myself right here on the front porch.”

Making the purring sound that only she could she whispered into my ear, “I’m melting for you baby. One good push and I’ll melt in full view of the neighbors. Preserve my dignity and open the damn door.”

With that encouragement I gripped the keys and had the door open almost immediately. Yanking the keys from the lock I walked us through the door and kicked it shut behind me before throwing them on the floor. Turning in a half circle I pushed her up against the door and started to rub against her as I devoured her mouth with mine.

What I knew about my girl was that she came quick and hard when I hit the right spot, and within a minute she was thrashing her head back and forth as she reached her peak. I loved to pull back so that I could focus on her face when she came because it was, hands down, the most beautiful sight in the world. Knowing that I was doing something to her that created such a reaction made me ridiculously happy.

I ran my hands along the outsides of her thighs as she trembled against me and got herself back under control, kissing and suckling at her neck so that I could lick the spot where her pulse was still pounding.

Unwrapping her legs from my waist, she slid down my body so that she was standing in front of me. Hooking her fingers into the belt loops on my pants, she looked up and gave me a smile.

“We’re not waiting anymore Dillon Cooper. I want you to make love to me. Now.”

I wanted to, more than she could possibly know, but I wanted it to be special to her. We had discussed our previous sexual encounters with each other, so I knew that she had only had sex one time with a guy who was less than half my size. She said it hadn’t been painful exactly, just really uncomfortable and kind of gross. I didn’t want that experience for her this time-I needed to create a memory for her that was worthy of what she meant to me.

“Kitten… I want to, you know I do. But I need it to be special and perfect for you.”

Covering my mouth with her hand, she shook her head at me. “Baby, you already are special and perfect for me. There is nothing else that you can do or say that will make what we’re going to do any better. If we were in a cheap motel room with tacky curtains watching roaches mate on the ceiling, it would still be perfect to me because it’s us. I want to take this step with you. Stop stalling… please?”

“Are you sure?”

Taking my hand in hers, she held it over her heart as she stared into my eyes.

“I’m more than sure. I’m positive.”

Nodding my head I pulled her hand as I guided us down the hall to my bedroom. She wasted no time getting naked, and in the waning light of the afternoon sun she reclined on my bed, watching me with her heart in her eyes as I undressed before joining her there.

Kissing her gently I whispered, “No rush, kitten. Slow and steady wins the race.”

She laughed at that, cupping my face in her hands as she matched me kiss for kiss. Right after the first time I kissed her, I had come to realize that I was addicted to her mouth and the taste of her kisses against my tongue. Now I understood that the addiction was permanent, encoded into my DNA and coursing through my veins at all times. It’s awesome and also a bit overwhelming. If kissing her can produce such a reaction, I can’t imagine that being inside of her will be anything less than life altering.

We undressed each other in between kisses, her scent a drug that demanded I take a hit. She always smelled and tasted especially delicious to me after she came and I made my way down her body with kisses before burying my face in her warm and wet center. I loved to lap at her sweet cream, had quickly become an addict for every wet pulse of her against my tongue. Her hands entwined in my hair as I tongued her made me painfully hard. I wanted to thrust home, but always my need to love her with my tongue won out.

“Don’t… stop… baby! I want to come with you inside of me. Don’t let me come like this.”

I hated to stop, but I acceded to her wishes and made my way back up her body before settling between her legs. Our kisses were hot and desperate now, both of us knowing that we were on the cusp of something huge.

Pulling back I opened my bedside table and grabbed one of the condoms I’d recently stocked up on in anticipation of this moment. I guess I’d gone a little crazy when I was at the drugstore because once I had opened the boxes and dumped them in I realized there had to be at least a hundred of them stuffed into the drawer.

I rolled the condom on with shaking hands as she watched, then settled between her legs again.

“Hold onto me tight, Kitten. It’s time.”

Chapter Sixteen

It seemed like I had waited a lifetime for this moment, and my heart felt like it might escape from my chest. Seeing him over me, knowing that he was about to make love to me, made me happier than I’d ever been in my entire life.

“Are you ready, Kitten?”

I moaned in answer, spreading my legs wider and shifting up so that I touched the tip of his sex with mine.

“Does that answer your question?”

He gave a hoarse chuckle in response and then placed the tip of his erection at my opening. I shivered, desperate for him to come inside of me. I cried out when he finally started the slide into me, the feeling of being joined with him more overwhelming than I could ever have imagined. Holding himself upright on his elbows, he looked down at me and smiled.

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