Mindset (7 page)

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Authors: Elaine Dyer

BOOK: Mindset
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 “I’m pretty sure he’s already regretting his actions.  Eva made sure of it, Cade, and he’s probably still nursing a headache from that knot she put on his head.  Isn’t that right, girlfriend?  Oh silly me, let me introduce you to my other brother, Josh.  You met Jake and Cade last night, but this is the other brother I’ve told you about, the lawyer.”


Eva couldn’t keep from blushing as she looked up from the food she’d just set on the table.  She looked up briefly but couldn’t quite meet his eyes. “We’ve already met.  Good morning.”


Josh had already spotted Eva when he first walked into the room.  He’d had a hard time taking his eyes off her since, even after he started talking to his sister.  “Good morning, Eva.  You’re up early.  And something sure smells good.”


Another shy smile aimed in his direction had him grinning like a fool.  “So, Cade kind of filled me in on what happened and how you and Eva ended up here.  Sounds like you saved the day, Eva.  Does the word
strike any chords with you?”


Eva blushed again.  And smiled again, which was his goal.  “Breakfast is ready.  I hope you’re all hungry.”


Nobody had to be told twice as they all sat down at the table.  “Bless us, oh Lord, for these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ our lord,  Amen.  And thank you for bringing Eva and Callie home safe.”  Everyone at the table made the sign of the cross and began to reach for the serving dishes.


“Thanks, Granddad.  So, what’s on the agenda today?  Anything scheduled?”


“As a matter of fact, we have a church group coming in around ten o’clock for a hayride and barbecue.  Then there’s all the regular stuff to do.  Horses to brush and exercise, getting the petting zoo ready, oh and we have the new calf to feed.  Another busy day at the ranch.  Our hired hands should be her soon.”


“Seth and Raul, right?  I met them the last time I was here.  They seemed like nice boys.”


Cade snickered.  “That’s because they were tripping all over themselves trying to impress you, if I remember right.”


Everyone laughed.  “Well, now that Eva’s here, I guess I’ll have some competition,” she replied good naturedly. 


“I never could compete with those gorgeous green eyes of yours, Callie.”


Josh added his opinion to the mix, “You do have those cat eyes, sister.  Of course, those baby browns of yours aren’t too shabby either, Eva.”


Her head dipped, and she took another bite of food.  “I don’t know much about taking care of animals, but I’d love to help if someone can show me the ropes as soon as I clean up the kitchen.  And Josh, I wonder if you could spare me some time at your convenience.  I need some legal advice.  I’ll pay you, of course.” 


“Well, Eva, this must be your lucky day,” Josh said.  “I just happen to have some time on my hands, and I’d be happy to give you the grand tour and answer any legal questions you have at the same time.”


“Oh, I didn’t mean right now.  I don’t want to put you out, Josh.  I thought I’d talk Callie into showing me around, and I was just going to call your office and make an appointment some time.”


Callie jumped in, “Actually, I was going to ask Cade to take us out riding today and show us those mineral deposits Granddad has been bragging about that have been raking in the money.”


“Oh wow, Callie, I haven’t ever ridden a horse before.  I’m not sure I’m up for that.  Yet, I mean.  I will be, though.  I’m not afraid or anything.” 


Cade joined the fray with a strained smile.  “Sorry ladies, I have to go up to the northeast corner to check for breaks in the fence line today.  I thought you were going into the office today, Josh.”


“Nope.  There’s nothing pressing, so I’m staying here to help out.”


John looked at all four of the people in the kitchen closely. 
Hmm, it’s getting mighty interesting around here.
  “Well it doesn’t sound to me like we’ll have any trouble getting everyone’s to do list checked off.  Josh, why don’t you give Eva here a tour and show her what we do, and when Seth and Raul get here, they can help me with the hayride.  If y’all finish early enough and find yourselves at loose ends, you can join us at the barbecue for the church group.  Cade, you can take Callie with you to check the fences and stop by some of those mineral sites along the way.  Now then, how does that sound, everybody?”


“Sounds good to me, Granddad.  Eva, I’ll help you clean up the kitchen, then you can come and change into some work clothes.  Josh, Cade, we’ll meet you outside when we’re ready.”


Josh looked over at Cade’s sour expression.  “What’s wrong with you?”


“Nothing.  I just hadn’t planned on company today, that’s all.”


“Well, neither did I, but you don’t hear me complaining, do you?”  Josh clapped and rubbed his palms together.  “Yes sir, I think it’s going to be a great day.  What’s the big deal, anyway?  Callie can ride as well as you do.  It’s not like she’ll slow you up or anything.”


“Oh no, she won’t slow me up.  Hell, she probably plans on
things up.  Well, it’s not going to happen.”


“What the hell are you talking about?’


“Not a damn thing, Josh.  Where are you going?”


“To get my cell phone.  I’ve got to call my secretary, so she can cancel all my appointments.”


“Hey, hold it Joshua, my man.  That lady in there that I’m betting is responsible for your disgusting good mood is married, you know.  Granted, he’s a son of a bitch, but she’s still legally his.”


