Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (21 page)

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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“She’s not desperate,” Cash spat. “She’s calculating.”

Fee jumped up, ready for this day to be over. “Not with me! Her back was just against the wall. I’m so sorry for giving her the ammunition to involve you. Believe me, I’m furious with her for what she’s doing. However, she needs understanding.
need it, too.”

“You’re not getting it from me. Never. Not in this situation.”

At that, Cash stood and stormed off, heading to the exit and outside without looking back.


“Save it, Fee. Just hope Cash can straighten this out. Now, it’s best if you leave. Rain is coming in, so Outlaw will be back soon.”

Stretch’s cool distance alarmed her more than Cash’s anger. For all Stretch’s jealousy toward her, he’d never sounded so perturbed. Aware she’d messed up really bad, Fee took his advice and left without another word.

Chapter Fourteen - Cash



Pain streaking through his body, Cash knocked on the door of Daphne’s apartment, unable to believe any of these bitches. Well, not Daphne or Fee. Kendall? He put nothing past her.

After almost getting herself, Outlaw, and Val fucked up, and Johnnie and Brooks Redding shot, she was at it again.

“Daphne, open the goddamn door.” Her car was parked in her spot, so Cash knew she was home. “

As he expected, his command got a response. The door swung open, revealing a nude Daphne, face flushed and mouth swollen. Love bites reddened her breasts and neck. Just beyond, inside her apartment, Cash saw one of his club brothers sitting on her couch, cock out.

“What are you doing here?”

Cash shouldered past her. “Get out,” he ordered the dude, one of the younger members who was friends with Diesel.

“Sure, Cash,” he drawled. “Call me later,” he told Daphne once his dick was secure and he stood at the door.

“I will,” she promised, turning to Cash as soon as they were alone. “I didn’t know you were coming. I wouldn’t have kept my appointment with him.”

“I’m not here to fuck you. I’m here to ask you if you’ve lost your fucking mind. Teaming with Kendall Donovan,” he added before she could deny anything. His injuries had him in pain and in a bad mood. The way he’d lost it with Fee didn’t help matters.

But, fuck. He’d been enjoying the food Meggie cooked, texting Josh and Georgie. No one thought anything of him and Stretch sitting at Outlaw’s table together. They were a part of his crew, so it didn’t look out of the ordinary. After the way Stretch had hovered around him today, once he’d helped him out of Outlaw’s office, Cash was just enjoying Stretch’s company. No bullshit. Nothing.

Then, Fee dropped her fucking bombshell.

“Did you hear me?”

Hands on hips, unconcerned with her nudity, Daphne waited for his answer.

“No. What did you say?”

“I said what she’s doing is no worse than what you did, so back off. At least, she’ll keep to her word and pay me everything she promised.”

“I fucking paid you.”
got his ass beat.

“Money, not cock, which you promised me.”

“You get cock from every motherfucker around. You don’t need mine.”

She stomped to the sofa. “Why are you here? If it’s to tell me not to do it, you can’t.”

Cash followed behind her, determined to ignore his massive pain. This girl had to know she was risking her life by following Kendall’s lead and fucking with Meggie. He hadn’t directly fucked with Outlaw’s wife and had just missed getting beaten to death. “The fuck I can’t. I’m in charge of you and the other girls. I can get rid of you. Bar you from coming to the club.”

“You’re nothing but a hypocrite,” she accused. “You’d use me to play with Outlaw, but won’t let Kendall do it?”

“What I did was different.”

“Explain to me how? You brought me there to suck him.”

,” he barked. “I’m not stupid enough to directly fuck with his wife.”

“You were still fucking with her. You said it yourself.
you knew his kid would be there. CJ tells his mom everything. The kid has a big mouth. You knew what you were doing, Cash. If CJ was there, Meggie would find out.”

Scrubbing a hand over his face, Cash wondered if she was right. Had he wanted Meggie to find out? That would make him a terrible asshole. A coward too, seeking a fucked up way to cover up his own shit.

Shame hit him. Every awful word, each of his fucked up actions, toward Stretch and Fee came to him, further proving he carried many of his father’s genes and wouldn’t be good at being with two decent, loving people.

“Cash, Kendall is giving me twenty-five grand. I need that money. If I can’t have her life or Meggie’s life, at least allow me to make this money.”

“Daphne, babe, listen to me. Do you even know why Kendall is doing this?”

“Yes. Not that I care. I mean, c’mon, Cash. Those two bitches will be arguing for the rest of our lives. As Kendall said, Meggie is trying to protect Outlaw by keeping my behavior from him.”

“She’s trying to keep harmony in his club,” he corrected. “She’s trying to keep him calm, so he won’t fuck up stupid motherfuckers.”
Like me

Rolling her eyes, Daphne sniffed. “I liked Meggie at one time. Then, Kendall started telling me all she lets Outlaw do to her. Do you know he withholds orgasms from her if she doesn’t follow his orders? She has to suck him off every fucking day, Cash, and then bristles when I’m around? Kendall says how she calls me a cocksucker. All the girls.”

