Magical Mayhem (9 page)

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Authors: Amity Maree

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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"There you are. I was worrying about you two," Grace told them the minute they walked inside. "I laid out a supper in the dining room. Help yourselves, and then get on up to bed. It's powerful late."

"Yes, ma'am," Montague said with a smile. He looked down at Megan and said, "Grace has been with Mom and Dad since before I was born and she helped raise us."

"I sure did," Grace said with a smile. "I still boss them about a bit," she admitted.

"And we love you," he said, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek.

"Go on now...!" she giggled, swatting him one. "You best feed this lady before she goes running off to McDonalds!"

"We can't have that, now can we?" Montague chuckled, taking Megan's hand to prevent her leaving. Megan was laughing, and he led her into the dining room where his youngest siblings were already eating.

"Grace made soup, Six. Your favorite." Samantha pretended to pout. "Gracie likes you better than us..."

"Oh, child, I did NOT hear that!" Grace pointed a finger at her and shook it back and forth. "No, I did NOT hear THAT!"

All of them laughed, including Megan. The vegetable soup looked wonderful and there was plenty. She helped herself and she also helped herself to a hard roll and some fruit salad. "This all looks so good!" she commented. "Thank you, Grace."

"Why, you sure are welcome, honey." Grace smiled at her and then left the room.

"Can you handle that, Meggie?" Montague asked as she balanced everything on the way to the table.

"Yes. I worked as a waitress for a while. I can carry platters of food all the way up both arms, and dodge moving people at the same time!"

"So, why did you get fired?" he asked curiously, aware his sisters were listening, too.

"I couldn't keep the orders straight, and kept taking the food to the wrong tables," she admitted. "I also served parsley to a man who is allergic to the stuff, and put pepper on a woman's salad when she said 'no'."

"Why would you do that?" Holly asked, her eyes wide.

"I thought she said 'yes'. I was hearing someone at the next table. I didn't like the job very well; my feet hurt all the time."

"What did you do after that one?"

Montague was taking her somewhere, she just didn't know where, but she was a good sport, and replied, "I served food at the counter in an ice cream shop. I kept dropping ice cream on the floor. And, then there was the little boy who kept eating all but a bite or two of his ice cream and then saying I gave him the wrong kind. He came back four times while his parents did not once say a word to him! I merely told him he was going to get a tummy ache, and he started crying and said I was mean! That ended that job."

"How many jobs have you had?" Pepper asked, looking at her suspiciously.

"Too many to count," Megan admitted, embarrassed. "I'm considered the family 'screw up'," she admitted, her cheeks a bright pink.

"That is not true!" Holly insisted. "You keep on trying, and this job with Six will be your last job. You have it right this time."

"You think so?" Megan asked, surprised.

"Of course. He won't fire you, will you, Six?"

"Most certainly not," he agreed, winking at her. Then he cleared his throat. "Ahem, ladies. What is the purpose of this little lesson, courtesy of your older brother who is all wise and his lady, the Magnificent Megan...?" He pointed at each of them in turn.

Finally, it was Cynthia who answered. "We don't have to make life decisions in a split second. We should find something that interests us, try it, and if it doesn't work or feel right, not be afraid to make a change. Megan is brave and she kept right on trying to find a fit, and if we keep trying, we will, too."

"Very well said."

"But, you knew you wanted to be a magician when you were still in high school, Six. You still went to college...! Why?" Samantha asked him.

"Because I needed a good foundation in business. There is a lot more to being a magician than performing, little sister. I have to understand booking myself, promoting myself, keeping records, dealing with contracts... See what I mean?"

"Yes. That does make a lot of sense," she said thoughtfully. "So, you are saying that it is fine that I want to pursue dance, but I should have a bit of education to go with it as well?" she continued.

"Can't hurt, Sammy. Keep on dancing; do programs, volunteer teaching little ones... but get a good education, too. You might want to run a dance studio someday."

"See, that is what Dad and Mom don't understand. They think that I want to dash off to New York and dance on Broadway, or dance for some celebrity... All of that is fine, and I might like to do just that someday... but when I tell them I want to be a dancer, they don't understand that there are all sorts of ways to make a living doing what I love without being a star!"

