Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES) (16 page)

BOOK: Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES)
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“Have you ever modeled?” I had to ask because the girl was stunning.

“Model? No way,” she chirped back.

“She is too nerdy,” Lucas added.

“And you are a creep.” She threw a biscuit at him.

“So, what is up with the nicknames
?” Rachel and I never had nicknames.

Lucas shrugged and Ava laughed.

“I call her a nerd because she is a book nerd. As a kid she didn’t go anywhere without a book in her hand,” Lucas explained.

“I call him a creep because he would creep up on me and scare me all the time,” Ava giggled.

I never had this type of relationship with my parents or family. When we did have dinners together they felt more uncomfortable than anything. I wasn’t nervous anymore as I joined in on the talk around the table. I felt, almost, like part of a family.

After cleaning up the kitchen we all headed into the living room.
It was not soon after, that Elizabeth, Victoria and even Ava went to bed. Lucas and I sat there a bit longer, silently looking into the fire. We were curled into each other watching the flames dance around.

“I see you survived your first day,” Lucas whispered in my ear.

I smiled up at him. “It was perfect. You have a wonderful family.”

Lucas beamed back before he said, “Let’s go to bed.”

We headed up the stairs and into his room.
I grabbed some things and headed into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Today was so great that I didn’t even think about Jake or the upcoming court date. However, in the bathroom alone and after seeing the closeness of Lucas’ family, I felt a little sad.

Maybe if I have kids one day I can keep us as a close family.

I could feel the tears coming, but I refused to let them fall. I finished in the bathroom and headed back into the bedroom. A small lamp on the night stand illuminated the room and I could see Lucas was already in bed. I stared at him for a moment. He was on his back, shirtless and looked so peaceful. He took my breath away as my eyes scanned his rock hard body.

Could he be any

I climbed into the bed and I felt Lucas curl up next to me.

“I love you, Sara,” he mumbled in his sleepy voice.


I wanted to scream out, but I couldn’t breathe and my heart pounded so loud that it was ringing in my ears. Lucas saying those words made me think of the first time Jake said them to me.

I can’t lose it right now.

I was trying to calm myself down but the tears were about to escape. Very careful and quietly I escaped from Lucas’ hold and rushed down the stairs.
I flopped on the couch, in front of the fire, and the tears fell. I could not stop sobbing.

I felt someone sit next to me and for a moment I thought it would be Lucas, but when the small arms went around me I realized it was Victoria. I
looked up and she smiles back before whispering, “It’s okay.” She rubbed my back and I lost it after that.

Every bad memory and feeling that I was hanging onto was unleashed as Victoria rocked me in her arms.
I cried and sobbed for who knew how long, Victoria never saying a word. She just held me, rubbed my back, stroked my hair in a way a mother should.

Eventually, I pulled out of her loving arms
. “I am so sorry,” I choked out.

“Don’t ever apologize to me, dear.
I can see the hurt in your eyes. You need to talk about it.”

“I have not talked about my problems in a long time,” I confessed.

“There is your problem. You cannot keep things bottled up inside you. Trust me, I know. So, tell me.”

“I can’t
.” I looked at her in shock. There was no way I was going to spill my guts or my problems to Lucas’ mother.

“Yes you can.
I won’t tell anyone, not even my son, but you have to let go.” I could see that she was determined and for some reason I knew that I could trust her.

I d
idn’t know what part of my brain shut off but in a split second my filter was gone and I just began to talk. I talked about it all: my parents, Jake, what Jake did to me, the impending court date and Lucas’ words that he just spoke upstairs. I could not stop talking. With every breath I took more oozed out of me. Victoria never said a word. She just listened, holding my hand the whole time. After an hour of talking nonstop, I felt like a cement block was lifted off my chest. I couldn’t explain it, but I felt different, better.

looked over to Victoria and she patted my hand. “We need some tea.” I followed her to the kitchen and I sat quietly at the table as Victoria fixed us both a cup of tea.

She sat the cup in front of me when I blurted out
. “You must think I am a nut case.”

Victoria smiled
. “Not at all. I think that you are a strong woman that was dealt a dirty hand. I think that you are going to be fine and I think you love my son a lot more than you are letting yourself believe. My advice to you would be to tell Lucas. He is a lot stronger than what you think he is and he loves you a lot.”

