Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (19 page)

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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“Your brother?” Leaning closer, Kendall narrowed her watery eyes, an ugly look crossing her face. “The same brother who’ll kill your lovers if he somehow finds out you’re giving pussy to both Cash and Stretch
at the same fucking time
? In case I didn’t tell you before, you’re an idiot. Cash fucks everything he sees, as long as there’s a hole to stick his cock in. Stretch is just a fucking pitiful shell. If you want to throw your life away on two goddamn losers, that’s your business.
can’t stop you.” She smirked with triumph. “But Christopher can. I don’t need to distract him with Daphne threatening his precious Meggie. I can tell him about
. Although he just fucking huffs and puffs and doesn’t have the balls to kill anyone anymore, it’ll be interesting to see how my information affects him.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Oh, I fucking dare anything to get what I want.”

“I don’t believe you. You’re not that fucking brutal and cutthroat. You wouldn’t risk our friendship for a damn position.” More than that, Fee didn’t want to believe she’d misjudged someone else. Again.

that brutal and cutthroat, Fee. Life has left me little choice. Romaine, Stone, and Stanley is a very prestigious firm. I’m not giving that up. I need to make this deal work to show Christopher I’m an asset to both the firm and the club.”

“I trusted you with this very dangerous secret. I can’t believe you’d use that against me.” Putting her in the position of having to stay quiet about Kendall’s intentions, even to Christopher. “If I don’t allow you to fuck over my brother and his wife.”

“Oh please. She’s a pathetic bitch behind him. It’s women like her who give women like us a bad rep.”

Fee snapped her brow’s together at Kendall once again separating herself from other women and including Fee. “W-women like us?”

“We’re strong. We don’t put up with a man’s bullshit. Meggie is disgustingly wretched. Her entire life is built around your brother and his cock.”

“That isn’t true! Meggie is in business with Zoann. My goodness, it sounds as if every rumor I heard about you hating Meggie is true.”

“I don’t hate her. I’m eleven years older than she is and I see her every mistake. I’ve tried to be her friend. How does she repay me? By siding with Christopher in this current matter. She could suck his dick on my behalf and get him to change his mind.”

“That’s…that’s…do you hear yourself? You want Meggie to blow my brother for

“I do. I want her to get down on her knees so he can shove his cock down her throat and cum in her face if that’s what it takes to reason with him.”

“Wha…Are you insane? Even thinking that is fucking creepy and gross.”

“She does it anyway. She told me
she said he doesn’t go down on her at all. He says all that bullshit in front of us. In private, though, he makes her suck his cock all the time, and doesn’t pleasure her back.”

Fee didn’t care to hear about her brother’s sex life one way or the other. “Okay, you know what? Just like the house being in Meggie’s name, whatever they do in bed is their business. Get over yourself. You’re on a collision course that’s going to end bad if you don’t slam on the brakes.”

“Think about this. Say I
tell Christopher about your affair and have fun with Daphne. He’d be distracted from your life, too. It might give you the chance to spend more time with your men without looking over your shoulder. We all know if one thing is off with Meggie, the asshole can’t focus on anything.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “The whole world knows that. If she’s upset, he wouldn’t fucking notice Armageddon. He’s so easy to exploit.”

“No way in fucking hell am I using my brother’s vulnerability for my own benefit! You aren’t either. I’ll tell him myself first.”

“Will you, Ophelia?” Kendall mocked in a hard voice. “Would Cash or Stretch ever forgive you for opening your fucking mouth? I’m sure they wouldn’t expect you to expose them.”

Kendall was so right. Cash especially would be furious. Whatever slim chance they had of making things work between them would disintegrate in such a betrayal of confidence. They all needed to be in agreement on going public. “I could always tell Christopher what you’re doing. I could expose Daphne.”

“Then, we’d be telling on each other.
’m happily married. As a matter of fact, Johnnie,
husband, wouldn’t be too happy to hear about your affair. He’d appreciate my diligence in looking out for you. Meanwhile, your boyfriends would hate you. Yes,
plans would be derailed. Temporarily. Yours would be ruined forever. I’d see to it that Johnnie kills them.”

“Daphne might have something to say about this,” Fee persisted, not yet ready to give up on her quest to make Kendall back off from blackmailing her. “Christopher might kill

“He might also fuck her. Are you truly worried about ruining his marriage? Or are you afraid he might go after Daphne and ruin how loyal you think he is to his wife? Why not test his fidelity? Give me seven days.”

No, there was no changing this woman’s mind. “Fuck you, Kendall. If I give in to your blackmail now, you’ll do it to me over and over again. I can’t believe I was so wrong about you.”

Kendall’s face crumpled and tears rushed to her eyes all over again. “I swear I won’t. This entire afternoon has given you the wrong impression of me. My feelings for Meggie. Me in general. If you help me, I’ll keep your secret and never use this against you again. If Christopher sticks by his vows, I’ll even help you to get him to accept your relationship with Cash and Stretch.”

“What if he doesn’t stay faithful?” she screeched before she stopped herself from admitting to a small sliver of doubt. Based on her own experiences, men in relationships were cheaters and abusers. But then it was
personal experience.

“In life, we have hard lessons to learn. Perhaps, Meggie will finally remove her rose colored glasses. She needs to see he’s human. My God, the pressure she puts on the poor man to live up to her standards. You lived with them. You know what I mean.”

Yes, she did. Meggie put Christopher on a pedestal, that eclipsed the sun and the stars. Fee had never thought about the burden of those expectations resting on her brother’s shoulders. That didn’t make Kendall’s intentions right, but it was food for thought.

“No, I can’t.” She

“I’m not giving you a choice. Either you agree or I expose you.”

