Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES) (11 page)

BOOK: Melting Away The Ice (THE ICE SERIES)
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“Um, I

“Sara, sorry,” Charity popped back into the kitchen, “it’s the Judges’ office about the Johnson case and they want to talk to you now

“I need to ge
t back to work.” Sara stood up quickly.

“I understand
.” I stood too and gently touched her chin. “I will see you tonight.” I kissed her, then pulled back and looked into her green eyes. She bit her lip to hold back the smile on her face.


Chapter 17 – Sara


“You will have to tell him. I know you don’t want to, but come on you can’t hide it forever,” Rachel said as we walked into the arena. I had told her what happened in the kitchen when Lucas saw my scars.

I nodded. Yet again, Rachel was right.
The problem was, I didn’t know if I could talk about it. “I should wait until we are serious. I mean, we haven’t really become a ‘couple’.” I air quoted.

“He wants to be a
‘couple’,” she quoted back to me sarcastically. “Trust me, I see the way he looks at you.”

“Let’s go sit down
.” I pulled her sleeve towards our seats, the same seats as last time. I was sitting there staring at the Zamboni going around the ice when I started thinking about Lucas. There was something about him that I wanted. Yes, he was good-looking, but there was more. The way he talked about his family, his friends, and hockey. He had pride, confidence and was all around a wonderful person.

It hit me like a puck to a goalie.
I wanted to be a couple with him. I didn’t want to be alone and sad all the time. I wanted my life before Jake, before the beating and before I lost myself. Rachel and I used to go out dancing, shopping, and hung out with friends. I used to go to the movies and enjoyed being around people. I would also sit at home, read a book and enjoy being by myself. I loved to cook and have friends over. Now, I was scared all the time and I didn’t know who I was.

I can’t do this anymore.
I need to be me again

“When was the last time we went to a bar and danced?” I blurted out to Rachel. She looked at me like I grew a third eye.

“I don’t know.
It has to be at least a year and half,” she guessed.

“We need to go out.” With that statement, Rachel grabbed
the pop from my hand and sniffed it. “What are you doing?”

“Just checking to see if it was spiked.
What has gotten into you?” She looked at me puzzled.

I huffed, sat up
straight and blurted it out: “I’m tired of living this way. I like Lucas and he is not Jake. I am tired of being scared and alone. I think I just had a realization about my life and I want me back.” Rachel leapt into my arms, giving me the biggest hug.

“I am so glad
! I knew that you would come back.”

Just then the crowd cheered and the Eagles
took the ice. My eyes wandered until I found number eighty. As always, he was the last on the ice. He skated around a few times before making eye contact with me. His signature smirk came across his face and my knees weakened.

He went over to center ice and prepared for the game.
Watching him on the ice was nothing less than perfection. He looked like he was home. He would yell out commands to his teammates and they would follow, like a general with his army. It was amazing to watch. I caught myself a few times yelling for the team, holding my breath when they would shoot, and cheering if they made it. I couldn’t help it. The roar of the crowd and the atmosphere sucked me right into the game.

three periods and two intermissions the game was over. Eagles won four to zero. I never heard a louder crowd. When it was all over, Rachel and I headed to the tunnel on the far side of the rink. Lucas had texted me earlier and told me to meet him there. Rachel had informed me that we were standing just down the hallway of the men’s’ locker room. She looked like she was about to burst and I had to say, for the first time I was actually not nervous to see Lucas. I was looking forward to it. It seemed like we were waiting there forever when I saw Max emerge from the locker room.

“Rachel, my future girlfriend, I am so glad that you are waiting for me
.” He came over and put his arms around her shoulders.

“No, Mr. Non-Norris-Trophy-Winner, I am not.
I’m waiting with Sara for Lucas,” she fired back, crossing her arms. Max put his hand over his heart like he’d been shot and stumbled back. I laughed and felt someone put their arms around me. I looked up to see Lucas rolling his eyes at Max. Then he leaned down and kissed my temple. I was so happy at that moment that I laid my head on his chest. It felt wonderful. I could see that he just got out of the shower, from his lightly damp hair and fresh smell.

