Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES) (4 page)

BOOK: Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES)
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Chapter 6 – Lucas


Okay, Sharp, pull it together.

“Ladies, how did you enjoy the game?”
I asked calmly.
I sound calm, I think.

It was the petite blonde that
spoke first. “It was great, Sharp,” she stated with a huge smile one on her face. She was very pretty, but my eyes could not leave her friend.

. The name suits her well
but she still does not look like a lawyer.

Well,” I cleared my throat, “I’m glad you enjoyed the game. I must say that your attire is outstanding too.” I joked, trying to break up some of the tension in the room.

“We came straight from work.
We both were in court today and by the time we got the message we had to head straight over here,” the blonde said again. “Thank you for the tickets, by the way. I’m Rachel Silver.” She stuck her hand out. I shook it gently.

“I just had to convince Sara about hockey.
She told me she didn’t like hockey,” I stated, still looking at her.

“Yes, she
’s strange,” Rachel agreed.

“I am not
.” She finally spoke, even if it was a whisper.

“Sara, did you enjoy the game
?” I asked her. I watched her take a deep breath and look me straight in my eyes. I could tell she was thinking about something and then her face got stern.

“What is the deal?
You have your PR person hunt us down, we get these ‘special tickets’ and now it’s just the three of us. What is the deal?” She crossed her arms in defiance, but still looking nervous. It almost seemed like she was scared to say it, but did so anyway. I was about to speak when Rachel cut me off.

“You know what,
I am tired. I’m heading home. Sharp, great to meet you and thank you so much for the tickets.” She smiled sweetly and turned to Sara. She hugged her friend and whispered in her ear. I saw Sara go stiff and Rachel walked out the door.

I was alone with her for a moment before I cleared my throat.
I could actually feel my nerves bubbling.

wasn’t nervous in the playoffs, but being alone with a beautiful girl has me going crazy. Yeah, that makes sense.

“I had you hunted down because
I can’t remember the last time I met someone who didn’t like hockey,” I continued as she stared at me. “Also, I thought I could help you like the sport.”
Yep, keep lying to yourself, buddy!

“Well, thank you for the tickets but hockey is not for me,” she whispered.
I watched as she started looking around the room. She did a 360 take of the room and I noticed that she was staring at the exit. It almost looked like she planning an escape route.

“Really,” I stated, “I am pretty sure I saw you cheer, once
.” It was when I got my goal that I looked over at her seat and saw her standing and clapping.

“It was because everyone else was clapping.
I was following the crowd; it was not because I was having fun.” She crossed her arms again and stared me down. I smirked back at her. I could tell she was lying and she was so damn beautiful.

“Does that move work in the courtroom?
Because it won’t work here.” I pointed to her crossed arms. I took in her whole appearance. She was around 5’7, long curly brunette hair and a killer body, though she wasn’t paper thin.

Most of all it was her eyes.
Her green eyes were intoxicating when I stared at them. Tonight she was not wearing her glasses and her eyes just bore into me. She sighed and pushed her hair behind her ears. It was then I noticed a scar along her jaw. It was long and I could tell it was a deep cut.

Look, just tell me what you want,” she stated quietly. She stared right into my eyes and I could see that hers almost looked sad. It was the same look that she had last night when she was standing in the corner.
Sharp just say it.

Okay,” I held my hands up, like I was surrendering. “I find it very strange that you came to a hockey game, but don’t like hockey. I enjoyed our very small conversation that we had and I want to teach you hockey. Plus, I think you are pretty and you should go out with me.”
What the hell? I didn’t mean to say that! Crap!

She just stared at me.
It seemed like a lifetime that neither one of us moved or spoke. I could see her processing it in her head and I knew she was going to say no. I was quickly trying to think of a retort for her when she did.

We both jumped when the door flung op
en and Rachel stepped back in. “She would love too!” She ran over to me and handed me a card. “Here is all her information. Cell phone is on the back. She is free next week when you come back your road trip games. Have a great night, Lucas.” Just like that she grabbed Sara and ran out the door.

Well that was interesting.


