Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES) (6 page)

BOOK: Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES)
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Chapter 10 – Sara


“I don’t think I have answered that many questions before about law,” I said as we slid into the booth. We had found a bar and grill not too far from the hotel that we were staying at. The seminar was more intense than I had anticipated. All the students were asking great questions, but seemed to never stop.

“Me too, but some of the students were hot,” Rachel cooed.

“Really? We were there to discuss the new statues due to the outcomes of the Supreme Court rulings not flirt with the students.” I scolded her in my lawyer voice.

“Don’t speak Lawyer to me, lady
.” She pointed her finger at me. “All I know is I need a drink and we are off the clock.” She tapped her watch and waved down a waiter.

The waiter came by and we ordered drinks and appetizers.
The bar and grill was a little bit crowded; everyone was talking and laughing. We chatted about work, TV shows, and little things. I was starting to feel incredibly relaxed from the drinks, the food and the atmosphere, when the waiter brought us another round.

“Sorry, we
didn’t order these.” Rachel tried to give the drinks back. We had to do another seminar in the morning and we both didn’t want to have hangovers.

“No, you didn’t.
That guy did.” The waiter pointed over his shoulder and walked away.

“Oh my stars,” Rachel breathed.
Her eyes got wide and she grinned like a Cheshire cat. “You aren’t going to believe this.” She looked at me with the brightest smile on her face.

“Ladies, I don’t think you
look like Pittsburgh fans,” a male’s voice said behind me. Instantly, I stopped breathing. I turned to see Lucas’ blue eyes looking back at me.

’m an Eagles fan,” Rachel stated firmly. “But she might need some convincing.” She pointed right at me as she was speaking with Lucas. I whipped my head at Rachel and gave her the meanest look I could muster. It didn’t work because Rachel just laughed at me.

“May I join you or do you have others coming?” Lucas asked me.

I could not form words. The words were on the tip of my tongue as he stared at me, but they would not come out. I did the next best thing; I nodded and slid over in the booth.
Talking with him on the phone was easier than face-to-face.

“Would you
look at the time?” Rachel said looking at her watch. “Looks like I need to run and get some beauty sleep. You two should enjoy yourselves,” Rachel stood up.

“What?” I almost shouted it.
Oh, sure now I decide to speak.

“Sara, I need to prepare so I can finish the
seminar tomorrow.” She declared like I should have already known that.

“Do you need to leave
also?” Lucas asked me in almost a sad voice.

I am so confused.

“No, she is staying.
She was not asked to do the seminar tomorrow. She is completely free. Her only plans were to go to the game tomorrow night,” Rachel jumped in. I knew she was lying because we both were supposed to do the seminar tomorrow and she was going to the game too.

are going to the game?” Lucas was still peering at me. It was then I see a small smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes.

“I, um,
Why can’t I say anything? I sound like a babbling brook.

“Yep we are,” again Rachel
spoke. “I am leaving now.” She looked over to me. “Try to form a sentence, sweetie.” She patted my hand and I felt my face flush. Leave it to Rachel to embarrass me with the truth. She then looked over to Lucas with a stern look. “And you,” she pointed her perfectly manicured finger at him, “I don’t care if you have been my favorite captain for the last five years, you hurt her and you die. Bye” She waved her fingers and walked away.

“Your friend is a crack up,” Lucas laughed with a huge grin on his face.
It was the most beautiful grin and it made my knees weak.

“Yes, she is
.” Then I blurted out. “Why haven’t you called?”

Why did I just do that?

Just stamp crazy person on my forehead and put me on Jerry Springer. I must have been hanging around Rachel too long because my filter was gone, now. Lucas laughed, as if he enjoyed my moment of crazy.

“My phone had a small mishap when Marc and Max grabbed it from me and tr
ied to text you. They cracked the screen. Now, for some reason, it won’t charge. I will have to get it fixed when I get home.”

“Sorry, I just

It’s fine.” He put his hand up to stop me. “I didn’t have your number memorized and the card is back at my apartment, so I could not call from the hotels.”

“I should
n’t have asked like that. I was just wondering.”
Because I have recently become a crazy person.

“I normally don’t do that. I mean, not call when I want to.
My schedule has been crazy, especially when I get into Canada. I have more personal appearances and I have to stop and see family.” He must have felt that he owed me an explanation.

“You are from Canada, correct?” I asked.
My heart was returning to its normal rate as we sat there and began to talk.
Just try to act normal.

“I am.
I was raised outside Montreal.”

“You speak French?”

“Oui je parle français.” He said most sweetly. “Avez-vous?”

’m not sure what you said because I don’t speak French.” I smiled. I still couldn’t smile too wide because of the plate, pins and screws. However, I wanted to. There was something about a hot, hockey player speaking French that made me smile.

“I figured.
My mother made sure that I spoke French. She would not have it any other way.”

“Why is that?” I asked puzzled.

