Manhattan Miracle (12 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

BOOK: Manhattan Miracle
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's lips parted and her eyes expanded. "My God, what happened?"

When the floor totally vanished, I thought we'd fall hundreds of feet to our deaths, but instead we started spinning. I grabbed Brad and held on for dear life. When the spinning stopped, we were on the sidewalk in front the building we'd entered through a single door about thirty minutes before that was sandwiched between two stores, but the door had vanished."

Thank God you're safe. How come they wanted to see you? It's not like they had to. They could've left you dangling forever."

Yes, they could've and might've if they were sure we were happy with the exchange—but they weren't sure. Apparently, this change can be reversed in the short term, but then becomes permanent."

Really? So you could go back to being Brad? Do you want to change back?"

God no! I adore being Ginger. But we both have to be happy and Brad, I mean Ginger seemed to hedge a bit, when Madame Soriano pressed him."

So Ginger, could say she wanted her old body back and they would oblige her?"

Yes, but after the solstice, if I'm still in this body, it becomes permanent."

Don't worry. He'll stay a man. I know Ginger. She always wanted to be a Wall Street trader and now she's a mid-level investment banker with a corner office. What's she going to do? Go back to being a courtesan?"

She might, the money's great from what she tells me—close to a million a year."

That's true, but the older you get in this business the less you make. You and I are at our peak right now. By the way, have you decided if you're going to keep…you know…dating, now that you're working at Bayside?"

I haven't even thought about it since the debacle at Councilman Warren's house Saturday night. We should get back."

Yeah we should." Amber turned to leave, but I stopped her. "One thing before we go. How is it going with Lew?"

She raised her arms out and slapped them back against her thighs
. "I think okay. Once we admitted to each other that we'd like to find a way to be together our appetites returned. We just finished up an early lunch when we had to leave, because people from where he works started coming in."

I snickered.
"You like Lew a lot don't you?"

Yeah, I like Lew. He's cute and he makes me feel like a…normal person."

I stomped my foot!
"You are a normal person."

Who happens to entertain men for a living?"

Is he willing to let you continue doing that?"

I doubt it, but I refused to get into that yet. I want another fun day with him, finishing off in my bed with drapes pulled, showing the fantastic view of Manhattan and him making love to me."

I flipped my lo
ng blonde hair back. "Ooh, you're going to love that. We better get back."

When we
returned, Lew glanced at his watch. "Where have you girls been? Your drinks have been here for ten minutes."

I slid in by Brad.
"Amber and I had a lot to talk about."

As Amber started to slide in, Lew eased out.
"Hold up babe, I need to visit the men's room."

As Lew strolled away, I turned to Amber,
"Good. Now we can talk to Brad."

Brad squinted.
"About what?"

I told Amber about the visit with Carpenter and Soriano."

Brad scrunched his nose.
"I wish you hadn't."

Why?  She knows about us and she's your best friend."

All right, but Lew doesn't know about us. We can only talk about this when he's not around."

Fine. There's something else."


Amber is crazy about Lew."

Eh." Amber's brow dipped low and her nostrils flared. "I never said that."

You didn't need to. Your actions this morning and now say so. Tell me you're not crazy about Lew."

Brad looked past me
to Amber and chuckled. "Are you?"

Amber took a sip of her
Victoria's Secret. "Yes, I like Lew a lot. I think I could even love him. He's a great guy and he makes me feel good."

And Lew is flat out captivated by you."

He is?"

grinned, "You're all he could talk about, while you were in the Ladies’ Room. Have you discussed a career change with him?"

No, I didn't want to get into those issues, yet. I want to get to know him better and make sure we're compatible, especially sexually before we do."

He's gonna want one, you know."

Amber looked rattled. She gulped her drink down.
"I expect he might and I'll listen to what he says, but giving up the security of almost a million dollars a year is going to be extremely difficult."

Tell me about it," chirped Brad, "Luckily, my new half-mil a year job, creates a nice cushion."

I banged my empty old fashion glass down on the table a bit
noisier than I wanted. "Which, I might add, is actually the job

Brad sipped his Pink Lady
and responded, "Oh you're having too much fun being a girly girl to worry about that. And don't we pool our incomes and split it fifty-fifty."

Amber was impressed.
"You do! That's cool."

Besides, if you want your old job back, you only have to email Suzi and tell her before the solstice."

I'll do no such thing. I'm not so sure about you though."

Don't worry. Your gender is safe for now."

For now? See Amber. See why I worry."

I told you not to worry. I'm not going to give up a corner Wall Street office." Brad sighed. "Yet, there's something about the permanence of…oh, never mind."

Well, however you decide, you're both my friends forever."

slid in beside Amber. "Did I miss anything?"

No, but Amber has something to say to you."

Oh, what's that?"

flashed a “curses on your unborn children” look in my direction then took Lew's hand and kissed it. "Nothing, Sweetheart." She kissed him. "I'm so glad I met you. I just want to have a fun time today with you and…" With her mouth half open, Amber didn't move a muscle.