Chapter 7 – Sara


“I am not speaking to you.
Get out of my office.” I yelled at Rachel. I had never been more humiliated in my life as when Rachel pulled her little stunt last night. On top of that, it was right in front of Lucas.

“I think you
’re talking to me right now.” She took a seat across from my desk with a smirk on her face.

I slammed my hand on my desk
and I felt the pain in my wrist from the pin that was still holding it together. I was so mad at her. Of course Rachel had always been outrageous, but she’s never done anything like that before.

“How could you do that? You
’re supposed to be my best friend. You gave out my personal information without my permission. Then you agreed for me to go on a date, with a hockey player.”
Albeit, a hot hockey player
. But I was not going to say that to her.

’m your best friend and that is why I did what I did.” She said frankly. “You don’t think I know what you were about to do. You were going to make some elaborate excuse and run away. Am I wrong?”

didn’t say anything. Sometimes its kills me that she knows me so well. She knew that I was not going to go on that date with Lucas. Even though I wanted to, I knew I would say no. I was still scared and I didn’t want to be hurt again.

“Sara,” she said more softly, “he isn’t him.
You cannot keep being scared. You need to take a step forward.” Rachel looked at me with tears in her eyes. I sometimes forgot that she was in this with me. She was there every single step of the way. She was always a shoulder to lean on and I needed her strength at times.

I closed my eyes and
took a deep breath. “I can’t,” I finally admitted.

, you can. Sara, you are strong. You just need to move on.” She stood up and came around my desk. “Fun-Sara would be kicking your ass right now to go out with Lucas.” She smiled sweetly.

“I haven’t been out with anyone in almost three years except -,”

“Don’t you dare say his name,” she hissed. I nodded, knowing how much it upset her. I could see the anger for him and hurt for me in her eyes when I mentioned his name.

“Nonetheless, I don’t think Fun-Sara is there anymore.
She hasn’t been around since the accident.” I looked down to my hands that were in my lap. That girl was long gone and I didn’t know if I could ever find her again.

“Why do you call it an accident? It was not an accident.” The fury in her voice was palpable. “You didn’t fall down some stairs or cut your hand with a kitchen knife. Did you?” Her eyes pierced right through me.

,” I started to explain that I was still scared to talk about it. I could feel the tears, anger, sadness and every other emotion rising to the surface. I called it an
because it was easier to deal with than actually thinking of the truth.

Just stop. It was not an
. You were beaten, stabbed, stomped and shoved into a crawl-space by your boyfriend. It wasn’t an accident.” She looked at me with more rage in her eyes. Rachel never talked to me like this. Rachel was very blunt, but never mean.

wasn’t sure where they came from, but I couldn’t stop them. The tears came rushing out and my best friend was there to catch them as she hugged me tightly. The memory came flooding back to me like a wave.


8 Months Before


He was my world. He was everything to me and I would do anything to please him. It was a few months into our relationship when I noticed that he liked to drink, a lot. Before that night he had only shoved me a few times, but he was drinking and didn’t mean anything buy it. I always thought that I could change him. I thought that if I did everything he asked of me that he would love me forever.

ing back, I know that it was crazy, but I wanted him. He was so perfect to me and I wanted to be with him. The night before I had talked to Rachel and she could see that I was really unhappy. I was but I still wanted to be with him.

It was different that night.
He wasn’t acting like he normally did when he drank. He was meaner, crueler, and almost ruthless.

ass is getting fat,” he sneered as I walked past him.

I was trying to make light of the situation and hope
d that I could calm him down. “Well, I haven’t been to the gym in a couple weeks. This case has been keeping me –“

“WHAT?” he shouted
, cutting me off and making me jump in fear. “Don’t talk to me about your work. You don’t know anything. You are nothing but a little associate. Wait until you are a partner, like me, then you can complain.”

I didn’t say anything.
I just let him yell and hoped that he would calm down soon.

ell,” he scoffed. “You will never make partner unless you sleep with someone and no one would want you with your FAT ASS.”

He stood up and was inches from my face
, so close, I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I knew that he lost a huge case today and that was the main cause of his drinking. He was drinking so much that he was not focusing on his work. Everyone all over the firm and courthouse was talking about how he lost the case. It was supposed to be an easy case and was blown apart by the prosecutor.

