Mary Tudor (87 page)

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Authors: Linda Porter

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Courtenay, Edward (later earl of Devonshire)
death of
Elizabeth’s name linked with
Courtenay, Henry, earl of Devon, marquess of Exeter
Courtenay, Sir William
Craddock, Lady Katherine
Edward’s confidence in
Edward’s funeral conducted by
execution of
heresy trial of
house arrest of
recantation of
succession and
Tower imprisonment of
Croft, Sir James
anti-Boleyn coup devised by
chancellor’s role of
Chapuys’s meetings with
execution of
Fitzroy’s death and
Mary exasperates
Mary given horse by
Mary’s letter of thanks to
Mary threatened with abandonment by
da Vinci, Leonardo
Darnley, Lord
del Monte, Giovanni,
Julius III, Pope
Denton, Elizabeth
Derby, Lord
Devon, countess of,
Katherine of York, Princess
Devon, earl of,
Courtenay, Henry, earl of Devon, marquess of Exeter
Devonshire, earl of,
Courtenay, Edward
Dissolution Bill
Dormer, Jane
Dormer, Lady
Dormer, Sir William
Douglas, Lady Margaret, countess of Lennox
d’Oysel, Ambassador
Drury, Sir William
Dubois, Jehan
Dudley, Ambrose, earl of Warwick
Dudley, Katherine
Dudley conspiracy
Dudley, Edward
Dudley, Guildford
execution of
Dudley, Henry
Dudley, John
anti-Mary force led by
arrest of
conciliatory towards Mary
death sentence on
Edward’s confidence in
Edward’s death kept secret by
Edward’s health and
Elizabeth’s London property given to
hour of reckoning of
Jane’s reign and
leader of government
Mary’s dislike of
Mary’s growing army presents dilemma to
Mary’s proclamation’s denunciation of
Mary puts price on head of
Mary sets out to apprehend
Paget and Arundel humiliated by
succession and
surrender of
treatment of, during imprisonment
trial of
wife pleads with Mary for life of
Dudley, Lady Jane,
Grey, Jane
Dudley, Robert
Duffy, Eamon
Duwes, Giles
Dymoke, Sir Edward
Education of a Christian Woman
Edward IV, King
Edward the Confessor
Edward VI
birth of
coronation of
death of
doubts over legitimacy of succession of
funeral of
grooming of, for government
health of
last weeks of
Mary’s escape plot and
Mary’s freedom-of-religion appeal to
Mary’s last meeting with
Mary reproved by
matters of state undertaken by
overstated academic attainments of
privy council of
privy council conceals death of
removal of, to Windsor
sisters disinherited by
succession and
Egmont, Count of
Elder, John
Eleanor of France
Elisabeth of France, Princess
Elizabeth of York
Elizabeth, duchess of Norfolk
Howard, Elizabeth, duchess of Norfolk
Elizabeth, Princess (later Elizabeth I)
appearance of
armed guard placed on house of
bastard status of
becomes queen
Courtenay’s name linked with
Dudley conspiracy and
Edward’s succession plan against
emotional fragility of
epitaph infuriates
French spy carries letter of
funeral of
Jane Grey and
guile of
health of
Henry doubts succession of
longevity of reign of
marriage of priests opposed by
Mary accepts succession of
Mary’s choice of husband and
Mary’s coronation and
Mary’s death and
Mary’s determination to ignore status of
Mary’s gifts to
Mary’s last meeting with
Mary’s ‘pregnancies’ and
Mary’s relationship with
Mary’s will and
mercantile community and
new wealth of
northern rebellion against
Northumberland given London property of
Philip’s proposal to
question of marriage of
re-establishment of, as head of Church of England
religious-instruction request by
Renard’s suspicions of
Seymour’s behaviour towards
Seymour-Parr marriage and
title of
Tower imprisonment of
White’s funeral references to
Woodstock confinement of
Wyatt Rebellion and
agrarian discontent in
Catholic faith restored to
Catholics a minority in
central to monarch’s power
Chapuys’s dislike of
coinage of
concern over public drinking in
enormous change in
epidemics in
Europeans’ views of
Frances’s relations with
France’s war with
governmental tradition of
Pole absolves
population of
rains and floods in
religious change in
Scotland’s relations with
social and religious discontent produces widespread rebellion in
sweating sickness (‘the sweat’) in
violent ruling class of
Englefield, Sir Francis
Epitaph upon the death of our late virtuous Quene Marie deceased
Erasmus, Desiderius
Erik XIV
Essex, earl of
Europe, famine and pestilence in
Euston Hall, near Thetford
exchequer, reform of
Exeter, marquess of,
Courtenay, Henry, earl of Devon, marquess of Exeter
Feckenham, Abbot
Feckenham, John
Ferdinand of Aragon
Ferdinand, King of the Romans (later Holy Roman Emperor)
Feria, Count
Fetherstone, Dr Richard
Field of Cloth of Gold
Fisher, John, bishop of Rochester
Fitzroy, Henry, duke of Richmond and Somerset
death of
elevation of
fools and jesters
Foxe, John
Framlingham, Suffolk
civil war in
dwindling English lands in
England’s relations with
England’s war with
enquiries concerning Mary made by
Henry’s doubts about relations with
Mary’s desire to improve relations with
Mary’s marriage considerations and
Francis I of France
Anne Boleyn meets

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