Missing Hart (13 page)

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Authors: Ella Fox

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Missing Hart
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Turning my head, I smiled at her. Even with no light on in the car, I could still see her perfectly. I lived in the Valley after all, and not one of the far away from Ventura Boulevard neighborhoods at that, so there was always light here.

“Hey sleepy.”

“Mm, sorry I fell asleep. I was having one of those light sleep dreams when I heard this song start playing. It’s one of my favorites.”

“Don’t apologize for feeling so comfortable around me that you fell asleep on me because I like it. I’m glad that you like this song, because it’s on the mix CD I made you. I put on my copy of your mix when we pulled in and I saw that you were asleep. If you’re up to going inside now, I’d like to play you the rest of the songs.”

“I’d love that.”

Making our way from my truck into the house, I walked her through the house to the sliding glass door that led out to the porch. Her gasp of wonder when she took in the hundreds of twinkle lights that I’d wrapped around the pergola made me smile.

Stepping out onto the patio, she spun in a circle underneath the lights. My heart arrested for a second, the vision of her head tilted back and the wonder in her eyes as she turned around was almost more beauty than I could withstand.

Turning on the CD player that I’d put out on the patio before we had left for dinner, I pressed play on the mix I’d made her, smiling when the beginning chords of The Goo Goo Dolls “Iris” began to play. Crossing the patio I held my hand out to her.

“May I have this dance?”

I saw that her eyes were shiny with tears as she put her hand in mine. Pulling her into my arms, I nuzzled her cheek.

“Don’t cry, baby.”

Shaking her head softly she pulled back and looked up at me as she said, “I’ve never been so touched in my life. That’s worth a few tears, especially since they’re happy tears. These songs, Dillon… This is how you feel?”

Nodding my head, I smiled down at her.

“Yes. If I had any musical talent I’d write you something myself, but these songs say it better than my feeble attempts ever could. Each one of these lyrics means something to me, and the meaning is all about you.”

We were swaying back and forth as I spoke, but I faltered when she put her lips over my heart and kissed my chest.

“Then these are our songs,” she said when she looked back up at me, “because I feel just the same way about you.”

I could only nod my head, incapable of forcing words past the lump in my throat. For the first time in my life I had something beautiful and real, something that was all mine.

Dancing with Dominique under the twinkling lights on the pergola was a dream come true. When I had been setting the stage for this I had only been thinking about how it would affect her, but as we danced I realized that it meant just as much to me.

We danced with our arms wrapped around each other as the song changed from Iris to Maroon 5’s “She will be Loved,” then Snow Patrol sang “Chasing Cars.” I couldn’t hold myself back from kissing her when my favorite song for her, “You and Me” by Lifehouse, began to play.

All pretense of dancing stopped at that moment, the two of us wrapped up entirely in each other. Forty shooting stars could have gone by over my head and I wouldn’t have noticed because my focus was entirely on Dominique.

The CD changed back to the first song I’d played her in the car, “Blue Eyes”, and breaking the kiss she smiled at me.

“Take me inside, Dillon.”

My heart pounded in my ears as I swept her off her feet and carried her through the house and into my bedroom. I turned the overhead light onto the dimmest setting before sitting her on the bed.

The enormity of seeing her there was mind blowing. I was twenty-five years old, but I’d never had a woman on my bed before. The silence stretched as I stared at her, my hands trembling at my sides.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

I shook my head to clear it and then I sat down on the bed next to her.

“I want to tell you something kind of embarrassing.”

Biting her lip nervously, she nodded to me to continue.

“I haven’t been with anyone in more than seven years and I’ve never had a girl in my bed before. I’m obviously rusty at this kind of thing.”

Her jaw dropped before she quickly recovered. “Oh Dillon… are you telling me that you never broke your marriage vows, even though you never consummated the marriage?”

“Of course. If I had intended to screw around I never would have agreed to marry Marissa. I know she must have told you that she insisted when we got married that I should have sex with whomever I wanted. She might have been okay with that, but I wasn’t. I’ve never been that guy, baby.”