“Sharp, I am so lost now.
My future girlfriend just shot me down. What am I going to do now?” Max’s dramatic theatrics were hilarious. I could not help but laugh and Lucas did too. Rachel just rolled her eyes.

“Would you ladies like to have dinner with us?” Lucas
looked down at me and over to Rachel.

“I am going to say ‘no’
.” Rachel declared. “I have work tomorrow and I have lots to do. You all go out and have fun.” I stared at her in disbelief. I figured Rachel would never turn down food.

“You know, Luc, I
’m a little tired, too. I will catch you on the plane in the morning,” Max slapped his shoulder as he turned to Rachel. “My lady,” he held is elbow out to her. “May I walk you out?” Rachel rolled her eyes at Max’s fake English accent but took his elbow.

Lucas whispered in my ear, “How about dinner, beautiful?”

Yep, my heart is going to burst

“Hey,” I turned to face him and put my hands on his chest, “how about take-out and my place?” I smiled sweetly at him.

“I have to be home by
seven AM to get ready for the road trip,” he winked back.

“Road trip?”

“Yeah, we are heading to St. Louis, Dallas, and Colorado for the next week,” he stated.

“Oh,” I
looked down, “I didn’t realize you would be gone.” I knew they traveled a lot but I hadn’t considered about how much.

“Well, I
’m in love with your idea. Let’s get out of here.” He grabbed my hand and we headed down the long hallway. All I could do was smile.

Chapter 18 – Lucas


Agreeing to go back to her place, might be a bad idea.
The other night I almost ripped her clothes off right there on the couch. But, I just couldn’t stay away from her.

We grabbed some take
-out before entering back into her apartment. Walking into her place was almost serene. It smelled clean with a hint of sweet, just like her. I could see her all around the place. I put everything on the table as she brought out plates and silverware. She was wearing a black Eagles t-shirt with a red Eagles scarf and a great pair of jeans. I couldn’t help but look at the amazing boots that she was wearing. I just could not stop staring at her.

“Lucas, are you
okay?” She smiled sweetly at me as she asked.

I’m just hungry,” I said back without trying to ogle her. She was going to end up thinking I was some type of freak.

We sat down and ate.
We made some small talk, but mainly we ate. It was nice to be with a girl and have a dinner with her and not feel uncomfortable. I loved that she actually ate food and was not like the other girls I’d dated who just ate veggies and salads all the time.

“I really want to thank you for bringing
lunch today,” she said quietly after we had finished our meal.

“It was not a problem.
I actually enjoyed seeing your work side. Besides, I enjoyed meeting your staff. Those ladies seem wonderful and Charles seems very protective.” I still thought about his statement and he said. I wondered if someone hurt Sara.

Could that be what she is hiding?

“They really are. Charity is a single mother and Betty lost her husband a couple years back. Charles is retired from the military and Rachel hired him because they kick box together. We buy them lunch every day because we know money is tight for them.”

“Hold up.
Did you say that Rachel kick boxes?” She was so tiny I thought someone would break her in half.

Sara laughed
. “Yes, she does and she is very good at it. I told you don’t let the blonde hair and good looks fool you.”

. I am a little impressed. What about you? Are you a ninja?” I teased her.

“Far from it.
I am not very athletic at all.” She looked down at her hands.

“Well, that is not true.
I have seen you skate and you are amazing.” I loved picturing her in skates on the ice. Sara just shrugged. I could see the sadness on her face and I knew that it was time to change the subject. “Rachel said they came with you from the other firm. Did you work there long?” I knew that I shouldn’t pry because it was a touchy subject. I saw the way everyone waited for Sara to answer today.

“A couple of years
.” She looked all around the room, everywhere but me.

“How about a movie?” I suggested.
I didn’t want to push her into telling me anything that she wasn’t ready for.

