Magical Mayhem (4 page)

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Authors: Amity Maree

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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"I never dreamed you were talking of spanking!"

"I was," he said with a smile. "And, you will soon learn there is a big difference between a discipline spanking and one meant to settle you and help you to focus."

"And if I refuse to allow you to punish me?" she demanded, her green eyes flashing fire.

"Then you may as well call your Dad and tell him to come back and get you, Megan. You are without funds, and with no prospect of another job. If you stay with me you will be spanked when and if I think you need spanking. Is that clear?"

"I don't like to be spanked! It hurts!"

"It's supposed to hurt," he calmly informed her. "Well, what's your answer, Megan? Are you staying or going home to work for your Uncle Jimmy and marry that hometown boy your Dad likes so well?"

"I am not going home and working for Uncle Jimmy, and I wouldn't marry Noel Hart if my life depended upon it. He's slimy and underhanded. I would shoot myself first!" Megan was adamant. She looked at Montague. "I would rather work for you, Montague."

He looked at her and nodded and he realized the exact moment she realized that she was agreeing to accept a discipline spanking for lying to him. After meeting her father, Montague was positive that Megan was no stranger to corporal punishment. Her Dad had made it clear he was relieved to know that he would be keeping her in line. He read into that a consent to deal with any behavior he found problematic. Megan's pretty cheeks were a bright pink with embarrassment, and he was sure they would be red when he told her she was going to pull up her skirt. If she was cooperative he would allow her to keep her panties this time.

Megan swallowed hard. She didn't want another spanking! "Couldn't I just apologize this time, Montague, and tell you that I am really sorry for telling you that I was frightened when I was really surprised and upset that you spanked me? I just didn't expect you to do something like that, and when you did, I was embarrassed. I thought I was too old."

"You aren't too old, Megan. No female ever gets too old for a good spanking according to my Grandfather."

"You're kidding, right?" Her eyes were wide open and it was obvious she didn't believe Montague.

"I'm not kidding. I come from a long line of men who believe in spanking... It works, Megan. There are no divorces in our family, and plenty of marriages. We might notice someone not sitting too easily, but no one points that out."

"How kind of you, I'm sure!" Megan muttered self-consciously.

"Let's get this over with, young lady. Pull up your skirt and lie over the arm of the sofa."


Chapter Three

"Did you spank Glenna?" Megan asked of Montague; anything to stall and prevent the inevitable from happening so soon. She needed time to process things and come up with a surefire way to stop him from punishing her. She did not want another spanking! Bringing up his former assistant seemed to be a good way to distract him, and besides, she was curious about the woman.

"I didn't have to spank Glenna. She was focused on her job, and she did not lie to me. She was also married and her husband tended to her bottom when it was necessary. Megan, if you keep trying to talk me out of this spanking, you are going to lose your panties, too. Right now all I have asked is for you to pull up your skirt before you bend over the arm of the sofa. I suggest you cooperate right now and show me that you are genuinely sorry for lying to me. Make it easy on yourself."

"I am sorry I lied. It was my way of telling you that I don't want to be spanked!"

"I know," he surprised her by saying. "Your words were also a dare, weren't they? You wanted to see if I would actually spank you again, and now you are going to learn the hard way that I most certainly will. No more stalling, young lady. Pull up your skirt and lie over the arm of the sofa with your butt right on top of the arm so I can spank it well."

Megan felt tears sting her eyes. She either had to accept this spanking, or call her Dad and ask him to turn around and come back and get her. She could imagine how that conversation would go, and the ride home would be one very long lecture! No thank you, she decided. As much as she disliked the idea she was going to accept the spanking. She bravely walked up to the arm of the sofa and hesitated slightly before she slowly pulled up her skirt, leaving her bottom covered by her silky panties. It was embarrassing, especially since no one had seen her panties in years!

"Bend over, Megan," Montague ordered. His voice was soft but very firm, and he was pleased when she immediately responded, obeying him. Montague took a long moment to enjoy the sight of her pretty bottom, and then reminded himself that he was supposed to be administering punishment, not ogling her assets! He reminded himself that Megan thought it acceptable to lie to him, and he had to convince her that lying was wrong.