“Heritage, history and mainly because she said so.” He laughed.

“You must be close to your family,” I said sadly.
I wished for that more than anything.

“I am very close to my mother, my aunt and my cousin.
My father left long ago. My mother’s family is very tight and I love them all.” He beamed with pride as he talked about his family.

“That is amazing.
No sisters or brothers?”

, you?”

“No just me,” I sa
id sadly.


“They are currently in Florida or Georgia. I am not sure really, somewhere south. They moved down there when they both retired from their jobs. Rachel is really the only family I have.”
Could I sound anymore pathetic?

“I am assuming you aren’t close to your parents, eh?” he asked,
and I shook my head.

“So, why are you in Pittsburgh?”
He changed the subject. Maybe he saw the sadness on my face as we talked about family, but I was grateful for the subject change.

“We are conducting a seminar on Constitutional Law for students.”
Well, great, now I sound like a nerd and he thinks I am crazy.

              He then looked over to a crowd of people at the back of the restaurant. “Would you excuse me for one moment?” Lucas got up and headed over to them. He said a few things and then came back to me.

okay?” I asked not sure what was going on.

Rookies and second years are partying over there,” he pointed to the small group, “and I am making sure it stays in control.”

“Now I understand all the girls around,” I laughed. There had to be two girls for every guy at that table. Lucas just nodded.

“So, you were saying about the seminar.” He looked back at me and returned to our conversation.

“Rachel always gets asked to speak and she always brings me along
.” She mainly agreed because of the money. I come along because I like to talk to the new students. I always hoped I could influence a student and have them love the law as much as I do.

“Rachel? How come?”
Lucas had a confused look on his face. I giggled.

“Don’t let the blonde hair and supermodel build fool you Mr. Sharp,” I teased, “Rachel is a genius.
Like a real genius. She had a full ride to Harvard, but her father died our senior year in high school and she declined it. We both went to the University of Chicago, to stay close to her mom.”

’s sad.”

“It was.
It was our first year in law school when her mom passed. Now it is just us two.” I smiled sadly at him.

“I think it is great that you two have each other
.” He reached over and squeezed my hand. I looked down at our hands.
Remain calm.

“Sharp,” three young males came over to our table, “we are going to head to the hotel for a bit.”

“Fine, but you know the rules. There are no second chances,” he stated firmly to the young men.

“We know,” they said in unison and walked off.

“Wow, they are young,” I said.

“In hockey, you can be drafted at
eighteen. Young men that age need some guidance, especially when they get their first paycheck.”

“They are lucky to have you
, then.” I said and truly meant it. Everyone needed some type of guidance and I could not imagine what young hockey players went through on their own.

“Well, enough work talk
.” He looked over at me with a breath taking smile. “How about we go for a walk? It’s a warm fall night and perfect for a walk.”
Oh, I want to so badly.

’m sorry. I really can’t. It is late and I had a long day,” I said quietly. Rachel would kick my butt if she knew that I declined his offer.

“Not a problem
.” He shrugged and looked a little sad. “We have an early skate. I should rest too. Could I at least walk you back to your hotel? Or split a cab?”

I nodded with a smile.
“I am at the Hilton on Broadway.”

“That is so funny. That
’s where we are.” He threw a few bills on the table, and before I could protest to him buying my drinks and food, he reached for my hand. I couldn’t help myself; I took his hand as he pulled me to the door.

He waved down a cab and we got in.
Not much was said in the cab. I tried to look out the window but I kept thinking about Lucas sitting next to me. He was still holding my hand and it felt so good. I couldn’t even remember the last time a guy just held my hand.

We arrived in front of the hotel.
I tried to pay for the cab but Lucas waved my money away.

“What floor are you on?” he asked as we entered the lobby.

“I am on four.”

’m on twelve.” He turned toward the hall with the elevators.
Oh no! I cannot get in there. I have to come up with some excuse. Think! Think Sara! Why can’t I think straight around him? Maybe I should just tell the truth. Ugh! Let’s just add another “crazy” stamp to my forehead.

“Lucas,” I pulled his arm and hoped that he could not feel me trembling, “I don’t take elevators.”

“Oh, are you claustrophobic?” He squeezed my hand.

“Something like that,”
I said quietly.
I was locked in a crawl space for hours after my boyfriend nearly killed me.

don’t have to walk the stairs with me. I know that it could be an inconvenience.”

“No, it’s cool.
Its only four flights.” He turned and headed to the stairs. We didn’t say anything on the way up and before I knew it we were in front of my door.
Oh no! This cannot be happening. Is he going to kiss me? Maybe, he is just going to hug. Yep, that is it, just a hug. Holy stars I am shaking. What is wrong with me? Ugh!

“I have to say, Sara, I enjoyed our impromptu date
.” His voice was low and he licked his lips. Again, I could not speak. I nodded.
I am going to be the poster person for crazy.

“Hopefully, our first real date is just as fun
.” He touched my cheek.

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