“Don’t you think I know that?  What do you think, that I’m moving in on her?  It’s not like that, Cade.  She’s been hurt.  Hurt badly.  Shit, I spooked her last night when I came in, and she pulled a knife on me.”  Cade’s eyes widened.  “I felt real bad about scaring her like that, and I’d like to make it up to her.  Callie may be the one with the bruises right now, but Eva’s had her share, I’m sure of it.  The bad thing is, I’m betting the scars she carries can’t be seen.  I know that I can’t fix that for her, but, hell, I don’t know.  Maybe I just want her to know that the sorry SOB she’s married to is the exception, not the rule where men are concerned.  I’m just thinking maybe she could use a friend right now, that’s all.  And a lawyer, too.  I don’t know what her plans are, but I’d sure like to help her sever those ties she has to New York.”


“I hear that.  She’s a pretty lady, and she’s real nice, too.  Saved Callie’s ass, when the chips were down, so I figure she’s got courage, too.”


“I’ll agree on all counts.  Maybe someday she will, too.  In the meantime, I’m just trying to be nice.  So lay off me, asshole.”


Cade flipped him off.




Chapter 7




Callie was feeling pretty pleased with herself when she went outside to meet Cade.  She had made a couple of sandwiches and packed them in a sack with some chips, apples, and bottled water and headed outside with Eva.  The men were waiting on the front porch for them. 


“You ready, Eva?  I thought we’d start at the pens where we keep the animals for the petting zoo.  There are rabbits, goats, sheep, and we even have a new calf.  He’s a beauty, too.  Does that work for you?”  Eva made a conscious effort to unwind her arms from her waist and make eye contact with Josh. 


“Sure.  I’m ready when you are.  Um, thanks again for taking the time to show me around.  I really appreciate it.” 
This is Callie’s brother, Josh, and he is not going to hurt me.  I can do this.


“It’s my pleasure.  Let’s go.”  He was careful to keep his distance as he waved a hand in the direction they were to go, and they ambled towards the barn, Josh keeping up a steady stream of conversation, and Eva answering his questions quietly and asking some of her own in a soft, shy voice.


That left Cade and Callie.  “I’m ready if you are, Cade.”


“I guess you think you’re pretty clever, don’t you?  You listen to me, Callie Dubeck.  Don’t think I’m not onto your sneaky ways.  I meant what I said last night.  There’s not going to be anything romantic going on between us, and that’s final.  You’d better just get that through your hard head right now.”


“Why Cade, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were nervous.  Are you nervous, Cade?  You also look a little rough around the edges.  Didn’t you sleep well last night?  And come to think of it, you sound a little grouchy.  Are you grouchy, Cade?”  She smiled sweetly as she walked past him toward the horses that were already saddled and ready to go.


Cade just glared at her.


“Do you suppose you could give me a boost up?”


“Since when do you need a boost up to get on a horse?  You’ve been riding longer that I have.” 


She chewed on her bottom lip and looked down.  “I’m still just a little sore from when Richard…oh never mind.  I can do it.”


“Ah, hell, Callie.  I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.  Are you sure you’re up for an all day ride?”


The look on her face showed grim determination and courage.  “I’ve got to try, Cade.”  He missed her sly smile as she turned, and he put one hand under her knee and the other around her waist to help her get settled. 
If playing on your sympathies is the only way I can get you to touch me, so be it.  All’s fair in love and war, buddy. 


It was a beautiful spring day in March that clearly displayed why El Paso was nicknamed The Sun City.  While so many other places across the country were just beginning to thaw out from winter, El Paso was not only warm, it was already rejuvenating.  Fruit trees were blossoming, wildflowers were in full bloom, and farmers in the lower valley were already tending crops.  Callie thought it was a perfect day for a little romance. 


“So, Cade, tell me about these mineral deposits you’ve found.  Granddad said they’re really beginning to pay off.”


“Yeah, I guess they are.  I figured the least I could do to thank John for sending me to college was to make my degree pay off for him.  I’ve always been interested in land formations and rocks.  Pretty boring for most people, but I always wanted to know about that stuff.  There are actually a lot of different mineral deposits in this area, including deposits of turquoise and tourmaline, which are hot right now in the jewelry trade.  They were easy to find and relatively easy to mine.”


“Well, if it was so easy, how come nobody else found them, mined them, or even knew they were there?  And by the way, I know Granddad offered to help pay for you to go to college shortly after you came to live here, but he told me that you wouldn’t let him, that you paid for it all by yourself with grants, loans, and scholarships.”


“Whether he paid for it or not, I never would have gone if it wasn’t for him.  Like I said last night, he made me the man I am today.  And he just keeps on giving.  When I first told him about the minerals I found, he had Josh draw up a contract that split the profits with me fifty fifty.  I tried to fight him on it, but he said he never would’ve known anything about them if I hadn’t told him, and he said he still wouldn’t mine them if I didn’t let him pay me for my expertise.  When I wouldn’t budge on charging him for my services, he said he’d compromise and split the profits with me.  It’s clear where you get your stubborn streak from, Callie.”


 “Now isn’t this nice, Cade?  Here we are, just the two of us, having such a nice visit.  We should do this more often.  Remember when you first came here, and I used to follow you around everywhere you went?  You were just plain rude to me back then, Cade, always telling me to get lost, leave you alone, go find something else to do.  You sure didn’t like me much, did you?”

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