Read Magical Mayhem Online

Authors: Amity Maree

Magical Mayhem (11 page)

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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Lunch was soon over and they still had a while before they had to rehearse again. There was a knock on the door and Montague went to answer it, half expecting to see Megan's parents standing there, but it wasn't. It was a fellow magician, and one that Montague didn't especially like. "Mike, what brings you here?" he asked, making an effort to be polite. The man was a few years older than Montague, and had a terrible reputation when it came to his assistants. Most of them didn't stay very long, and Montague didn't want him near Meggie.

"I'm doing a show over at the Meridian and heard you were performing here; thought I'd come and say hello."

"I can't visit too long, Mike. We have a rehearsal in a little bit."

"Oh, I know how it is. I heard tell that Glenna dumped you...?" Mike said with a little snort and that fake laugh of his that drove Montague crazy.

"Glenna didn't dump me; she found out that she and her husband are expecting a baby and she decided to quit."

"Same difference." The other man shrugged and Montague wanted to hit him.

"No, it's not the same, Mike, but I wouldn't expect you to get that as fast as you run through assistants."

Mike laughed and winked. "Ain't that the truth! So, I hear this new girl is a looker?"

Megan came downstairs, ready for their dress rehearsal, just in time to hear Mike's comment. She immediately sized him up and looked at Montague, "We'll be late if we don't get going, Montague."

"Now, that is no way to be, honey. You might rather come and work for ole Mikey...?" the man asked, turning on the charm he relied on to get by.

Montague was not happy and it showed. Megan wondered if he was actually jealous. "I am perfectly fine where I am," she declined the offer, linking her arm through Montague's.

"Oh, that's the way it is...?" Mike winked again.

"No, that's not the way it is, Jasper. Don't you have a show to prepare for?" he asked.

"I'm not as anal as you are," Mike snorted, his temper showing. He was acting like a thwarted little boy. He'd come to steal the pretty redhead from Montague, and it wasn't working. She wouldn't even look at him, and he was just as good as the rich boy!

"Maybe so," Montague said with a slow smile. "But, Megan and I make it a point not to be late, don't we, Meggie?" He gave her a genuine smile and a wink, happier than could be because she'd put her arm through his, making her preferences quite clear to Mike. He opened the door and motioned for Mike to go first. Mike didn't give up easily. He slipped into the elevator with them, hitting on Megan until Montague flat out told him, "The lady isn't interested in your charm, Mike." They left him in the hallway outside the stage door, and Montague was unaware that the other man was furious.

The rehearsal didn't go well. Megan fumbled everything she touched and forgot her cues. It was probably the worst dress rehearsal Montague had struggled to get through. He made her do things over and over again, until he was sure she had it. But, he suspected the true culprit was her stage fright. He finally called a halt and thanked the hotel's people. He'd worked with them before and they were top notch, so he had no doubt they would work out.

"I am so sorry, Montague," Megan whispered, her pretty green eyes full of tears. "I did a terrible job!"

"You got out all the bugs," he told her, trying to coax a smile.

"I can't concentrate because I am suffering from stage fright," she admitted what he already knew. "I don't want to say this, I really don't, but I think I need a spanking before the show. Otherwise, I'll mess it up and I really don't want to do that, Montague."

"Okay, honey. I'll take care of you. Let's go on back to the room and I'll see if I can make you feel better." He took her hand in his and led her to the elevators and then up to their suite. He could feel her hand was trembling. "Calm down, Meggie. It will be all right. Go and put on a robe or something and hang up your dress. They will be bringing us a snack in a few minutes and I don't want to start anything until we're sure we won't be interrupted."

Megan didn't need to be told twice. She lightly ran up the spiral staircase, and took off the glamorous gown and hung it on its hanger. She put on her bathrobe, and looked at herself in the mirror, wondering if she'd taken leave of her senses. The last thing she wanted was a darn spanking. But, she truly didn't want to mess up Montague's performance... and they both knew that a spanking helped her control the horrible stage fright that was making her stomach churn mercilessly. She couldn't risk embarrassing Montague... or herself. The only thing to do was accept a spanking and pray that it worked like it did before. She knew she was blushing as she descended the staircase to meet his gaze.