She moved so quickly that I’d swear she had lightening speed. In under a second she was straddling me on the bed with her arms wrapped around me as she began placing gentle kisses on my eyes, my lips, my nose and then my lips again.

“You definitely aren’t that guy, and I wouldn’t have you any other way. You’re perfect to me, Dillon Cooper.”

She kissed me again when she was finished with that sentence, and for a long time we communicated purely through kisses. When she began to wiggle on my lap I groaned into her mouth and held her tighter, struggling to keep things at a calm level even though I was so hard that it was a struggle to remember to breathe. I felt the heat of her through my pants, knew that she was turned on because of the way her breathing accelerated.

Tilting her head back, I licked her neck and then began nibbling on her ear as she ground against me harder and faster. Her hands reached between our bodies and I sucked in a startled breath when she pulled her dress up and off. She was beautiful, so fucking beautiful, and now she was clad only in a pair of bikini panties.

Her hands began to fumble with my tie as she worked the knot and got it undone, throwing it somewhere over her shoulder before she descended onto the buttons of the shirt. Before I knew it my shirt was open and my cuffs were unbuttoned as well. When she got my shirt off and tossed it to the floor I thought I’d died and gone to heaven because now we were going to be skin to skin from the torso up.

In a nanosecond she was back on my lap and her delicate hands running over my chest had my skin burning in the wake of each touch. Of their own volition my own hands began to caress her, desperate to learn the landscape of her body. I wished there were words to do the moment justice, but only a poet would be able to provide adequate prose for the beauty that she possessed. Her body was lush and exquisite, her skin hot to the touch and silky smooth as my hands glided effortlessly from spot to spot. She matched me touch for touch and the minutes passed as we kissed and caressed each other.

Catching me off guard, she got to her feet. The sight of her standing over me half naked burned itself into memory as my heart made a ‘remember this forever’ file. My breath hitched when she reached for my belt, making quick work of opening it before moving on to unfastening my pants. We worked together to remove them, both of us laughing when the damn things got caught on my dress shoes and it took me a few moments to kick the shoes and the pants off. Once my socks were off I was exactly as naked as she was.

Reaching out to her, I grabbed her hand and pulled her down onto the bed next to me. We both rolled onto our sides so that we could face each other and by unspoken agreement our mouths fused together again as our hands began their explorations once more.

I cupped her left breast in my hand and ran my thumb over the pebbled tip, swallowing the moan that she let out as her body spasmed and she threw her leg over mine so that we could be even closer.

From head to toe we were completely wrapped in one another now, the ability to breathe becoming a serious issue for me when she wrapped her leg around my waist and arched against me.

I needed control, needed to get my head together before I exploded. Sitting up, I laid her down and got on top of her so that I could explore her body with my mouth. Immediately I saw my mistake because tasting her skin wasn’t calming me down at all, it was only intensifying the burn.

Her quiet gasps as I licked and kissed first her neck, then her breasts and then her stomach made me ache for her more. Gently rubbing my nose against her belly button, I literally growled when I scented her arousal. The scent was just like the girl herself; delicate and beautiful on the front end and complete annihilation of all will power on the back end. The scent worked its way into my head as I tried to process what made it so mouth wateringly different. I didn’t just want to taste her-I had to. An addiction to her was imminent and instead of paddling for shore, I jumped into the deep end with no care for any kind of life vest. I knew then that this was going to be a lifelong thing, and I knew that there was nothing that I wouldn’t do to hold onto her.

Chapter Fourteen

The only explanation that I can give for what was happening to me with Dillon is that it was as if I had woken up in a new reality. When he had laid me down on the bed and had come up over me, I felt no panic or anything even in the neighborhood of it.

What I felt was treasured, desired, worshipped and incredibly turned on. I thought that I had experienced full arousal when he kissed me before dinner but that was like a warm bath after a long day compared to the fiery inferno that was raging beneath my skin now.

