Mary Tudor (86 page)

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Authors: Linda Porter

BOOK: Mary Tudor
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The exact state of Mary’s health in 1558 before she fell fatally ill is not easy to discern. Certainly she was still conducting affairs of state during Feria’s visits in February and June. She had been bled so much over the years that she was almost certainly suffering from anaemia.
Abergavenny, Lord
Act of Succession
Acts and Monuments
Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius
Albuquerque, duke of
Alexander, Nicholas
Alva, duchess of
Anna of Austria
Anne of Cleves:
appearance of
death of
Henry divorces
Henry’s marriage to
Mary’s coronation and
Mary’s marriage considerations and
Arras, bishop of
Arthur, Prince of Wales
death of
Arundel, countess of
Arundel, earl of
death of
Dudley’s letter to
Philip met by
Ascham, Roger
Ashley, Katherine
Ashton, Christopher
Bacon, Anne
Baker, Alice
Baker, Sir John
Baker, Richard
Barahona, Juan de
Barton, Elizabeth, Nun of Kent
Bath, earl of
battle of Mohács
Baynton, Margery
Bedford, earl of
Bedingfeld, Sir Henry
Bellay, Jean du
Bendon, Alice
Blount, Elizabeth
Boccaccio, Giovanni
Boleyn, Anne:
adultery charges laid against
appearance of
birth and early life of
birth of
Katharine of Aragon and
Katharine of Aragon’s only public outburst against
Claude’s household joined by
court debut of
Cranmer nullifies marriage of
created marchioness of Pembroke
Cromwell’s coup against
crowning of
determination of
differing opinions of
early impact of, on Mary
Elizabeth born to
execution of
Francis I meets
at Greenwich
growing power of
Henry accompanied by
Henry falls for
Henry’s letters to
Henry secretly marries
Henry’s tempestuous relationship with
Henry’s unwavering commitment to
Letters Patent undo marriage of
Mary’s enmity with
Mary’s few meetings with
Mary Rose’s public disapproval of
Mary-Henry relationship worries
miscarriages suffered by
noblewomen give precedence to
Norris and
plot against
pregnancies of
rise of supporters of
Smeton’s adultery confession and
sweating sickness suffered by
trial of
Wolsey blamed by
Boleyn, George
Boleyn, Mary
Boleyn, Sir Thomas (later earl of Wiltshire)
Bonner, Edmund
Bonnivet, Admiral
Book of Common Prayer
Book of the Ladies
Book of Rates
Boxall, John
Brandon, Charles, duke of Suffolk
Brandon, Frances, duchess of Suffolk
Brown, Mary
Bruges, treaty of
Bryan, Lady Margaret
Brydges, John
Buckingham, duke of
Bull, Richard
Burgh, Lady
Butts, Dr William
Cabot, Sebastian
Cabrera, Luis
Calthorpe, Sir Philip
Caly, Robert
Campeggio, Cardinal Lorenzo
Katherine of Aragon denounces
Cappel, Sir Giles
Carew, Sir Gawain
Carew, Sir Nicholas
Carew, Sir Peter
Carlos, Don
Castiglione, Battista
Castro, Alfonso de
Katherine of Aragon:
Arthur’s marriage to
banishment of
Anne Boleyn accused of trying to poison
Anne Boleyn’s underestimation of
Charles V and
Cranmer nullifies marriage of
death of
education book commissioned by
enduring love for Henry shown by
farewell letter of, to Henry
first pregnancy of
Fitzroy’s elevation appals
funeral of
health concern of
Henry’s attempts to end marriage to
Henry intimidates
Henry separates Mary from
jewels surrendered by
legatine marriage hearing concerning
letter of, to Charles V
letter of, to pope
Letters Patent undo marriage of
Linacre and
Londoners’ love for
Mary born to
Mary’s early care and
Mary’s education and
Mary’s final parting from
matronly figure of
native language and
new ideas championed by
nobles’ delegation fails to persuade
Pole, Margaret, and
pope rules in favour of
religious devotion of
Rome’s involvement sought by
second pregnancy of
Vives and
widowhood of
Wolsey and
Katherine of York, Princess
Catholic Church:
discontent with
lands of
power of
resentment towards
see also
England: Catholic faith restored to; England: Catholics a minority in; Vatican
Chancellor, Richard
Chapel Royal
Chapuys, Eustace
anti-Boleyn conspiracy and
Cromwell’s meetings with
Henry’s meeting with
Jane described by
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
abdication of
Chapuys employed by
death of
diplomats of
entry into London of
failing health of
Henry’s support sought by
influence of, over Mary
Mary all but abandoned by
Mary congratulated by
Mary’s entreaty to
Mary’s escape plan and
Mary’s letter to
Mary’s ‘pregnancy’ and
Mary’s proposed marriage and
pope held prisoner by
Château Vert
Cheke, Sir John
Cheyney, Sir Thomas
Chichester, bishop of
Christina of Denmark
Christina of Lorraine
City of God
Clarence, duke of,
George, duke of Clarence
Clarencius, Susan
Claude, Queen of France
Clement VII, Pope
Clifford, Lady Margaret
Clinton, Sir Edward (later Lord)
Colet, John
Coligny, admiral of France
College of Physicians
Constance of Castile
Cooper, Jane
Cornwallis, Sir Thomas
Cotton, Robert
Council of the North
Courrières, count of

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