"Don't look so frightened, Meggie. This isn't a punishment. It's sort of like medicine you don't like, but have to take in order to get better."

"It isn't your bottom that is going to sting and hurt!" she retorted.

"My hand will sting and hurt, too," he told her.

"Really?" She seemed pleased by the idea, he noticed.

"Really." The little brat giggled, and he shook his head in mock despair. He could tell that for the moment she was forgetting the nausea that was making her feel sick.

There was a polite knock on the door, followed by the words, "Room Service". Megan opened the door, since she was the closest, and recognized the lady from before.

"If there is anything else I can get you, please don't hesitate to ask. We want you to enjoy your stay with us." The woman was polite and friendly as she set up the snack for them.

"This is a lovely hotel," Megan told her. "I think we are both pleased."

"Thank you, ma'am."

Montague signed the check and gave her a cash tip. Once the woman was gone, he crossed the room and raised the lids off the dishes to see what was there. It was all cold food that could wait until he'd cured Meggie of her stage fright. He gently took her hand and pulled her over to the sofa. "We'll give you a good warming now, honey, and then, before we go down to the show, I'll reheat your posterior, and we'll see if this helps. Now, just remember, this isn't meant to be a serious punishment. I don't wish to hurt you, just take your mind off your fear."

Megan found herself lying over his knee just like that, and Montague wasted no time in starting to spank her bottom! His hand fell repeatedly, and the sting was soon all she could think about. "Ouch!" she finally cried out. "Enough!"

"I am the one who will decide 'enough', young lady. You are not nearly spanked enough, and I think allowing you to keep this robe over your sweet bottom is a huge mistake."

Megan blushed as he slid the silk robe up and over her panties to her waist. When his hand went to the waist band of her panties, she gasped in fear. She didn't want him to bare her! Not for this! "Please, Montague! Don't! Not this way!"

He gave her bottom a meaningful pat. "I won't this time since you asked so nicely, honey. Now I want you to pay attention. These are going to sting."

And they did! She gasped when his large hand spanked every inch of her bottom cheeks. She was burning furiously when he moved a bit lower and gave her sit spots and upper thighs the very same treatment. Her butt felt as though she'd backed into a fire and she was crying. Finally, Montague decided that she'd had enough. He helped her up and then gave her a hug. "You go on and take a nap, Meggie. Set your alarm so you remember to get up in time to get ready. If you go back to sleep today, you'll get a sharp lesson..."

"I won't," she whispered, unable to look at him. Her bottom felt branded... and she wanted to be alone so she could look in the mirror and see if she was bruised. He kissed her on the forehead, and then she hurried off, missing the tender smile on his face. It wasn't until she looked in the mirror and saw nothing but red that she realized her stomach wasn't churning, and she actually felt like eating some of the snack the hotel sent up for them to enjoy. She quickly washed her face and went back downstairs. "You are not going to eat all of that food by yourself, Montague!" she said with a toss of her hair.

He chuckled, and invited her to help herself. He was relieved that she seemed to be fine... even to the point of wanting to eat something without being ordered to do so. But, as soon as she was finished he told her to get a nap. He wanted her fresh and sparkling for the evening's performances.

Megan complied. After all, Montague was her boss... and her bottom was a good reminder of that. She set her alarm and this time she was up in plenty of time to shower and make sure her appearance was as good as it could be. When Montague knocked on her door, she opened it and gave him a smile. "I'm all ready."

"Do you want your spanking here or backstage?" he asked.


Chapter Eight

"I don't want another spanking, Montague. I feel much better," Megan insisted. "The stage fright is almost all gone. Really!" she tried to make him understand. "Besides, my hair and makeup are all done and we should get down there and check the props to make sure they are all in place." She was rambling nervously and Montague's smile told her he knew that she was trying to distract him.

"I thought you prefer the privacy we have up here... rather than trying to find a quiet spot backstage...? But, we can always go down right now and wait until just before we go on stage?"

