Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES) (20 page)

BOOK: Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES)
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.” He looked right at me when I said his name. “We will see you in court.” With that, Lucas looked at me and wrapped his arm around my waist. Jake stared at me and I didn’t even blink as I stared back.
I will not be scared anymore. He will not hurt me or the ones that I love.
Jake was the first to make his move. He turned and walked away. The red-head was standing there, paralyzed with fear. “Take my advice.” I said to her. “Don’t trust Jake Black. He isn’t a good person.” The red-head stared at me, nodded, and then turned and headed in the opposite direction of Jake.

.” I touched his face. He looked into my eyes.

“We are leaving.” He was turning to head back down the hall.

“No, Lucas, you have to stay. I will leave.” I tried to reason with him.

“I will leave with her
, Lucas.” Rachel came up by me.

“No.” Max stood next to Rachel. “Let us all leave. This way I know that everyone is safe.”

“Go, I will take care of everything here,” Marc said and turned back to the other end of the hall and walked back toward the kitchen.

Then all four of us headed out the door.

Chapter 30 – Lucas


I had never been that angry in my whole life. I never wanted to punch someone so badly, either. He was right there less than ten inches from me and I didn’t attack. Mainly, because Max and Marc were there, but that still didn’t matter. I could have done it. I would have lost everything I worked for, but it would have been worth it. As we walked into the parking garage I was thankful to be parked next to Max.

“What about my car?” Rachel asked.
Max told her not to worry, that it was safe. I wasn’t even thinking about that. All I wanted was Sara in my arms.

“Max, call me as soon as you are home or at Rachel’s.” I opened the door for Sara and she hopped in. I went back around and got into the driver
’s side and left. I knew that it seemed that Max and I were overreacting, but I needed to keep Sara safe and away from him.

didn’t talk on the way. I was trying to get my heartbeat back under control and she was staring out the window. Actually, I wasn’t sure what to say because she might have been mad at me for becoming all barbaric on her.

I pulled into my driveway because it was closer than her apartment. We both got out and headed inside.
I knew that I would be in trouble for leaving the benefit, but Sara was safe. I looked over and she had taken her heels off and I couldn’t tell if she was sad, mad, or all the above. She sat down on the couch and tossed her heels on the floor with her purse. She still looked stunning. I had never wanted her more than when I saw her tonight at the dinner.

“Are you mad at me?” Sara asked quietly. She was
looking at her hands and not at me. I walked over and kneel down in front of her.

“What?” I wanted to be sure that I heard her right.

“Are you mad at me?” She looked at me and had tears in her eyes.

“Sara,” it came out as a whisper and my voice was cracking.
I hated it when she cries. “I could never be mad at you. Why would you ever think of that?”

She shrugged. “I figured you w
ould get in trouble and I don’t want that. On top of that, everything that happened tonight was -“

“Stop,” I put my finger on her lips, “it will be fine.
Yes, I will get into a little bit of trouble, but it is okay. It was worth it.” She almost knocked me over when she wrapped her arms around my neck in a tight hug. I could feel her tears on my neck and just held her tighter and rubbed her back.
I will never let anyone hurt her

“Thank you
, Lucas. I don’t think you even know how much you mean to me.” She was trembling. I broke our hug and gently kissed her lips.

“I love you and I won’t let anything happen to you.
I promise.” I kissed her again.

“Lucas,” she breathe
d when we pulled apart. “I really just want a hot shower and to go to bed. It has been a crazy night.” She looked at me with her green eyes filled with sadness. I stood up, nodding as she headed into the bathroom. Sara was right about one thing, it was a crazy night. I pushed my hand through my hair and grabbed my phone.

?” Ava’s sleepy voice came over the line.

.” Ava was the one person I could talk to.

“Lucas? What
’s wrong? Are you okay?” I heard her turn on the lamp by her bed and shift to get up.

“Nothing is wrong. I have had a bad night and needed to talk to someone.”

“I am here. Talk.” That was why I loved her. She was there for me. I started talking about the night, my feelings, and my need to protect Sara. I laid it all out and I just kept talking. Just like Mom, Ava just listened.