“Fuck, Kendall is the one who says all that shit. She’s fucking with you to turn you against Meggie.”

“What reason would Kendall have to lie? I lost all respect for Meggie after Kendall filled me in on how she really is. At least Kendall calls me names to my face. Meggie pretends to be civil to me, then rips me apart behind my back. I can’t stand a fucking hypocrite.”

“Daphne, Kendall will get you and her killed,” he reiterated. “Meggie doesn’t even say
. That shit about Outlaw withholding orgasms from her isn’t fucking true. Before he married, he took pride in getting women off who meant fuck all to him. As much as he loves his wife, he’ll double his effort.”

“You don’t know that!”

He knew it with every bone in his body. Outlaw loved women too much not to pleasure them. However…“Neither does Kendall!”

“Doesn’t she? Kendall and Meggie are friends. Meggie confides in Kendall. I mean, this girl is an awful bitch. Not fit to be top bitch.”

Cash opened his mouth to dispute Daphne, but she raised her hand.

“My mind’s made up, Cash. If I get Outlaw into my bed, that’ll be a bonus. I swear I won’t do anything more to Meggie than what Kendall tells me to do. Not that she doesn’t deserve so much more.”

“Daphne, fuck, don’t fucking do this. You’re wrong about Meggie and Fee is caught up in this.”

Folding her arms, Daphne scowled.

Cash cursed his stupidity. She’d have no sympathy for Fee.

“That fucking matters to me how?”

“Whatever you believe about Meggie, what has Fee ever done to you?”

“Other than get you?”

“Don’t say that bullshit! Fee doesn’t have me. Outlaw has barred me from having anything to do with her.”

“That didn’t stop you, did it? So she has you.”

Thinking of this weekend, Cash knew Daphne was right. Something had changed between all three of them. A new dynamic that Cash
to fight.

“Fee doesn’t deserve to have her brother turn against her because you want money and Kendall wants a fucking job.”

Instead of responding, Daphne leaned back and peeped at him through her lashes, roaming her hands down his back. “Why are we arguing?”

Her touch added to his pain and he grimaced, jerking away. “Why
we arguing? Why don’t I just blow you the fuck away and save Outlaw the trouble?”

Daphne tensed, fear sliding into her face. “You’d kill me for helping Kendall take a page from your book? Granted, she’s been paying me to fuck with Meggie, here and there. But she’s using your diversionary tactics.
games gave Kendall this idea.”

The woman twisted anything to benefit herself. “Let me guess,” Cash said tightly. “You told her what I did?”


Kendall wanted seven days. He’d been furious that Fee’d allowed herself to be blackmailed, but Cash understood the position she’d found herself in.

He could kill Daphne, but they rarely killed women. While he was concerned about Meggie, his main priority was Fee. Any action on his part might give Kendall unnecessary ammunition. Outlaw casting Fee aside due to poor judgment would devastate her.

Sick to his stomach, he got to his feet. He’d been so fucking arrogant and disrespectful. Now, the shit was coming back to bite him in the ass. The next seven days would be unbearable but he had no one to blame but himself. He couldn’t even blame Kendall.

His antics left him with two choices: Confess all to spare Outlaw drama with Meggie, and forfeit his own life, not to mention Stretch’s, Kendall’s, and Daphne’s, while also ruining Fee’s relationship with her brother. Or, allow it all to go down, knowing Meggie had already gotten upset over Daphne.

Whichever he decided, he hoped he came out alive after his bad judgment started a chain of bullshit that spiraled out-of-control.

Chapter Fifteen- Christopher



Christopher sat at his breakfast table, reading financial reports and scowling at the lab’s profit and loss statement. They barely broke fucking even nowadays, thanks to the amount of the monthly retainer paid to Brooks Redding. For the most fucking part, it was pissing money in the wind. Neither the club or the members had gotten into serious fucking trouble recently.

However, any fucking thing was possible, so he considered this a good fucking investment, even if it meant they just about broke even at the lab.

Besides, Brooks had called him in to reassure him about Noah Counts. He was doing shit aboveboard, but Christopher still wasn’t interested in dealing with him and had told Brooks as much. The Torps regrouping wasn’t alarming at the moment, but he’d keep a bead on the situation
in case
he had to take motherfuckers out.

“Look who dropped in to eat with us,” Megan announced, leading Fee in.

Christopher closed the folder, shut his thoughts down, and stared at his sister. “This a social visit or a business visit?”

“It’s eight in the morning,” Fee chirped, sliding into her seat as Megan left them alone. “Definitely social.”