Shock, I was in pure shock.

I love Lucas?
Was that possible? Did I love him? Did he really love me? I just nodded to her. She was right, just like Rachel said, Lucas needed to know.

I would have to tell him soon.

Chapter 24 –Lucas


I woke up with Sara’s curls in my face. All I could do was smile. I loved waking up with her in my arms. It was the greatest feeling in the world. Even though I thought I dreamt I told Sara I loved her.

Crazy dreams.

I gently removed myself from the bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After showering and getting dressed, I headed downstairs. Ava was sitting at the kitchen table staring at her laptop. I couldn’t help but laugh. She was in a huge sweatshirt and flannel pants, and her hair was on top of her head in a massive bun. She wasn’t wearing her contacts, but had her thick black-framed glasses on.

, Nerd,” I smiled at her as I headed for the coffee pot.

, Creep.” She didn’t even look up from whatever it was she was typing. “You love her.”

!” I exclaimed. Even though we were close I had not even mentioned what feelings I had for Sara.

“Don’t play Mr. Tough Hockey Player to me, Creep.
It is written all over your face.” She still hadn’t looked up from her laptop.

I sat down next to her with my coffee. “Well,” I sighed, “I cannot tell her.
She still hasn’t opened up to me.” Ava finally stopped typing and looked up at me.

“Do you think it has something to do with the scars?” I had told Ava about them because I needed to know if I should really push the issue or let Sara tell me on her own.

“I really think so, but she just won’t tell me.”

“Lucas,” Ava patted my hand
. “Give her some time. Maybe it is something she needs to work out on her own before she can open up to you.” Just like my mother, Ava had a lot of great advice to give. I nodded. Ava was right I needed to wait until Sara wanted to tell me on her own. However, I had an urge just to grab her and protect her from whatever bad happened to her.

“Should I tell her I love her
?” I whispered.

“Creep, if you asked that question
then you are not ready to tell her. You will know when the time is right.” Ava smiled sweetly at me, just as my mother walked into the kitchen.

Fils bonjour.” she greeted as she headed to the tea pot.

Bonjour maman.” I said back.

“I was just telling Lucas he is in love with Sara,” Ava announced loudly.
I whipped around and gave her my meanest look. My mother and Ava just laughed.

“Shut up Nerd,” I hissed at her.

“Like it’s a big secret or something. We all see it,” Ava almost shouted back.

“Morning,” Sara said as she walked into the kitchen.
Ava and I quickly shut our mouths.

“How did you sleep, dear?” my mother asked.

“Best sleep I have had in a long time,” she said back. Ava and I looked at each because it seemed like. My mother made her a cup of tea and they both came over to the table to sit down. It was wonderful to see the two of them hitting it off so well. I wanted Sara to love my family, since she wasn’t close to hers and really only claimed Rachel as family. I wanted her to fit in here.

“Lucas, do you have plans with Sara today
?” my mother asked. Before I could say anything Ava jumped in.

“She is going skating with us
!” She clapped her hands with glee.

“Geez Nerd
.” I lightly punched her shoulder. “Rude much?” Ava shrugged. I looked over to Sara and asked, “Sara, would you like to go skating with us?”

“I don’t have skates
.” She looked a little sad.

“Oh, but you do.
I brought them.” I wanted to take her to the pond. It is where I spent most of my childhood and it was like my second home. I loved it.

okay then. Where do you skate at? Is there a rink close by?” She smiled brightly as she asked. Ava and I both laughed.

“The rink is the pond in the backyard,” I clarified.
Sara’s eyes got a little wide and I instantly knew that she was nervous.

My mot
her jumped in, “Lucas and Ava have been skating on that pond since they were kids. It is completely safe.” She patted Sara’s hand.

I was startled when Ava jumped up and yelled, “Let’s go!”



“So, this is the pond.” Sara looked more nervous now than before.

“Yes, everyone in the neighborhood uses it.
That is why we wanted to come out so early because soon the kiddies will be out here and they will try and get Lucas to play with them,” Ava explained.

’s safe Sara. I promise,” I said as Ava and I jumped on the ice. There was nothing like being on a pond. It felt different. I was at home when I was in a hockey rink, but on the pond I was a kid again. I would love to come out here before and after school. I could still hear my mom yelling at me to come in because it was dinner time or it was just too dark out. I loved every minute of it.