His lips on my skin was a heavenly exploration that I didn’t just want, I needed it. My breath caught in my throat as his hands took hold of my panties and began pulling them down my legs. No hesitation on my part, I lifted myself to make it easier for him to get them off. I was ridiculously more wanton than I ever would have believed that I could be, but with Dillon it came naturally.

With him there was no shame, no hesitation-instead there was only beauty and certainty. He was a decision that my heart had made for me, but my brain agreed with that verdict one hundred percent.

My breath hitched when he maneuvered the rest of the way down the bed before settling his head between my thighs. I was now open to him in all ways, both body and soul, and it was a major moment in my life.

I felt his breath on my sex at the same time I heard his growly sound of arousal that immediately made me wetter. This was an unfamiliar feeling to me, but I wasn’t about to complain! He placed gentle kisses on the top and sides of my sex, murmuring words of encouragement between kisses.

“Did you know that you’re my gift, Minnie?”

I shook my head mindlessly as he ran his fingers through my damp patch of trimmed pubic hair.

“I like this very much,” he said as he put his nose down and nuzzled me side to side. “Love the way you smell, baby. Now I’m going to taste you.”

The first gentle kiss of his tongue against me was beauty and pain all at the same time. The following wet kisses on my sex felt so good that my heart slammed inside my chest like it wanted to escape.

Of their own accord my fingers wound their way into his hair while he loved me with his tongue. I panted and moaned as he worked me over, gasped when he used his fingers to spread me open for that wicked tongue of his. He was gentle and loving even then and I felt treasured under his hands, each moan that came from his throat causing me to shiver beneath him.

I arched under him, my body reaching for something big. I wasn’t an idiot, I knew what my body wanted, but I didn’t know what that was going to feel like since I’d never had an orgasm or anything even close to it.

My breath came faster and I held him to me tighter as reached for something that was within my reach for the first time. One more wiggle and slide of his tongue rocketed me to outer space as my body contracted and a feeling of pure ecstasy exploded inside of me. I called out his name as I went over the edge, felt him growl against me as the body rocking detonation went on and on.

I came back to earth on a cloud named Dillon Cooper with a huge smile on my face. To love and be loved by someone like him was a gift, and adding the kind of pleasure that he’d just given me on top of that was an embarrassment of riches that I was in awe of.

Loosening my hold on his hair I began running my fingers through it gently as he started kissing his way back up my body. When he came up enough that our eyes could meet, I let out a gasp when I saw his eyes and read the adoration in them.

I was still having aftershocks from my own release but that didn’t stop me from bringing him the rest of the way up and pulling his mouth to mine for a kiss. He tasted like him mixed with me and I loved it. Rolling him over I straddled him before I began licking his face, then his throat and then his chest as I worked my way down to his erection.

When I gripped the waistband of his boxers in his hand, I looked up at him and smiled as I tugged them off. As beautiful as he was from head to toe, I was still surprised when I saw how generously endowed he was beneath his boxers. I realized that he was a lot bigger than average, but it didn’t scare me because I knew that Dillon would never hurt me. His erection was a thing of beauty-standing at full attention as it silently begged me to work with it.

My tongue continued its journey toward his erection as I licked his pelvic bone before dropping down to his inner thighs. He growled low in his throat, my name on his lips breaking the silence in the room like an auditory nirvana.

The sight of his hardness before me made my mouth water and I was powerless to resist the compulsion that I had to explore for another moment. Fisting the top I tilted it back so that I could lick around the base, surprised to find that each pass of my tongue against him made my own arousal begin to build again.

I ran my lips and tongue up and down the sides of him over and over, my heart going wild in my chest as he begged me not to stop. Wrapping my fist around him again I held him steady as I opened my mouth and took him in. I found that I actually liked the sounds that I made with him in my mouth and I loved the sounds that he made as he struggled for control beneath me. I clenched my thighs together and moaned involuntarily around him as my arousal flared hot and needy, desperate for him.

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