, it will be fin -,”


His hand
moved so fast I didn’t even realize he hit me until I looked up at him from the floor. My cheek was stinging and tears came hard and fast.

, YOU BITCH!” I felt my rib crack as a swift kick collided with my side. He was moving so fast that I could hardly protect myself.

“How dare you speak to me like you understand
!” It was a fist that connected with my temple, this time. I felt my head bounce off the floor.

What just happened?

I heard him stomping away. I could still feel the anger in the room and I knew that if I just talked to him that it would be okay. I tried to get up, but it was hard to breathe and I could barely move. I could taste the blood in my mouth and my head was pounding. I grabbed the side of the table to pull myself up.

“Where the hell are you going?”

looked up at him and could see the malice in his eyes. I didn’t even hear him come back into the living room. He reached down, grabbed my hair, and pulled me up. My feet were dangling. He was so tall. I always loved that about him. His tall frame would engulf mine when we used to hug, and it was there where I felt the safest. It was not the same anymore.

A scream escaped me as the pain shot through my scalp and head.
I could feel my hair being ripped out as he continued to jerk me up until our eyes met.

“Shut up!
Are you trying to leave to go and show me up some more? You and your little perfect friend!” He released my hair I felt myself falling to the ground. It was then that he grabbed my wrist and I felt it snap as he whipped me into his chest.

“Jake,” I whimpered, “
Stop. Please,” I pleaded. The look in his eyes was deadly. Maybe if I remained calm I could get him to stop, but the pain in my wrist was getting worse and I wasn’t sure if I could remain calm.
Would Rachel be able to survive if she found me dead?

“Don’t tell me what to do
!” His brown eyes were black with rage, his face hardened. He looked ten years older than his thirty-eight years. He let go of my wrist and before I knew I was back on the ground. I could not hold myself up. I could not even catch my breath and I hoped there was no internal damage.

“Do you even realize that I am the reason you have your job? Do you
?” He was screaming in my face again. He grabbed me by my face and picked me back up.

“You are nothing.
You will always be nothing.” In a flash I was back on the ground. There was an uncontrollable pain in my jaw and I realized I could not move my mouth. He had hit me so hard that my jaw was broken.

“You think you are so perfect! YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT ME BY YOUR SIDE
!” Nothing he was saying was making sense. I was getting ready to black out.

It was then I saw the knife

It was dark.

Am I dead? Where is Jake?

took a deep breath in and pain shot through me.

I guess you can still feel pain
when you are dead.

hen I heard Rachel.

There was panic in her voice.

I groaned.
A bright light came out of nowhere.

Yep, I am dead…


I could hear voices.
They sounded like they were so far away, but I could hear them.

“Is she going to make it?”
I knew that was Rachel’s voice. Was she crying? My best friend never cried unless it was very, very bad.

“She is tough.
She was stabbed multiple times in the stomach and torso area but he missed all the organs. We have pinned her jaw back together on the left side and put a plate on the right side. We also wired it shut so she can’t move it for six weeks. Her wrist was shattered and we pinned that, as well. The bruises and swelling will go down soon. Also, she has a concussion but no bleeding in the brain.”

didn’t know that voice, but I could hear Rachel crying harder.
Don’t cry Rachel. I can’t bear for you to cry. You are always the strong one.

“Her asshole boyfriend is still in jail.
They charged him with attempted murder.” Rachel told the doctor.
Jake was in jail? Attempted murder?
My heart began to pound and I heard a lot of beeping. My eyes opened and I saw the ceiling above me. All the pain rushed me at once.

“Sara,” Rachel’s face was streaked with tears
as she came into my view.




I came back to reality.
I knew I looked a mess because I was crying hysterically and Rachel didn’t look much better.

’re the strongest person I know,” Rachel looked at me with determination in her eyes. “But you have to move on. Not every guy is a jerk.”
Those are the same words she said to me last night. Right before she walked out the door and left Lucas and I alone.

“Don’t let him stop your future,” she whispered
. “You are better than that.” She kissed the top of my head and walked out of my office.

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