This fucking bitch! Fee cringed at all the ramifications of her gullibility. However, she had more than just her brother and her marriage to consider now. She had Cash and Stretch’s very lives.

“Or how about I test Zoann and Val’s marriage? Zoann doesn’t care for me. Maybe, I should show her who’s boss.”

Fee didn’t think Val would cheat any more than Christopher would. However, Meggie would listen,
Zoann would react. She’d kick Val out. Perhaps, never give him a chance to explain his side. “Let me get this straight. Because you’re so generous, you’re giving me a choice between my brother and my sister? Which of their marriages you can break up?”

“That’s the gist of it.”

“It still wouldn’t be Meggie that you’re messing with, so Christopher wouldn’t be distracted to the extent you need him to be.”

“Christopher loves his
. Wouldn’t he try to help her, if he thought Val fucked over her?”

“Wouldn’t he kill Val?”

“At least it wouldn’t be Cash and Stretch.”

Kendall was right. Oh my god! Had that thought really crossed her mind? That Cash and Stretch’s lives were more valuable to her than Val’s?

“If you don’t agree to my demands, I’ll have Cash and Stretch killed. So the choice is yours. Val or Christopher’s marriages? Or Cash and Stretch’s lives? As long as they’re alive, you have a shot to win them.”

If they were dead…God!

“What will it be?”

Fee couldn’t risk Zoann’s reactions. She was counting on Meggie to understand. “Seven days with Christopher, Kendall. Not a day more,” she snarled. “I also don’t care for your help with anything.
. I especially don’t want your assistance with my brother when you’re forcing me to help you fuck over him.”

“That’s your choice. Even Daphne has enough ambition to work with me. She knows what she wants and has found a way to get it.”

“And what’s that? An early grave?”

“Money. A lot of it.”

“If she doesn’t realize the danger and back out, you’re going to get her killed,” Fee reiterated.

“Counts is encouraging her to work with me, too. Between the two of us, she’ll be at my beck and call until my mission is complete.”

“Then she’s a fool.”

“Is she? Or are you the fool? I have to blackmail you for your cooperation, instead of working with me as my friend and in exchange for my help. I’d say you’re the idiot.”

“Go to hell, bitch!”

Kendall’s mouth tightened. “I’ll ignore that since I called you an idiot. Now, you promised I had seven days.”

Tears stung Fee’s eyes, Kendall’s betrayal cutting her deep. She needed to talk to someone. Cash. Stretch. Johnnie. Somebody.
Jesus. Christopher would kill Kendall.

God, Fee had to reason with Kendall herself, and save her life. “You’re not being a very good friend to Meggie.”

“I’m being as good a friend to her as she’s being to me by siding with her husband over
. What’s fair is fair. I’m fighting for my survival. Meggie just blindly follows behind Christopher.” She lowered her lashes and leaned toward Fee. “I have to admit something else.”

“What now?”

“I’ve arranged for Daphne to play a little game tomorrow afternoon.” At the lifting of Fee’s brow, Kendall’s lower lip trembled. “Don’t hate me. I just want to matter. My position with Brooks gives me a purpose.”

“You make it hard not to hate you. Or, at least, your despicable actions,” Fee rushed out. “But, Kendall, you’ve put me in a very awkward position and I’m so angry with you!”

“Meggie won’t even believe that Christopher gave Daphne a handwritten card that insinuates an affair.”

Fee jumped to her feet. “Oh my God!”

Kendall burst into tears. “Please, Fee. This won’t do anything to them,” she sobbed. “I swear to you I’d never hurt Meggie. I’ll fix it all. I just…” Heaving her shoulders, she dissolved into loud weeping, drawing attention their way.

Hating to leave Kendall in such a state, Fee slid back into her seat, suspecting the display was part acting and part desperation. Despite Kendall’s blatant betrayal, she felt compelled to protect her if she could. Kendall was still a family member.

Fee grabbed a few napkins from the holder and held them out to Kendall. “Don’t cry,” she soothed, wanting to cry herself. This was so, so bad, but Kendall had reached her limit. If Fee turned her back on her, it might push her back into a deep depression. “Suppose this backfires on you? How would you feel if you’re wrong about Daphne if he thinks she’s threatening Meggie? Did you tell Daphne she’s risking her life?”

“Oh, please. Have you been listening to me at all?”

“Yes! I’ve heard every miserable word you’ve said.”

“Then you’ve noticed your brother trying to live up to Meggie’s expectations? Just as we discussed. Right?”

Clenching her jaw, Fee didn’t respond.

“He doesn’t know if he’s coming or going. Meggie has the bar so fucking high, he’s bound to fail somewhere. He’s trying to teach his sons to respect women. He’s trying to keep his bikers happy. He’s a watered down, pussy-whipped version of himself. I knew this day would arrive.
doesn’t even realize how fucking dopey he’s become. Now, I move in for the strike and get what

“Will you get your job back in a week?” If she couldn’t, then whatever happened over the next few days would be pointless.

“Even if I don’t, I’ll be well into my plan. Just trust me. I’d never jeopardize our family.”

“Don’t do this,” Fee begged.

are you referring to?”

How right. There were several to choose from. “Any of the above,” Fee clarified. “Don’t blackmail me. Don’t use Christopher’s love for Meggie. Don’t…How about I give you just tomorrow for the card thing you alluded to? I’ll hold my peace, no matter what. Then, you find another way, forget what you know about me, and we move on.”

Kendall gave her a thoughtful look, offering Fee a glimmer of hope that she’d agree. It wasn’t the best solution, but it was
than the alternative.

“No,” Kendall said, her tears all dried up, her mercurial mood frustrating Fee to no end. “Give me seven days or Christopher finds out about your love life. Do we have a deal?”

“What choice do I have?”

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