"You just explained it to me, Sammy. You can tell them the same thing. As long as they feel you are not planning to quit school to run to New York or Hollywood, they will accept that you are making a good decision."

"I'll try again, once Daddy is better. I'm not going to bother him with this right now," Samantha stated.

"Dad doesn't want me to take college courses in high school!" Pepper blurted out the words. "He thinks I'm a baby!"

"You are!" Each and every one of her siblings told her at the same time, and then everyone laughed.

"What did he tell you exactly, Pepper?" Montague was in big brother role, and loving every minute of it. Megan ate her delicious soup and simply enjoyed watching him interact with his younger siblings. It was obvious to her that they all looked up to him and respected him. The bond of love was there, too. It made her realize how little her own brothers valued her and it made her a bit sad, too.

"Daddy said he felt I was too young for college, and he wanted me to enjoy high school because I could never come back and do this again. I get all of that, but honestly, I want and need the challenge of those classes. I can still participate in high school activities."

"He didn't allow any of us to do early college classes, honey," Cynthia told her. "Looking back, I think it was a good idea."

"Why?" Pepper challenged her.

"First of all, the pressure. At sixteen you aren't mature enough to handle the intense class load. It's not like high school, Pepper. You sit through lectures, but it's up to you to study, turn in assignments on time. You aren't given nightly homework. You are given a sheet of paper, and you'd better not lose it because your assignments for the quarter are on there, as well as when they are due. No reminders. You have to do extra research to write your papers. And, this is the part that freaks out the folks... you need to use the university library to find the information you need. That is on campus; older kids hang out there, and believe me, they see a cute kid like you come in and they are all over you in a heartbeat. They will say anything, offer drugs... You name it. Invite you to frat parties. It's flattering when you are a Freshman, but a high school Junior or Senior. You just aren't ready to deal with kids that age. Dad is being Dad and protecting you."

"He knows I don't touch drugs!" Pepper was insulted.

"And he intends to keep it that way," Samantha told her.

"Do you agree with them, Six?" Pepper was so insulted she was ready to explode.

"Pepper, I trust you. You are level headed, and I do think you are mature for your age. It's those skunks who would take advantage of you that I don't trust. I think Dad is hoping that a couple more years of high school will give you better insight on who to trust and who not to trust when you go off to college. He knows you are smart enough to do the work. He remembers what college boys are like because he was one once. Besides, Dad is right when he says that you can only do your high school years one time and that time is right now for you. Enjoy it. You have a lot of years ahead to be an adult. There are a lot of college freshmen who aren't ready to be in college yet... and I have to say I agree with Dad and Mom. Not because I don't trust you, or think you smart enough, but because you deserve a couple more years of being a kid before you take on adult responsibilities."

Pepper looked a bit disappointed, and Megan impulsively got up and gave her a hug. "I don't want to be out of line and butt my nose into something that is so personal to you, but Pepper, you are so lucky to have so much love. Your brother and sisters really care about you and they are giving you great advice. I didn't have this kind of relationship with my brothers."

"I'm sorry," Pepper said immediately.

"Oh no! Don't be sorry for me; be happy for yourself. Accept the advice you are given with so much love and just enjoy being you, Pepper. Not all families are like yours... and luckily you are in a position where you can simply enjoy high school. I was expected to get a job when I was old enough to find one; I started out babysitting and then cleaning houses, then fast food. I had to work my way through a few classes at a junior college, and my brothers were constantly telling me how 'easy' I had it. Enjoy high school, Pepper. Please."

Pepper nodded and Montague held Megan's hand and gave it a squeeze. "I do think it admirable that you want more challenging classwork, Pepper. And, if you ask nicely, maybe Dad would agree to let you take one extra class online?"

"I would like that," she enthusiastically agreed.

"I think we all need to get some sleep. You all need to be at the hospital early so you can get to school. Do any of you need money for anything like lunch or gas?" he asked, making sure they were all taken care of.