“Lucas, do you want my opinion on your relationship?”
she asked when I finished.


“Just marry her already. You two are so in love it makes me gag. You are just a great guy and it is your nature to protect the women in your life. I mean look at me, you are always there for me.” My cousin always said what she felt and she was right. I wasn’t sure about the whole marriage thing, but she was right.

“I love you, Nerd. Thank you.”

She answered. “Love you, Creep,” and hung up.

Chapter 31 – Sara


Standing in the hot shower was the greatest feeling
, just what I needed to get my thoughts straight and figure out what I was doing. I loved Lucas and I didn’t want him to get in trouble. I needed to be strong because the hearing was coming up fast and I knew that I was going to have to face
. Lucas wasn’t going to be there because he was leaving for the All-Star Game. I had to face my own fears.
It is time

I finished my shower, got out
, and changed into Lucas’ shirt and shorts. My hair was a wet mop, so I just threw it into a messy bun on top of my head. I looked in the mirror and saw that my eyes were still puffy from crying, though there was nothing I could do about that now. I walked out of the bathroom into his empty bedroom. Both my body and mind were ready to shut off. I collapsed on the bed and didn’t remember anything else.

After a while,
I heard the bedroom door open and close. Lucas shuffled around the room, trying to be quiet, and finally climbed into bed. He kissed the top of my head as he wrapped his arm around my waist. Again, I never felt safer than I did in his arms.

“I love you Sara
,” he whispered in my ear. I shifted and rolled to look at him. “Hey, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

didn’t. I just wanted to say that I love you too. I also wanted to say thank you.”

“For what?” Even in the dark room I could hear the confusion in his voice.

“For being amazing and wonderful.
I don’t think you could be any more perfect if I dreamt you up.” It was the truth. Lucas Sharp was my perfect man.

“Well, that is a lot to live up too.” He laughed
and I couldn’t help myself I kissed him like I never had before, putting all the love, passion, and trust into that kiss. I wanted him to know that I meant what I said. I loved him and he was wonderful. There was nothing that I would not do for him and I wanted to express it all physically.

I pushed on him and he easily rolled onto his back.

“Sara,” he was trying to catch his breath. He squeezed my hips as I pushed deeper onto him. “Do you really want this right now?”

I did want this and I was going to show him how much. I shifted toward the end of the bed, pulling his shorts down with me. Being careful not to tickle him I dragged my nails down his hard chest until my hands wrapped around his hardness. I firmly began to str
oke him. He moaned, then jumped when I ran my tongue from the bottom of his shaft to the tip on the underside.

.” He dug his hands into my hair. I took the majority of him into my mouth. It hurt my jaw to open my mouth that wide, but his pleasure pushed away the pain. I moved up and down faster, working my hand and tongue on him.

I needed more of him and worked through the pain in my jaw
, opening my mouth wider and pushing him further into my mouth. I could feel him shaking with lust and pleasure. He was panting so loudly that it was almost echo in the room.

I felt him tighten up and I knew that he was close, but I kept going. It was in a split second that Lucas pulled me up by my shoulders and had me on
my back. He ripped my shorts down. I helped him get the shirt off just before he thrust into me. I wanted so much more of him. I wrapped my legs around him as he was going faster, nearly screaming out in pleasure as my body tightened around him. I couldn’t stop trembling as I came. With two more pushes I felt Lucas explode in me.

He lay on top of me, with his forehead on mine, as we try to catch our breaths.
“I didn’t plan that.” He laughed as he rolled off of me.

didn’t either,” I giggled. “But, I am not sorry.” I curled up into his side.

“Me either, beautiful.”

Chapter 32 – Sara


The week went faster than I wanted it too. Lucas and Max didn’t get into trouble for leaving the benefit, although their coach yelled at them more than usual. Lucas, and even Max, said that it was fine. I focused on my work in hopes that I could settle my nerves, but was still unsettled the night before the trial. Lucas was leaving for the All- Star game and was trying to tell me to be strong.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” He had asked me a thousand times before
, but I was adamant for him to go.