“For fuckin’ real, Fee? I been gettin’ the same bullshit from you every-fuckin-day. Kendall fine. I know that bitch ain’t. She never is, especially if she off her meds. I saw her ass yesterday and she look too fuckin’ happy not to be up to shit. I wanna know what. That’s why the fuck you there.”

Guilt flitted across Fee’s face, putting Christopher on high fucking alert.

“What the fuck you hidin’? Or you helpin’ Kendall out cuz you still fuckin’ Cash and want my motherfuckin’ ass distracted?”

“How did you come to that conclusion?” she asked faintly.

Her fucking answer raised his suspicions even more. “By dealin’ with motherfuckers who like to play fuckin’ games. Kendall one of them motherfuckers and Cash another. That leave you. Lyin’ to me. I can only think one fuckin’ reason for that. Cash. Especially after the stunt he pulled and bringin’ you the fuck up for no reason.”

Fee shifted her weight, opening and closing her mouth before she pushed words out. “What stunt did he pull?”

“He brought a bitch to suck my cock. He fuckin’ lucky Megan called my ass. I intended to stomp his fuckin’ head in.”

She gasped, the fucking alarm in her eyes pissing Christopher the fuck off. If Cash was keeping his cock out of her, she wouldn’t look as if she saw a fucking ghost.

“Wh-what do you think he wanted to throw you off from?”

“The fuckin’ fact you brought your ass to the club.”

Her mouth formed an ‘o’ and her eyes widened. “You knew about that?” she whispered, sounding miserable.

“Fuck yeah. Motherfucker gave himself away.”

“And you beat Cash up?” she asked, fidgeting in her seat.

“Fuck no. Ain’t got the fuck around to that part of his ass beatin’. I was still fuckin’ him up over Megan. Now, what the fuck goin’ on, Ophelia?”


Megan returned, carrying the pot of coffee, filling Fee’s mug first, followed by Christopher’s. He tracked her movements, drawn as much to her jiggling tits—noticeable because she wore no bra beneath her T-shirt—as he was to her fluttering hair and graceful movements.

Maybe, he’d do a repeat of the shower they’d had a couple of mornings ago. He’d make sure to lock the door. The mess that had been made from CJ, Rule, and Rebel showering with their clothes on, last night, had been fucking ridiculous. Megan had agreed to CJ doing the shit, then had made
ass clean it.

The fucking shit she got him to do.

“Be right back.” Megan’s announcement drew his hungry gaze from her tits. She headed back to the kitchen, carrying the now-nearly empty coffeepot.

Fee sipped the steaming liquid. “I just came to talk to you and Meggie. You know, see how you are and stuff.”

“And fuckin’ stuff? What the fuck that mean? Unless you got something to tell me about Kendall?”

She squirmed in her seat and he waited. Much to his disappointment and fucking suspicion, Fee lowered her lashes and shook her head. “Kendall has been very boring.”

Possible but not fucking probable. “Why the fuck you comin’ here so fuckin’ early?”

“I didn’t realize I had a specific time to come over.”

He studied his little sister. Had he made a fucking mistake by installing her in Kendall’s house? “Listen up, Fee. I need to make sure Kendall stay the fuck outta trouble. I fuckin’ shot John Boy cuz of
. I almost missed Ryder bein’ born cuz of her. She gotta be watched.”

“Kendall’s cool,” Fee insisted. “She’s a little anal about certain things. Other than that, she’s fine. She just needs a friend.”

“Megan tried to be her friend. That bitch used that to her advantage. You ain’t there to protect Kendall. You there to protect me and Megan. Johnnie,” he added. “Zoann and Val too. Fuck, the whole goddamn club. If she doin’ something, tell me.”

“I will,” Fee promised, her stilted movements noted.

doing something. Christopher was sure of it. Worse, she’d pulled his little sister over to her side, convinced her she wasn’t stone fucking crazy. In case he hadn’t been clear… “Fee, I ain’t givin’ a fuck who it be, if you fuck over me, I’ma be pissed and ain’t ever fuckin’ havin’ nothin’ to do with you a-fuckin-gain. If you know something, think long and fuckin’ hard before you decide to keep it from me. Hear me?”

“Yes,” she whispered, misery darkening her face.

Now that he’d made his point, he decided to change the subject. “How you like them brunches Kendall and Megan do every week?”

Sighing, Fee set her mug down. “I don’t go. It’s bad form.
Kendall says. Employees aren’t supposed to dine with their employers at a social gathering, so I’m not allowed to sit with them.”

Christopher snapped his brows together. “What the fuck you mean? Not fuckin’ allowed? You a grown fuckin’ woman. How the fuck another motherfucker
you to do any-fuckin-thing? You do it cuz you fuckin’ wanna.”

“It’s her house and I work for her. She can
allow me
in whatever way she wants.”