"Please, Montague, I am sorry for lying to you. Forgive me this one time and I promise it will never happen again."

"Megan, you are already forgiven, but I would be doing you no favor to let you escape this spanking. I strongly believe that a spanking will impart a firm lesson and a reminder that lying simply is not acceptable. We'll start now, and I expect you to abide by my rules. They are simple; one, you are to stay in place. I expect you to lie right there and keep your butt right where it is so that I don't miss and spank the wrong place and accidentally injure you. Two, you are not to reach back with your hands. That could result in a broken bone, and that is not what this spanking is about. Three, there is to be no begging. I expect you to accept this spanking, all of it. You can say your 'ouches' or 'it hurts' all you wish. You may cry, but I do not wish to hear 'please stop' in any form. Do you understand me?" He gave her panty clad bottom a pat, waiting for her answer.

"I'll try, but what if I can't do all those things?" she wanted to know.

"I will add extras each time you fail to obey me," was his immediate reply. "You might want to wrap your hands around this pillow," he said as he handed it to her. "It will give you something to do with your hands to keep you from reaching back and putting your fingers in harm's way."

Megan was suddenly frightened. Not of Montague, but of the spanking he was going to give her! It sounded like it was going to be terrible and there was nothing she could do or say to prevent it from happening. While she was trying to accept that notion the first spank landed with a hard crack on her left cheek, and yes, it was much harder than the spanking he gave her earlier! She clutched the pillow tightly, shoving part of it in her mouth to keep herself from begging! And this was just the beginning!

Montague saw Megan tighten the muscles in her buttocks and he waited until she unclenched them before he gave her another hard spank, right on top of the first one. He heard her smothered cry of pain, and spanked a third time, right on the same spot. He continued to give her sets of three, wanting her to anticipate and dread each spank. Once her entire spanking area was covered he changed his pattern, spanking side to side and working from the top of her bottom cheeks down to mid thigh. Again, he wanted her to anticipate each solid spank. Once he was sure her bottom was sufficiently warmed, he reached for the thin wooden paddle. It was made of African mahogany, and it was polished and very smooth. It would impart a sting that she would feel for some time to come.

Megan was thankful for the pause, and it was long enough that she was beginning to believe the spanking was all over. She promised herself that she would be gracious and apologize immediately, and promise not to lie again. The spanking had hurt, and she knew she would remember it for a long time. Her bottom was truly stinging. Still, he hadn't told her that she could rise, and she was starting to get impatient. She was just ready to ask him if she could get up when he started speaking.

"Now we will begin with the punishment part of this spanking, Megan. Remember the rules. Believe me when I tell you that you do not wish to earn extras."

"I thought you were finished!" she protested. "I am already hurting enough!"

"Are you breaking rule number three?" he asked quietly.


"Then accept your spanking, Megan," he ordered in a no-nonsense tone of voice. He raised the paddle and gave her a hard crack on her left sit spot. A second one followed on the other side. He heard Megan cry out into the pillow and knew he was finally making an impression.

Megan wanted to jump off the sofa and run for her very life, but she couldn't. She'd promised to take the spanking, and she had no choice, really. It would mean her job if she jumped up. She knew he was no longer using his hand and the paddle created a fierce sting. She quickly started crying, but the paddle continued to smack against her unprotected bottom and upper thighs until she was sobbing and lying over the sofa like a limp noodle. Fortunately for her, the pillow muffled her pleas for mercy and her begging. She didn't need extras, not with her butt already blazing with fire!

"Am I making an impression, young lady?" he asked. He heard something muffled, and decided she needed to lose the pillow. He wanted to test her resolve and see if she could obey the rules. He pulled it away. "I expect you to obey the rules without the pillow for the rest of your paddling, Megan. These last ones will be harder and all in the same place. Remember; control yourself; stay down and keep your hands out of the way, and no begging off. Are you ready?" he asked of her, forcing her participation in the punishment.

"Yes, Montague," was the only thing that she could say that wouldn't earn her the dreaded extras. He wasted no time in showing her that he meant what he said. The paddle landed directly on her sit spots over and over and it felt like each and every crack was the hardest one yet! She cried out in pain, and was soon sobbing again. But, to her credit, she stayed in place and kept her hands clasped in front of her so she didn't reach back. She didn't beg, either, even though it was hard not to. It hurt so much!