“How cold is it right now?” Sara was completely bundled from head to toe.

“I think it’s about negative twenty-five Celsius.” I was actually unsure but it was cold. “We won’t stay out here too long. How about you two versus me?” I dropped the puck and skated to the center.

“I think I will just watch.
I am still a little bit unbalanced,” Sara declared trying to keep her balance. “This is much different than where I am used to skating.”

“Yes, rinks are smooth. Ponds are more natural but come on,” Ava grabbed her hand and skated to the center by me. “We can’t let Creepy here win, can we?” She handed her a stick and we began to play.

It was the most fun I had in a long time. All three of us were laughing and play-fighting each other. I never heard Sara laugh so hard. She and Ava got along great and kept plotting to try and trip me up, but it never worked. It felt like we were out there forever.

Soon I could
n’t feel my toes. Ava’s nose was bright red and Sara’s eyes were watery, so we decided to go inside. My mother and Aunt Elizabeth were at the table as we took off our skates in the backroom. I could feel their eyes on me as I helped Sara unlace her skates.

I could see how much my mother liked Sara.
I hadn’t heard Aunt Elizabeth say anything about Sara and that was good, because if Aunt Elizabeth didn’t like her I would know it already. We all sat around the table and the ladies began chatting. My mind began to wander on how great I felt right now, so content being home with my family and with Sara here now.

“Hey, Lucas
.” Ava snapped her fingers in front of my face.

I jumped
. “What?”

“How about you take four lovely and beautiful ladies out shopping and dinner today?” Ava was batting her eyes at me.

“Nope, I won’t. However, I will take three beautiful and lovely ladies and a nerdy girl shopping and to dinner.” I stood up and playfully punched Ava in the shoulder as I headed to get more coffee. Ava stood and followed me over to the counter.

“Sara,” Ava
looked over to Sara as she stood very close to me, “would you like to know a secret about our Mr. Sharp?”

“Sure,” Sara laughed.

I knew what she was up to so I warned her and sat down my coffee mug. “Ava.”

“Mr. Sharp is extremely ticklish
.” She reached for me. I took off like a bolt listening to my family laugh. Ava was able to grab my shirt but I twisted out of her hold and shot like a bullet into my room. I fell onto my bed and threw my arm over my eyes. I hated that I was so ticklish. I heard the bedroom door open.

“Ava, don’t you dare,” I said in the most lethal voice.

“It’s me. Ava is downstairs.” I looked up to see Sara. She shut the door and headed over to the bed. “You two are quite a pair to watch.”

“She is something else,” I said. “You
okay? Having fun yet?”

Sara smiled and kissed me.
Every time she kissed me I thought my heart would explode in my chest. She was so wonderful. “I am having the greatest time. Thank you,” she said after she broke the kiss.

’re welcome and I am glad you are having a good time. My family means a lot to me.”

“I can see that.
They love you very much.” She curled up next to me. I felt so relaxed when she did that. There was nothing in this world that I would not do for her. We hadn’t been together long, but I had never felt like this with anyone before. She was always on my mind and I wanted her in my life every single day.



didn’t even realize that I fell asleep until my mother was rubbing my back and saying my name.

“Lucas, dear, it is time to wake up.”

I rolled my head to look at the clock only to see that I slept the whole day and afternoon away.

“Oh, Ma
, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” I looked around. “Where is Sara?”

“No worries,
son. We all know how tired you are. Sara is downstairs. We took her out and showed her the town and shopped a little bit. However, if we don’t feed Ava soon she might burst,” my mother giggled.

I rolled over and sat up.
My mother was still sitting on the side of the bed when she said, “You know that she loves you as much as you love her.”

“Ma,” I almost whined at her.

“Lucas, stop. You know that I am right.
I have never seen you look so happy or relaxed before. You both light up when you see each other and there is so much love between you two. “

I sighed. “I am scared to say anything to her. I feel like she is hiding a part of herself from me.
I think it’s a big part too.” I could not keep a secret from my mom. She knew everything about me.

“Well, wom
en always have their secrets, but give her time. She will come around.” She patted my shoulder as she walked out the door.


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