“The fuck she can. You related to that bitch
to Megan…” Voice trailing off, he narrowed his eyes. “Wait a fuckin’ minute. Megan let her get the fuck away with this bullshit? Excludin’ you like you ain’t nothin’?”

“Meggie always defends me.”

“If she ain’t walkin’ the fuck out if you can’t sit at that motherfuckin’ table with them, she ain’t fuckin’ defendin’ you.
” he roared, angrier that he had further fucking proof his girl fell for that bitch’s bullshit again and his sister was also under her spell.

“No, Christopher!” Fee grabbed his arm. “Don’t do this.”

He yanked away and got to his feet. “MEGAN!”

She came through the door, Ryder balanced on one shoulder and carrying a bowl of blueberries in the other hand. She sat the bowl near Christopher. “What’s the matter?”

“What the fuck you doin’ brunchin’ with motherfuckin’ psycho bitch when she makin’ Fee not eat with you?”

Megan’s eyes widened, then narrowed. “What?”

“It’s not brunching,” Fee corrected. “Kendall wouldn’t like to hear it referred to as that.”

Fee’s statement pissed Christopher off even more. “I don’t give a motherfuck what the fuck it’s called,” he raged, his loud voice making Ryder whine. Christopher disregarded Megan’s glower. She rocked their kid on her shoulder, bouncing her tits with her. For the moment, he ignored how her nipples pressed against the thin T-shirt as well as his rising hard-on. “Call it fuckin’ munchin’ for all the fuck I care. Tell Kendall go fuck herself. If Fee ain’t sittin’ with you and her, you ain’t sittin’ with her. What the fuck wrong with that bitch?”

Megan whispered to Ryder. He’d gone from whining to crying and words weren’t comforting him. She sat in her spot at the table and bared her tit, guiding Ryder to her nipple.

To counteract his sudden need to fuck, Christopher sipped from his cup.

“Eat some blueberries,” Megan suggested, sliding the bowl closer to him.

He didn’t want to talk about fucking berries at the moment. However, they were freshly washed and in a pretty bowl. She’d gone to a lot of trouble to put this shit on the table.

He scowled, but popped a couple into his mouth.

“Do you know if you eat blueberries every day, it’s supposed to help with erectile dysfunction?”

Christopher choked at Megan’s question. “What the fuck, baby? I ain’t havin’ a problem gettin’ my cock up. It’s fuckin’ hard right now.”

“Gross!” Fee complained.

Megan kissed the top of Ryder’s head. At birth, he’d been bald, but his hair was coming in the same color as Megan’s and Rebel’s. Ryder’s eyes had been blue. Now, they were lightening. Christopher swore he saw specks of green in his irises.

“I don’t want you to stop being able to…
you know
,” Megan whispered. “Every day like we do. I thought why not try this. It can’t hurt.”

He grinned at her, his anger evaporating. “As long as I got a fuckin’ tongue, I’ll get you off, baby, even if my dick stop workin’.”

Fee made a gagging noise. “Oh my God, this is the most disgusting conversation ever.” She stopped and scrunched up her face, deep in thought. Her face reddening, she squirmed in her seat. “It sounds as if you two have a very satisfying sex life. Mutually satisfying,” she added, staring at the table.

Megan snorted around laughter. “You lived here, Fee. There’s been conversations that were much worse.”

“So bad, baby, she pushed them right the fuck out her head,” Christopher speculated aloud, fuming inside.

He’d give it one more month, then he’d force Fee to resign if she was still blowing him off. He’d have to accept Kendall at face value. For now. The extra time would give Fee a chance to come to her senses, if she was protecting Kendall.

Megan switched Ryder to her other tit, while Christopher chewed a few more blueberries. She was right. It couldn’t hurt to take precautions to maintain cock health. “You ain’t told me Kendall don’t want Fee at the brunch thing.”

“I didn’t want it to be a problem,” she confessed. “I intended to leave if Fee couldn’t sit with us, but she begged and pleaded with me to stay. She said it was fine with her.” Megan turned to his sister. “I’m sorry if that wasn’t the truth. You should’ve told me and I would’ve walked out.”

“It’s okay,” Fee swore, looking between Megan and him. “You two are okay, right?”

“Why wouldn’t we be?” Megan asked.

“Yeah, why the fuck not?”

She faked a smile. “Just asking. When are you and Kendall going to Charlotte’s for brunch?”

Megan scrunched her nose. “Hopefully never.”

“Charlotte did something to you, Megan?” Christopher asked. Brooks’ wife was as bad or worse than Kendall with her strict rules and elitist fucking behavior.

“She’s so rigid about her ideas. Kendall wants to impress Charlotte, more so with Roxy gone. Where Roxy spends time with Kendall for Kendall, Charlotte has a lot of conditions. Kendall wants a mother figure so bad, she accepts whatever Charlotte says or suggests.”

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