And what?"

smiled and touched the tip of Lew's nose with her index finger. "That's for you to find out."




I woke up a half hour earlier than my usual 6:15 a.m. Careful not to wake Brad, I eased out of bed. Naked from the night
's sexy antics, I pranced into the bathroom, thinking shower. After reaching in and turning the valves, I went to the vanity to brush my teeth while the shower warmed up. The image in the vanity mirror drew my attention. I stepped up to the cabinet and stared. Today was the sixth day I woke up as a woman.
Will I ever get used to the idea of seeing myself as a woman?

I scrutinized my reflection. I studied my/Ginger
's sexily messed up, blonde hair and gorgeous face. Then I lowered my gaze to my/her long lissome form.
Breasts! I have breasts!
Up high and proud on my/her chest were two perfectly shaped 36C natural breasts. I cupped each boob and lifted them up. Studying myself in the mirror, I lowered my chin and stretched my tongue toward my right breast.
One measly inch separated the tip of my nipple and my outstretched tongue.

I re-cupped and began to knead these wondrous objects—breasts—teasing the nipples with my thumbs. It felt good and…the nipples grew hard. I raised the other handful with its jutting nipple and stretched my tongue out again.
One stinking quarter-inch!

What are you doing?"

Startled, I jumped. My heart beat a mile a minute as I glanced into the mirror. Standing behind and to my left was Brad. He had a smile on his face.

"Did you like the show?"

He chuckled.
"Very much."

I spun around and hugged him.  "Oh, Baby, you scared me."

I'm sorry."

Well since you're here, take a shower with me." I grasped Brad's hand. "Help me take the edge off."

Brad laughed.
"You mean all the climaxes you had last night weren't enough?" 

I dragged him toward the shower.
"Did I have a lot of climaxes?"

Ah-huh. Between you and Amber it reminded me of that song
Dueling Banjos."

I stepped into the large, luxurious, marble shower.
"What do you mean?"

Brad followed and wrapped his arms around me, his hardness lining up
with the line of my butt. "You'd have an orgasm and a few minutes later Amber would have a bigger one. Then you would have a bigger one.  It was like
Dueling Orgasms

Dueling Orgasms." I turned, kissed him lightly on his lips, and pushed my breasts against him as I did so. "That's funny. I knew Amber had a great time with Lew, but I didn't notice we had alternating orgasms."

Yep, and I can unequivocally state the women have louder climaxes than men." 

I sat
on the seat along the far wall while water sprayed from a showerhead at each end. "You may be right. I barely heard Lew. I hope he had a good time."

Don't worry about Lew. I'll wager Lew had the time of his life, special delivering all those momentous climaxes to the most beautiful woman he's ever been with. I know I did with you."

You're sweet." Pulling Brad up with me, I rose. "Come, let's turn all the valves on." Luxuriating in a swirling mist of steam and water, we embraced as jets seemed to spray us from every direction. Retrieving a bar of soap from the soap niche, I soaped and began to stroke Brad's body.

He lolled his head back and groaned. Then he took the soap bar from me and began to
return the favor.

In no time our actions led to us being in the throes of passion.
I forced my tongue past his lips, swirling it around his mouth, while my hands rubbed him everywhere. As he caught his breath, I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him in tight. Standing on my tiptoes, I ground my recess into his fingers and my groin into his stiffness. Wrapping my arms around Brad's
neck, with a sultry, almost breathless voice, I whispered in his ear, "Please. I need it."

acking me against the wall, Brad's hands deftly grabbed my bottom and lifting my feet off the ground, hovering my warm, wetness above his hardness.

The maelstrom of whirling
steam and water spraying highlighted the erotic ambiance of our liaison. With vapors swirling around, the showerhead rained over us.

Whimpering, I crossed my ankles just above his derriere and bit into his shoulder as
we moved together in a slow rhythm. I responded to his every mind-jangling stroke with a push of my own. Suddenly, a wet, coolness shocked me as he pushed my back against the cold tile wall. With each movement, my skin pushed up only to be dragged down the wall with the next movement.

Oh yeah, baby. Your body feels so good!"

n the edge, I whimpered, then pleaded, "That's it, baby, what you're doin' feels so good!" I raised my head back against the cool tile wall and thrashed it from side to side as blinding light behind my eyes morphed into a million tickly, floating feathers.

release seemed to go on and on and through it Brad moved within. When it finally dissipated, Brad pushed against me firmly and urged, "Don't move, baby. It's my turn," as he jerked erratically. Then a second swell of pleasure swamped me, drowning me in hot, bright incandescence. 

My God, it's coming back stronger."

Oh baby. You make me feel so good!"

Breathless, I replied,
"I'm so glad we found each other!"

I arched my back
as yet another of what seemed like unending surges of pleasure, coursed through my body and mind. Frenzied, I moved erratically as a rainbow of luminance encompassed my mind and explosions of blissfulness crisscrossed through me.

When we
'd calmed, Brad set me down. "Whew, wasn't that something?"

Yes it was." I snaked my arms around him and gave him a deep passionate kiss.