"I have a field trip that is supposed to be paid for tomorrow," Pepper spoke up. "It's fifteen dollars. We're going to a museum, and that is the group rate."

Montague took out his billfold and handed her a ten and two fives, then added another twenty. "You might need lunch or souvenir money."

Pepper thanked him. "Do you girls need gas money?" he asked the others.

"Daddy gave us money yesterday morning," Cynthia admitted, then added, "But if you have more money than you know what to do with, I would love a new iPod...?"

"When is your birthday?" he asked.

"I knew it was too good to be true!" she dramatically declared. "Megan, watch out for him. He's a mean one!" she said with a grin.

"Get on up to bed before I find something to swat you with," Montague threatened in a menacing, albeit playful, tone of voice. "As for you, Miss Megan, let me show you to your room." He got up and went to the door leading into the kitchen. "We are all finished and going on to bed, Gracie. Thank you so much for taking care of us."

Megan heard her replying to Montague, and then he turned to her and said, "Let's find you a bed before you fall asleep on your feet." He led her up a grand staircase, and then up another until they reached the third floor of the huge house. They walked down the hallway on thick carpeting that muted their footsteps until they reached the last door on the left. Montague opened it and led her inside a beautiful room. It was decorated in shades of green and copper and there were French doors that led out onto her own personal balcony. "Your bathroom is in here, and I suspect that Grace has already unpacked your bags, Megan. If you need anything at all, please let me know." He pulled her close and then his lips found hers as he hungrily kissed her.

Megan was amazed at her response. She was suddenly on fire, and she couldn't have called a halt to the kiss even if she wanted to. His hands roamed freely over her body and wherever he touched her left a trail of heat behind. She found herself responding with a passion she never before experienced and when Montague put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her away, she heard herself cry out in disappointment.

"Wow. Kissing you is like putting a flaming match to dry kindling. We're both going up in flames... I promised I wouldn't rush you, Megan, and I am a man of my word. I guarantee I am not going to push you into something you're not ready for, and you needn't fear I'll come sneaking in here the moment I think you are asleep and your guard is down. Lock the door if you need reassurance," he bossed, and then he hurried from the room.

Megan wanted to call him back; she wanted to beg him to finish what he started. Her body was on fire and she knew her panties were soaking wet with her own juices. How on earth would she be able to sleep when she ached so fiercely and longed for the fulfillment he could give her? She went through the motions of showering and brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed, but Megan was on fire and her most private areas were throbbing and felt swollen. Her nipples were engorged, aching for his touch. She tried to lie down and go to sleep, but after several minutes of restless tossing and turning, she simply couldn't stand it. She got out of bed, put on her robe, and walked over to the French doors and opened them. She stepped outside into the cool breeze, but instead of cooling her down, the air caressed her nipples until she felt she would explode. There was nothing to do for it but go to Montague and beg him to put her out of her misery.

She opened the door to her room, and walked down the hallway, thankful for the thick carpeting on the floor. It wouldn't do to wake one of his sisters, even though she was certain that none of them would be shocked to find her in their brother's arms. She went to the room that he told her was his and she tapped quietly. There was no answer. She tried the doorknob and it turned and she opened the door to a darkened room that was lit only by the moonlight streaming in the window. Megan saw Montague's figure lying in the large bed and she softly whispered his name. He didn't stir.

Disappointed that he could sleep so soundly while she was suffering, Megan did the only thing she could think of. She crawled into bed beside him, and started running her curious fingers over his bare chest, thinking how handsome and well-built he was. When she wanted a bit more, she decided it wouldn't hurt to use her lips and tongue instead of her fingertips to caress him.

Montague was having a very pleasant dream. He and Megan were on a sundrenched beach, and they were exploring each other's bodies for the first time. His hands reached out and cupped her breasts, deciding that they were just the right size for him. He ran his thumbs over her nipples, causing them to harden into nubbins just craving more attention. He bent his head, anxious to take suckle, and was disappointed when he got a mouthful of fabric. He suddenly woke up and was shocked to find Megan in his bed!

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