.” Her bright smile melted my heart as we headed to the living room. Sitting in there brought memories back from the other night and I felt a twitch in my pants. I inwardly rolled my eyes.

et it together Sharp. This is not your first time with a woman.

              I sat down on the couch and stared at her backside as she searched for a movie on her shelf. She was stunning from every angle.

“How about this one,” she said over her shoulder.

.” I had to readjust myself before she turned around and looked at me. I couldn’t even tell you what movie it was. She put the movie into the DVD player and strutted over to me. Instantly, she sat down and curled into my side. It was like she was meant to be there. I kissed the top of her head. Whatever shampoo she used drove me insane. She always smelled so fresh and clean.

looked up at me and pushed her lips to mine. My adrenaline took over, as I turned and laid my hands on her face. She had the softest skin and all I wanted to do was touch her everywhere. She grabbed my biceps, and just like last time, pulled me on top of her. I couldn’t help myself: I laid on top of her. My own body betrayed me as I felt myself get harder, when she rocked against me. I kissed her deeply. I grabbing her hips and pushing them away so she wouldn’t rock against me again. If she kept doing it I was going to explode right there.

So much for the movie

              “Lucas,” she said eagerly as we came up for air. I kissed her cheek, jaw line, her neck. I unwound her scarf and kissed her nape. She moaned and the sound about gave me a heart attack right there.

“Sara,” I pleaded and kissed her lips again.
I moved my hands up from her hips until I was right underneath her breasts. My thumbs grazed over her hard nipples. I felt her hands remove my tie and she began to unbutton my shirt. I wanted more. I needed more of her. I moved my hands to the hem of her shirt and then underneath. I cupped her firm breast and I felt her drag her nails on the bare skin of my back.

I pulled my lips from hers.
“Sara,” I pleaded, trying to catch my breath, “we have to stop.” I laid my forehead on hers. She nodded and looked at me with those amazing green eyes filled of desire.

“It’s not that I don’t want to continue,” I quickly explained, “I just don’t want to continue, then leave in a few hours and be gone for a week
.” I wanted to hold her all night and wake up with her in the morning. I didn’t want to rush with her. I wanted to take my time so that I could feel every part of her.

She nodded, “I don’t know what came over me

“Don’t apologize, please
.” She dragged her fingers against my sides and I squirmed.

She opened her eyes and
looked at me, “Lucas Sharp, are you…ticklish?” she teased with humor in her eyes.

“Well,” I began as she did it again.
I quickly pushed myself into a sitting position away from her.

“You are,” she cooed as she sat up.

That is something that I would never live down if any of my team found out.

“Just a little bit and don’t you dare tell anyone,” She laughed a real laugh and it had to be the most beautiful sound I
’d ever heard.

“I love seeing this side of you
.” I looked down at her again. She was the most striking being. “You are so strong and confident. It’s so amazing.” I stared into her eyes breathlessly. She was so perfect once the nervousness was gone.

“I love that you brought it out of me again,” she quietly said.
I almost didn’t hear her. I wondered what that meant, but was unable to ask as she sat all the way up and gently kissed me.

“I know that you have to leave, but I don’t want you too,” she said unhappily.

“Me either
.” I stood up and adjusted the bulge in my pants and began to button my shirt. Sara stood and adjusted her shirt. I thought I saw a scar on her stomach but wasn’t sure.

gently pulled her hand and into my arms. “Is it strange that I have strong feelings for you so soon?” I needed to stop spilling my feeling out every second. “I’m sorry,” I stammered as I looked down at the ground and pushed my hands through my hair in frustration.
I can’t believe I just said that out loud
It is too soon to be saying things like that.

“I feel the same way,” she
spoke softly as she placed her hands on my chest. “I haven’t felt this good in a long time,” she continued.

I smiled at her.
Everything was so right. “I need to go, but I will call you and text you when I have a chance on the road,” I gently kissed her and headed for the door.

“Lucas,” she almost shouted as I was about to shut the door.
I looked back at her.

“Thank you
.” She walked over to me.

“For what,” I asked confused.

She just smiled and kissed my lips.

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