"Are you going to lie to me again, Megan?" he asked.

"Noooooo!" she wailed.

"I didn't think so." He let her lie there for a full two minutes and then said, "I'll give you ten minutes to compose yourself, Megan, and then we will begin rehearsal. Tend to your personal needs now. We won't be taking a break for a long while." He helped her stand up. Her hands automatically went back to rub her sore, throbbing, burning cheeks, but he caught them. "On second thought, I think you need to stand in the corner with your hands clasped in front of you for the next while. Rubbing after a punishment is not permitted. You will leave the spanking alone, and let it wear off on its own. I want the sting to last as long as possible. That corner over there will do."

"No! I won't stand in the corner, Montague! I cannot abide that! I agreed to a spanking and that is all. I won't rub," she added, but she refused to budge when he attempted to gently push her toward the corner. "I need my ten minutes now!"

Montague looked at her, and then slowly nodded. There was much he didn't know about Megan, but he sensed that insisting on corner time might push her right out the door. She'd taken the spanking very well, and that was all he'd asked for. "Very well, Megan. I won't insist this time as long as you keep your promise not to rub away the sting."

She immediately ran for her bedroom and he didn't try to stop her. He could hear her crying and decided she needed the time to calm down. Montague had known her less than twelve hours and he'd spanked her twice, and one of those spankings was a serious punishment. He hoped she wasn't packing her bags to leave. He didn't want to lose her, and that was a new feeling. He did not allow him to get attached to his assistants. Oh, he liked them, felt brotherly and protective, but his feelings for little Megan went beyond that. He knew he would be devastated if she walked out on him. Montague walked to her room and knocked on the door. It was opened immediately and he could see the pain in her pretty green eyes. He opened his arms and she came to him immediately, seeking comfort.

"Please forgive me, Montague. I'm so sorry I lied to you," Megan tearfully begged.

"You're forgiven, honey." He held her close, offering comfort.

"Thanks for not making me stand in the corner! I have bad rememberings of having to do that when I was younger. My oldest brother thought he would teach me a lesson while our parents were away on a trip and he was elected to watch me. He left me in the same corner for hours that weekend. Even mentioning corners brings back bad memories!"

"I won't ever put you in a corner," he promised, knowing that he could keep that promise no matter what. If he needed to give her time to think, he would find another way. "You were right to share this with me, Megan. I would never want to harm you physically or emotionally."

"My bottom hurts so much!" she confided. "I've never been spanked so hard," she whispered the last part, and then added, "I was pretty spoiled."

"You are the kind of girl that a man wants to spoil. There is nothing wrong in that, but there comes a time when discipline is necessary. It doesn't mean that it is enjoyable on this side of a spanking, Megan. I'm not a sadist; I don't enjoy inflicting pain and making you cry. But, I do believe in discipline, and when you earn a spanking, you can be sure I will give it to you. I won't harm you, ever. But, if I need to set your cute little butt on fire, I will do it thoroughly."

"Yet you didn't spank Glenna!" She looked up at him with tears still shimmering in her pretty green eyes.

"She didn't do anything to earn discipline, Megan. And, you, on the other hand, needed a firm lesson right away." He gave her a gentle hug and then said, "I'll give you another ten minutes, Megan, and then we need to get to work. You have a lot to learn by tomorrow evening." He left her then, confident that she wasn't going to leave.

Megan went into the bathroom and bathed her face with cool water. It helped her to stop crying, but it did nothing to relieve the constant sting of her bottom. Each time she moved, the fabric of her skirt rubbed against her panties, and the simple motion felt like she was rubbing herself with coarse sandpaper. In short, it hurt! She knew one thing was certain, she would do her very best not to earn another spanking from Montague. She shouldn't have lied to him; it was wrong... and manipulative, and it didn't work. Megan wasn't used to answering for such misbehavior, but perhaps it was time she learned not to treat people in that manner. Telling Montague that he'd frightened her when he didn't was a terrible thing to do. She'd wanted him to apologize and grovel; instead, he called her on her lie and then spanked her!

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