“No, Lucas.
Rachel will be with me. You need to work and I can’t keep taking you away from events you are supposed to be at.”

“I don’t care about the events. I care about you and will come home right now if you say you want me too.” I knew that he would if I asked, but I could
n’t do that.

“Have fun. I will talk to you tomorrow night when you are done. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

took a deep breath as I stared at my phone. I really wanted to call him back and have him come wrap his arms around me, but I had to do this on my own. Rachel had called and wanted to go out to dinner, but I told her no. I decided to stay home, order take out and watch my favorite Friends re-runs. I needed some “me” time.

So, that
was what I did.

The night seemed to fly by and before I knew
it, the sun was peeking through my window. My hands were already shaking.
Be strong.
Lucas told me if I was feeling nervous to say just that:
Be Strong

I got up and started my day. After showering
and getting dressed, I tried, unsuccessfully, to eat breakfast. Rachel called and said that she would be there in a few minutes. I stared out my living room window at the sky. It had snowed last night, but today the sun was shining and there were only a few clouds.

A typical Chicago morning

I heard Rachel come in and my eyes never left the window.

“Hey, are you ready?” Rachel asked as she came into the living room. I didn’t turn around to look at her.

“Rachel, I don’t think I can do this.” The tears were streaking down my face and I could
n’t stop them.

, you can. Remember what Lucas told you.” Rachel’s voice was firm.

“Be strong.” I sighed. “I really wish he was here.”

“Why didn’t you tell him to stay?” Her question made me close my eyes and wish that I had.

“Because he is going to end up throwing his career away because I am
an emotional yo-yo and I will not let that happen.”

“You are not an emotional yo-yo.” I whipped my head around at Lucas’ voice. I almost screamed in pure shock as I finally saw that Rachel and I
weren’t alone in my living room. Next to Rachel was Max dressed in a black suit and a yellow tie. Next to Max were Ava, Victoria, and Elizabeth all professionally dressed. Lastly, Lucas, with his arms crossed. He was wearing his gray tailored suit with a purple tie. “And my career is fine.” My legs had a mind of their own as I ran across the room and leapt into his arms.

“Why are you here?” I buried my head in his neck and tears kept coming.

“Because I want to be,” he whispered in my ear. I looked up at him.

“How much trouble will you be in?” I was so worried that he was really going to damage his career because of me.

He smiled at me. “I am not in any trouble. Marc went in my place.” He brushed away my tears and I never felt so happy to have him close. Then I remembered the other people in the room. I turned to look at Ava, Victoria and Elizabeth.

“Why are you all here and when did you get here?”

“We are family and family is always there for each other.” It was Elizabeth that spoke, nearly rendering me speechless.
Family? Am I family?

“We came in last night, Sara.” Victoria answered.

“Besides, Lucas owes us a shopping trip and Chicago is a great place to shop.” Ava came up to me and gave me a big hug as everyone laughed.

“I hate to break this up
, but we do need to go.” Rachel said. I took a deep breath and we all headed toward the door.



We made it to the courthouse with no problems. Rachel and I guided everyone to the courtroom. Since there was a gag order in place
, there would be no media for this case. We all walked down the long hallway when I saw the prosecutors that were working my case. Karla Thompson and Faren Moore were two of the top attorneys in the state and I knew that Rachel had been working with them to make sure my case was solid.

We made introductions to everyone when Karla pulled us into the side room to talk. Of course, everyone followed, which was fine with me.
I hadn’t let go of Lucas’ hand since the moment I saw him today.

Okay, here is the deal. We have everything in place. All the witnesses’ are prepped, but I am still worried about you.” Karla pointed right at me.

“You need to be precise in your testimony on the stand
,” Faren chimed in. I nodded to them both.

“I know what I need to do. I am ready.” Lucas squeezed my hand. Jake was not going to
hurt me or my family.

“Then let’s go
,” Karla said. As we all headed toward the bench to wait to be called, we saw Jake and his attorney at the end of the hall. Lucas’ body tightened and I could feel the anger coming off of him. It was Max that came to the rescue.