"Really, Montague, I am much better now and I will be fine. It isn't necessary for you to spank me again. I'll get through the show."

"And if you fall apart like you did this afternoon?" he asked, one eyebrow arched questioningly. "Would you want a spanking there on stage? I can assure you that I would be tempted."

Megan looked at him in exasperation. "You wouldn't humiliate me like that and you know it, Montague. I will be fine once we get started."

"So, you are feeling the symptoms?" he demanded. She lowered her eyes and couldn't face him. He had his answer. "Megan, don't ever try to gamble for a living. You have the worst poker face I've ever seen. The truth simply pours out of you whether you want it to or not. Now, let's get this spanking over with while we have plenty of time for me to hold you afterward."

Megan knew that arguing wasn't going to work, and she also knew that she'd asked for Montague's help in dealing with her stage fright, but it was one thing to ask for help, and another to accept it... especially when that help came in the form of a spanking! What on earth had she been thinking?

He took a seat on the side of her bed. "Come here, Meggie."

She shook her head no. "I have changed my mind, Montague. I am perfectly fine right now."

"Very well." He rose to his feet, walked to the door and held it open, motioning for her to pass through ahead of him. She felt elated as she did so. He'd actually listened to her for a change.

She was almost through the doorway when Montague's large hand smacked against her rounded bottom, raising her up on her toes. "Owwww!" she squealed in outrage and in pain! That one spank was blazing within seconds, and she was furious with the man for daring to spank her after he agreed not to! "You moron!" she angrily railed at him. "How dare you spank me after I told you not to?!" She reached back to rub away the sting, but his hand caught hers and refused to allow her that simple comfort.

"No rubbing, young lady, unless you want another...?"

"I didn't want that one, and you were mean to torture me like that!"

"I didn't torture you, Megan. I gave you a good spank, and if you weren't so stubborn, I wouldn't have had to be sneaky about it. Now, we have a show to do. Come on and put that temper where it belongs and concentrate on your job."

"How like you to remind me that this is all about the job, Montague!"

She was in a regular snit and the last time he'd made her angry before a performance she took it out on him while on stage. He wasn't going to tolerate that attitude of hers a second time. He took her arm and pulled her around to face him. "Stow the temper, little girl. I won't have it on stage, and believe me, if you give me one bit of attitude or sass during our performance, I will give you exactly what you deserve. Got it?" Defiant green eyes glared at him, but Megan nodded. "Good. You remember this promise; no surprises."

Megan was furious with the aggravating man. Her bottom was blazing, and wearing an imprint of his hand that was stinging her buttock and acting as a reminder that he was behind her all the time. They made short work of checking out their props and all too soon they were on stage, smiling as though they didn't have a care in the world. Montague held out his hand for the wand she was to hand him, his dark eyes daring her to slap it at him like she did the last time she was in a regular snit. Megan didn't like being dared. She'd had enough of that from her older brothers and she slapped his hand really hard... Hard enough that the wand burst into a wildly colored bouquet of flowers! Just that quickly her elation turned to fear when her eyes met his again. He changed the whole episode into a joke, at his own expense, and the audience laughed in delight, but Megan wasn't fooled for even an instant. He was beyond furious with her and every inch of him was screaming 'later'.

Montague had to struggle with himself to stay calm and put on a great show. After that one stunt, Megan calmed down and did just as she was supposed to do, making sure he had what he needed, when he needed it. In short, she did a great job. But, he wasn't going to overlook the brat's deliberate defiance. She'd earned herself a punishment, and she was going to wish she hadn't. He took his bows, motioned her onstage, and took her hand and made her stay at his side until the curtain closed. He didn't release her even then. "Excuse us for a bit," he said to the stage manager. "I'll be back in plenty of time to set up for the late show."

When they were out of earshot, Megan dug her heels into the carpet. "Montague, you dared me to do that!"

"I did no such thing." He didn't release her as they waited for the elevator.

"You did. Your eyes; you looked at me!"

"I was warning you to behave. You ignored me, and now you are going to pay the price."

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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