Wow, what was that for?"

For making me happy."

Making you happy?"

Yes, you make me very happy. I never knew how real my subconscious random thoughts about being a woman were, until I became one. Now, that I am one I really do love being a woman—being you."

He chuckled,
"Don't thank me. I think you need to thank AFC Suzi Carpenter."

Maybe, but you supplied the glamorous body I inhabit."

And your body provided a way for me to break into the man's world of high finance." He took my hand. "It's getting late. C'mon, we need to get ready for work."   

~ * * ~

Within a half hour of arriving at work, a runner brought up the list of company clients Brad had requested. I waltzed into Brad's office. "Here's the complete list of company clients you asked for on Monday."

Brad smiled at me, waggled his eyebrows and grabbed the folder.
"Ooh, it's a fat one. Thank you." He opened the file and perused the list. He looked at me. "This'll take awhile. I'll look it over and highlight the familiar names."

Take your time. I'll get back to work for now."

I wasn't back to my desk ten minutes when the intercom rang. "Ye
s, Brad?"

"Hello gorgeous.
Why don't you come back in here?"

"Be there in a jif."

I hung up and paced into Brad's office. "Yes?"

He smiled
and flipped the yellow HI-LITER underhanded up in the air and pushed his chair back from the desk. "All done. Shut the door and take a seat."

I shut the door and sat on one of the two guest chairs, ankles twined under the chair, hands in lap.
I looked up and waited for Brad to speak.

He propped his feet up on the desk. "You know what?"


"I'm still
aroused from thinking about us last night and this morning in the shower."

That was a bit off topic, but I smiled. "Mmm, that was good. I love sex."

"Me too. We should work late some night. I wouldn't mind dining on you in the lunch room."

"Now, you're making me wet, you naughty boy."

He laughed "Naughty is right. Now, that I'm the one wielding the joystick instead of receiving it, I can think of all kinds of places and ways I'd like to screw you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah
, where?"

"For starters, I'd like to bend you over my desk and take you from behind."

Picturing Brad's scenario, my nips stiffened. "Ummm, sounds like fun. What else?"

"I don't know it might be fun to
do you in Grimes' office—on his desk, in his chair, on his couch."

Warmth and humidity pervaded my
God, I get aroused easy. I guess I really am a slut.
"I could get into all of that, but aren't you going to tell me about the list?"


I snickered as
he pulled his feet off the desk and leaned forward.

Staring at me, he
fondled the folder the list was in. "There are names of fourteen men who were customers of either Amber or me in the company client list."

"That's all?"

Brad frowned. "That's all. Just what do you think Amber and I did? Sleep with half the population and visitors of New York?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, it's such a big list I thought there'd be more."

"That's all right." He closed the folder and handed it to me. "Here you go. Take this list home and give Amber a chance to look over the list as well."

I nodded and returned to my desk. When I got there, t
he phone was ringing."

Bradley Fairchild's office. May I help you?"

Hello, this is Grace Wadsworth. I'm President Grimes' secretary. Is this Brad Fairchild's assistant, Ginger Allen?"

Yes, I'm Ginger Allen."

Good. Please hold, Mr. Grimes would like to speak to you."

Mr. Grimes. What's all this about?

"Hello, Ginger."

"Hello, Mr. Grimes."

"Call me Milt, please."

"Yes sir. What can I do for you?"

"Are you free this afternoon at say…two o'clock? I'd like to discuss something with you?"

"May I ask what?"

"I suppose I could give you a little preview. Because of your exceptional beauty and charm, I'm considering offering you a position as my personal assistant. As my personal assistant, you would be the new spokesperson for our company. You will be involved in company promotions and social functions. You'll be on TV, the internet, in magazines and will represent our firm at various social functions. You will, in effect, become the new face of Bayside Securities."

"That sounds wonderful, but now I have a dozen more questions."

He laughed. "Save them for when we meet. Unfortunately, I have a meeting I must get to."

l right, but I'm curious about one more thing."

"What's that?"

"You said new spokesperson and new face of Bayside Securities. Who is current spokesperson?"

"No one. We had a beautiful young woman in the position until a
few months ago when she disappeared. I was so distraught I haven't had the heart to look for a replacement until you came along. You would be perfect for the job. Now, I must go. Can you be here at two?"

Alarm bells
went off in my head.
Do I have a choice?
"Yes, I'll be there."

After hanging up
from Grimes, I rang Brad on the intercom.

, Babe?"

"You remember
just telling me you'd like to screw me in Grimes' office? On his desk, in his chair and on his couch?"


"Well it just might happen, only it won't be you doing it, it'll be Grimes."

I could see him frown clear through the glass partition in his office. "What are you talking about?"

"The big boss wants to see me in his office after lunch."

There was a pause and then he asked,
"In his office. Just you?"


Is that why you called?"

Suddenly, line
one rang. "Yes, hang on while I get this."

I pushed line one.
"Bradley Fairchild's office. May I help you?"

Yes, hi, it's Amber!"

Oh, we gotta talk. I'll be right back."

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