, Sharp, don’t do anything crazy. I don’t have much bail money on me.” Max smiled and Lucas nodded. I heard Ava ask Rachel what was going on and Rachel told her that Jake was at the end of the hall. Ava looked at him and I heard her say that Lucas could kill him without a problem. That promoted Victoria to speak to Ava in French. I could only assume that she was telling her to be quiet.

The courtroom doors opened and the bailiff came out to call our case. We all settled into our seats as the judge was call
ed and then the jury. I looked over at Jake, who had a smug look on his face, not a care in the world. It didn’t even seem to faze him that he was on trial for attempted murder.

The jury instructions were given and opening statements began. Karla gave a strai
ght and to-the-point speech; that was one thing that I like most about her. There was no beating around the bush. Jake’s attorney painted him to be an outstanding citizen and that the case would prove that he didn’t do what he was accused of.

The State opened with their first witness.
It was the first officer that was on the scene to the house. He was around my age with short hair. He recounted the events of the night and we even heard the 911 call from Rachel. It was the first time I had heard it. My dear best friend sounded frantic and scared, two emotions she rarely showed. Max had tightened his arm around her shoulders as the call continued. Silent tears fell down Rachel’s face as she relived that night through the call. When the officer was done he was dismissed and Jake’s attorney never cross-examined him.

State then called the EMS that was first on the scene. She was older than I was and very smart. She gave a quick, detailed summary of my injuries and the treatment that she administered. Again, Karla asked questions that were to the point and the testimony was soon over. Again, Jake’s attorney didn’t cross-examine.

The State called the ER doctor that treated me when I got there. He was more detailed in my wounds than the EMS worker. He even detailed my rehab and mental status after the accident. I felt like I was in a fish bowl when the jury would peer over at me.
When Karla was done, Jake’s attorney still didn’t cross-examine the witness.

Be strong.
Lucas’ words kept repeating in my head. I shifted in my seat and sat taller.
Jake is not going to win, this time.
I felt Lucas squeeze my hand encouragingly.

Then the State called the detective to the stand.
He was the one that actually found Jake that night. I knew this was going to be the hardest to hear, but I could do it. The detective told how he was called by the hospital because of my extensive injuries. He showed pictures of my injuries and that was when I kept my head down. The courtroom gasped as each pictured appeared. He talked about the statement that Rachel gave and the staff at the hospital. He then recounted the details of Jake’s arrest.

The one thing that I
didn’t know was that they had the knife and clothes that Jake wore that night. I looked up to see Jake’s khaki pants and white shirt stained with my blood. Lucas was grinding his teeth so badly I thought they would all break off. Ava, Victoria, Elizabeth, and even Rachel all had tears streaming down their face. When the detective was finished, Jake’s attorney stood up. I thought that he might actually ask question, but instead he asked for a fifteen-minute recess. The judge granted it. We all stood up and headed out into the hall. Faren shuffled us into the little room.

All at once, Karla, Faren, Rachel and I began talking. We were trying to figure out what was going on with Jake’s attorney.

“Okay, hold up,” we all turned to see Victoria looking at us. “Talk to us as humans, not lawyers.”

“We are trying to figure out why Jake’s attorney is not
questioning witnesses’. That is not like an attorney unless they have something up their sleeves.” I explained.

“I thought that was strange
,” Lucas said. I nodded.

“It is strange.”

“Okay, you are up next. Are you good?” Faren looked at me dead in the eyes.

“I am ready.” I really was. It was time for me to get my life back and Jake would not be standing in the way of that.



“We call Sara Smith to the stand,” Karla said in a clear voice. I stood and held my head high.

Be strong.
Lucas’ words were still echoing in my head as I took the stand and oath. Karla began to fire questions at me and I answered them with truth and determination so the jury knew exactly what Jake did to me. After a dozen or so questions, Karla was done and sat down.

My stomach dropped as I saw Jake get up and head to the podium.

“Your Honor-,” Karla jumped up but was cut off by Jake.

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